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You’ve Got a Job to Do

Mount Justice
August 11, 3:46 EDT

    “Hi Bat’s. What brings you to town?” the Boy Wonder cautiously asked.
    “A better question, what brings you?” Superman interjected, making the situation even more awkward.
    “Wha...” Robin began to ask.
    “Why were you in town??? Why didn’t you come back to base when you were summoned?! What if something had happened and...” Sups started, only to be stopped by Batman grabbing his wrist.
    Robin looked up, suddenly angered. “Oh com’on?! Don’t I have a right to take some chill time? And I would have know if something actually did happen, which it didn’t by the way.”
    “No! You don’t get time off! You’re no more special than...” Sups roared, but was again stopped by a very careful Batman.
    “Superman! That’s enough!” he scolded.
    “What’s this about, really? You can’t expect me to believe that you were worried just ‘cuz I missed curfew or something! Which I didn’t.” he pointed a finder to Sups, not wanting to give the big guy any more reason to be mad.
    “You’re right. It’s not about that.” Batman said, somehow bringing the normal feel back the room and its occupants.
    “So then what?” Robin said, thrusting his hands out to his sides.
    “We have an assignment for you.” Bats stated, matter of factually.
    “Really? Wait, me? Just me? What about my team?”
    “Oh don’t you worry about us Rob. We’ll be busy.” Kid Flash said, wrapping an arm around The Boy Wonder’s shoulder.
    “You know who Doctor Edmund Ross is, right?” Batman continued.
    “Yeah, sure.” Robin responded, lifting KF’s arm from around him. “he’s that doctor who was blamed for helping Jenny Blye kill herself. There are death threats being thrown at him and his family all over the place. Well, were. Things called down about a week ago. But what does he have to do with me?” he asked.
    “JENNIFER BLYE IS DEAD!?!?!?” Kid Flash roared. “OH NO!!!! I am her biggest fan!”
    “Surprising.” Meghan said, as she joined the Leaguers.
    “She committed suicide like 2 weeks ago.” Green Arrow said as he teleporting into the building.
    “Allegedly.”Batman corrected.
    “Yeah. She ‘allegedly’ committed suicide. But her fans say that that theory’s bogus. But what does that have to do with me?!” The Boy Wonder asked again.
    “We’ve received information that Misses Blye wasn’t actually the model superstar that the world saw her as.” Batman clarified.
    “Surprising we know.” Green Arrow said as he crossed his arms and looked over the room.
    “We’ve been told that she was up to her elbows in gang violence. And not your normal street gangs either. Some high-end, illegal, dirt-bags.” Sups interjected.
    “Illegal?” Robin questioned, looking back at Bats.
    “Sweet.” Wally said, interjecting himself into the conversation.
    “We have reason to suspect that she was a undercover spy for a dirty France mob that was stationed somewhere in LA.” The Dark Knight continued giving Wally a slight correctional glare.
    “They’re mad that they don’t have anyone to feed them their baby milk. Thus, the doc’s life is in danger.” Green Arrow again interrupted.
    “Despite what you may have heard, we’ve heard different things about the Doctor. The Good Doctor Ross was one of the many psychiatrists of the deranged Joker. Thus, he knows... things. Things that we can’t allow to get in the hands of the French regime.”
    “Joker?! You sure???” Robin asked, wide eyed.
    “Wai-wai-wait, go back. Who’s this Joker dude?” Kid Flash asked, taking into account the worry of his comrade.
    “I have a retired Science teacher who has done her share of digging. It’s true.” Batman confirmed, referring to Robin’s once-was-a-public-school-teacher-but-quit-to-be-his-half-tudor-half-mother. Her name was Rocky Balentine.
    “What do I do?” Robin inquired solemnly.
    “The Doctor has a daughter, and we have reason to believe that the mob will use her to get to him.” Green Arrow stated, not in the least trying to control his anger. He loved kids, both side of him, and this case cut deep.
    “So, basically I’m on protection detail.” Robin concluded.
    “Correct. If they get her the Doctor will do, or say, anything. Make sure that doesn’t happen. You’ll be undercover, living with the family in their suburb home. The League has tracked down the regime’s HQ. Your team will be assisting members of the League (the Flash, Green Arrow, Superman, and myself) will take down the mob. We will keep you in constant contact. As soon as the situation is secure, you will be notified.” Bats reassured his teen prodigy, knowing how much Robin was scared of being alone... The Boy Wonder nodded in understanding. Slipping between Batman and Sups, he walked to his room to get ready.
    “Um, why don’t you send someone who, is... a girl maybe?” Meghan questioned, watching Robin.
    “No, Los Angeles, ticked-off mobsters with guns.” Kid Flash said as sarcastically trying to raise her enthusiasm, though he was clearly not excited himself.

    A few minutes later, Dick Grayson was prepared. He walked out into a larger, yet still circular room, wearing his ‘civ’ clothes. They consisted of a simple, single colored sweatshirt, green, with a black leather jacket. He wore tight black jeans, and giant black and white tennis shoes. Thin, black shades barely covered his blue, unmasked eyes.
    Batman stepped forward handing him a small phone. Excitedly taking the device, he removed the back, thus revealing the battery, and took out an nearly microscopic ear-piece. Messing with it slightly, he fit it inside his ear. “Sweet” he smiled “What else do I get to play with?”
    “The rest is simple.” Green arrow chimed in.
    “Please, a protection detail is never simple. You have to literally stalk a person day and night, but without any else noticing. You have to adjust yourself to new surroundings, taking them in while you locate possible threats, and find all possible escape routes, all in an instant. Your senses are on high alert, and you have to revolve yourself entirely around their schedule, reacting to changes with a snap.” he corrected, snapping his right hand.
    “Told you.” Bats said in the background. Green Arrow rolled his eyes. “Sounds like you’re ready.” he said with a beaten chuckle.
    “Sure looks that way.” Dick muttered.
    “You’ll be fine.” Batman assured his boy.
    “If you leave now, you can arrive at the house before she does.” Green Arrow chimed, looking at a miscellaneous clock that hung on the wall.
    “Lastly, your alias...”Batman said watching Dick’s head as he walked out.
    “What, you’re just gonna leave without saying good-bye???” Kid Flash asked, racing out to meet his friend on the yard outside.

    Walking down the street, Dick observed everything of the neighborhood. Large, two-story houses crowded each side of the two-lane pavement. They had spacious front yards, most of which contained ancient looking trees.
    Reading the numbers on the mailbox, he took a brief moment to observe the exterior of his new home from street level. It was two-story, with a full sized porch. The walls had uneven siding, which was intentional. It had a slopping, dark green, tile roof.
    The yard was on a hill. A ring of pine-straw wrapped itself around a tall tree which swayed peacefully in the wind. It was a nice place. A really nice place. He wouldn’t mind living here, as long as he could just stay outside.
    But no, he was staying inside with a “foster dad” and a “foster sister” who he could tell was going to hate him. All this little excursion did for Dick Grayson was reinforce what he didn’t have. Even though his parents died leaving him as an only child, he sometimes wished that he had some sibling, other than Wally. He was the closest that anyone has gotten to Dick’s raised sibling expectations.
    Dick made his way up the drive-way, and soon came face to face with a two car garage.     Turning almost 90 degrees to the left, he picked his way along a curved cobblestone path which led to the long, white porch. There were smaller stones and pebbles hugging each of the larger steppingstones.
    Skipping up the four steps that led you up the porch, he examined it. It was good size, with the classic swinging bench on one end and a small glass table with two matching chairs sitting at the other. He looked at the big, ornate glass door, with a flower design, matching that of the glass table. Expertly picking the lock, he noticed that the dead-bolt wasn’t locked. He would have to warn the Doctor about that.
    He slipped inside. Examining the room, he heard the familiar beep of an alarm.
    “Oh shoot! Why didn’t you tell me they had an alarm system?” Dick exclaimed racing over to it, sliding his backpack off and dropping it on the hard wood floor on his way. Removing the face of the alarm box, he began to mess with its wires. But his hurried work was interrupted by a very low growl. Glancing nervously over his shoulder he saw a shiny, full grown, long-haired Golden Lab staring at him. “Or a dog.”
posted by ReneYJ
OK, where was I? Oh yah, this was going to be the longest year EVER! I calmly sat down in the corner and flipped to a random page in my spell book. Then I closed my eyes and randomly selected a spell. Flying spell, that one's new. I decided to go to my room and study, so Rosie won’t be so lonely. I walked upstairs and I saw Rosie.
    “Why are you not in bed?” I signed.
    “I felt better,” she signed back and she smiled. I smiled back and we walked to the room. She got some clothes on. She put on a white dress shirt, open, with a blue and white...
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posted by Robin_Love
The radio played music as I sat in comfortable silence, reading. But then a song came on that just hit me. The song was how I wish Blade felt about Terror. He was my best friend and he was gone. I put my book down, listening. The words hurt me, the meaning felt so insane, and the song became personal. Seriously? I miss your blue eyes, the way we kissed at night. That was Terror. And then the chorus. I miss everything about you. And then there was a line about never telling him how she felt and she should have. It was Terror and it wasn't Blade singing. I think I was thinking to long...
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posted by ReneYJ
Rosie tumbled off her bed and hit her head (Rhyme!) and now she has and ice pack.
    "What the heck happened?" she signed.
    "Well, I shook you out of bed and you tumbled to the ground," I signed back. I am so relived that I finnally have someone to talk to things about, plus, no one can understand or 'hear' us. Rosie gave a little chuckle snort and I laughed hystaricly. Her stoned look at me told me I was in deep trouble. Shit. We started the walk down to the kitchen because there is nothing better than eatting after you made your best friend fall...
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posted by NekoTheif
Before Charm goes M.I.A
Bonnie's rules
1. No staying up past bedtime
2. Bedtime is not to be negotiated.
3. No dating until your 16 or older
4. When on dates must have knife on you
6. Must meet this boyfriend
7. No having candy before dinner and after 9
8. No ice cream/ any other treat before dinner or after nine.
9. Don't copy daddy
10. Don't repeat anything daddy says
11. Don't tell your friends that your mommy is a wolf
12. No telling your enemies that your mommy and daddy will kill them in their sleep
13. Don't tell your teachers your daddy taught you to use a gun

Charm's rules

1. No cursing around...
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posted by Obscurity98
Harley flew like the Flash ran. Blasting at the Alien with the fire form her hands. Careful not to hit Kaldur instead. But the alien dodged every blast with ease and tease. "It's like the dumb bastard is baiting me." her nails made her hands bleed as she balled her hands into fist so hard. "Bad idea." And finally shot the alien on it's back side. But the thing only screeched, without letting Kaldur go. "So this is how you play huh? Fine its your choice." Then under her breath she hisses, "Time to get up close and personal." She flew above them now, quietly. Only did the Alien realize she was...
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posted by MikkiDs
Ok, for the next two weeks or so things were pretty smooth, there weren’t any bank robberies, attempted homicide, etc. Of course I had to jinx myself.

I was just rolling along one evening, minding my own business, heading to Cadmus. Then a woman’s scream, an explosion, and you can guess the rest.

The weird thing was it was almost exactly like my previous robbery encounter two weeks before, even at the same bank, Hometown of D.C. You may think of it as suspicious or just a coincidence. I, unfortunately, was stupid enough to pick the latter choice.

I rolled over to the crowd and saw, well...
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posted by Obscurity98
The Large Animals
The Large Animals
Kaldur's head zipped around to look around in the cave. But hey saw nothing. Becca held her hands to her ears, covering them, and leaning over. "Becca!' cried Robin, "Becca whats wrong?" But Before Becca could answer, Becca screamed. In her head, she could hear loud high pitched tone. Screaming, in some unknown language. Rare in Becca's case since she knew so many.
"Make. It. STOP!" screamed Becca. She feel to her knees, and Robin tried to pull her up, "BECCA!" Becca was crying now. The voices would not stop. Harley stood now, she had faced voices like this before. She remembered all to well,...
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posted by InfinityYJ
I get bored...

To say Fin was bored was an understatement. She was in an out of her mind, ready to collapse, nothing to do mood. Even the promising concert coming up that night for the Neon Lights didn't lighten her up.
Thinking on the concert, she leaped out of bed and slid in front of her laptop. She pulled up Garageband and grinned at her newest remix. She had a little time... Glancing at the clock, she reached into her closet and pulled out a hard, plastic case.
Mercy was stumped. She'd thought about the concert as well, and was wondering what she'd do...
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posted by BeccaYJ
I was sitting in my room, strumming my guitar when there was a knock on my door. I groaned. Can't they all just leave me alone?! I'm in no mood to deal with them! I opened the door and found a surprise.
“Hi Bec. Listen, I have to do something to get this feeling out. Will you help me?”
“Of course.”
“Thanks. You can play acoustic right?”
“Yep. Prefer electric but I can deal for you.”
“Kay. Let's go.”
I followed Terror out the door and followed him towards the same room I had helped him and Blade get together. I really hoped that, this time, we wouldn't be disturbed....
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posted by InfinityYJ
((OOC)):You wanna know why Fin broke up with Nathan? Here's your answer.

Fin's P.O.V.

Walking down those dark, familiar hallways wasn't a pleasant feeling. But I'd do it. Every other week I'd come back to Slade's old warehouse for not only a momentary cure to my 'problem,' but to train harder. Brennan, Chelsea and Jessica could push me further than Canary ever would. So here I was, once again, and I hoped that it would be a while before anyone else knew.
Crossing by Jessica's room, I heard voices. I was shocked that she wasn't waiting for me. She loved to watch me with a smirk, knowing that I...
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posted by SilverWings13
Worth part VIII
Looming in the gap in the wall was a huge mutant similar looking to the one Superboy was fighting. They were no longer fighting though. Nobody was.
All of the red-robe-monks faced the gaping hole in the wall. A huge mutant much like the one Superboy had been fighting stood in the hole. From the tears in his prison uniform and layer of drywall on his clothes, hair, and skin, he had been the cause of the hole. He was glaring at Superboy.
Beside the mutant was a very tall, very ripped man. He wore black pants with a golden, snake head buckle and belt, red gloves covering the leingth...
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posted by NekoTheif
Amara preferred the winter. It was harder for prey to get away and harder for humans to get into her woods. Oh and the snow. She loved it so much. She could remember when her mother made snow angels and snow men in the snow. And then they would drink coco. And she remembers how the snow on her skin would never really melt but it turned her rosy and she loved watching it fall. And then her mother's blood was spilled across the snowy white plains.
She still loved winter.
For her mother and her powers. But she hated the town. She hated every soul in it and if she got the chance ,and maybe she...
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posted by Robin_Love
Name: Scott Southern
Powers: Flight, fire, extensive training in all forms of combat, mind control, claws.
History: Scott Southern is the mutant son of Warren Worthington and Candy Southern. His father is the crime-fighting X-Men known as ArchAngel. Scott was born with wings and, when he was four, was taught how to fly. Scott used his wings to fly beside his father in times of trouble, despite his parents' wishes. When he turned eight, another strange power developed; fire. Scott had no way to control this power and was sent to Xavier. But he was kidnapped on the way by Mr. Sinister....
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posted by SilverWings13
Worth part IV

"Drop point A has landed," Aqualad reported through his ear-com.
"Copy," M'gaan said back,"advancing to drop point B." The clip lines retracted and I new without seeing it that the bioship was gone. I searched the blue sky through the leaves of the canopy, catching a glimpse of black swooping toward the west. I looked around myself to see the others already heading into the thick trees. I jogged to catch up.

Our troop was mostly silent as we tramped through the undergrowth. I trotted up to Aqualad, avoiding Artemis's glare.
"So," I said,"what's the plan?" He looked down at me (he's...
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posted by Robin_Love
Name: Rylan Touya
Alias: Spade
Occupation: Hero
Powers: Agility, acrobatics, ability to manipulate, trained in hand to hand-to-hand combat, flight, trained with a pair of Sais, jinx factor
History: Rylan Touya was born and raised in Japan. Both her parents were of German background, but Rylan's mom married a Japanese man after her husband died; Rylan was three. Rylan's new father was a scientist experimenting with all kinds formulas. When Rylan was five, she discovered her new father was trading and making deals with the villainous Poison Ivy. Rylan tried warning her mother, but was ignored. Three...
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posted by Robin_Love
“Robin! Robinrobinrobinrobinrobinrobin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
The masked hero ran into the training room where Wally was screaming his name from. The speedster was running around the room at a crazy speed. Becca stood in the center, trying to hit Wally with her magic. Robin flipped out of Wally's path and went up to Becca. He grabbed her hands and she turned her glare to him. Wally stopped running, but stayed a good distance from Becca.
“What's going on?” Robin asked.
“Your girlfriend is trying to kill me!!!!” Wally screamed.
“He stole my chocolate!” Becca yelled back.
Robin looked...
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posted by YJTTFAN
“When we take revenge against another, we lose some of our innocence”, that’s what they tell me. So I guess I lost all of my innocence. Oh well, I lost it early, might as well have gotten rid of it. See people throw random quotes everywhere, a lot of them don’t seem to apply to me.
“When you get knocked down, pick yourself up and brush yourself off,” I pull the legs of the person who pushed me, bringing them down too.
“It takes 42 muscles to frown, 17 to smile, and 4 to punch the person,” And it only takes 4 more to snap their necks.
Catch my drift? Good.
My name is Agony
And this is my story.
posted by InfinityYJ
Just a little song fic. Song is Awake and Alive by Skillet. Uh, yeah... so enjoy... and stuff. Most of this is based off of like, recent wall events, Delta/Toxic/Shawdowa and all that.

I'm at war with the world and they're
Trying to pull me into the dark

Fin screamed. All her focus was here, now. She couldn't leave the fight, she wouldn't leave Delta there to die. She had to stay, had to fight back, but it was all just sheer pain. She felt like she could be the greek titan Atlas, the sky and world, her world, rested entirely in her hands at this moment, and she couldn't handle it. The lights...
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posted by NekoTheif
8 days. That's how long since I got home from the hospital. Fighting for my life wasn't new. But it just reminded me of how I was. Who I was. Or so I thought. Shirley was evil. But she was smart. And that made it worse. She knew that I would go into shock that I would be lost in my own head when Gordon came to question me. And now she was walking through the day light. With only the care of what shoes she was going to wear.

And while she walked around happy with her handy work I struggled with my own mind. It was different. Kat was now by her side instead of mine jabbing me with intense pain...
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posted by TOTALIzzyluver
I'm writing a new fanficion. I haven't exactly titled it. (i typed it on my ipod and on there i titled it eeeeee and i don't think it exactly....fits)
So there will be 4 new OCs and i know you're all probably sick of all thee insane-o ocs on this spot but you people annoy me with your's so i'll annoy you with mine...ahhaaa im totally kidding some of your ocs fasinate me

So basically these 4 characters have their own little hero team jig going down

Hero Name: Razor
Secret I.D: Lola Valten
Gender: Female
Powers/Abilities: Weaponary and combat expert.
Basically, Lola was born...
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