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posted by Obscurity98
( B4 Kal went rouge)

Harley kicked the punching bag with fired anger. Roy had promised her a date tonight but then canceled because of a Cheshire sighting. He always canceled. She Kicked it again, and it went flying on the hook and sand spilled from the bag. And the punching bag slammed into Kaldur as she walked in. he was pressed back against the wall, and Harley ran over to help, "Oh god Kaldur! are you okay!?"
Kaldur stood up brushing himself off, "Yes, i am fine thank you." He looked at her and her face was flushed. "Are YOU okay?" he asked quickly. Harley face palmed her self and sighed, "no.Not at all. Roy promised me a date to toady and he just canceled AGAIN! 4 dates in a row."
Kaldur felt bad for her, "Harley, you do not have to agree, but if you like I could take you on a date." Harley glanced up at him,"you'd take me on a date? really?" Kaldur gulped, but nodded, "yes."
Harley smiled and pecked him on the cheek, "your the best Kaldur. I'll get dressed."
Kaldur nodded, and turned, only to walk into a smiling robin and a snickering Kid Flash.
"Kaldur my boy." quipped Robin, "You can't go out like that! You need to look, Civil."
"i need to what?" asked Kaldur nervously.
"You need to get dressed for your Date buddy." said Wally, matter of fact-ly, "Let us help you."

Robin ran over to Harley's room and called out, "Kaldur will be back soon, he's only gonna get dressed. Be back soon!" Harley called back, "OKAY!"
Harley sat on the couch, waiting for Kaldur to appear.That's when the Automatic voice said, " B-0-6 Aqualad." Harley stood, and gasped. Kaldur looked to handsome. he wore a black dress shirt, tucked into his jeans, and dress shoes. And what looked alot like Conner's jacket.
Kaldur smiled at Harley. She looked so beautiful, and radiant, in her teal dress that reached right below her knees, and black ruffles at the neck line. and a whole two inches taller, thanks to her black platform shoes.

Harley glided over to him and hugged him tightly., "You look so nice Kaldur. Ready to go?"
Kaldur nodded and gave her his arm like robin instructed. Harley smiled and took it. and they left mount justice.
Harley sat in one of the chairs in Lunara's Gotham. She had heard of the place and it was just like they said, beautiful and expensive.
Just then a Waiter, came over, and asked them,"Would you like to start off with a wine?" But he stopped, realizing both were underage.
Harley, however didn't skip a beat. "Daiquiri. Virgin."
The waiter scribbled it down, and then looked at Kaldur.
Kaldur searched the menu frantically, he didn't even know what come of this stuff was!
Harley sensed his frantic mood and intervened, "No, no, we'll be sharing, thank you." The waiter nodded and left.

Kaldur looked over at Harley, pink cheeked, "i am sorry."
"Sorry!? For what!?" asked Harley Surprised. "that i couldn't answer the man, when," Kaldur was saying,
But Harley cut him off. "oh Kal, its FINE! i think the sharing is better anyway."
Kaldur smiled weakly, but happily.She didn't think him stupid for his mistake.
For the rest of the night, or at least the next 3 hours. They talked. Harley asked about his life on Atlantis, Kaldur asked about Harley's escape from the Labs.
What Kaldur thought of the surface world. What Harley loved about Atlantis.
Then things got a little more personal. He told Harley about Tula. Harley sobbed about Roy. Then Kaldur crossed a line.

"i do not know why you let him treat you that way. it's cruel. Yes he may be one of my best friends. But he doesn't treat you with that much respect." Kaldur said.
Harley sighed, "i don't know, i know he loves me, he just doesn't know how to act."
"You should be with some one who really knows you Harley and loves you. And wont abandon you."
Harley looked into Kaldur's silver eyes, as he watched her.
Kaldur looked into her black eyes, he loved the way they shone.
Without noticing it, their faces got closer and closer. Kaldur's gaze never wavered. Kaldur whispered, "i love you."
And their lips touched, and Kaldur grabbed Harley's hand. Harley put a hand on his cheek.
No one pulled away, no one gave a second thought.
but they need to break away for air.

That's when Harley realized what she did. She just cheated on Roy with his best friend. She stood up quickly. And tried to leave the restaurant. And Kaldur went after her, "Harley wait!" Harley raced out of the restaurant. And one of the Waiters yelled at them for not paying. Kaldur grabbed all the money Robin gave him and threw it at the waiter. And went after Harley we wasn't about to lose her. When Harley stepped out of the restaurant she lifted off the ground, about to fly away. But Kaldur grabbed her wrist, and pulled her down. Harley was crying. Kaldur pulled her close. "Harley, Calm down, if you like we can just pretend this never happened. It was Just a kiss." Harley nodded, still sobbing, "okay, it never happened. It never happened." She pulled away, "thank you Kaldur, for the evening. really, but i must get going." And she flew away.

Kaldur watched fly away, He shoved his hands in his pockets. "For me, it wasn't just a kiss." And he walked to the nearest zeta beam. "will never be just a kiss for me."
posted by Robin_Love
I wrote this awhile ago when I was feeling sad. But when I read it now, I think it's an awesome one-shot. So I hope you enjoy!

Robin moved around in his room. He looked at all the pictures and charms he had. The ones that reminded him of her. Becca Stevens. His love. Fresh tears came to his eyes and new pain arose in his heart. He fingered the necklace she had always worn. The black choker with a charm; a blue bird with wings extended. She had always called it her NightWing. Had always said how it reminded her of him. Now it was a way of remembering her. Ever since they'd been given the news....
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posted by Robin_Love
Red X Info

Name: Erin Charlotte Mavis
Occupation:Hero; Minor; Time-traveler
Base:New York City
Powers:Super-speed, trained in combat, time “jumping”, expert with a sword or battle staff
History:Erin was a trouble maker from the Earth of year 3024. She was banished back in time for her tomfoolery. She was taken by a Russian government official, training to be a living weapon. Her bones were bonded together by a liquid metal, making her virtually indestructible. Now known as X, Erin became a spy for Russia. She went many places, learning many secrets. Erin soon rebelled and was sentenced to death...
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posted by NekoTheif
Thanks BelovedRobin
Thanks BelovedRobin
Tundra was not the nicest girl. In fact she was more likely to tear your throat then be your friend. And finally she hit the last straw ran away and lived in the forest. Tundra howled in joy as she bit into the flesh of the deer she just killed. For the past few weeks she had to catch rabbits and small forest animals.

Winter was in it's peak. 2 feet of snow was on the ground. With out grass the deer and moose and elk had all moved out of the area. She would have to leave her territory to get them. Rabbits were hard to catch and a few nights she went to bed hungry. But finally a small deer herd...
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posted by Mclovin_69
Artemis and Willow ran through Gotham city in the night jumping from building to building. They were running at an incredible pace, " where exactlly are Lucas and Wally! " Willow yelled in a tired tone, " i dunno! the coms jammed! " Artemis said. Willow and Artemis stopped on a roof top and hid behind a generator, Willow looked to the side peering to see if he was still coming. " I think we lost him.." Willow whispered catching her breath, " guess again..... Harm never quits a fight...." a boy said with long brown hair and a red scar over his one eye, Artemis and Willow gasped, Artemis had...
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posted by Robin_Love
Willow smiled.
“Wally, the wedding is fake.”
“It was all Becca's idea!”
Wally looked at the younger girl who wore a devious smirk.
“I wanted to test you. Willow knew better than to marry. But I wanted to see just how far Wally West was willing to go to get his girl back. Everyone here already knew. You're the only one who didn't. Now tell me. You still love Willow with your whole heart?”
Wally looked at Willow. Her brown eyes, her brown hair. Her warm smile, her beautiful face. But he could also see inside. Her heart of gold, her kindness. Her inner beauty. His throat clogged...
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posted by Skittles98
Sadly *sobs* not mine. This belongs to xyukiiix on

Wally smiled as he walked into the room. She was practicing again. It had been years since she'd picked up a bow, shot an arrow, but she never lost her touch.

They've been together for quite some years as well. It started out bumpy but no one can say it was surprising. They just clicked together like that. Like Yin and Yang. He loved her- snark, sarcasm and all. And she must have loved him if she was willing to put up with him and his antics.

He leaned against the wall and watched her. Her posture never faltered, her concentration...
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posted by 66Dragons
Coming this Friday! Of course, if you want to read this and the next four episodes, go to the Red Revenge Club!

"The party, Mr. Grant." the driver said, opening the door to the limo.

Sam groaned before stepping out.

"Do I really need a limo drive to my school?" he asked aloud. 

"You are a high profile character." a voice said beside him as Holly slipped her arm through his.

"Nice." he commented at her outfit.

"You think?" Holly asked.

"I think it fits you perfectly." Sam said.

Holly blushed.

She was dressed in a skin-tight black body-suit, which just happened to be her Nightbird costume, with a red trench coat behind it and a red miniskirt over her pants. 

The two walked through the door into the school.
posted by NekoTheif
this is her dad
this is her dad
She growled in annoyance as she sniffed the ground again. Her ears flicker forward as a trash can was knocked over. 'they just keep coming to me tonight don't they' she thought. Sitting on her haunches she waited ears pricked forward as they ran towards her spot. "Hey boss look a dog" one dumb man shouted. 'idiots' she wanted to roll her eyes.

4 other men turned the corner. "Well wadda ya know come here puppy" one clicked. 'puppy!? Grrr' she narrowed her eyes pinning her ears back and growled. Shifting into her human form again she smirked as their ice widened.

Ice blue eyes stared at them her...
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posted by anime-niac
This is a story about my OC's past so it's told through her point of view not mine.
The only memory that I can clearly remember from my past is that horrible day when my powers went berserk, but I'm getting ahead of myself. My name's Scarlet Adenfeld and this is the story of how I became what I am now.

"Bye Mom I'm headed to school!" I shouted

"Be careful, and have a good day." Mom called back

As I made my way to school I said good morning to my dad, he died when I was two so I only know what he looks like from pictures my mom has. Notice anything...
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posted by Robin_Love
Willow sat on the couch with her laptop. Wally sat next to her, munching on various snacks. Becca was on her laptop, but was sharing a chair with Robin, their legs tangled together. The mountain was quiet, seeing as the others were out and it was the four of them. Willow suddenly groaned, hitting her head on the keyboard.
“What's wrong?” Becca asked a little distracted.
“My computer. It's no working,” Willow answered.
“Want me to have Robin fix it?”
“No. He'd break it.”
Robin rolled his eyes, shooting Willow a mock face of pain.
“I can fix it!” Wally announced.
Becca laughed at...
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posted by Robin_Love
Becca opened her eyes. She hadn't realized she;d blacked out but now she lay in her bed. She saw shadows playing along the crack between the floor and her door. She sat up, running a hand through her hair. She could hear voices but no words. Becca pulled the covers off, fixing her hair as best she could. The door opened and her sister came in. Billy gave Becca a wink before closing the door.
Becca ran into her sisters arms, feeling a healing sensation overtake them both.
“Becca! I've missed you!”
The two hugged for several minutes and Becca barely held in her tears. Willow pulled...
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posted by Robin_Love
Falcon looked over at Becca. She was sitting in a corner, calmly looking around. After he signed off his computer, he came to sit in front of her. She looked at him, a small smile on her face.
“You're a lot like my boyfriend was,” she commented.
“Who was he?”
“Robin, protege of the Dark Knight.”
“Wow. Why'd he give you up? Run out of love or something?”
“Father hates my guts. But I should've known. I'm not good enough for anyone.”
“Ouch! You're pretty harsh on yourself.”
“I have to be. Or I never see the way things are supposed to be seen.”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean,...
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So this is my own version of 12 days of xmas. I know it's not how it should be but lets just say I use the same idea for it xD

On the first day of xmas fanpop give to me
A comment about Zatanna.

On the second day of xmas fanpop give to me
who is the mole?
and comment about Zatanna.

On the third day of xmas fanpop give to me
three pics of Oc's
who is the mole?
and a comment about Zatanna.

On the fourth day of xmas fanpop give to me
"Robin is so hot"
three pic's of Oc's
who is the mole?
and a comment about Zatanna.

On the fifth day of xmas fanpop give to me
"Robin is so hot"
three pic's of Oc's
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posted by Robin_Love
Veleno walked up to the bared prison. The bars were enchanted with Dark magic as well as the entire cell. Minus the top layer of the ground. She looked at the girl sitting in there. Long brown hair, brown eyes, tanned skin. Pretty plain looking in Veleno's eyes.
“So they call you Cyrus. Willow is a name you don't hear very often.”
“And who are you? Poison Ivy's goon?”
“No. I work for someone else. But only for now. My name is Veleno. I'd tell you what it means, but something tells me you already know.”
“More than you think.”
“Yeah. Veleno is Italian. For poison!”
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posted by Robin_Love
He watched the girl called Willow from his office. She was searching for her sister but he knew she would never find her. Just as he predicted, she screamed for her sister.
“Where did you take her?! Where is she?! Tell me!”
He chuckled a little. She was really too entertaining. She was trying so hard to remain calm but he sensed the fear and desperation rising inside of her. He enjoyed it. Too much to tell her the truth about her sister. He chuckled again at the thought of her reaction. If Willow knew where her sister was, the reaction would just ruin his fun. Nope. He wasn't going to tell...
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posted by robinluv14
I found it- the exact place I could meet this girl. And it turned out that it a street corner between 3rd and just a small road. This girl- whoever she was- was good. Really good. And she knew how I thought... and knew who I was... With each though I grew more and more nervous. But as footsteps approached, I mentally slapped myself. This was the only way to figure it all out- god, I'd spent too much time around Batman.
What I could see of the figure was very vague, and could have fit multiple descriptions. It was small, petite, feminine, of course. A light behind her gave me another glance at...
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Willow walked out onto the feild afterschool in her tank top and skirt, Taylor greeted her and hugged her, she gave a devious glare to her friends behind her. " Okay so show us what you got " Taylor said, Willow did her cheer and finished, the other girls clapped but were shushed by Taylor. " Good job well talk to you tommorow about how you did" Taylor said, Willow smiled graciously and walked to the locker room to get changed, Willow got changed and went up to her locker to get her books.

She pput in her combination and opened the door to be spatted with red paint, she gasped and looked down...
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A/N Kid Flash can't resist a challenge. And when a certain Meister of Music steps in, well, let's just see where that takes us XD of, and btw,italics is singing

"Hey Kid Mouth" Artemis greeted
"Hey, Artepits" he snarked
"Hey Kid, guess what" Artemis said
"What?" he asked
"Anything you can do, I can do better" she grinned
"Ha!" KF laughed
"I can do anything better than you"
"No, you can't"
"Yes I can"
"No, you can't."
"Yes I can"
"No, you can't."
"Yes, I can, Yes, I can!"
"Anything you can be, I can be greater. Sooner or later,I'm greater than you" KF sung
"No, you're not" Artemis shook her head
"Yes I am"...
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posted by EclipseYJ
'Her Black pumps made an Echo'
'Her Black pumps made an Echo'
Willow tossed and turned in her red bed sheets moving all the way across her double bed. Aero’s eyes kept digging into her like daggers deeper and deeper into her memories, he was always there rising up again from the smoke in her mind. Her head started to sweat as more horror revisited her, she started mumbling and tossing around faster. The memories started flashing passed her until Aero touched down and kissed her then
“AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA” she screamed, panting loudly looking around the room to see who was there. Tears ran down her face as she put her hand on her heart and climbed...
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posted by Mclovin_69
The screen came on as the 16 watch their mentors and hereos that they looked up to be disinigrated,most watched in horror as Red Tornado finally came up to them, " we have lost most of the justice league if i and the others shall fail the responsibility shall fall to you.." Red Tornado said, everyone looked at Red Tornado with different expressions, some were scared, some were in tears, some were angry, and some couldnt even think of an expression to relate to this. Aqualad looked around at the others, " We stand ready this time..." Kaldur said.
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