Yusa (Angel beats!) Updates

a photo was added: FaNaRt - YuSa over a year ago by LightSoul99
an icon was added: Nakamura &' Yusa over a year ago by LightSoul99
a comment was made to the poll: Yusa or Yurippe over a year ago by wishey
a comment was made to the poll: Which Yusa do you prefer best? over a year ago by wishey
a reply was made to the forum post: Countdown to 100 fans!♡ over a year ago by LightSoul99
a comment was made to the poll: Do you wish Yusa appeared more in angel beats? over a year ago by terrafina
a comment was made to the poll: Is Yusa your favorite character? over a year ago by maizono
a comment was made to the poll: Who does Yusa look good with?? over a year ago by MaddieChan
a comment was made to the article: Angel Beats! Silent Love over a year ago by MaddieChan
a comment was made to the poll: What color eyes does Yusa have? over a year ago by rawrpandahstar
a poll was added: Yusa or Yurippe over a year ago by rawrpandahstar
a comment was made to the poll: Yusa or Yui? over a year ago by rawrpandahstar
a comment was made to the poll: Is Yusa cute? over a year ago by rawrpandahstar
a poll was added: Which Yusa do you prefer best? over a year ago by anniewannie
a poll was added: Who does Yusa look good with?? over a year ago by anniewannie
a comment was made to the poll: If Yusa had any friends, who would you rather she be friends with? over a year ago by wishey
a video was added: Angel Beats! ~ Provino Yusa [FDW] over a year ago by anniewannie
a poll was added: If Yusa had any friends, who would you rather she be friends with? over a year ago by anniewannie
a pop quiz question was added: What color ribbon does Yusa have in her hair? over a year ago by wishey
a poll was added: Is Yusa cute? over a year ago by wishey
a comment was made to the pop quiz question: True/False : Yusa is a member of Girls Dead Monster over a year ago by MaddieChan
a comment was made to the poll: Do you think Yusa should be single or taken? over a year ago by IamKyon
a pop quiz question was added: True or false Yusa was part of Hinatas baseball team over a year ago by wishey
a pop quiz question was added: What color stockings does Yusa wear? over a year ago by wishey
a pop quiz question was added: True or false Yusa was the first person to see a shadow over a year ago by wishey
a pop quiz question was added: who did yusa loose to in the 2010 international saimoe league over a year ago by wishey
a link was added: Yusa x Naoi facebook over a year ago by wishey
a video was added: Yusa and Shiina auditions over a year ago by wishey
a video was added: OVER 9000 CUTE!! over a year ago by MaddieChan
a video was added: Characters of Angel Beats! over a year ago by MaddieChan
a comment was made to the pop quiz question: Which character from Clannad has the same voice actor as Yusa? over a year ago by Alchemistlover
a pop quiz question was added: Which character from Clannad has the same voice actor as Yusa? over a year ago by MaddieChan
a pop quiz question was added: TRUE/FALSE Yusa is shown in the manga over a year ago by MaddieChan
a pop quiz question was added: Yusa said Yuri was a.. over a year ago by MaddieChan
a pop quiz question was added: What is Yusa's Affiliation/s over a year ago by MaddieChan
a pop quiz question was added: Which character is said that is "alike Yusa" over a year ago by MaddieChan
a pop quiz question was added: When was Yusa's first appearence? over a year ago by MaddieChan
a pop quiz question was added: True/False : Yusa is a member of Girls Dead Monster over a year ago by MaddieChan
a pop quiz question was added: Which name spells "Yusa?" over a year ago by MaddieChan
a link was added: Angel Beats! fanclub over a year ago by MaddieChan
a link was added: Yusa (Angel Beats!) Wiki over a year ago by MaddieChan
an article was added: Angel Beats! Silent Love over a year ago by MaddieChan
a poll was added: Yusa or Yui? over a year ago by MaddieChan
a poll was added: Do you think Yusa should be single or taken? over a year ago by MaddieChan
a pop quiz question was added: Who is Yusa's English voice actor? over a year ago by wishey