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posted by robinfanforever
Normal POV

Bruce stood inside the lobby of the old abandoned theater holding the briefcase full of money. It was 2:58 and he hadn’t seen or heard from this Gunman guy. He hoped Dick was ok.

Two more minutes had passed and it was now three. He looked down at his watch then looked around. Still he saw no one.

“Hello,” Bruce called to the empty room.

Bruce looked down at his watch again then sighed.

“You have the money?” a low voice asked from the shadows.

“Where is my son?” Bruce asked getting a bit angry.

Gunman laughed then stepped out of the shadows dragging Dick with him. Dick’s hands were tied behind him and there was tape over his mouth.

Bruce’s eyes went wide when he saw the giant bruise on Dick’s cheek. Dick looked up to Bruce then looked away. Bruce could’ve sworn he saw regret, or something like it, in his eyes.

“Here’s your money,” Bruce said as he threw the briefcase down at Gunman’s feet, “now let my son go.”

Dick looked up at Bruce surprised. ‘Did he just call me son?’ Dick locked eyes with Bruce and Dick could see fear in Bruce’s eyes. ‘But Batman doesn’t get scared.’

Gunman squatted down, pulling Dick down with him so Dick fell on his knees, and opened the briefcase.

“It’s all there, you have my word,” Bruce said, not taking his eyes off his son.

Gunman took a few more minutes to look through the money. When he was finally convinced that it was all there, he closed the briefcase, stood up, gripping the briefcase tightly, and then threw Dick at Bruce, causing Dick to land hard on his chest.

The fall knocked the wind out of him, but he had his head up enough so his chin didn’t bust open on impact. Bruce quickly reached down and helped Dick up, pulled the tape off his mouth, and undid the ropes that were binding his hands. When they both looked up, Gunman was gone.

“Thanks,” Dick said, not even looking at Bruce.

Bruce grabbed Dick and pulled him into a hug which surprised Dick.

“Are you ok?” Bruce asked after he broke off from the hug. He looked Dick over from head to toe. The only thing he saw was the giant bruise he saw earlier.

Dick only nodded, still not able to look or even speak to him. Bruce looked a bit worried at his answer, but left it alone and placed his arm around Dick’s shoulder and led him to the door where Alfred was waiting for them with the car.

Once they stepped out the door, Alfred came around and gave a sigh of relief when he saw Dick. “Ahhhh, thank heavens you’re alright, Master Richard,” he said as he opened the back door of the car so they could get in.

Dick gave Alfred a small, weak smile before he got in the car. Alfred looked to Bruce, worry etched on his face once again. Bruce merely looked at Alfred sadly, let out a sigh, and then got in the car.

Robin’s POV

He walked in there, gave him the money, and then hugged me like I didn’t do anything, but this whole thing is just another example of what a problem I am to him.

I know I’ve made him give up millions, if not billions, of dollars because I’ve been kidnapped and held for ransom. Yeah I know that he normally saves me as Batman before he has to give the money up, but what if he wasn’t Batman? What if he was just a regular guy with lots of money?

I’m a target for anyone that wants money, and a problem for Batman.

How can he really need me?

Normal POV

No one talked the entire way home. Dick just sat there and stared out the window and Bruce went from staring at Dick to staring out the window. Alfred occasionally glanced in the rearview mirror to check on both of them.

When they got home, Dick opened the door of the car before the car had completely stopped, and ran into the mansion, then up to his room and slammed and locked it. Bruce didn’t run, but quickly walked inside and searched for his son.

He finally checked Dick’s room and found that the door was locked.

“Dick?” Bruce asked as he knocked. “Dick, can you please open the door? I need to tlk to you,” he said after a few seconds of silence.

He waited a few more seconds and listened for any kind of movement, but heard nothing. “Dick, please,” he said as he knocked again.

Again he waited a few more seconds and then finally decided just to let him be alone for a while. ‘I’ll try to talk to him during supper.’


Dick laid on his bed as quiet as he could. He didn’t want to talk to Bruce or hear how much of a disappointment he was to him. He just laid there through Bruce’s pleas. ‘He’ll give up eventually.’

After a few more minutes, he couldn’t hear Bruce knocking on his door or asking him to open the door, so he determined that he had given up and left.

He got up from his bed and went over to his window and stared out. ‘Would Bruce’s life be easier without me?’ He continued to stare out the window for about ten more minutes then went over and laid back down on his bed.

‘All I am is a problem. That was the last thought that went through hi head before he fell asleep.

That was the last thought that went through his head before he fell asleep.


The next morning, Bruce sat at the table alone, eating his breakfast and reading his newspaper. He got called to work as Batman, so he missed supper last night, and let Dick stay home last night so he could rest up. He figured Dick didn’t get much sleep the night he was kidnapped and that was why he didn’t open the door when he tried to talk to him.

Bruce looked up from his paper when he heard someone come in the dining room.

“Good morning, Dick,” Bruce said with a smile. “How’d you sleep?”

Dick just gave him a small smile and said, “Fine.”

“Good,” Bruce said as he picked his paper back up, and Dick’s smile went away.

Alfred came in and sat a plate of eggs, bacon, toast, and a glass of white milk in front of him. Dick looked up and gave Alfred a big smile.

“Thanks, Alfred.”

“You’re quite welcome, Master Richard,” Alfred said, smiling back at the boy and chuckling a bit, then turned and headed back into the kitchen.

Dick and Bruce both ate in silence. The silence was starting to get to Dick so he decided to break it. He looked up at Bruce.

“Bruce, I’m sorry.”

Bruce sat his paper down and looked up at him surprised, “What for?”

“For yesterday.”

“That wasn’t your fault, Dick. Some mad man grabbed you.”

Dick looked down at his plate, shame coming across his face again. “Like always,” he said in a whisper.

“What?” Bruce asked, not hearing what he said.

“Nothing,” Dick responded.

Bruce continued to look at Dick but Dick didn’t look back up at him. Dick just got up and walked toward the door.


Dick stopped and turned around to look at Bruce. “I’m gonna get ready to head to the mountain,” he said before walking out the door.

Bruce sighed then picked up his paper again, but he couldn’t concentrate on the words. He couldn’t stop thinking about the way Dick looked after he mentioned the kidnapping. ‘He looked like he was blaming himself for what happened. It wasn’t his fault.’


“Recognize Batman, 02. Robin, B01,” the computer announced to the rest of the mountain.

Wally ran right up to Robin. “Dude, you’re finally here!” he yelled, making Robin whence a little. Wally then looked to Batman. “Do you have a mission for us?”

“Yes,” Batman replied as he walked to the place he usual briefed the team.

Batman brought up the holo screen as everyone gathered around.

“This,” he started, referring to a man on the screen, “is Joseph Billing. He’s a scientist that has been working on a weapon called the Immobilizer. This Immobilizer is said to be able to stop anything that gets hit by it.”

Batman brought up a video of Joseph shooting an active volcano. The volcano was erupting and throwing lava and debris high into the air and all over the place. The beam from the Immobilizer hit the volcano for a few seconds and then the volcano stopped throwing debris and lava everywhere. Joseph then turned to the camera and smiled before the video went black.

The team just stood there very impressed except for Robin who just stood there lost in thought.

“Billing,” Batman continued after the video went blank, “has been missing for about a week now, along with the Immobilizer. The League and I have been trying to find him since he disappeared and yesterday we think we did.”

Batman brought up a map and showed them a location that was in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.

“You want us to go to the middle of the ocean? Who do you think we are, fish? Uhhh… no offense, Kaldur,” Wally said turning to Kaldur to apologize.

“None taken, but he is right. Are you saying there is an underwater base there?” Kaldur asked looking from Wally to Batman.

“Either that or somehow they’re cloaking the island or base that’s out there,” Batman replied. “Your mission is to go there and see if Billing is being held there. If he is, contact the League. This is a convert mission, do NOT engage unless absolutely necessary.”

“We will leave immediately,” Kaldur said.

Everyone turned to head to the bio ship, Robin at the back of the group.

“Robin,” Batman called before Robin got out of the room.

Robin turned and looked at Batman. “Yeah?”

“Is everything alright?” Batman asked as he walked up to Robin and placed a hand on his shoulder.

“Yeah, I’m fine,” Robin replied. Batman wasn’t convinced.

Batman knelt down so he was eye level with Robin and placed his other hand on his other shoulder. “Are you sure? You haven’t been the same since I brought you home yesterday.”

Robin gave him a small smile. “Yeah. I guess the event’s still bothering me,” he lied.

Batman could tell Robin was hiding something from him, but just nodded and stood up. ‘I’m sure he’ll tell me when he’s ready.’ “Ok,” was all he said.

He watched as Robin ran off the catch up with the others. ‘Why won’t he talk to me?’


The mission started off the way it was supposed to, that was until Wally slipped and fell down a hill right into the center of a bunch of guards. After that they did what they always did, clean up Wally’s mistake, get what they came to find, and then report back to a not very happy Batman. However, this time something new happened.

Robin wasn’t focused at all. He couldn’t stop thinking about how much of a problem he was for Bruce and that caused him to get captured while he was trying to free Joseph. Now the team had to not only rescue Joseph and the Immobilizer, but him as well.

This was not convincing him that he was useful. This situation was convincing him that he’s even a problem for the team. He felt horrible.

The team did, however, get both of them, and the Immobilizer, out safely, and got Joseph back to his home. Now they were flying back to the mountain.

Robin was sitting quietly in his seat just starring out the window. Everyone was talking to each other about the mission and what they did in the past week.

Kaldur noticed that something was wrong with Robin and walked over to him.

“Robin, is everything alright?”

Robin looked up at the Atlantian and smiled, no evidence of anything wrong showing on his face. “Yeah, Kaldur, I’m fine.” Kaldur was not completely convinced and Robin caught that. “Really. I’m just thinking.”

Kaldur nodded then walked back to the others. Robin watched then turned back to the window and all the sorrow and guilt came back to his face.

Robin’s POV

I put the team in danger. They had to risk their lives to save mine, as if they didn’t have enough to worry about.

Why am I such a problem?

I’ve let my team down. I’ve let Gotham down. I’ve let Batman down. I’ve let everyone down, even my parents.

Mama. Tata. I failed them. I let them fall to their deaths. I should’ve tried harder to tell them about Zucco. I should’ve tried harder to make them not go out there.

I’ve failed everyone I’ve ever cared about.

Who would want a problem child like me? Who would want someone who makes mistakes all the time? Who puts their friends in danger? Who almost gets the entire police station and everyone in it blown up?

Am I really needed?
posted by robinluv14
"Dick, I swear to god, if you ever do that again, there's going to be a burning fist in your face."
Laughing, my idiotic brother dashed off towards his room. It had been three weeks since I joined the team and there was a total acceptance factor between me and everyone else. Even if I did have some problems at home with my brother.
"Ugh." I sat down in a computer chair and looked at the room Bruce had given me. It was frickin' huge. Not only did I have a queen sized bed, but there was a 3D tv, a blu-ray DVD player, a Macbook pro, an iPad, and who could forget a closet bigger than my actual wardrobe?...
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posted by Robin_Love
Becca found her boyfriend where she had expected him to be; training. Batman had built a special gym more for Robin's talents than any one else's although it was open to all. She waited a few seconds before going up to him. She took hold of the punching bag, peeking out from behind it.
“Hi,” she said.
Robin simply nodded at her. Becca brought his water bottle over.
She nodded. It was the first real word he'd said to her all day. She shifted uncomfortably and looked down. When she looked back up, Robin was moving away. Becca hesitated before following him. He started to climb his...
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posted by Robin_Love
Becca stood nervously outside Wally's door. She didn't know what was going to happen, but she knew Wally all too well. So she'd brought a sorry gift; some of her fresh baked treats. Taking a deep breath, she knocked on the door. She heard the sound of footsteps and hung her head. The door opened.
“What do you want?” Wally asked bitterly.
“I came to apologize. Just because I was wasn't right for me to hurt you. I-I....please forgive me!”
“Is this you're first time apologizing?”
“No...yes...kinda. I've never had to apologize for purposefully hurting someone. The concept of...
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posted by 66Dragons
Chapter Two-

Alexa slipped through the wall into the tiny jail cell. Making sure no guards were around, she tapped Joker on the shoulder.

"Alexa my darling!" Joker said.

"Shh!" Alexa said. "I've come to get you out."

"Oh, but they were already doing that." Joker said, indicating the group by the door.

"And who would this be?" a voice with a thick Russian accent asked from the dark.

"The darling I was talking to you about earlier." Joker replied, cackling.

"Count Vertigo." Alexa said, bowing as the figure stepped forth from the shadows.

"It is nice to be addressed correctly for once. You may rise."...
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If you have these symptoms you may have Fangirlitis
[In no particular order]
a)You cant go a day without seeing a YJ episode
b)You find yourself daydreaming about YJ
c)You get mad when you see your favorite character with another girl/boy
d)You laugh at a YJ joke even when it's not funny
f)You have been called "obsessed" with the show more than once
g)You giggle like a fangirl on crack when you see a slash couple
h)You screamed "ARTEMIS!" at the same time Wally did when she died in Failsafe
i)You cried when Robin and Wally died in Failsafe
j)You are constantly doodling pictures about YJ
k)You say...
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posted by 66Dragons
Chapter 8-

The two bats and a bird fired their grappling lines at the ceiling, Artemis following their example. Robin grabbed Kid Flash and Batgirl Zatanna, dragging them onto the walkway.

"Well, well." Joker said. "The Batman does it again."

"And the Batgirl." Barbara added.

Joker cackled. "Well come and get me then!" he said.

Zatanna muttered a spell and threw objects at Joker. Artemis shot arrows. The two bats threw batarangs at the madman while the little bird swung across the gap in the walkway. The junior speedster sped across the gap and joined his friend in close combat.

The two delivered...
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"anyone find anythnig?" Aqualad said in mind link as everyone split up, " no.." Meagan said, " this is hopeless!!" Superboy shouted, " its not hopeless!!! just keep looking!!" Wally shouted, " hey i think i see something..." Robin said, " what is it?" Artemis asked, " its a sign with three circles intercepted.. is that what Dream Catcher showed you?" Robin asked Wally, " yes!! thats it!" Wally shouted, everyone met with Robin peering at an abandoned warehouse, " i dont know about me but does anyone have a plan on getting in" Artemis said, everyone looked at Robin he had a sudden smirk on his...
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posted by KatRox1
After my hand was wrapped, Corey was acting like himself again, and the bikes were fixed, we were getting ready to leave. Hastily, I loaded what darts I could find into my last remaining gun and also into my utility belt. Blade opened the door to outside, “Shall we go?” He gestured his hand toward the door. “We shall!” Corey replied, and marched like a soldier toward the door, but changed course at the last second and walked straight through the wall to outside. “Doors are for wimps!” He shouted back at us. I just shook my head and laughed, and then walked out the door with Blade...
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posted by Robin_Love
“Y-you do?”
“Yes. Becca, loosing you, breaking us was the worst mistake of my life. I need you. And I love you.”
Becca suddenly stiffened.
“Prove it.”
“How?” Robin asked.
“Fight Trevor. Beat him.”
“But you use the weapon I give you.”
Becca held out her hand and Robin gave her his belt and cape. Becca used her foot to toss him a sword. He picked it up and watched as Trevor tested his own blade.
“I don't know how to use this,” Robin admitted.
“If you love me, that won't matter.”
Robin nodded, locking eyes with Trevor. His gaze was steady...
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As we walked through the halls of WayneTech, we exchanged nothing but silence. The previous predicament still left us shaking, and now we were out to search for more. It was obvious that Scarecrow knew of our presence, which is why he had the gas sprayed all over the building. Every now and then I heard rats squeaking, glass breaking, and spiders crawling, but none of them so much as gave me a start.
Oddly enough, Robin knew his way around the building. Without getting lost, we retrieved and destroyed much of the fear serums, but we weren't done unless we found Scarecrow.
Finally, letting go...
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"I'll go first."
"I'll go first."
"Okay, so the last time you saw Scarecrow, he was at Arkham Asylum, right?" Robin confirmed.
I nodded. "Yep."
He eyed a stranger who was looking at us intently; the only couple wearing strange clothing. "And he wants to upgrade his serum, so that means--"
"He needs a lab!" I finished. I loved it when I felt smart.
He smiled. "Right, love. And whose lab has the best up-to-date equipment suitable for a fear serum?"
There's Star Labs, LexCorp, and... "I got one... WayneTech. There's no other richer lab in the country."
Robin looked solemn for a moment, gazing at the moon.
I nudged him softly....
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posted by Robin_Love
Becca was quiet when she returned to base. But her pain didn't go undetected. Devin gasped and touched her heart. She fell onto the couch, eyes closed. A hand lifted up her head and her eyes connected with Becca's.
“Devin. What's wrong?” she whispered.
“You're in pain.”
Becca bit her lip, placing Devin's head down carefully. She stood, making her way through the others. Tears flooded her eyes but she tried to refuse them. Too late. The tears flowed, hitting the floor with a soft ping.
“Becca. You're crying,” Erin said.
“What happened?” Willow asked.
“I-I...Robin broke...
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Corey was shaking me frantically, “Syd! Syd! Wake up!” I groaned and opened my eyes to see our entire lair was trashed and I was on the couch with Corey kneeling on the floor next to me. “Corey? What happened?” He looked at me; his face was stained with dried tears. “They…. They took them.” I didn’t understand. “What? Who took who?” He slowly stood up and sat on the couch next to me. “Blade and the others…. They took our team and Aqualad’s team.” He said, with obvious hate toward Blade. “I think I know where.” I said, starting to devise a plan, but then stopping...
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posted by Robin_Love
“This is Samantha Jones. Her alias name is Regalo. She is scheduled to tour the base and train for the day. Hopefully, she'll join the team. Let's not make this another Zatanna affair, shall we?”
Batman's words were firm and his question was a direct order. Becca raised her hand.
“You're not on the team Shade. You can speak freely.”
“Sweet. But um, what are her powers? Cause Regalo is Italian for present so...”
Batman almost smirked at her knowledge but hid it behind his usual mask.
“Her powers are similar to Zatanna's. But Regalo's are stronger and more exercised.”
“So she has...
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posted by Robin_Love
A knock sounded on the door and Luna answered.
“I want to talk with Becca.”
Luna turned to her master. She was on her bed, reading a book of spells. Luna gave a sharp whistle and Becca started. She looked up at her guardian, then past her.
“Robin! Let him in Luna.”
Luna did as directed, ushering the boy in. Becca sat up and smiled as Robin came towards her. Luna looked wary as she closed the door, locking it.
“It's okay Luna. Robin is my boyfriend.”
Luna nodded her head in understanding and went into a room just off of Becca's bed chambers....
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posted by Mclovin_69
The justice league had sixteen members, all that would eventually end once either the heroes retire or die trying to defend their planet, but what happens when the justice league disappears. Young Justice now has its sixteen members, i know you might think each member would be either the child of sidekick of the hero, but some heroes deserved to be seen and heard of. Many of the heroes that are involved into into this new justice league include Aqualad, Robin, Kidflash, Miss Martain, Superboy, Artemis, Cyrus, Shade, Neon Nature, Gravity Boy, Dream Catcher, Sound Barrier, Bullet, Blossom, Beast...
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posted by Robin_Love
Luna placed Becca on the bed. Her anger boiled inside of her and she tried not to let those tears show. She had graduated top of her class. As a warrior, Luna couldn't show emotion. And she wasn't about to insult her master's friends. If she could call them that.
“Luna? What you said about watching their tongues...was that true?”
“Very much so. Are you alright?”
Becca shook her head.
“No. I feel weak. My heart feels saddened. How could they do that to me?”
“I'm not sure master.”
“I want you to call me Becca when we're alone.”
“Of course.”
Becca gave a small...
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posted by Robin_Love
“Mother! Release them!”
“These are my friends. They must have come looking for me.”
Kendra nodded to the guards and the two teams were released. Luna stood beside Becca, eying the two groups.
“Hey! That's the girl I told you about! The one that took Becca!” Erin shouted.
As if on cue, both teams went into fighting mode. Luna arched her eyebrows. But before she could pull her swords free, Becca stood in front of her.
“Stop! There is no need to fight!”
Luna looked stunned while the others looked at Becca as if she had lost her mind.
“Are you crazy?!” Erin exclaimed....
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posted by Robin_Love
“It is time Lunarithia. Retrieve her.”
“Yes my lord.”
“Guard her at any cost.”
“Yes my lord.”
“Bring her home.”
“Yes my lord.”
“Let no one harm her.”
“Yes my lord.”
“You were trained and became top of all your classes. Now I am sending you out into the world of humans. Retrieve your young master. At all costs.”
“Of course my lord. I will obey.”

Becca wasn't too happy on fighting Poison Ivy again. But what made it even worse was the fact that Ivy had it out for her. So hanging upside down while on of Ivy's plants held onto her ankles was definitely on Becca's list...
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posted by YJTTFAN
Why…. Cant…We…Get…Out?!” Becca huffed with each word. She, Eclipse and Vampyre, were all trying to get out. Even though Vampyre was a bit of a lone wolf, they all needed help to get out. Though to no avail. Even with Eclipse’s magic, Vampyre’s power and knowledge, and All of Becca’s skills they couldn’t get away out of the training room. As they tried to find a way out they talked about their reality’s well Becca and Eclipse did Vampyre stood and listened but was aloof.
    They were supposed to be in their rooms but at the last second Eclipse got an...
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