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Despite ‘racist’ charges, Trump did better with minorities than any GOP candidate in 60 years



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Unfortunately right-wing populism exists to make working class people vote against their own best interests,
posted over a year ago.
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"...the unrepentant progressive “woke-ism” now peddled by the Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez wing of the Democratic Party. The political, legal, media, corporate and academic establishments have gone all-in on the woke agenda, peddling a toxic brew of intersectionality, socialism lite and Black Lives Matter anarchism."
These two sentences were a wild ride lol. What is "woke-ism"? Does he mean identity politics? Coz intersectionality isn't identity politics. Also, socialism is opposed to identity politics. Also, "anarchism" has had an actual specific meaning for centuries now and BLM ain't it chief

I died a bit @ the implication that the American political, media, legal and corporate landscape are somehow peddling "socialism"

"[this election]was an emphatic rejection of the left-wing vision for America."
The Democratic Party does not have a left-wing vision. They're not even campaigning for universal healthcare during a pandemic. They're neoliberal centrists at best.

"No one wants AOC’s “Squad”"
Why are conservatives so obsessed with AOC? She actually has very little influence in the overall running of the Democratic Party. In fact she was snubbed at their Convention.

"...economically attuned to the aspirations and needs of ordinary Americans — not those of Wall Street"
This is a party whose reign has been defined by:
- The reversal of nearly 100 different environmental regulations, in order to let massive corporations pollute / destroy as they wish.
- Massive tax cuts for the wealthy (which has cost the US more than $1.9 trillion), while average Americans have actually seen their tax bills increase. In one of his rare moments of honesty, Trump told a group of millionaires at Mar-a-Lago “You all just got a lot richer”.
- The reversal of banking and finance regulations that were put in place to prevent another GFC.
- Billions of dollars MORE (on top of the previous billions) paid to military contractors.
- The $2.2 trillion CARES Act this year, $500 billion of which was aid for large corporations. Meanwhile ordinary American families got a once-off payment of $1200.

The real winners under Trump have been Wall Street, not the working class. Which is why his campaigns have been bankrolled by billionaires and massive PACS, both in 2016 and 2020.

Re the main contention
It's true that Trump picked up more votes from Latino and black people (although 8% of the vote from black people is still tiny lol). But a big part of that is because PoC Dems stayed home, so proportionally he got more votes from PoC but most of them are already regular republican voters. He likely lost black voters on his history with the Crime Bill and the crack/powder cocaine law that specifically targeted black communities.

The Dems should definitely be criticised for just taking these votes for granted.

I disagree that it's because they're too "left-wing", because (a) they aren't left-wing, and (b) they're haven't even shifted leftwards.
posted over a year ago.
last edited over a year ago
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Sorry for the mini-ramble lol I just get narky at commentators' use of words like "socialism" and "anarchism" where they shouldn't be.

The sheer amount of times that Biden has been called a "radical leftist" this year....
...If Marx's corpse could be connected to a generator, his spinning would solve the world's energy crisis.
posted over a year ago.
last edited over a year ago
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jlhfan624 said:
vote against their own best interests

Excuse me, how do you know what anyones best interests are? People have different priorities. It's incredibly selfish to always vote for your "own best interests" anyway, and a dangerous way to vote for the future of a country. THAT is how citizens should be voting.
posted over a year ago.
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mushupork said:
^ agree.
posted over a year ago.
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mushupork said:
@DS i heard this too. its incredible.
posted over a year ago.
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@jlhfan I'm talking about one's economic best interests as a working class person.

I've said this elsewhere, but Trump's presidency has been defined by:
- The link of nearly 100 different environmental regulations, in order to let massive corporations pollute / destroy as they wish.
- Massive tax cuts for the wealthy (which has cost the US more than link), while average Americans have actually seen their tax bills increase. In one of his rare moments of honesty, Trump told a group of millionaires at Mar-a-Lago “You all just got a lot richer”.
- The link of banking and finance regulations that were put in place to prevent another GFC.
- link of dollars MORE (on top of the previous billions) paid to military contractors.

Which is why his campaigns have been link by billionaires and massive PACS, both in 2016 and 2020.

Despite all the rhetoric about lower-income people in red hats, the real winners under Trump have been the economic elite, not beleaguered small towns in the Rust Belt. Trump’s real base isn’t the white working class, it’s corporate America.

He hasn't served the best interests of working class people. And that was actually reflected in the demographic breakdown of election results: proportionally less white working class men voted for him this time around, while a larger proportion of wealthy people did.
posted over a year ago.
last edited over a year ago
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And on a more general level:

The populist right has gained traction because of mass inequality, anger and disillusionment at the neoliberal consensus. It offers people in crisis immediate (but false) “solutions” like suspending immigration, or ending DACA, or building a border wall. It makes them misdirect their anger/ frustration at the wrong people (minorities, immigrants etc) rather than the people actually responsible for our economic woes (the economic elite or "1%" who have incredible political influence). And that's a purposeful con by those same 1% to misdirect working class anger at other members of the working class. It's a "divide and conquer" strategy. And it's currently working to great effect.

The only way to stop people turning to these “quick” solutions is to present real solutions instead. This necessarily involves addressing the structural issues present in society, such that people have access to jobs, healthcare and a proportionate share of society’s wealth.

Tl;dr The populist right capitalises on (justified, righteous) anger / frustration at our current system but misdirects it towards easy scapegoats, rather than those who are actually responsible for that system
posted over a year ago.
last edited over a year ago