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posted by Robin_Love
“Hurry! We could be too late!”
“Wally, stop it! Don't make me nervous or it'll be too late for you!”
Wally shut his mouth, looking over Becca's shoulder instead. She groaned but the code was accessed. They ran down a secret corridor, following the once Dark Angel. When they got to a fork, Devin turned to them.
“We'll have to split up. Becca and I will take the left. You guys go for the right.”
Before anyone could object, both girls turned and ran down their hall. When they were out of sight, Devin opened her wings in the bigger space.
“Did you...know this would...happen?” Becca asked, panting heavily.
“I knew something would happen. That's why I told you to wait.”
“Yeah could you not...know it would be”
“I'm an angel, not God. After this, all we discussed can be freed.”
“I hope so. What if...he doesn't anymore?”
Devin stopped and landed on the ground. She placed her arms on Becca's shoulders.
“My brother will still love you, Becca. He's head over heels for you. If you weren't with him, he may have never fully realized how valuable he is. You deserve him.”
“But he deserves better than me.”
Devin sighed.
“His past is just as screwed up as yours. Do you know how long he's been in this buisness? Too long. He loves it. But it's also changed him.”
“Whatever you say Devin. Can we just find him?”
The two continued down the hallway until they came to a shattered glass door.
“Superboy,” they said in unison.
They stepped inside and were met with the strangest sight. It was a lab, but it was littered with all sorts of things. Papers flew about, tables turned over and vials lost their contents. A blue wormhole shrieked loudly in the middle of the room.Young Justice stood close by a man. He was dressed in black, a lab coat over that. But he wore a red helmet over his head.
“You,” Becca whispered.
The man caught sight of her and she could feel him leering at her beneath his hood.
“Becca. How nice to see you again.”
“Let him go!”
“Why on Earth would I do that?”
“He belongs here.”
“Like you do?”
“No! He really does belong here! Please; let him go!”
“What's going on?”
Both turned to him with a glare.
Wally looked stunned but tod back.
“Tell you what Becca. If you can come get him, he's all yours.”
“No. You're all mine.”
“Becca don't! If you interfere, Robin could be lost!”
“No he won't, Wally! I will NOT let them take him away from me again!”
Becca maneuvered around the guards, hitting them with her weapons. Just like the last time she'd used them on someone, they were out. She jumped Robin's kidnapper and the both fell into the tunnel.
Wally watched frantically as the portal began to close.
“Don't worry; I'll grab her!”
“Devin! Don't-!”
Too late; the angel threw herself in after Becca. Now Wally was really panicking. Not only had Becca just fallen into a wormhole through time and space, but Devin had jumped in after her. Both Robin's girlfriend and sister had jumped through time. Normally that wouldn't have been so bad if that had been part of the plan. But there wasn't one! Becca had acted on impulse and Devin had followed. The only good thing about the situation was that Robin was no longer in danger. But that was the only good news.
“I-I can't believe-and then they just-I-I-what just happened?!” Wally stuttered.
“No time,” Artemis said. “If we don't get out, this place will be painted with out blood.”
She grabbed his shoulder and pulled him along before he began running. Robin moved in his arms but Wally only held the boy closer. They reached a safe distance just as the entire school exploded. Lights flashed and fire rained down. Smoke and ash covered them like a blanket and debris fell everywhere around them. What should have hit them was pushed back by one of Megan's shields. But that didn't really matter. Devin and Becca were gone and they had no idea how to tell Robin...
Okay fans. I know you're anxious to see what happens next but you get a chance to vote. (Since Devin's already dead) Does Becca survive and stay human or does she perish and become an angel? You need to let me know or there will be no part 13!!!
posted by SB_lover0506
"WALLY!" I scream at the top of my lungs.
"What?!" He asks annoyed.
"Don't 'what' me," I am now enraged.
"Okay, so what if I walked in and you were only in a towel. What are you going to do? Yell at me to death?" His bright red, freckled face is now inches from mine.
"No, Baywatch. Instead your going to listen and understand that you need to wait for a response after you knock. Or at least knock in the first place," I was starting to lose my voice from yelling at him so many times today.
"I did."
"No you didn't."
"Fine, I didn't knock, but I shouldn't have to. If you're Roy's replacement you should...
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Wally opened his eyes staring up at Robin, Zatanna and Bats. He bolted up, but groaned when a hurtful pain struck him. He lay back down.
"Careful there buddy. Take it nice and easy" Robin said.
"It was awful...mask, girl.." Wally's voice weakened. Bats walked to the computer.
"Mask, mask, I've heard of it before. If I just-" he typed in Mask Maker. "Of course!" he moved the screen for Wally so he could see. "Is this the guy?" the screen showed a white mask, under a hoodie, dark blue perhaps.
"Yeah that's the guy! How did ya know?" he sat up on he side of the bed.
"It's been on he news but it wasn't...
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posted by brown-eyed-girl
This is when Artemis dies. Except this time it’s real.

Nightwing was fighting. He saw Kaldur fighting with Artemis; He discreetly took out the blood packet from his belt. He finished off the guys he was fighting with and turned to Kaldur and Artemis. Kaldur pulled out his water sword and stabbed Artemis.
“Artemis” He yelled. Artemis backed away holding her stomach. Nightwing caught her as she fell. He was about to pop the blood packet when he felt something wet on her. He pulled his hand away and saw blood already soaking through her costume.
“Artemis?” he asked. His voice shook...
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posted by DiamondYJ
Artemis Crock shifted her gaze to over her shoulder. School was so crowded now, so many kids. "Hey Artie." calls a voice. She snaps her gray eyes over to the most annoying boy she has ever met. "Wally...what did I tell you about calling me that?" she sighs, running her hand through her ponytail. "Um, not to call you it?" Wally guessed. "Exactly. So why do you continue to do it?" He shot the cranky blonde a childish grin. "Because it annoys you." Artemis glared at him. "I swear Wally. One day you are going to regret calling me that." He opens his mouth to retort but a smaller boy pops up in...
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posted by brown-eyed-girl
Forgotten: caught.
Everyone turned to the voice behind them. It was Proffeser. Keptic.
“That’s impossible” Robin said checking his screen. “The grid says that theres no one this floor” Robin said
“Your not the only one that can hack into the system boy wonder” he said.
“Walter, why are you doing this” Dr.William spoke up
“Because you guys shut his company down” Wally said
“is this true” Mrs. Williams asked.
“Partly. But also that you choose that sorry excuse for a scientist over me. I could have givin you everything.”
“You two use to date? Ew Wally said.
“Walter you...
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( Bonjour!! Mclovin here me and ArtemisYJ be writtin buddies hehehehehehehehe)

The streets were silent during the night, it was like this basically every night so it didnt seem to be any different then usual. He played his guitar gentley his fingers came across the strings creating a beautiful tune, he heard the sound of change land in his case and looked up to see a man in a suit with a breif case continue on his way, he stopped playing and looked at the time, 10: 23 PM, it was getting late it looked like it was time to turn it in for the night, he took the change he had gotten playing out...
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Not that anyone actually reads this stuff anyways....

"Well that figures. But you’ve got to catch me first!” I fused with a nearby shadow of a building and appeared in a shadow behind him. “How about we play a nice game of tag? And now you’re it!” I tapped on the shoulder then quickly shadowed (??) away.

“Get her!” I heard him yell.

“Heheheh…” I laughed on the inside. “This is going to be way fun.”

The first to catch up with me was, of course, Kid Flash.

“Hey Kid!” I stopped. “Yeah know I’ve been waiting forever for this day! And I’m prepared to wait a couple...
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posted by SilverWings13
Never Alone IV- Kidnapped
"The boss 'il be happy to see you again, little princess," the goon continued. SilverWings altered her footing slightly, shifting her wieght. "He was not happy when you escaped us. That Key is a very valuable piece of equipment that we would like back. Why don't you come with us- gaaaaw!"
The man let out an ear busting bellow as Silver bit into the meaty hand covering her mouth. She tasted a rush of salty blood flow from the wound before she released the hand. The goon immediately pulled away and Silver whisked around, grabbing the Glock from his hand in a swift motion....
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"I don't wanna die!" the boy howled, digging his face into Revenge's knee.

"You have no say in the matter."

"I do." Revenge growled. 

The assassin turned his head slightly before tossing a knife in Revenge's direction. It caught him in the chink in his armor. Literally. Revenge glared at the blood seeping from the wound. The black clad assassin continued his approach. Revenge punched him in the throat, crushing his windpipe, causing the man to stumble backwards.

"You wanna play with knives?" Revenge yelled. "Two can play at that game!"

For a second, the assassin couldn't breathe. Then, he stood up, rubbing his neck.

"No way." Revenge muttered, stepping back.

"Red Revenge. For interfering with the mission, you too shall feel the talons of the Court of Owls!"

Night of the Owls.
Coming Soon.
For a moment, Revenge was pressed against her in the narrow hallway in complete darkness. Then, there was a light, from Revenge's mask, and the hallway was lit in a dim red light.

"Ladies first." Revenge said.

"Scared?" Batgirl asked.

"Funny." Revenge said. "I'll take point."

Barbara cut him off. "I'LL take point." she said.

"I've got the light." Revenge said. "And the armor, and the brains."

"Har har, funny."

"Indeed. Watch my back."

"From the scary dark?" Batgirl asked in a mocking voice.

Revenge turned and tossed a dagger into the darkness behind them. It went farther than the three feet of the iron door through which they had entered.

"Any more smart remarks?"
posted by Mclovin_69
Name: Willow Stevens

Hero Name: Cyrus

Age: 15

Relations: Wallys girlfriend and Beccas older sister.

Personality: Willow can be very shy at times and has low self esteem when it comes to dating Wally, she is very caring and doesnt like seeing people upset.

Powers/Skills: can teleport and has some skill in combat, her eyes glow light blue when her powers are in use and beams shoot from her hand similar to the ways starfire do.

Appearance: Dark brown eyes and hair with tanned skin.

Civvies: on warm days jean short shorts with a tank top ( you may choose le colour XD) on cold days roots pants and tank...
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Prologue to Chapter Nine- "The Beginning of More Troubles"

"Delta Squad, check in."

"Artemis, in position."

"Beast Boy in position."

"Batgirl, in position."

"Wondergirl, in position."

"Kid Flash wishing he was at the buffet."

"Good. Maintain your positions. The show is about to start. Nightwing out."

"See? This transmission was picked up by security officials at the olympic celebration." G. Gordon Godfrey stepped in front of the image of the celebration in Rio De Janeiro. "Its obvious that this Nightwing was planning something. On top of that, Kid Flash admits that he would rather be eating than watching over some of the richest and most powerful men in the world!" Let's watch what else happened that day. See if you can find a connection with the heroes, and the murder."
Chapter Seven- "...And More Clashes (With a side of plot twists)"

Revenge leaped onto the roof, landing in a crouch. The assassin had fled to the trees, but she would have to re-appear soon. Revenge's sour mood was worsened by the archer re-appearing next to him.

"I thought I made it clear--"

"that you can't handle one assassin?" Artemis asked, smirking and putting a hand on her hip. "Yeah."

"She's good." Revenge said, turning back to look at the forest.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night." Artemis smirked.

Revenge frowned at her, by turned to the park at the sounds of commotion. Police were firing...
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"It means," she whispered, centimeters from him, "that I want a real kiss."
"It means," she whispered, centimeters from him, "that I want a real kiss."
"How long?" Nathan asked Fin, hand in hers. They were resting on the beach, surrounded by the sparkling ocean reflecting the sunrise. When they'd returned, Batman was not pleased, to say the very least, that the jet was crashed somewhere in the Arctic, but he was glad to know that they were safe. Nathan had whisked Fin away to a place they could talk about everything that had happened between them and what it might have done to their hearts. In the cold, everything was at a risk.
"Since... since we met, I suppose. You were just..." Fin shuffled her head a little on his shoulder, her glasses...
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" stop!! " a police man shouted shooting his gun at a shadow figure on the buildings, Bloodmist dodged all of their shots and continued on his run. Delta rode on her motocycle ' i-i dont understand why is Lucas going so fast? " Delta asked looking at the tracking device signal scale on her motorcycle screen. " Perhaps he's running away from us ? " Mercy asked on com link, Mercy gasped and looked up on the top of the buildings to see Bloodmist jumping from roof to roof, " am i seeing things or did i just see a ninja like thnig run ontop of buildings? " Mercy asked, " what is that? " Fang asked....
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The night was cold and brisk, a sharp contrast to the sunny warmth of earlier that day. The vast yard was empty, the bushes rustling in the wind, the grass alive with the melody of crickets. Inside the house, the man was moving from room to room, the thick carpeting in the long hallways muffling the creaking of the floorboards under his feet. He was a well-dressed man, although age had not been kind to his skin, leaving him with a fair share of wrinkles. His presence was so gentle, his demeanor so kindly, that he was beloved by all of the children residing within the rooms that he was visiting....
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posted by Robin_Love
Becca entered the gym a little over three hours later. She watched them exercise for a few more minutes before blowing a sharp whistle.
“Time's up. Go cool off and have a rest.”
“But it's only been three hours!” Billy said. “You ordered five.”
Becca smiled.
“It's funny. Time flies when you're waiting for five hours instead of three, doesn't it?”
“Reverse psychology,” Beck said. “Nice.”
Becca smiled, giving a playful bow.
“Now go shower and get relaxed. And I expect you to obey orders next time.”
All six heads nodded before they disappeared. Becca smiled. She looked around...
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posted by EclipseYJ
"Wally just forget i said anything" Willow said crossing her arms and slouching back on the couch,
"No common you started now so you might as well tell me, i told you about the time a santery towel got stuck in my hair!"
"You're mum told me that!"
"No i just had a bad life with my foster dad"
"No you said something about abuse, did he abuse you?"
"Yes It does willow!" Wally stood up "You can share your secrets with the wall or something because if you can't tell me you can't tell anyone else!" And he stamped off. Willow leaned forward and buried her face in her hands,...
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posted by robinluv14
Nathan had gone to pick up the dagger, but I had stopped him. He shouldn't pick it up. Not with it smoking green. It was poison tipped, and not with a normal handle either. It had a gold handle, with a single emerald embedded into it. After clearing away the poison, I picked it up, and the jewel fell to the ground, followed by a piece of yellowed folded paper. I continued examining the knife, while Robin reached down and grabbed the small piece of parchment. Unfolding it, he read the tiny inscription, and gasped. My attention went from the weapon (obviously made for throwing) to the crumbled...
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posted by rachele_X
I don't remember the day I found the Team. Those memories--all memories of my past--are gone, corrupted and removed; but more on that later. I only know now what they told me, but from what I've heard, I picture myself as a kitten. A lost, scrawny, water-sodden kitten, that somehow dragged itself--myself--onto the doorstep and lay there, pitifully, reeking of disease and decay, almost ready to give up, when they opened the door and found me. I'm pretty sure it was only out of pity that they decided to take me in; I had very few powers and skills, and the ones I did have were weak. Like the...
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