Young Justice Club
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The team groggily wakes up in a pitch black room, all with a bitter taste some recognise as a sleeper drug.
"Hey, where are we?" A voice calls out
"Rob, is that you?" KF voice rings out as cold winds slap the team around.
"KF THATS MY FOOT!!" Artemis yells. Then someone gave a very girlish squeal.
"What was that?!" Connor said
"Delta?" Robin called out
"He thinks I'm Delta..." the voice giggled
"Calm down," Another said
"Becca?" Robin said now utterly confused. Room fell silent and the wind was the only sound that could be heard.
"This is soo cool!!" The other voice said "He thinks I'm Becca!"
"Oh my god, you two are such dorks!" A familiar person said.
"Ok I’m positive that's Delta," Robin muttered
"Just let them out!" Delta said
"Oh fine.....only because Mclovin, will have a fit if there is too much Spitfire...."
"She would!" the other giggled as a lock clicked open. Light flooded the room as the truck's door swung open. Revealing three people, a pissed Delta, a girl with black hair and brown eyes and another girl with brown hair and blue-green-gray eyes. The team shielded their eyes to see that they were in a warehouse along with other semi trucks, some looked more heavily armored than others.
"Delta, who are these people?" Aqualad asked confused
"They ......are my creators? Well she is at least," Delta said pointing to the brown eyed girl.
"THEY WORK FOR CADMUS?!" Superboy yelled "THE OLD CADMUS?!" he looked ready to kill the girl.
"NO!" Delta said now alarmed "Ummm this is a long story but.....I'm not exactly" She made finger quotes "Real,"
"What does that mean?" Artemis said still irritated because no one was telling her what the heck 'Spitfire' meant
Delta took a big breath of air "You see you guys are a Tv show and these are two crazy fangirls who really like the show so they make up fanfictions and then they put them up on the internet for people to see" Delta gasped for breath, avoiding the gaze of a bunch of stunned team mates. The team stared at each other, Robin was the first to speak up.
"Crazy fangirls?" He had enough fans back home, and 'crazy' comes to a whole new level with fandoms...
"Ummm yeah..." Delta rubbed the back of her neck "If by crazy you mean 'crazy-enough-to-fight-over-a-made-up-boy'....then yes"
"Hey! That's all Robin_Love not me!" The brown eyed girl huffed. The blue eyed girl blushed.
"Wait....what was her name?" Robin said blushing too. The brown eyed girl giggled.
"Robin_Love," She said slowly as if he was stupid.
"I have no shame!" Robin_Love said standing up straighter. Delta looked annoyed at the brown eyed girl.
" you should talk...YJ TT Fan!" She sneered
"No shame!" YJTTFAN said in a sing-song voice.
"Whatever," Delta said rolling her eyes, YJTTFAN glared
"I WILL make you look stupid in your next fanfic!" She threatened, Delta paled. YJTTFAN grinned and looked at the now even more confused team. Robin_Love sighed
"Here is all you need to know, we are fans" She pointed to herself "You are Young Justice, a TV show" She pointed to them "Controlled by the fans" She pointed to YJTTFAN "And we made up your friends" She pointed to Delta and YJTTFAN, who pulled out a tablet that was on the internet "And we can change all of it!" YJTTFAN showed them the screen that showed two websites one that said "FANPOP" the other said "Cartoon Network; Contact Us!" The team now looked more scared then confused now. If they were on TV, and if they were the fans, who can control how popular the show is....yup they're screwed.
"What do you want us to do?" Robin asked hanging his head afraid of the answer. The two girls grinned.
"Sing, birdy, sing," They said in unison and slammed the truck doors shut.
Man, that was fun!! So here Robin_Love and I will get songs and will have *cough* force *cough* The team or other OC's sing them! I am putting ALL OC IN HERE AAAALLLLL so keep that in mind!
Delta: Why are we doing this?
YJTTFAN: Cuz it's FUN!!
Delta: So you kidnap the strongest creatures in the world and have them sing ........I promise I'll read at your funeral.

[b] PS Sorry the title makes no sense I just wanted it to sound cool!!
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