Young Justice Club
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'What ? no way, why does it always have to be my fault?Why do i always get blamed for anything?Are the others all angels ?If this is the Justice league then why i don't get a justified explanation?Why Batman? Why?'Crystal asked.

'Crystal today what you did was unexceptable'.Batman replied'I want you to apologize"He added.'But..".Crystal tried to speak.'No buts'.Batman called.'Alright Batman '.Crystal said.

'Nightman Crystal says she will apologize".Batman called.'Nightman?'.Crystal asked ,was'nt it Nighmare".Crystal added

'Robin told me'.Crystal said. 'Its Nighman'.Batman confrimed.'I'm here to train you not to be made fun off'.Nightman declared,'Robin I'm gonna eat you up'.Crystal yelled.

'What about the apology?'.Batman asked.'Well can i do it later?'.Crystal asked.'No'.Batman said,

Crystal apologized.'The main reason i called you here was for the decision the young justice league had made.They including me are going to drive you out of the justice league, you don't have the skill.Remmember it was your fault our last mission was a failure'.Batman said

'Of course Batman they like me,wait what did you say?...They are..gonna throw me out and you agreed to this stupid decision how can you Batman?You don't get it it was the last mission and look i promise to do better and faliure is the first step to success.'Crystal said.'I had to , they were saying the truth'.Batman said.'I don't wanna throw you out so your gonna train with Nightman'.Batman added

'If only you respect me'.Nightman said.Crystal was gonna say something when Batman glared at her.'If you respect me then i'll train otherwise call me out'.Crystal said

'Deal'Nightman said.'She is a bold girl but i'm sure she'll respect me'.Nightman told Batman after Crystal had left the room.'Batman sighed.

'Its the least I can do'.Night man said and he went to his room to take a rest.Crystal still meditated in her room,still floating in mid air.their was a flash of light as Crystal thought she imagined it. She fell on the floor, she got up and went to sleep the next day was Saturday a weekend so Crystal could stay it up all night if she wanted to but she was not interesrested .

She kept think about Nighmans traing if it contained yoga which it should'nt ,she would die trying to stretch her arms and legs.
I jumped out of the way of the first serpent's fangs, nearly tripping over a fire hydrant in the process. I couldn't think of a time in my life that I was more terrified; my feet were rooted to the ground, unable to move.
The other snake however, had its eyes on Robin and Mr. Freeze. They both dodged its feverish attempts to kill them, but Nora was left unguarded.
This would've been a waste if Nora was kidnapped again, my subconscious told me.
I rolled my eyes. "Whatever." Consciously, I took hold of a piece of skin from the snake that tried attacking me, and leaped over it. Ignoring the sliminess...
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posted by TOTALIzzyluver
The team arrived at a rustic looking building. It was isolated just outside of Gotham. When the team entered they were imdiently was attacked by guards. They managed to slit in search of the Doctor. Robin and Lily headed downstairs to the basement and hid behind a large cabinet.
"Are you finished yet?" Came the harsh voice of Chesire.
"I'm working on it..." Came the voice of a stressed, tired and terrified Doctor Turner.
"We, have inturderes." Came the voice of a guard to Sportsmaster.
"Who?" He asked.
"The..uh. Sidekicks."
"I'll handel them." Said Chesire. She quickly walked over to the cabinet...
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posted by Denelys
Iddentical twins but a rare sickeness got the best of me.
Iddentical twins but a rare sickeness got the best of me.
We were at a chinesse restaurant with Red Arrow.
"Okay so are you guys twins?You look alike but more like Fraternal twins."
Nobodys ever asked us that before.
"Oh sorry guess Im wrong."
No,your right well mostly we are twins Iddentical ones to be exact but I got sick as baby and my apearence changed completly.
"That explains why your Black haired with red eyes and your sister is Blonde haired with blue eyes.Like A Raven and a Dove now I get it!"
He smiled sweetly as he rubbed the back of his head.
The thing is our names don`t match our apearences.
"How so?",Okay Im Dawn and shes Dusk it does`nt match...
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posted by Skittles98
I walked to my old room and sat down. I took a deep breath. It smelled so familiar. I also smelt another smell. It smelt of sweat and candy, smell I would associate with a circus. I thought of something that happened a long time ago. When I found out Batman’s secret identity. If he was Bruce Wayne, that means Robin was…no way. Circus, gymnastics routine, Master Grayson…ROBIN WAS DICK GRAYSON!!!!!! But that still didn’t explain why he was in my room. I closed my eyes and focased on my past life, the life of me as a thief, assassin and, most notable, a ninja. Master Grayson’s ghostly...
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posted by Skittles98
I through the crowded hall way, my head looking at the ground, my shoulders tense, my feet swift. It was my first day at this new school here in Happy Harbor and I had lost my voice. I hadn’t actually lost it, but I just hadn’t found it yet. I rushed down the hall and almost crashed right into a large teen in a black tee-shirt standing with a girl in a pink skirt. I smiled sheepishly, nodded an apology and started off. I pushed my glasses up my nose and focased on getting to class before everyone else did. I felt a hand clamp firmly on my shoulder and I was spun around. It was the boy I...
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posted by Skittles98
“I will train my students while you lead your team. When they are trained, I will find the next generation and train them. I will assist you if you need help, but I will stay here otherwise” I said. I never turned around.
“Night, you’re quitting the team?” Robin asked
“Yes” I nodded
“But you never quit. No matter what” he protested
“Exactly. When you faced Superman, did you quit? When your mom was kidnapped, did you quit? When you wanted to attack Kalder, did you quit? No. You kept going, no matter the pain” Wally said
“We need you Night” Robin said
“Without you, we’re...
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posted by TOTALIzzyluver
Soooooooooooooo HAI
I am working on a Blussuming Flower, I just write it out. so acutally for me im on chapter 9 while you guys are awaiting chapter 4. I really wanna make it awesomeee to be patient. I wanna do some picks for it cuz i need some ideasss. Soo be sure to answer themmm.
Ehh what the heyy I'll survey them here right now
finsish the sentence:

1) My story should have more....

2) Lily should....
a. get captured by the shadows.
b. get a boyfriend
c. find a unicorn

3) I would love to seeeeee....
a. Wally and Artemis get together
b. Robin get abucted...
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posted by Skittles98
I walked down the familiar hallways of the dojo with Tiny and Killer and went into my room. It was just as I had left it. I lit the three candles on my small table, even though it was light in my room.
“Master Night? May I speak to you?” asked a voice from the door. I turned around to find the blonde haired Leah standing at my door.
“Of course Leah” I gestured for her to come in. She timidly came in. I motioned for her to sit. She sat down.
“Master Night, where did you come from?” she asked
“I was in man’s world. I had been exiled for a small amount of time” I explained
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posted by Skittles98
I climbed up the mountain. I past fifty feet, sixty feet, seventy feet, eighty feet, ninety feet, one hundred feet, one hundred and ten feet. At one hundred and thirty feet, I stopped. Everything looked so tiny. I sat on that ledge and crossed my legs. I put my hands together straight above my navel. I closed my eyes and let my senses dull. I pictured Master Grayson.
“Master Grayson. Please. Speak to me” I pleaded. A ghostly image of a young woman appeared.
“Night, I tried to warn you” she said
“I know. And I paid dearly for not. I ask for guidance” I nodded
“In what, my dear?”...
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posted by Skittles98
So, your master’s master is mad at you for it taking your invisibility away?” Wally asked
“No. It’s mad at me for falling in love” I murmured
“You loved me, but it didn’t harm me” Wally pointed out
“No. It harmed me when we broke up” I muttered
“But you were fine with it. You didn’t care we had broken up” Wally tilted his head. I looked away. Robin whispered something in his ear. Wally gasped. He told something to Artemis, and she gasped.
“Night, I-I didn’t know. Honest!” they both said.
“It doesn’t matter. The past is the past. It can’t be altered now” I muttered...
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posted by Skittles98
“Thank you Captain obvious” I rolled my eyes
“Not by me, by Roulette. She wants revenge on Black Canary and the Huntress.” Red Hood added
“How do I know you’re not lying?” I demanded
“I may be a lot of things, but I’m not a liar” Jason replied. I walked off into the bushes. Once no body could see me, I started running back to the mountain. I ran in, changed into my uniform, then sprinted through the forest. When I got near the clearing, I slowed to a walk. I walked back in the clearing and looked at Green Arrow.
“So, when do we leave?” I asked
“How’d you know we were...
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posted by Skittles98
I saw Artemis in the middle of the clearing, calling for Megan. Hopefully, Megan didn’t know that I had caught Artemis, or else my plan would fail. I heard a rustling across the clearing and saw Megan enter.
“What is it Artemis?” Megan asked
“Have you seen Night?” She asked. That was my cue. I quietly circled behind Megan, then gave the signal.
“Caw, Caw!” I called. The people I had caught burst from the bushes and surrounded Megan. I tapped her shoulder.
“Glad you could join us. Now, it’s time to track Connor.” I smiled. I walked into the forest and looked along the ground....
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posted by Skittles98
“Who are you?” I demanded, lifting Kalder’s un-moving body in my arms.
“My name is Tula. I’m a friend of Kalder” she said. I grinded my teeth at the pressure of my broken arm.
“Do you need any help with him?” Tula asked as I carried him to the infirmary.
“My masters once told me to embrace pain, for it makes a stronger warrior” I said as I laid Kalder down on the bed. I clicked my comm. unit.
“Guys, get to the infirmary right now. It’s Kalder” I said quickly. A minute later, the team was standing with Kalder. I felt Wally’s hand rest on my shoulder. Even though he was...
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posted by Skittles98
“You guys really don’t need to do this” I said. The team had picked me up in a ‘Queen’s Chair’ position and were carrying me to the bio ship.
“It was either us or Superman, so it’s your pick” Kalder pointed out.
“I know, but I can walk. My legs aren’t broken” I said, trying to get up.
“Night. We’re carrying you. Whether you like it or not“ Artemis said. I sighed. They carried me to the bio ship and placed me gently in a seat. The buckles appeared and went over my body. We flew right to a hospital where Megan used her telekinesis to bring me in. We went straight to...
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posted by Skittles98
“Where. Is. Sonar” I repeated. I brought the sai right under his chin.
“H-he’s working with Roulette in the back” the guy stammered
“If you’re lying or you warn them, I will be back. And I will not give you a chance to talk” I growled. We walked to a room. The door was closed. I opened it a miniscule crack and peeked through. A lady in a red dress with black hair was sitting with an ugly man with greasy looking black hair. They seemed to be discussing something.
“…brainwash them and make them fight each other to the death” the man suggested.
“True. But they might escape”...
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posted by Skittles98
I sat in my computer chair and started to update the encryption codes and pass words. I heard a knock on my door and I looked at the camera’s. It was the boy who had challenged me. I opened the secret door and he walked in. He walked into the Cove.
“What do you want?” I asked, not looking at him.
“I forgot my belt” he said. I picked it up off the ground and threw it over my shoulder.
“Thanks. I’ll be going now” he started to walk away then stopped. “You know, you don’t have to live alone like this. You could be part of a team”
“Who said I wanted to join a team. Who said...
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posted by Skittles98
Do you ever have that feeling you’re being followed? Well, I had it right now. I slowed down and made a plan in my head. I wouldn’t head home or to Banshee’s Cove. I would head to the lake. I pulled a U turn and headed north to the lake. I turned down an abandoned ally. It was a dead end. I sped up and went straight through the brick wall. I raced to the lake and stopped. I got off my motorcycle and walked down to the shore. I walked along the path down to a small, not paved path. I walked along it to a steep cliff. I jumped down and was looking at the lake in the middle of a clear night....
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posted by Denelys
The sun looked beautyfull from underwater.
The sun looked beautyfull from underwater.
We were in the water playing when Conner yelled cannonball.He splashed me,Conner before you jump its better to warn there than while your jumping.
"Sorry are you having fun?"
Are you joking im having the best time ever in my entire life.I threw a bit of water at him.
"How about a little tag?"
Tag?but we`re in the water which makes it hard to run.
"So you scared im going to catch you?"
No way dude im never going to be caught I ran but I was slow the water was getting deeper I dove underwater and swam away from wally I could`nt hear anything I was going deep down I turned around and looked at the sun...
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posted by Denelys
I had a black swimsuit I tied my hair and walked outside.
I had a black swimsuit I tied my hair and walked outside.
I used the portal to get to Mt.Justice,
Recognized Dove b07
weird.Robin came out of nowhere."You don`t like it?its a way of saying im here or im leaving."
you can`t sneak out with it being like that.
Oww Im sore from all that training guess relaxing makes me lazy.
"You never took brakes from all those years of training?"
No,I never even slept a complete hour I spent 23 hours and 10 minutes training everyday to get ready.
"For what?"
"Oh right you are gonna take revenge for your family."
Lets forget that I even said anything It makes a depressing mood on who ever hears it does`nt it?
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posted by Skittles98
“Dunuphear” I said. A silver coin appeared in my hand.
“Great job Liana” Zatanna smiled “Now let’s try the growing spell”
“Okay. Cab oot lamron” I said. The tiny doll caught on fire. Zatanna put it out quickly.
“Sorry” I squeaked
“It’s okay. I’ve burnt tons of dolls” she laughed. I knew she was lying.
“Let’s try the transfiguration spell now” she said
“Lex eeb nacorb” I spoke. The doll fizzed, glowed, then nothing. “Anied muceb namew” still nothing.
“It’s useless. I’m never going to be a sorceress” I sighed
“Keep hope Liana. Why don’t we try that...
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