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urgent help!!! my fiance is cheating on me for quit some time and years ago i tried to kill my self what do i do ???

 j-blover1992 posted over a year ago
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Advice Answers

x-menobsessed26 said:
Well, first off DON'T TRY TO KILL YOURSELF AGAIN! It would make EVERYTHING harder for everyone. If you know that your fiance is cheating on you, then obviously they're going to do it when you are married and they're not loyal and caring at all so as hard as it is and as big of a part of you life as this is, either break it off with this person or give them ONE (not two, not three) more chance to make it up to you. If they don't, you know what to do. As much as you may love this person, it's not worth risking your life and happiness for when obviously you're not very happy right now.
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posted over a year ago 
thanks it might help but i love him so much
j-blover1992 posted over a year ago
I know you do hun, but is he really worth you killing yourself and making hell for your family and him when he has to live with the guilt of what he did because you killed yourself because of it. No. He deserves to feel some guilt over what he did, but not for that reason.
x-menobsessed26 posted over a year ago
no but i dont to be lonely
j-blover1992 posted over a year ago
Kassaremidylynn said:
I'm sorry to say that unless you let him go, there is nothing we can do to help. My mom went through the same thing - my dad cheated constantly but she stuck around. She said she loved and him that he'd change. Guess what? He never did. She left him when I was almost five. Ten years later, and he still hasn't changed a bit. Can you imagine how depressed my mother would have been, living in a horrible situation like that for ten more years? She was already having break downs every other night. I know, I witnessed them.

Even if you love him, you have to think about any children you may have. Do you have any idea how traumatizing it is for a four year old girl to watch her parents scream, yell, push each other, and knock over furniture? Or to see your mother lying in her bed, alone, and crying, because your father is out and she knows he is with another woman? Those still stick with me. I still have nightmares and I still have violent reactions to argueing. Even if it is a small one, I have panic attacks. I hyperventilate, I cry, I get sweaty, and hot and then really cold...honestly, just thinking about them makes my heart beat speed up.

That's not something you would want any future children living with. That will stick with me the rest of my life. Can you imagine how embarrassing and horrifying it is to have a panic attack in public over a couple you have never even talked to? That could happen to a child if you stay with this man.

Don't worry about being lonely. You will meet someone who is kind and treats you right one day. You don't need to stick with some bastard. You ARE worth it, no matter what your fiance may say. The environment you are in is poisonous. You need to leave it.

I know it's harsh and I know you won't want to at first. But remember something:

Love doesn't hurt you. Love accepts you and wants you and only you, not you and some other person on the side for a bit, and then you again. No matter what your fiance feels for you, love is not it. Do not get locked up in a loveless marriage. It's not worth it. Not on you, not on your family, not on any kids that may be born.

Leave him. Leave him and never look back.
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posted over a year ago 
graystone said:
Dont do anything rash,he's the low-life here not you.He's not worth spending your precious time with.Just dump him and dump hard.You truly deserve someone who would treat you better and care for you.And dont continue this relationship just beacause you think you will be lonely,coz trust me on this one,you'll meet that special someone soon enough.Hope this helps!!!!
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posted over a year ago 
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