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posted by NekoTheif
Tundra raced through the mountains forest with the grace that no mere human could run. The wind blew through the long strands of hair that was as white as the snow that had come the earlier months. The snow haired girl was a legend of the woods. A warning to travelers and hunters alike. She was something of a myth. She could disappear and appear with out you known. Only did those who were not a target and did spot her saw the girl laughing.

Laughing in the winter's blizzard were the howling wind covered her joy. No one could track her and no one could quit prove she was real. They called her the maiden of the forest or the snow angel. She was nothing of that sorts. Real nor myth. There but not. Watching but not seen. All she left was people with stories that would not be believed and the crimson red liquid of her victims. Victims who's bodies were torn to shreds.

The maiden of the woods was never seen and never heard and the lone cry of the wolf irked people and sent shiver down their spines. The maiden was unreal a myth. And never did she let a victim who she attacked live. Never had she had a challenge.

The boy was a nut case. Easily crazy. And yet he was a player. And oh did he play his cards right. King of Charms. King of all games played. He was a proud but deeply damaged soul. Abel and Cain the two sisters were the only people who could see the damage. And then he left. Walking on his own journey. Killing evil and playing games. It was who he was. The kings of charms.

On the streets. To a war. Where you fight to your death. It's kill or be killed. And so he gladly used this in the new life. Kill your enemies before they kill you. He was powerful. And with power comes great responsibility. A responsibility he had no intention of keeping. Have fun and kill your enemies that was the life. Oh the wonderful blissful life. He had no care in the world. He could woo anyone and kill and do whatever he pleased. And no one ever challenged him.
No one still alive anyway
Tundra crept up close to the deer heard. The snow was laying down and the deer were starting to move out. She needed a meal. She was starving. But winter was her element she could just feel the wind mixed with snow and be happy. Crouching low she pinned her ears back as she searched for the weakest link. And she spotted it. A fat old and injured deer. She came up slowly and froze when a small deer looked up. The stared off for a few minutes before it ran.

The others ran to. And so she chased bounding over the snow easily as any wolf could while the deer bounced up and above the snow drifts trying to gain the advantage. She clamped her teeth down onto the target's hamstring. It fell and thrashed circling twice she clamped down on it's throat. It gave a chocked rough cry for help before she shook it and cut off the air. Her tail wagged at her kill. Circling against she dug her muzzle into the flesh of the stomach. Blood oozed from the deer still warm. She tore at the flesh he coat as white as the snow around her became red around the muzzle and paws.

The snow piled on as she ate stuffing her self. Picking the rib dry she chewed on the bone smaller birds flocked around pecking at the un touched meat. She watched the birds with little interest letting them fill them selves for the winter. A fox stopped by and she snarled at it warning that if it tried to take to much it would be dessert. It stared at her before tearing a chunk out and scampering away to eat before returning. She let it. After all she could see it would have kits early this year.

She got up abandoning the kill and headed to a small stream. Lowering her muzzle she licked up water. Then she froze. A boy maybe a year or so older than her was trekking through the deep snow. She growled and raised her muzzle to howl. The boy collapsed. She narrowed her eyes and jumped the stream before trotting over. She sniffed him and nudged his face. A coyote stopped waiting. "scram!" she barked. It scampered along it's merry way. Nudging the boy she rolled him over. His fingers were stiff and his lips were blue and he was dressed in a somewhat winter clothing but nothing to survive out here. Sighing she crawled under him wrapping him in the warmth she could provide.

When the boy started to rouse he found him self surrounded by fur that smelled of forest and wet dog. Sitting up he shivered. It was still and no more snow seemed to fall anymore. Nothing moved. Turning around he found the source of heat was a wolf. It's head laying on it's paws and the slight residue of blood on the muzzle. It was a bit larger than a regular wolf. It's coat as white as the snow. He got up snapping a twig under him it's ears flicked forward and noise twitched. He froze as the ice blue eyes opened. It stared at him pushing it's self into the standing position it's ears flicking back and forth and it's tail unmoving. "Um thanks" he smiled. A bit of wag. "So where am I?" he asked it. It looked from side to side.

"DO you know where shelter is?" he asked. It started walking. "Useless" he mumbled. it growled. He turned back around to see it looking behind it's self to check if he was fallowing. After a while they reached a cavern. A pool of water big enough for 1 or 2 people to bathe in wide sat in the corner fed by a underground cavern. He sighed as the shelter provided a bit of warmth. And then he frowned. A bunch of ripped clothing sat in the corner discarded. He walked over. It was ripped and bloodied a bit.

He looked at the wolf who stared at him. "Your smarter than you look you stupid wolf" he shook his head. The wolf snorted at him circling the perimeter. "What ever" he shrugged before falling asleep on the dirt floor.

He awoke covered in sweat from a nightmare. "your strange. You shout none existent words in your sleep" a light feminine voice chided. He looked up. "Gah!" he jumped away. The girl was 14 at least with longer white hair that covered most of her body. She stood her full height 5'3 and 1/2. He looked at her face light blue eyes and unmarred face. "Where is the wolf?" he looked around. She didn't answered. Her hair sweeping around her. he looked down. "Your.....those are.....why are you?" he sputtered out. "The cloths were damaged. I spend much time in my other form so I never bothered to fix them and" she stopped. "other form?" he blinked. "Of course bathing as a wolf is not easy" she shook her head.

"Why are you naked?" he blinked. "I told you the cloths were damaged and- STOP being a pervert!" she hugged her arms to her breasts. "Well your the one who is naked!" he pointed. "then don't look!" she shrieked. The boy felt the breeze brush his back. He looked down. his chest was bandaged slightly. "You know you should wake me so I can enjoy it" he smirked. She through his shirt. "Don't be so idiotic as if I would sleep with a man" she snorted. "So you sleep with women?" he let him self grin his eyes shinning behind the lenses of his glasses. "Idiot. I would sleep with no one I have pride and besides humans are dumb and easy to trick, you are a prime example I merely bandaged your chest for you were injured" she puffed.

"Uh huh sure" he shrugged on his shirt. "Don't mock me!" she snarled. She turned and slowly stepped into the clear pool till she was up to her next. "Go entertain your self while I bathe" she waved him off. "I like the show right where I am" he smirked. She turned her face red from embarrassment or anger the world will never know.

"tell me your name" she ordered. "Charmante Roi" he spoke it fluently. "why were you in my woods" she asked. "Hiking I go were I please" he shrugged. "not here this is my turf" she folded her hands under her chin. "Oh really then what is your name?" he asked. "Depends on what you believe some say maiden of the forest others say myth or legend. But it is Tundra if you must know" she smirked. "Well Tundra I can do as I please for I have the gun" he smirked reaching into his pocket. The frowned. "You mean this thingy?" she smirked holding the pistol in the air.

"How did you?" he stared wide eyed his eye brows arcing above his tinted glasses. "You were unconscious for 3 hours do you relay think I didn't go through and disarm you?" she smirked. "You bitch" he hissed. "I've heard worse" she answered. "uh huh sure now give me back my guns and knives and whatever you took. I'm going to get something over you and take you back to town." he pushed him self up. "No! You can't make me go back!" she screamed pushing her self until she was all the way under water.

He rolled his eyes reaching under and yanking her up. "And why is that?" he laughed. She lowered her head. "I....don't have to tell you" she whispered pushing her self out of the water. "Go back to town Charmante Roi get your supplies and get out" she shook her head and shifted into the white wolf and trotted off. She walked to the dense forest and watched the boy leave. Tracking him from behind she made sure he left. "good riddance" she huffed. Turning she trotted back into the woods.

Charm sighed as he stood at the edges of the forest. It was spring here and the forest was alive. Sighing he trudged in trying not to make to much noise. Stupid wolf. It had haunted his dreams and nightmares. And the only way he was going to end this was with plan A & B. Plan A find out why she haunts his every thought. Why that silver she-wolf lurked in the corners of his mind. Or Plan B. Simple and plain- kill her. Honestly Plan B was going to become Plan A soon.

He stomped how could he not track her. He just couldn't.argh! And then he almost jumped. Almost because he is Charmante Roi and he does NOT jump. The white wolf was on a rock ledge staring down at him. what is he doing here her ears flicked a little. And then he saw her form morph. Standing there was a girl with silver hair and blue eyes this time in cloths. A blue dress with a short jacket over it and black stockings on her feet. "If I knew any better I'd say you were trying to find me" she laughed. Something was off. He could tell.

"And how did you come to that conclusion?" he grinned but his grip on the gun tightened. "I know a hunter when I see one" she didn't smile she frowned her eyes hard. "Well you are a wolf" he stalled. "What are you doing here? I told you to leave" she growled. "I just-" he was cut off. "Your here to shoot me aren't you" she sighed. "Not exactly Plan A" he shrugged. "The woods aren't safe for people ask the towns people they'll tell you all about it" she narrowed her eyes. And then he saw it. her hands were stained crimson and the liquid was drippin from her fingers. "You killed someone" he breathed. "yes no hunters allowed and no stupid tourists or hiker" she growled. "You stay on the trail and I might leave you alone but you step into the woods and your game just like that hiker" she tossed the helmet to the ground. It rolled bounced and stopped at his feet.

"Someone does not like sharing" he laughed. She hopped down the steep incline. "Your point being?" she huffed. "I don't like sharing either" he looked into those eyes. Something was drawing him to her. "We aren't sharing anything" she stated. "No we are not but I don't want to share you" he raised his hand and touched her cheek lightly as if she would wilt away right in front of him. "Charmante Roi" Tundra let the name roll of her tongue. "Tundra" he said and then broke into a grin.

And then any pretense of tolerance melted. "WHY ARE YOU EVEN HERE!" she shrieked. Charm raised an eye brow at her. "I came for you" he answered. She faltered. no! no no no no no no! This is not happening! I hate this guy. Hate. Tolerate. Love? NO! she squeezed her eyes shut. "I won't hurt you" and suddenly he was right there. His arms around her hips making her skin burn with desire for him to never let go. She swallowed and tried to control her heart.

"Just this once...I'll let you win" she whispered as his lips brushed hers. And then he pressed his lips against hers. She ran her fingers through the black strands. "once you let me win I never go away" charm whispered. "Mmmm I think I could live with that" she grinned wiggling away from his grip. She held his hand as they padded through the forest at least out loud I won't say I'm in love. A week later Charm secured a old cabin for them where the would hide away in the woods. And the rest is history.
at least out loud I won't say I'm in love
at least out loud I won't say I'm in love
posted by robinfanforever
Unkind Fate

Robin woke up and held his chest where he got hit as he sat up. He looked around and saw Wally nowhere in sight, Kaldur being hit by some kind of beam, M'gann talking with Billy, and Zatanna holding the helmet of fate.

He stood up, ignoring the pain, and ran over to Zatanna.

"Zee, wait!" he yelled, stopping her from putting the helmet on.

Zatanna looked over and saw him coming. When he finally made it to her, he pushed her arm down a little to make sure she didn't put the helmet on. "Robin, we need him to win this battle."

"Maybe, but whoever puts the helmet on has a chance of never...
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It was a beautiful Saturday afternoon. The sun sparkled gently on the cool Rhode Island waters, and a few wisps of clouds hung in the sky, drifting softly on the breeze. We were about a mile out from the Happy Harbor shore, the imposing, rocky figure of Mount Justice looming out over the water. A few waves drifted in, sweeping us up before passing through and breaking at the shore. A couple of the boys had a beach ball, and were tossing it back and forth.

At that moment, there was a vast explosion from under me, and I was, without warning, launched high into the air, propelled by a stream of...
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posted by Robin_Love
“So how far away are you guys from Happy Harbor?” Willow asked Billy.
“Eh. We're located in Keystone City.”
“Ah. I was wondering where you guys went.”
“Aww! You missed me!”
“Of course! Who else would give me free rides through solid objects?”
Billy sighed, mock pain on his face.
“I knew it was too good. I'm only wanted for my speed. Tsk tsk tsk.”
Willow laughed and Billy smiled at the lovely sound.
“You'd think she would have woken,” he commented.
Somewhere along the way, Becca had fallen asleep. Her head was still in Willow's lap, but her eyes were closed and her breathing...
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posted by XxKFforeverXx
Zeus sat in his chair across from Volt and Fang. 
"It looks like he's holding her in Hades." 
"Do you think you cou-" Zeus stopped Volt in mid-sentence. 
"That is a journey you must take. If I did release her, she would not be able to return to the mortal world." 
"Can you help in any way?" 
"There are three pearls in the United States. Hermes will help you from here." Zeus pointed towards Hermes standing next to a table. 
"Alright. You'll probably need this." He handed Volt a map. 
"This will give you the locations of all the pearls, then the entrance to Hades. You might need this too." He...
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posted by XxKFforeverXx
"You think the God Zeus can help you find Nudge?" Batman spoke to Fang through comlink. Fang heard Wally's laughter in the background.
"Zeus is Volts uncle. He keeps a close on Darien. Which has my sister captive." 
"Okay, we'll keep in touch. Batman out."
"Alright Volt open the portal." Volt nodded and closed her eyes. A door appeared and Hermes came zooming out of it slamming into Volt.
"Hermes?" Volt looked at him. 
"Message from Zeus." he pulled out a scroll. Volt pushed the scroll away.
"No, I need to speak with him now Hermes. Where is he?" 
"Go through the door and go west. You'll recognize...
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posted by NekoTheif
OK so I finally finished my story for Young Justice! it's called Birds Of A Feather and if you haven't seen my article for it already before I wrote it check out my page and it will be under favorites so everyone can find it!
I believe I wrote this story in one night and half a day and it is long and well written (in my opinion) please check it out! It is on my quizilla account LunariAssain 1 but here is the link to the story!


Thank you and have a nice day!
posted by XxKFforeverXx
Fang was getting off the floor when Volt came running in the blown up entrance.
"Fang? What happened?" Volt looked around.
"Cave was under attack" He coughed.
"Who was it?!?" Volt looked at Fang with worry in her eyes.
"Blaze, Peyton, Violet and....." 
"Fang! Who was it?" Volt shook her friend.
"Darien. Your brother. They took Nudge, I have no idea where though." He dusted his jeans off. There was a red mark around his wrist and a bruise on the side of it.
"What's wrong with your wrist?" Volt grabbed his wrist. He instantly jerked it back with pain written across his face.
"Darien probably broke it...
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posted by Robin_Love
Roy narrowed his eyes at her and Becca stared at him calmly. He smiled and turned to Artemis.
“She's definatly a keeper. Don't let this one go.”
“I won't!” Artemis exclaimed proudly.
“Okay smarty,” Wally stated. “If you can pin point people so well, do him.”
Wally pointed to a black haired boy smaller than the last.
“Easy. Gymnast. Star of the team, mathlete as well. Excels at just about everything. Hides behind a mask of kindness to keep people at arm's length though he never use to. His father is a rich man and his son gets whatever he wants. But it isn't enough and he has to...
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posted by Robin_Love
“Shade, you have some explaining to do,” Batman said.
Becca stood with New Justice and Young Justice in front of Batman.
“Yes sir. I guess I should start by apologizing. Not just for the recent...problem, but also for lying. The first time I got here, I was still working for Talia Al Ghul. I should have told you sooner, but I never thought this would happen. I was sent to collect DNA from Young Justice. Since I was an old friend of Robin's, Talia expected me to do it. I did what I was told. I stole DNA. But I also did much worse. I cloned Young Justice and turned them into New Justice....
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posted by Robin_Love
They stood around calmly, waiting for the others.
“So Tach's going to be our leader?” Speed asked.
“Yeah. It's time you got on your feet and time I go back to my other friends.”
“You're worried, Shade.”
“I know. But I have reason to be.”
“Care to share?”
“Not really.”
“How much longer?” Talon asked.
“Not long now. I say...five minutes at most.”
“Shade, will you visit us?” Echo asked.
“Of course. I just...can't work with teams anymore. I'm better off on my own.”
“Ever since Talia, huh?”
Speed looked down at the burglars they had snagged...
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posted by Robin_Love
“I don't know why you're complaining,” Willow said.
“You don't know WHY?! Them let me tell you! My girlfriend decided to FLIRT! With someone other than me! You may as well have kissed him!”
“I only kissed Billy once!” Willow defended. “But that was when we broke up!”
“So you like him?!” Wally shouted.
“No! What-that's completely irrelevant to the subject!”
“Then tell me WHY you flirted with IF you didn't like him!”
“Don't yell at me,” Willow whispered.
She looked away from Wally's gaze, feeling scared and hurt. She hadn't yelled at Wally, just raised her voice a small...
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posted by Robin_Love
“What do you think?” Becca asked, showing off her new hair style.
“Whoa! Becca you!”
Becca smiled.
“Thanks Billy! Would you notice me on a first glance?”
Becca put her hands on her hips, a huge smile plastered on her face. She looked at their faces, happy they approved of her style. She had taken the red out of her hair, and had given herself more side bangs. She had also layered it, wanting more flow than anything else. She shook her head playfully before going to sit on the floor at Beck's feet. She leaned against him and he teasingly moved his legs...
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posted by Mclovin_69
Dark velvet shot a beam at Lucas and he got wrapped up with a dark bowa constricor, Lucas gasped as it squeezed him, Artemis shot a arrow at the snake making it disappear like ash, Lucas got up and threw a peice of metal he found on the ground using his night vision, Dark Velvet used her cloak again to reflect the damage off her, " almost done Velvet.." Andrew said, " wonderful baby... continue" Dark velvet said, Artemis shot two arrows at Dark Velvet but they were reflected back at her, she screamed and flew back into Lucas, knocking them both to the ground. " Minions attack!" Dark Velvet...
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posted by Robin_Love
“Where should we look next?” Robin asked.
“Let's go back to Billy's,” Erin suggested. “I think Wally and I should take a quick look around the outside, see if there are any other lights on and such. Megan could check the inside.”
“Alright. Let's go. I'm starting to think our hunt is a wild goose chase.”

“How is this going to help?” Billy asked.
“Trust me! It'll help.”
“Hanging upside-down will help?! What are we? Bats?”
“No. But the more you talk, the less human you might become.”
Becca smiled when no one else spoke and went over to Melody. She grabbed one of the files...
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posted by Mclovin_69
The bio ship flew through the air and everyone sat looking outside trying to spot Dark Velvets ship, " is Batman sure she started an attack here " Willow asked, " yeah when has Batman ever been unsure of anything " Becca said. Lucas gasped as he saw a cloaking device shut off then turn on again, " over there i see it!" Lucas said pointing, the ship started to fly away, " quick Meagan full speed!" Andrew yelled, Meagan flew the ship stragith after it but the clouds began to block any sight of it, " dumb clouds!" Lucas muttered. Everyone gasped as suddenly everything went black, they heard someone...
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"Umm who?" Willow asked looked at her sisters cut on her arm. "Agent Zero is a weapon made by a man working for the canadian goverment, but why is he here?". "And what does he want with us I don't even know the guy" Becca added
"I don't think its you they are after"
"then who"
Eclipse made her hands into a fist and looked down
"Phoebe are they after you?"
"Might be but we have to stop him now"
" I know what to do"

The bike swerved around the corner and stopped at the end of the ally. Cyrus, Shade and Eclipse
jumped down infount of its head lights,...
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posted by Mclovin_69
Andrew sat at his computer searching up some stuff in his room full of his gadgets and inventions, Lucas and Wally creeped inside sneaking past him, they hid behind a giant machine and Wally put a sandwich on this machine and it grew bigger, Lucas and Wally split in in half and were about to take a bite until Andrew coughed, Wally and Lucas turned around as Andrew stood behind them with his arms crossed, Wally and Lucas gave him a sheepish smile. " My sizmic generator is not for making bigger meals.. " Andrew said, " oh umm sorry.... " Lucas said rubbing the back of his neck and smiling sheepishly...
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posted by InfinityYJ
1. Again, no hacking the parental controlled sites.

2. No more Starbucks. Or energy drinks, Fin.

3. Knock before going in Fin's room.

4. Fin doesn't appreciate it when you say she looks like a female version of her brother.

5. Fin will not sing victory songs.

6. Nor will she do karaoke. (Megan)

7. Or a love ballad request. (Wally)

8. If you touch Fin's iPod while she's away, be warned- you will suffer.

9. There is no cussing. Ever.

10. Just because there's a somewhat empty jar of Nutella in the cupboard does not mean you have the right to 'clean' it with a spoon. (Fin...)

11. There is no such thing...
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posted by Mclovin_69
( In Gotham)

Willow walked around then stopped putting her hands at her hips, " i see now sign of her " Willow said, Becca came up next to her looking aruond as well. " Well maybe she-" Robin said but didnt get to finsih when the clouds in the sky turned dark grey making the city dark, a ship appeared and all Dark Velvets minions jumped out, " agh i cant see anything!" Lucas yelled. " Neither can i!" Becca yelled, Willow screamed as she was thrown back by a minion, she grew anygry and her eyes glowed light blue and she threw a light blue beam at five minions knocking them over, Wally put down...
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posted by XxKFforeverXx
"Recongized Nudge B-09" Fang lept up from where he was sitting.
"Where were you? You didn't even explain tell me where you were going!"
"Fang, I can exp-" he didn't let me finish.
"Next time you take off tell me where your going!" I was starting to get tired of his mouth, so I unfolded my wings. His eyes widened,
"How did?" I just shrugged.
"It had to be someone who knew the place well." I looked at Blaze as she backed up into Batman
"Well know that we're all here, I have a mission. Deathstroke is in Knoxville Teneessee. He's somewhere is an old storage building. Fang, you and Nudge take the skies....
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