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posted by Mclovin_69
The man stood there, stood learking in the shadows infront of his monotoring computers, a laugh came to him, he liked to see their pain, their misery even. His evil thoughts and laughter were stopped when a boy came in, " they are being shocked and show signs of being seperated by their connection to eachother" he said, "excellent... after this experiment i want to test the project Q7 on them.." the man replied to the boy, the boy laughed evily at the plan and walked out of the room, the man sat their looking at the monitors once more, a monitor that was in one of the boys room, a boy sat on the bed staring up at the ceiling wondering something, something he did not bother to tell his master, which angered the man, he called for one of the boys, " Talk to Bullet! i want to know what he is thinking about, if he doesnt bother to tell me... kill him...." the boy smiled meniachly then left to the masters orders. The man sat back in the chair with a satisfied look on his face he kept looking at the monitor looking at the boy, "soon..soon i will know what you truly are..... what you truly do...... i will know..."


Dream Catcher felt a warm moist and soft feeling on her forehead, she opened her eyes slowly, it was a blur, she finally sat up and clutched her head, being able to see other peoples dreams and nightmares wasnt only a gift but also a curse, " you alright?" Andrew asked as he took the wet towel off her head and and flet her forehead with his hand and rubbed it, " yeah.. i-im fine... what happened?" she asked, Andrew looked into her eyes but was interrupted by Robin and Wally walking in. Their faces were sad but when they saw Dream catcher awake it made them feel a little better, at least she was okay. Dream Catcher looked at the bed beside her to see Sound Barrier still knocked out, Andrew looked at her gaze then looked back at her, her eyes were filling with tears, " why isnt she waking up...?" she asked, Robin replied and said " they believe she is in a coma...", Dream Catchers face fell and a tear escaped and fell down her cheek. It hurt most to tell her, Robin didnt like it but it had to be done, Only all could wonder what happened to Cyrus and Shade, were they okay, and only could they all imagine what was going through Sound Barriers mind as her sleep went longer.


" Project Q7 in progress" A computer voice said as the man continued to looka at the monitor screens. The man didnt pay any attention to the boys screen anymore he was too much enjoying the girls pain. Bullet sat on his beed still until he heard walking down the hallway, he jumped up quick and jumped in a vent in his room. He knew it was now or never, he looked down through the vent lines as he saw Steal walk in, Steal was one of his brotherin he was almost like a borhter to him, anywyas Steal walked in searching the room, he tore off the closet door, ripped up his blankets, ripped open his bathroom door, nothing. " Bullet! i know your in here!" he shouted but Bullet stayed silent in the vent, he growled and walked out, to their master who does not let them dare call him father. Bullet smirked and crawled through the vents he knew escaping the league of shaodws would be one thing but also saving the two girls would be another thing, Steal stopped in the hallway hearing booms coming from the vent, he looked up above him, "hmmmmm" he said. He took out his small daggers and stabbed it in the vent, Bullets hand was there and it stabbed it, he staggered back in pain and clutched his hand, another dagger was stabbed in and he just dodged it, He crawled faster as daggers were kept being stabbed almost hitting him but using his one hand to crawl was hard but he still moved decently fast. He finally turned a corner in the vent and the stabbing daggers in the vent stopped. He finally stopped becuase he knew that Steal had lost him, and he checked his hand, it was all bloody it was a deep cut, he grunted in pain but kept going.

Steal enetered the monitor room with Aero, another one of Bullets brotherine, " well..." the man said hearing the two boys entering, " we.. we lost him he could be anyhwere by now.." Steal said, Aloud bang on the desk from the mans hand startled the two knowing without answering he wasnt happy, " find him! " he shouted, the two boys nodded and ran out. When they were gone the man spoke to himself, "its so hard to find decent young villians these days..".

Willow screamed in pain as she was still being shocked, but the shocking finally stopped when the machine was hit by a boomerang that made it explode making the freezer warm now, Willow breathed heavily and was almost breathless, she looked up to the boys blue eye, while the other was covered with a metal bar. " wh-who are you..." she aksed as he helped her out of the chains, " no time we need to get your friend" he said rushed as he helped her up, he was running out of the room when he stopped when Willow didnt follow him, " what are you waiting for! we have to go!" he shouted as the alarms went off suddenly, Willow smirked and held out her hand to him, he looked confused at her action, Willow getting frustrated, " just grab my hand!" she yelled and they teleported to Becca's cell room, Becca was being shocked aswell and screaming, Willows eyes glowed and the machine exploded, she helped Becca up and she hugged Willow they were now connected once more and felt stronger again. " I hate to interrupt but we have company!" Bullet shouted, and Aero and Steal bursted through the door. " Bullet what are you doing! you traitor!" Aero shouted, " doing what i should have done a long time ago!" he shouted back, " very well... i knew you werent truly one of us prepare to be destroyed" Steal retorted, Steal took out his daggers and ran towards Bullet, and tried to stab him but he doged and flipped backwards, Aero ran towards Willow and Becca and shot an arrow at them, Willow teleported behind him and hit him, he rolled on the ground and took out another arrow and shot it off his bow, Willow dodged but Becca was still in the way and didnt see it, Willow appeared in her place and turned around in shock, " Shade!" she screamed and Shade turned around but didnt have time to dodge, Bullet turned around in shock and ran over and pushed her out of the way, the arrow exploded. Becca getting up off the ground and turned around, " Bullet! no!" she screamed. Willow screamed too. Willow and Becca snapped he was evil but he had a heart, he saved her.... he saved Becca... he saved her even...., Becca and Willow shared the anger, it never happened like that before but it did. Becca's eyes glowed a golden colour and Willows glowed a birhgt blue, after that an explosion was set off out of the room and Aero and Steal were thrown back out of the room and bashed into the Hallway wall. And when the smoke vansihed the three were gone, nowhere to be seen, Aero and Steal gasped, gulped then looked at eachother in fear, their master would not be pleased.
posted by Robin_Love
This is the one without powers I told some of you about! Enjoy XD!

She could already tell, walking into Gotham Academy, who was placed in what groups. The cheerleaders, the jocks, the academics, the outsiders, the champions, the legends, and club presidents. She sighed as she walked past each group. She didn't have to look at students to know which group they were in. The cliques were easily spotted. Going to her locker, Becca Stevens ignored all noise that headed her way. She opened her locker, placing all her stuff inside. She saw a blonde haired girl next to her. A quick glance at her neighbor...
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she pulled of her purple coloured head phones by dr dre
she pulled of her purple coloured head phones by dr dre
Taylor pushed Willow into the corner of the sports field, her back hit the wall as Taylor and her friends cast a deadly black shadow over her sweet and innocent face. “You friend Becca got us a week of detention so we were wondering if you could past of a message to her, oh and it ain’t the kind where you speak” She started whacking her fist against her hand. Tears raced down willows face as she closed her eyes awaiting pain until a calm voice said “Touch her and I’ll get you a years’ worth of detention”. Taylor, Sinead (you say it like sh-in-aid) and Lauran turned around to see...
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"Your father... ugh. Thinking about him makes me shudder. And yet, he was so handsome." Dick and Kyra gagged. Ivy glared. "Do you want to be dead now or later?" The two twins instantly stopped, and the villainess continued. "Good. Anyways, he created such... nasty, air-polluting machines. And I wanted to fix that. So one day, I crashed one of his showings to stop him, and he-he rejected my idea! Just rejected it! So I went back to my lab- I work with plants, you see, and I was looking to create the perfect living carnivorous plant. But something went-"
"Wrong and you messed up the chemicals,...
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posted by Robin_Love
Becca watched the scene play in her head again. Everything seemed wrong. It should have been her. All that had happened was her fault. She should have been in there. She should have stayed when she'd had the chance. She should have never entered their lives. The explosion that had cost her her team sounded and Becca cried out.
She opened her eyes. She sat in the same green chair she had an hour ago. Black Canary sat across from her, Batman close by. Becca brought shaking hands to her teared up eyes, burying her head in them. Sobs racked her body as she strained to hear Canary's words....
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posted by Robin_Love
“Anton rigged this place to explode!” Becca turned to her boyfriend. “Robin, please get everyone out of here!”
“I'm not leaving without you!”
The entire ground shook vigorously and things started coming down. The bomb had started.
“Please! I have to shut that bomb off!”
“I'm not about to loose you, Becca! It's happened before and it won't happen now!”
“Look, I love you. You know that. But if you don't go, I'll have to force you to leave. If worse comes to worse, I can teleport out. Please!”
Robin searched her eyes. She was as scared as he was about this whole thing....
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posted by robinluv14
"Recognized- Infinity. B08"

It was early in the morning, and I knew that anyone who as in the cave would be asleep- except for Superboy. Anyone who got close enough to really know Conner knew that he was a huge teddy bear. He loved sunrises for some reason, so he was always up early to watch them. Then he would kinda roam around on the beach and in the mountain for a while. I checked in hall where his room would be, and, not finding him there, checked his next favorite place. The couch. I found him there simply staring at static. "Conner!" I muttered under my breath as urgent as possible.
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I hate these guys.
I hate these guys.
I pushed against the cage bars. No use, I wasn’t getting out. None of us were. The scientists threw Iggy in a cage beside me. He opened his eyes. He ran his fingers against the bar.
“Guys, I think they blinded me. I can’t see anything, its pitch black.” Iggy huddled up in the corner of his cage. I heard a cage door opened and looked to my right. They pulled my sister out of her cage. She was the only without wings, then they jerked me out of my cage. No. This wasn’t going to happen; I broke free, elbowing the scientists then grabbing my sister. I quickly unlocked everyone’s cages,...
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Her bright blue eyes shone, unlike most kids the eyes were not filled with happiness, but with tears.
“S-s-stop!” her voice shook with pain and she was struck across the face with another sharp projectile. Two figures emerged through the smoke one a lot smaller than the other.
“Pathetic! You call yourself my protégé?” One spat venomously the other gave an evil cackle. And another projectile sliced through the air, she barely managed to roll across the cold concrete floor and the object exploded.
“Protégé? HA she isn’t fit to be alive much less a partner!” The small one said...
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posted by TOTALIzzyluver
Chapter 3
      Two men in identical suits walked down the streets of Gotham. Long black coats conceled their whole bodies. Collars pulled up so their faces and were unreconizable. To anyone they would look like typical drug dealers doing one of those walk by deals. But every cop was elsewhere. Some parade going on a few blocks away. 
  "Did you hack into the system yet?" The taller of the two asked. 
"Almost. Whoever made the security must be a pro." The other responded concentrated on a high tech hand-held.
"You sound surprised. It's Wayne Tech. 'Course the guy's got some top-notch super...
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posted by rachele_X

Fin's face was filled with an expression of such pure wrath and fury that I was scared she was going to strangle Batman on the spot. "He's GONE?"

Without warning, her hands ignited in a burning flame, that spread up her arms and engulfed her whole body. I had learned by now that the fire didn't harm her and wouldn't harm us, either, but it was still startling. I saw a few members of the Team jump backwards in surprise.

"How's he missing? How? Why?" Wally sputtered, his voice echoeing everyone's feelings. The faces of the Team members were painted with disbelief and fright, but none...
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posted by robinluv14
Over the next few weeks there were multiple attempts at my assassination, but all of them failed. Usually they were at home or in the cave, but one had been in the middle of a mission in Costa Rica, and another had come at school (what a nightmare that was). I eventually resorted to never leaving Robin’s side, home, the cave, and missions, and I stopped going to school, claiming that the both of us had a bad fever that could last for months. It was harsh, not knowing what was going to happen, where I was in danger the most.
The thing that freaked me out the most was that each knife was the...
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posted by robinluv14
Nathan had gone to pick up the dagger, but I had stopped him. He shouldn't pick it up. Not with it smoking green. It was poison tipped, and not with a normal handle either. It had a gold handle, with a single emerald embedded into it. After clearing away the poison, I picked it up, and the jewel fell to the ground, followed by a piece of yellowed folded paper. I continued examining the knife, while Robin reached down and grabbed the small piece of parchment. Unfolding it, he read the tiny inscription, and gasped. My attention went from the weapon (obviously made for throwing) to the crumbled...
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posted by rachele_X
I don't remember the day I found the Team. Those memories--all memories of my past--are gone, corrupted and removed; but more on that later. I only know now what they told me, but from what I've heard, I picture myself as a kitten. A lost, scrawny, water-sodden kitten, that somehow dragged itself--myself--onto the doorstep and lay there, pitifully, reeking of disease and decay, almost ready to give up, when they opened the door and found me. I'm pretty sure it was only out of pity that they decided to take me in; I had very few powers and skills, and the ones I did have were weak. Like the...
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posted by Robin_Love
Becca peered around the rocks. She spotted Jade and Kaldur sitting on the beach and pulled back. She took a deep breath, trying to still the rapid beating of her heart. Things were never going to be the same after today. Tears threatened to spill over her eyelids and she leaned her head back against the rocks. Sitting in the sand, waiting to comfort her friend had been at the bottom of her list. But Jade had pulled all the stops out to make sure Becca was there. So now she was just waiting to comfort. Her vibrating phone broke into her thoughts and she looked down. A text message.
M: Bored outta...
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posted by 66Dragons
Act One-

6 Hours Earlier...

Crimson Harvest
October 31, 2014  016:012:034
Samuel Grant
New York City, NY, USA

"I really don't get this." Sam said as Holly dabbed makeup onto his eyes.

"Oh come on!" she protested. "It's Halloween! Your Samuel Grant! Lighten up!"

"Do I really have to wear this?" Sam asked.

"Yes," Holly said, giving him the puppy-eyes treatment. "Only if you want to."

Sam sighed and nodded. "Continue."

Holly continued to dab makeup on for a minute more before stepping aside.

"I look like my grandmother, and she's been dead what? Five years?" 

"That's the whole point." Holly said, washing...
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posted by Mclovin_69
k so guys i was wondering which songs went good with each couple so i have a list of some songs and i want you to match them up with some characters and tell me which one goes best with them. you can suggest more in comments if you want.

Little House by Amanda Seyfried

you are my sunshine

Youll be in my heart by Phill Collins

Cant stop loving you by Phill Collins

Perfect Two by Auburn

moonlight by Yiruma

Paperweight by Amanda Seyfried

Hey soul sister by train

talking to the moon by bruno mars

i wish you were here by Avril Lavigne

somebody that i used to know cover by walk off the earth

k so yeah you can add more if you like XD i know i dont have enough but yeah
posted by robins-gfriend
Phoebe did one finally brush through her brown hair before styling into bunches. Taking a purple coloured ribbon from a little white box with silver details she tied her hair in place. Giving one final loom in the mirror ‘The miracle of silicone wins again’ she thought genially touching her face. Pulling up her black tights she walked to the door and took a deep breath, it was February 14th, the day she had been dreading as she did live with 7 other guys. Her automatic door slid open she stepped out then made her way to the kitchen.
“I just think that we should wait till 4:00 because...
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posted by XxKFforeverXx
-------Fang's point of view-------
I sat in a chair across from my sisters hospital bed. She looked like death had beaten her over. She was alive but barely.. I got up from where I was sitting and walked over to her bed. I used my free hand to push her bangs back from her face. I picked up her hand. It was cold, but it had a touch of warmth. One question was going through my mind, why did Xena turn villianous? Did I cause her to do it? Am I am she reason she's out for blood? Or when we where dating.... did I miss the signs?
I could feel someone's presence...
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posted by Robin_Love
Said protege slipped his tongue into the young warrior's open mouth and his eyes closed. He heard her gasp and then groan when Robin started to play with her tongue. Becca shivered when Robin's tongue slid on the roof of her mouth. Robin explored the younger's mouth hungrily; he'd missed his little bird so much. His hand slid from Becca's cheek to the back of the girl's neck. Intoxicated by the bird's taste and the feeling of holding her again, Robin felt like he was flying. Robin moved from Becca's mouth to kissing her neck and shoulders. His hand briefly left Becca's neck to unzip...
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posted by Mclovin_69
The team had been treating Liza better then her ever since she had arrived, she always gave Willow dirty glares and whenever she talked to Wally. She felt as though this was a fight that she did not want to compete in, something made her snap Liza talked to Wally and laughed and touched his shoulder, Becca could feel Willows heart break, she immeadiatley turned to Willow az she saw tears streak down her face, Willow ran out.

Willow sat on the beach crying, and she heard someone come up behind her. " Go away Liza..." Willow hissed even though she usually never did. Liza smirked, " not until i...
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