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posted by InfinityYJ
“So... Nathan Stone was really the son of the man who killed your parents?”
Kaylee watched Dick pace back and forth in front of the couch where she sat with Danna. Dick finally collapsed onto the couch with them. “A-yup.”
“And we don’t let him back.”
“I took his designation code out of the zeta beam’s computer, so the only way he can be back in here is with authorization.”
“Was he the mole?”
“Kaylee, we’ve already solved that problem.”
“Oh? When?”
“Like, ages ago.”
“Who was it?”
“Can we stop with this?”
Danna was standing over the two, rubbing her temples. “We need to get Fin back. Soon.”
Kaylee nodded. “She killed some people.”
Danna gave her an annoyed look. “Not helping.”
Kaylee pointed. “Neither is the necklace, but you don’t mind that.”
Dick took the necklace from Danna’s neck. It was beating slowly, then quickly. It was strangely irregular, like...
Danna turned to Kaylee. “She’s dying, Del.”
“No!” someone screamed from behind them. They jumped slightly and turned to find Aisling. “She-she’s Fin, she can’t die!”
“None of us want her to die, trust me...”
“Well, then somebody get rid of the phoenix spirit thing!” Mercy exclaimed from the doorway.
“Not that easy, Merce...” Phoebe shrugged.
“Do something!!”
“What the hell do you think we’re doing, prancing around like f*cking ponies! We’re trying! I don’t want her to die either, she’s my goddamn sister!”
Dick paused and turned away from them, breathing heavily. Everyone was shocked at his sudden outburst, when the computer said “Authorization required.”
Dick glanced back and waved his hand lazily. “Authorization granted... whatever.”
“Recognized- Shadowchild, A12. Authorized by Robin- B01.”
Everyone’s vision shot up to where Jessica was about to appear, and took a fighting stance. Jessica came in smoking and muttering. “F*ck, f*ck, f*ck, f*ck! You have to help me!”
Dick kept his position. “Why?”
She eyed him. “Well, if not me, your sister. Because... dammit...”
Phoebe growled and went up to slap Jessica. “You idiot! Did you know?”
Jessica nodded sullenly.
Phoebe growled again. Becca watched her. “Know... what?”
Phoebe sighed and ran her fingers through her hair. “Fin’s prophecy... Jessica’s unlocked it before it’s time.”
Dick started choking, Danna fell, and Aisling just seemed confused. Kaylee started freaking out, with Fang, Mercy and everyone else frozen with misunderstanding.
Phoebe bit her lip and turned away.
Jessica looked up, tears spilling. “Fin’s going to kill us all. And then destroy the world. And she’s not going to be able to stop herself.”
And everyone just stared.
posted by InfinityYJ
I get bored...

To say Fin was bored was an understatement. She was in an out of her mind, ready to collapse, nothing to do mood. Even the promising concert coming up that night for the Neon Lights didn't lighten her up.
Thinking on the concert, she leaped out of bed and slid in front of her laptop. She pulled up Garageband and grinned at her newest remix. She had a little time... Glancing at the clock, she reached into her closet and pulled out a hard, plastic case.
Mercy was stumped. She'd thought about the concert as well, and was wondering what she'd do...
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posted by BeccaYJ
I was sitting in my room, strumming my guitar when there was a knock on my door. I groaned. Can't they all just leave me alone?! I'm in no mood to deal with them! I opened the door and found a surprise.
“Hi Bec. Listen, I have to do something to get this feeling out. Will you help me?”
“Of course.”
“Thanks. You can play acoustic right?”
“Yep. Prefer electric but I can deal for you.”
“Kay. Let's go.”
I followed Terror out the door and followed him towards the same room I had helped him and Blade get together. I really hoped that, this time, we wouldn't be disturbed....
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posted by InfinityYJ
((OOC)):You wanna know why Fin broke up with Nathan? Here's your answer.

Fin's P.O.V.

Walking down those dark, familiar hallways wasn't a pleasant feeling. But I'd do it. Every other week I'd come back to Slade's old warehouse for not only a momentary cure to my 'problem,' but to train harder. Brennan, Chelsea and Jessica could push me further than Canary ever would. So here I was, once again, and I hoped that it would be a while before anyone else knew.
Crossing by Jessica's room, I heard voices. I was shocked that she wasn't waiting for me. She loved to watch me with a smirk, knowing that I...
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posted by Obscurity98
"Harley!" kaldur hissed angrilly. "Harley where are you?" as if he expected an answer. Kaldur's silver eyes flickered across the water. And suddenly dove in. Wally wanted to call out to his friend not to get caught, but it was too late. Kaldur was under. He looked around just to see who else was freaking out. Turns out mostly everyone was. Tanner was over looking Alana and Ava, who were under water also swimming around looking for Harley. Superboy was underwater along with Miss M. Who held their breath for a long time. Robin was swimming aorund, Calling her name in a hoarse whisper. The only...
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posted by SilverWings13
Worth part VIII
Looming in the gap in the wall was a huge mutant similar looking to the one Superboy was fighting. They were no longer fighting though. Nobody was.
All of the red-robe-monks faced the gaping hole in the wall. A huge mutant much like the one Superboy had been fighting stood in the hole. From the tears in his prison uniform and layer of drywall on his clothes, hair, and skin, he had been the cause of the hole. He was glaring at Superboy.
Beside the mutant was a very tall, very ripped man. He wore black pants with a golden, snake head buckle and belt, red gloves covering the leingth...
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posted by NekoTheif
Amara preferred the winter. It was harder for prey to get away and harder for humans to get into her woods. Oh and the snow. She loved it so much. She could remember when her mother made snow angels and snow men in the snow. And then they would drink coco. And she remembers how the snow on her skin would never really melt but it turned her rosy and she loved watching it fall. And then her mother's blood was spilled across the snowy white plains.
She still loved winter.
For her mother and her powers. But she hated the town. She hated every soul in it and if she got the chance ,and maybe she...
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posted by Robin_Love
Name: Scott Southern
Powers: Flight, fire, extensive training in all forms of combat, mind control, claws.
History: Scott Southern is the mutant son of Warren Worthington and Candy Southern. His father is the crime-fighting X-Men known as ArchAngel. Scott was born with wings and, when he was four, was taught how to fly. Scott used his wings to fly beside his father in times of trouble, despite his parents' wishes. When he turned eight, another strange power developed; fire. Scott had no way to control this power and was sent to Xavier. But he was kidnapped on the way by Mr. Sinister....
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posted by SilverWings13
Worth part IV

"Drop point A has landed," Aqualad reported through his ear-com.
"Copy," M'gaan said back,"advancing to drop point B." The clip lines retracted and I new without seeing it that the bioship was gone. I searched the blue sky through the leaves of the canopy, catching a glimpse of black swooping toward the west. I looked around myself to see the others already heading into the thick trees. I jogged to catch up.

Our troop was mostly silent as we tramped through the undergrowth. I trotted up to Aqualad, avoiding Artemis's glare.
"So," I said,"what's the plan?" He looked down at me (he's...
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posted by Robin_Love
Name: Rylan Touya
Alias: Spade
Occupation: Hero
Powers: Agility, acrobatics, ability to manipulate, trained in hand to hand-to-hand combat, flight, trained with a pair of Sais, jinx factor
History: Rylan Touya was born and raised in Japan. Both her parents were of German background, but Rylan's mom married a Japanese man after her husband died; Rylan was three. Rylan's new father was a scientist experimenting with all kinds formulas. When Rylan was five, she discovered her new father was trading and making deals with the villainous Poison Ivy. Rylan tried warning her mother, but was ignored. Three...
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posted by Robin_Love
“Robin! Robinrobinrobinrobinrobinrobin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
The masked hero ran into the training room where Wally was screaming his name from. The speedster was running around the room at a crazy speed. Becca stood in the center, trying to hit Wally with her magic. Robin flipped out of Wally's path and went up to Becca. He grabbed her hands and she turned her glare to him. Wally stopped running, but stayed a good distance from Becca.
“What's going on?” Robin asked.
“Your girlfriend is trying to kill me!!!!” Wally screamed.
“He stole my chocolate!” Becca yelled back.
Robin looked...
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posted by YJTTFAN
“When we take revenge against another, we lose some of our innocence”, that’s what they tell me. So I guess I lost all of my innocence. Oh well, I lost it early, might as well have gotten rid of it. See people throw random quotes everywhere, a lot of them don’t seem to apply to me.
“When you get knocked down, pick yourself up and brush yourself off,” I pull the legs of the person who pushed me, bringing them down too.
“It takes 42 muscles to frown, 17 to smile, and 4 to punch the person,” And it only takes 4 more to snap their necks.
Catch my drift? Good.
My name is Agony
And this is my story.
posted by InfinityYJ
Just a little song fic. Song is Awake and Alive by Skillet. Uh, yeah... so enjoy... and stuff. Most of this is based off of like, recent wall events, Delta/Toxic/Shawdowa and all that.

I'm at war with the world and they're
Trying to pull me into the dark

Fin screamed. All her focus was here, now. She couldn't leave the fight, she wouldn't leave Delta there to die. She had to stay, had to fight back, but it was all just sheer pain. She felt like she could be the greek titan Atlas, the sky and world, her world, rested entirely in her hands at this moment, and she couldn't handle it. The lights...
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posted by NekoTheif
8 days. That's how long since I got home from the hospital. Fighting for my life wasn't new. But it just reminded me of how I was. Who I was. Or so I thought. Shirley was evil. But she was smart. And that made it worse. She knew that I would go into shock that I would be lost in my own head when Gordon came to question me. And now she was walking through the day light. With only the care of what shoes she was going to wear.

And while she walked around happy with her handy work I struggled with my own mind. It was different. Kat was now by her side instead of mine jabbing me with intense pain...
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posted by TOTALIzzyluver
I'm writing a new fanficion. I haven't exactly titled it. (i typed it on my ipod and on there i titled it eeeeee and i don't think it exactly....fits)
So there will be 4 new OCs and i know you're all probably sick of all thee insane-o ocs on this spot but you people annoy me with your's so i'll annoy you with mine...ahhaaa im totally kidding some of your ocs fasinate me

So basically these 4 characters have their own little hero team jig going down

Hero Name: Razor
Secret I.D: Lola Valten
Gender: Female
Powers/Abilities: Weaponary and combat expert.
Basically, Lola was born...
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posted by EclipseYJ
Eclipses POV

I knew it, I knew it would happen but why like this? I knew they would find me but to go that far just to get me back, back to being what I was…Man-Made, back to having someone’s signature carved into my body forever. I told them I was natural, 100% mutant. But I lied about every word about my past and I lied to such good people now worse has come to worst, my friends are dead or so I thought and the biggest secret I could ever hold burst out like some one who had jus pulled the trigger on a gun then they had to sit and watch as the man who made me finished his greatest master piece...Me! But of corse, one of my souls biggest wish came true, Alice became me and I became Alice but after all that Eclipse, I had to pay the price which could only be paid……in blood but in the end no one wins.
In The End...
In The End...
I apologize for posting so few and far between. I will try to get more out faster than I have been. Feedback is appreciated! Thank you!

This is quite a cliff-hanger if I do say so myself. I am working on Chapter Four now!

Chapter Three-

Wreckage of the Titanic, Atlantic Ocean
22:34 EST, June 3

The tank hit the hulk and exploded. The dinosaur man was tossed, alongside me, into the abyss.

I heard several people screaming my name. I tapped the holoscreens on my wrist and the Team quieted down. I walked over to WhiteStar and upholstered my gun, pointing it at his head.

"You destroyed me, now I'm going...
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posted by NekoTheif
Shirley and Zack and Panda Hero belong to BelovedRobin. I keep forgetting to mention this

It was well past midnight when I fell asleep. I had my head on Danny's chest. My tears leaking onto his cold chest. The bloody knives laying no more than 3 feet away.

So I slept on the ground. With a dead boy under my head.

When I woke up Danny wasn't there. I was truly alone now. Sighing I wiped the blood off the knives and set out again. I didn't bother hiding. I just walked and dragged my feet. Didn't care enough to do much else. Danny was dead. All because of me.

I kept moving despite my bodies rejection...
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Episode Twenty: Coldhearted


Episode Twenty-One: Image


Episode Twenty-Two: Agendas

Part One: link

Part Two: link

Part Three: link

Part 4: link

Episode Twenty-Three: Insecurity

Part 1: link

Part 2: link

Part 3: link

Part 4: link

Part 5: link
posted by Robin_Love
Name: Zeth Parker
Hero Name: Loki
Occupation: Minor, sorcerer, vigilante
Base: other dimension; currently Earth
Powers: Magic, elements, hand-to-hand combat, staff
History: Zeth was raised in the streets as an orphan. He was taken in by a kindly gentleman. Zeth soon discovered that his new guardian was a warlock. Zeth had potential in the magic arts and was trained to control his ability. When he turned six, Zeth was a talented warlock and was able to control the elements. It was then that his guardian came to the conclusion that Zeth was a demigod and the son of Zeus, father of the gods. After...
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posted by Titaness

White Star Lines, Southampton, England
06:47 BST, December 15, 1911

“Hey Jim!” I called out.

“Good Morning Miss Orname!” the worker called back.

I grinned widely and continued my walk through the construction yard. Up ahead was the crown jewel White Star Lines had been working on: the Titanic. Unsinkable, the largest ship ever, and it was going to bring a lot of money to my dad and he could retire and move back to Scotland.

My name is Tiana Orname and this is one heck of a story of my life.