Young Justice Club
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posted by 66Dragons
Chapter 4-

"Artemis, Wally. Scout ahead." Robin whispered.

"You are joking, right?" Wally asked.

"Of course, you two would blow the mission over the color of the sky." Robin said. "Babs, you and Artemis take point. Wally and I will provide cover."

"Got it." Batgirl said. "Lets go Artemis."

The two females dashed from behind cover to a truck on the other side of the parking lot.

After a moment, Batgirl motioned that the area was clear. Robin and Wally dashed out and headed for the two girls.

Wally tripped halfway across and knocked over an empty barrel. It clanged to the ground and Robin froze. Suddenly, purple alarm lights started flashing and Joker's maniacal laugh sounded over the speakers.

"Intruders!" Joker's voice yelled. "Get them!"

Paintball guns popped up and began shooting. Wally would have mistaken them, but wherever the paintballs hit, the ground exploded.

"Yikes!" Wally exclaimed, dodging paintballs at superspeed and joining the two birds and the archer behind the van.

"Fastest boy alive and you still trip over your own feet!" Artemis said. "Then again, they are clown feet."

"They are not!" Wally said. A paintball hit an oil barrel in front of them and Wally jumped in front of Artemis.

"You two can make up when we get done with this." Robin said. He and Batgirl pulled out batarangs/birdarangs and charged the turrets.

Wally and Artemis stuck their heads out from behind the safety of the van to watch in awe as the two worked in perfect unison, as if they had been doing it forever.

Robin took out the turrets Batgirl missed while she expertly dodged paintballs.

In no time, the two had taken out all the turrets.

They were grinning in triumph, but a turret rose up behind them.

"Look out!" Artemis yelled, shooting the turret with an exploding arrow.

Batgirl turned around quickly, batarangs out. There was no need however, Artemis had gotten the final turret.

"Lets get this clown." Artemis said, pulling an awe-struck Wally out from behind the van. He walked up to Batgirl.

"That was extremely hot." he said.

Artemis smacked him in the back of the head.


"No sign of the Joker." Batgirl said.

"Doesn't mean he isn't here." Robin replied.

Artemis and Wally sat off to the side while the two birds argued about whether to go in guns a blazing or sneak through the base.

They settled on guns a blazing.

Artemis worked in perfect unison with Batgirl and Robin, hitting any target from long range; it left Wally feeling left out, only able to hit people and turrets at super-speed.

Joker was evidentially having a blast. His voice could be heard over the speakers saying whether the four teens were getting warmer to his location or not.

Eventually, Joker shut up as the four entered what looked like a throne room for mad man clown criminals.

Suddenly the doors closed and locked themselves. A yellow gas began hissing out of the vents around them.

"Joker Venom spores!" Robin exclaimed. "Don't breathe!"

"How are we supposed to do that?!" Wally exclaimed.

Joker's face appeared the screen. "It won't kill you! Just make you have a good long laugh!"

"Laughing gas?" Wally asked.

"Modified to kill you." Robin said, slipping on a re-breather and handing one to Batgirl. Artemis pulled one out of her utility belt and handed a second one to Wally.

"KF! Can you vibrate through walls yet?" Robin asked.

"No, still a bloody nose!" Wally replied.

Artemis looked like she was trying not to laugh.

"Its not funny!" Wally exclaimed.

But Artemis didn't stop or reply. She kept laughing and laughing, and Wally noticed her grin developing into an infamous Joker grin.

"Robin!" he yelled, gesturing at Artemis.

Before any of them could do anything, a voice rang loud and clear.

"Nunc et Disiperre!"

The gas slowly dissolved and Artemis collapsed to the ground, clutching her throat, the grin gone.

"Party Pooper. No cake for you." Joker said, and his face disappeared.

A familiar female walked over to Robin.

"So," Zatanna Zatarra asked. "Who's your girlfriend?"
posted by Skittles98
Hey guys, it's me, Skittles98 as you can probably see. Now, I'm going to be interviewing the most clever person I can think of and testing them with riddles.
Me: Robin, have a seat
R: Thanks
Me: I have some riddles for you. If you answer them all correct, you will get a prize
R: Let's go
Me: What runs but never walks, has a mouth but never talks, has bed but never sleeps, has a head but never sleeps?
R: Not KF, that's for sure...hmmm...could be it! A river!
Me: Yes. Next riddle. You are on a horse, galloping at a constant speed. On your right is a sharp drop off, and on your left...
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posted by Robin_Love
Batman had no idea what had gone wrong. Communications were down. Cameras were offline. Systems had shut down. And when he had gotten to the base, all he saw was a mess. A battle had taken place. A bloody one by the looks of it. And the bullets were still warm. It hadn't happened that long ago. Water dripped from the ceiling and a broken light flickered. Batman went to the computer, checking the systems. Something had been tampered with. Or someone had hacked into it. But there was nothing he could do now. The battle was over. They had lost. Young Justice was missing.

Becca ran into the mountain...
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posted by Robin_Love
Klarion walked into towards one of the cells. He could hear movement in the other “rooms” but ignored them. He turned down several corridors and halted in front of a single cell. Three inch doors of pure steel guarded the occupant. He touched the door, smoothing his fingers over.
“Cell 1398. Hmm. Just who I was looking for.”
Klarion moved to the lock, pressing in a number of sequences. The doors slid open with a hiss and Klarion walked into the room. His cat followed behind him, entering the dimly lit room with caution. The Witch boy walked up to a tank filled with purple liquid. A girl...
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posted by KatRox1
I rubbed my eyes and lazily slapped my hand down on the beeping alarm clock until it finally quieted down. It was 5 a.m., the normal time that I woke up every morning. Everyone else was still asleep, except Roy, like always. I quickly got dressed, slipped on my utility belt, and put my brown hair into a messy ponytail. Slowly I walked into the lounge, and sure enough Roy was there, typing away on the computer. “What time did you wake up?” I asked quietly. “I never went to bed.” He plainly responded with his eyes still fixed on the computer. “Still no leads on your girlfriend?” I...
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posted by Mclovin_69
" Becca down down from there!" Robin yelled begging to laugh as the girl sat on the top on a tree sitting on a thick branch. After the kiss they began to spill out more about their shaded pasts and told eachother their names but just to be safe she still called him Robin. " No! youll have to come and get me yourself" She giggled, Robin smirked " but you can teleport!" " so it will make it harder to catch me if you really love me you would try your hardest" Becca said and swung her legs. " Fine im coming to get you! I love you!" he yelled up to her as he pulled out his grappling hook from his...
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posted by Robin_Love
The intruder alarm sounded, causing all the heroes to race to the mission room. Jade stood there, awaiting them.
“What are you doing in here?” Artemis asked.
“I know you kicked me out. But please accept Becca. She needs this place.”
“Why'd she hide then?”
“It is true that Becca works for a secret operation. But she is on a mission to save your lives. I used to work there as well. I resigned.”
“What about Becca?”
“She refuses. Her determination to save your lives is stronger than her pain. For now. But the minute her objective is gone, Becca will go back to being...a criminal....
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All credit goes out to TOTALizzyluver

"How come he get's more fan girls?"
"Cuz he's not you." Artemis replied.
"Hey!" Wally protested
"Hey, what's this?" Connor asked, pointing to something. He grabbed the computer and clicked on a picture. Everyone saw it and almost screamed. Robin quickly snatched the computer back and clicked on something called 'Picks'.
"Hey, guys, look at this. I'm everyone's fav!" Robin bragged
"Hey, since they creeped us, why don't we exact some revenge?" Artemis smirked
"What exactly did you have in mind?" Robin asked
"Why don't we look at all of their pics?" she suggested...
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Now in the bio ship with the rest of the team, Artemis hid her letter well. There was an awkward moment of silence, when Megan finally put on some holiday music. Robin began to sing along, changing the lyrics as he went.

" Dashing through the snow, In the bio ship, are we, O'er the beach we fly, Laughing all the way, Bells from somewhere ring, Making spirits bright, What fun it is to laugh and sing, A uh, ummmmm, la, la song tonight, Oh, jingle bells, jingle bells, Jingle all the way, Oh, what fun it is to ride, In a bright red bio ship, OH-." But the boy wonder was cut off by his window suddenly...
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Now in the Charlie Brown spirit, Robin sat at the piano and started playing a couple notes.

"Do you know any Charlie Brown songs?" Megan asked as Artemis sat beside Robin.

"Yeah, three, only one has lyrics though." Robin replied, turning the notes into a song.

"Christmas time is here, Happiness and cheer, Fun for all that children call, Their favorite time of the year" The teen added lyrics.

"Snowflakes in the air, Carols everywhere, Olden times and ancient rhymes, Of love and dreams to share." Artemis continued.

"Sleigh bells in the air, Beauty everywhere, Yuletide by the fireside, And joyful memories there." Megan added sweetly.

"Christmas time is here, We'll be drawing near, Oh, that we could always see, Such spirit through the year, Oh, that we could always see, Such spirit through the year..." The three finished laughing. Wally walked in.

"You guys are good singers." He smirked.

Chapter Twelve-

Venice, Italy
18:28 CET December 19

Wally stumbled into the lab, screeching to a halt at the sight of a ragged woman tied to a board above a pit of acid.

Artemis ran in behind him, cutting her fussing short at the site of her mother.

"Artemis! Run! It's a trap!" Artemis's mother replied.

"I knew that." Artemis said, swinging her bow up at a barely noticeable shadowy figure. "Come out Cheshire."

The young assassin stepped out of the shadows, her infamous mask shining in the harsh light of the lab.

"Hey there, Artemis." Cheshire sneered.

Wally slowly backed up.

"Get out of the way." Artemis...
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posted by Mclovin_69
The fire crackeled as its smoke rose into the stary night sky. " So you.. Artemis is it?, you plan on leaving this place" Wonderland Red Tornado began trying to understand how Artemis came here. " Yes.. do you happen to know a way out of this place" " No im sorry", Artemis looked down in her lap but then remembered what cheshire said it never really left her head how she said to be a true assasin you had to give up love and never let it be your weakness, she kept thinking wondering about what happened ages ago when her mother was also an assasin with her father. She remembered those cruel days...
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posted by kikibibi
Name: Krystaleene

Age: 16

Secret ID: Kristina “Krissie” Haldan

Known Locations/: Denver, Colorado, Mt Justice

Personality: caring, nurturing, motherly type, constant worrywart, neatfreak

Powers: Anything she touches turns into pure crystal, she can make crystal shards like daggers or swords or other blades, has a super-form where she turns herself into solid crystal, and an ultra-form when she fuses with her twin brother

Appearance: Short curly blonde kind of like Goldilocks hair along with a white hair band, mask like Robin’s except pink, pink and white v-striped tank top, pink...
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posted by KatRox1
“…And I’m not even sure he wants me around half the time!” Both Harley and I were sitting on top of the boxes we had carried over here, just talking. I kept asking question after question because I was just naturally curious, “And why are you wearing a costume? Are you part of the team too?” I asked, chewing on my nail. That’s what I did whenever I had something important on my mind. “I’m part of a team, if that’s what you mean.” She said mysteriously. “You’re not very funny for a clown.” I added. She frowned, “Yeah, I know.” That, made me feel bad.
Before I...
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An hour or so later, the medical wing was filled with bustling JLAers. The Young Justice team sat outside in the “waiting room”. Shouts rang out and beeps could be heard from several different locations. Every one was filled with worry and fear. Tension was clearly inside the mountain and there was too much activity to think quietly. Eventually, Batman exited. He walked towards the team, mainly his son. His face was grim.
“Is she going to be okay?” Robin asked.
“Eventually. But not for a few weeks. Several of her lungs were punctured, multiple fractures, blood loss, and a very high...
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“We've been watching them for three hours Megan. Becca isn't doing anything but having some fun.”
“Are you sure? She seemed really sad when she left. And she lied about needing to be alone.”
“Megan, Becca has other friends,” Artemis explained. “She's bound to have more than we know of. And that is obviously someone she needed right now. Becca's happy. Can we go now?”
Before the Martian girl could answer, a blue mist filled the bio-ship. When it disappeared, Becca and her friend stood in the cockpit.
“Why hello my little snoops!” Becca teased.
The girl behind her giggled.
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Megan entered the mountain with Artemis and Becca. All three were panting and a little ruffled. Megan and Artemis flopped down on the couch while Becca took the beanbag chair.
“Whoa! What happened to you guys?” Wally asked. “You look awful!”
“Thanks Wally. Just what every girl wants to hear,” Artemis quipped.
“I-I didn't mean-!”
“I'm just teasing you. Megan, Becca, and I just had a rough day.”
“Well, what happened?”
“Nothing much. We just got into a little street fight.”
“I started it,” Becca said. “I wasn't going to let some stupid football jocks beat...
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posted by KatRox1
“…And this is a smoke pellet. It’s great for making an escape.” Tony looked at me and smiled. He was 18, like Shane. Also, he had brown hair that looked almost identical to Shane, except the fact that his was longer. The only difference between Shane and him, was that he had glasses and tan skin. Shane and I were both pretty pale. “Nice!” I complimented. I had been helping him for the past 4 hours just helping him create some new gadget. “So, are you going to tell me why you need all this?” He asked. I smirked, “Tell you later.” He groaned exaggeratedly. “Fine, but at...
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posted by Skittles98
*Sorry if this sucks. I was so super bored and had nothing better to do*
Me: *walks to park bench and sits down and wonders about who I'll be interviewing*
KId Flash:*runs by, then stops when see's me* Well, hello there. Who might you be?
Me: No one important. And unless you want to meet my fist, keep doing what you were doing before you saw me.
KF: Hey, don't you write for the Gotham paper?
Me: Maybe. Why?
KF: Don't you think it would be cool and get you a raise if you put an interview with a superhero in?
Me: Two things- I'm a volenteer and good bye *walks away*
KF:*runs infront* C'mon. You know...
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posted by Mclovin_69
" Now shall we shock container 5" Joker said while beggining to laugh with enjoyment from the teens torture. Before Joker pressed the button Wally said " Wait!, you promised that you'd
use the antidote if i agree to join your team!" , Joker stopped and said" fine.... if this makes you shut up!" and put antidote gas in Artemis's container. She coughed and fell unconcious. " now back to the shocking", Wally screamed in pain but he knew that if Artemis remembered and hated him she wouldnt join the injustice league. " hmmmm, might as well wake up archer girl" Joker said and shocked her container....
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posted by Mclovin_69
Cheshire remembered something, it was something Artemis said..something that made her remember something she truly loved. Cheshire and someone were walking down Gotham city, it was a boy. As they walked holding hands he made her smile and laugh, as any girl would love. She remembered everything about him his gorgeous greyish- brown eyes and his smile. She now remembered how much she loved him and he loved her, he was the first boy she ever loved. Then something happened to him, they got in a fight and he walked away by crossing the street, She remembered being blinded by lights and heard a...
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