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posted by Robin_Love
“I can't believe how much has happened,” Becca said aloud.
A wind blew her hair and she attempted to tuck the loose strands behind her ear. She sighed as the sun set. It was a gorgeous summer sun set with cool breezes. The day was as perfect as the weather. Except for one minor detail.
“Megan has become like a sister to me. She's always there to help me and she trusts too easily. Kaldur is...I don't know him very well. But he could be a close friend if we were to talk. Then there's Connor. He is very temperamental but he has a sweet side; he's a brother. And so's Wally. Ohmygosh. Wally is just all around crazy! But he has earned his place on the team. Artemis would come next. She and Wally are constantly fighting but that's because of the romantic tensions. She could be my best friend. And you know all about Robin. Did I miss anyone?”
There was no answer. But Becca had expected that because it was deadly quiet. What else would you get from a private cemetery? Tears flooded her eyes as the names of her parents, engraved in stone, stared back at her blankly. This had been the day Becca had lost her mom. And her dad would be two or three days away. She was all alone. Becca let the tears slid down her cheeks, fingering a blade of grass.
“I miss you so much! Mommy...daddy...why'd you have to go? Mommy...daddy...!”
The sobs came now, wrenching from her heart and out her throat. It hadn't ever been so easy to mourn when Serepta had been on her trail. But now Becca was free to do much more the weep over the loss of her parents. She looked at herself and felt uncomfortable. She was wearing the purple dress she'd had for her mother's funeral with the a little green jewelery set her dad had bought her. She didn't wear much color, but Becca had decided to dress with her parents' favorite colors; just for th day. Now she was wondering if she should've reconsidered. Before she could decide what was more honorable, arms wrapped around her and Becca wiped at her trickling tears.
“I thought I'd find you here.”
“You a good detective, Dick.”
“Hmm. You're a better one.”
Becca smiled a little, leaning into him as the sun sank lower. She felt Dick's breath hot on her ear and couldn't keep the heat from flushing her cheeks.
“You look beautiful,” he whispered.
“I wanted to honor them by wearing something they'd love.”
“I know. You mother would like the dress. And your dad would be pleased with the green jewelry.”
More tears began to fall at the mention of them and Becca felt lost.
“How do you do this? I want to know how you did it those first couple years.”
“I had a family to help me. Bruce and Alfred were very helpful and understanding. They let me mourn. But kept me from wanting to join them.”
“But...I have no family. You're all I have left. You're the only family I have.”
Becca fingered the silver band on her ring finger. It had little hearts engraved in it and a few sparrows. But there was a robin with rings outspread right in the center, where a jewel should have been. It was simple, something that would have meant nothing. But Becca cherished it.
“Don't worry, love. I'll help you. Even between being Becca and Shade. You don't have to worry.”
“Dick, I don't even know who I am anymore.”
Dick moved to sit in front of her. He cupped her cheek and tilted her head upwards. She grabbed his free hand and tangled their fingers together.
“I know who you are Becca Stevens. And I will never loose you.”
Dick looked into her vulnerable brown eyes and he knew how heart broken she was; how betrayed she had been feeling. He leaned down to capture those tempting lips with his own.
“I promise.”

“Is your hair dyed?”
“What?” Becca asked, a smile on her lips.
“Did you dye your hair?” Wally repeated.
“No. Why?”
“I never thought you could black hair with red highlights. Especially ones as red as yours.”
“Umm...It's just like that.”
Wally tilted his head as he watched Becca jog away. She'd gone from happy to secretive; over hair! Something was wrong. Becca was normally cool with all of his random questions. But she just closed up, like she was carrying a burden. A secret. Wally LOVED secrets. He wanted to find out Becca's secret and he was anxious to start. But if he got too nosy, word would get to Robin. Then he'd be in trouble. Find a secret or get in trouble with the Dark Knight?...Bye secret!

“That was too close,” Becca finished.
“Yes it was,” a muffled voice agreed. “They're getting too close too fast. We need to keep this secret Becca. Remember?”
“I'm trying. But I'm not very subtle with my emotions.”
“True. Relax. I'm sure Wally won't know any better. And the others don't see you as much.”
“What about Robin? I can't keep this a secret forever ya'know.”
“Just a little longer. In a week's time, you'll be able to release this information you have. The small amount we discussed about anyway.”
“What do you mean? What's going to happen?”
“...I'm not sure. Things are too iffy right now. But there's an evil stir in the air. You need to be on the alert. And watch over them. They don't know.”
“Alright. But only because it's for you.”
“Thank you Becca. Now I best let you go. We wouldn't want them snooping around right?”
“Of course not.”
“Good. And remember, we know nothing.”
The speaker hung up and Becca was left standing in darkness.
“Yeah. But I wonder if that's enough.”
I know this seems random, but bear with me! It all ties in at the end!!!! XD
posted by Skittles98
have you ever wondered what Kaldur does on those lonely days at the mountain? Well, this is just ONE day

The rest of the team was away at school, like every other weekday. Therefore, I was alone here at the Cave. I tried to put myself to work, I really did! But it was just so boring with no one here. Even listening to Artemis and Wally argue was more exciting. I sat down on the couch and flicked on the news.
“The President has called in the Swat to watch over him while he is in a conference with Wayne Industries, fearful that there may be an assassination attempt on either him or Mister Bruce...
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posted by Robin_Love
“NO!” Robin screamed as he awoke.
Becca stirred beside him and woke up.
“Robin! What's wrong?”
Instead of answering, Robin brought her into a long, passionate kiss. Becca responded instantly and then pulled away.
“What's wrong?” she asked again.
“Aww! What about?”
“You...died! I couldn't do anything! I thought I lost you!”
Becca went into his embrace. Never had she seen him look so lost, so weak and helpless. She soothed his hair as he cried into her neck, hugging her tightly.
“Shh. It's okay. I'm right here. I'm alive. No matter what. I'm right here.”
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posted by YJTTFAN

Let me start with TOTALLY NOT MY IDEA!! Ok you listening? Here is the story.

Mount Justice
1:00 pm

Wally and Artemis were fighting again, Data nudged her brother Robin and said
"Watch this," she picked up something and spoke into it
"I DID NOT KISS YOU!" Her voice came out as Artemis's
"WAIT WHAT?!" they both said finally
"Ohhhh you used my real name, scary," Delta laughed and she snatched her coco then realized that her hand was glued to the mug. Causing...
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posted by justjill
Sadly I did not type this but I found this very cute! :3 (Waltermis fan)Sorry a bit late for christmas... XD

“It’s the most beautiful time of the year
Lights fill the streets spreading so much cheer
I should be playing in the winter snow
But Imma be under the mistletoe.”

Everyone’s heads were bent over, staring at the last decoration in the bottom of the box. Wally’s and Artemis’s expressions were akin to expecting the object to explode at any minute. Robin and Zatanna looked highly amused. Kaldur appeared confused, Conner bored, and Megan ecstatically delighted with the prospect of...
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Prequel Series: Revenge Series
Link- link

Book One: Redemption

Book Two: TBR

Book Three: TBR

Book Four: TBR

Until I can get a longer article:
posted by Robin_Love
January First, Happy Harbor

“You're going where?!” Robin asked.
Becca bit her lip, looking aware from his intense gaze.
“Italy,” she whispered.
“Why? Did we do something wrong? Did I do something wrong?”
“No! Nothing like that! It's just...Robin, you know my parents are both Italian. I am too. They met in Italy. I want to see where they met. Where they lived. I want to go so I can remember my parents. If you had the chance you would go. I know it.”
“But why didn't you tell me a day before your flight?!”
“Because you would have wanted to go with me. You couldn't. Batman would...
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posted by Mclovin_69
The man stood there, stood learking in the shadows infront of his monotoring computers, a laugh came to him, he liked to see their pain, their misery even. His evil thoughts and laughter were stopped when a boy came in, " they are being shocked and show signs of being seperated by their connection to eachother" he said, "excellent... after this experiment i want to test the project Q7 on them.." the man replied to the boy, the boy laughed evily at the plan and walked out of the room, the man sat their looking at the monitors once more, a monitor that was in one of the boys room, a boy sat on...
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posted by Skittles98
Not mine! This Article is Property of Bat-dove on

Wally's not the most popular guy. Not in school, not on the team, not as a hero, not anywhere. So what happens when he is suddenly swarmed by people?

'Ah face book,' Wally thought to himself, 'One of the most ridiculous yet useful things on the internet. It helped remind people of events that they were bound to forget, make friends they may never meet, and start fights that might have never existed.'

He himself rarely used it. He had one, but it seemed like a waste of time. But if he had been on face book, he would've known not...
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posted by Mclovin_69
The twins got the keys by making them float to them, it sounds weird but when they put their minds together on something they can make weird things happen, As the keys floated to the cage and put were put in the lock and twisted in thin air. The cage door opened for the twins and they walked out at the exact same time. Wally looked shocked, " Why didnt you just do that in the first place!" he yelled angrily, " Wouldnt have" " been fun" said the other twin finishing the others sentence. The twins began to giggle. Finally the keys floated over and Wally grabbed them unlocking his cage door then...
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posted by Robin_Love
This is not a tie to ANY of my other stories. Becca is not in this; it's just for fun. Mclovin_69 and Bakes 2389 are guest starring in it, along with myself. Moved couples around so if you don't like, tough luck. That's your deal, not mine! XD Enjoy~!

“There is no real evidence about this theory, but the League is positive the Light is harboring three heroes. All are female.”
Batman pressed a button and a picture of a sunny-red, long-haired girl appeared on the screen. Her brown eyes looked cheery and smiling, matching the smile on her lips. Her white onsie was worn over a red onsie that...
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posted by Mclovin_69
"YOU FOOL! How could you let the poor girl cry!, cant you tell she wants to get out of here!" Cheshire yelled while coming out of camoflauge and jumping out of a nearby tree. Wonderland Wally gave her a glare " I thought i made it clear i didnt want you around here anymore" he said as he walked over to Cheshire arms length away. The two began to argue in unison until Artemis finally stopped her tears, and brought up the courage to ask" Why do you two hate eachother in the first place?", Wonderland Wally and Cheshire both looked at her and sighed deeply," before the queen of hearts came to be...
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posted by Robin_Love
“He's here?!”
“Who's here Dick?” Raven asked, coming to stand by the boy's side.
Raven tensed at the name and, NightWing could feel anger rippling off her body.
“What are you going to do?” he whispered.
They looked at each other and NightWing (who I'm just going to call Dick from here on out) read the cold brutality in her eyes.
“Kill him.”
Raven moved towards the door s Dick's eyes widened.
“What?!” he hissed, grabbing her wrist.
Raven turned to face him, ignoring the knock that sounded at the door.
“You heard me Dick. There is no way that I'm letting that...
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posted by Mclovin_69
"But I cant be in wonderland..." Artemis thought to herself, she felt sick what if she never got out of here, what if she never got to see anyone on her team or her family ever again...especially Wally.... or her mother. The rabbit kept walking or hopping as i should say and they finally reached a white cute little house with a garden. " Zata- the white rabbit" Artemis said " is this your house?".
"You dont have to call me the white rabbit" the bunny said as it began to glow and became a girl, that looked exacly like Zatanna. Artemis was speechless and finally broke her silence by asking " why...
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posted by Robin_Love
WARNING: SLASH!!! One-shot! XD

Rain poured hard on October 23rd. Winds blew harshly. Things were slamming against the bullet proof windows. Thunder rang out like a loud rumbling giant about to eat. If you were to count the seconds between the frequent lightning and loud thunder, you would know the storm was only a mile away. But Happy Harbor was a bay port. Which means a hurricane could start at any minute. No one was allowed to leave. No one was going to leave. The winds were already tearing trees out of their roots and picking up sped every minute. It was far too dangerous.

Wally couldn't help...
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posted by Mclovin_69
The storm was heard loudly inside the cave so the team was stuck becuase the power went out and the zeta tubes werent functioning, so noone could get in or out. Wally, Artemis, Robin, and Zatanna meanwhile were in the kitchen/ living room area as the sound of thunde filled the whole room. This was acouple of weeks after the whole memory loss to Artemis so nothing has changed, Wally and Artemis were still a couple as were Robin and Zatanna and everything in the cave was the same, but one thing did change Zatanna finally became a full fledged member of the "young justice" team and now stayed...
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posted by YJTTFAN

Mount Justice, 8:15 a.m.

"I can't believe you!"

Those four words rang out towards the entire building and found its way to the kitchen where Aqualad, Robin, Megan and Superboy were busy eating breakfast. All four of them looked up at each other. Kid Flash and Artemis were fighting… again…

At the same moment Wally and Artemis walked into the kitchen. Artemis was soaking wet with a towel wrapped around her and Wally's face was red from laughing. It didn't take a genius to figure it out.

"Sorry, it was an accident." Wally...
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The next day after. Recognized Zatara B O4 the machine said as Zatara walked in, Zatanna embraced him immeadiatley by giving him a hug. " I am so glad your safe" he said as his daughter looked up at him, " Why did they even take you in the first place?" he asked, Zatanna who looked back at Robin and said " The Joker was trying to make us join his team, but in order to do that he thought if he could get the one thing the other person most cared for, then we would join", Zatara eyed his daughter oddly then asked " but who most cares for you?" he whispered in his daughters ear. "I-I im not sure"...
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Me:Hello and welcome to my first article and it wount be the last i will defently write more...ok and due to request our first gest is Robin aka my boy friend!!!(lol)

Robin: hi, how are you? *sits down*

Me: oh fine *blushes* questions for today is: what are all your costumes and which one is your favoite but why does one of them have no pants?

Robin: well haha that is a hard one well i have one's from the batman movies, the one from teen titans, the one from 'the batman' serice, the one from young justice of cource, one from the comics i think that one is the costume that has no pants...
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posted by 66Dragons

"Russia?" Robin asked.

"Russia." Batman said.

The rest of the Team walked over as the screen appeared with a news report from Russia.

"With the international banquet between the United States and Russia approaching, tensions are running high and security has been pushed up. Unconfirmed rumors suggest that the Justice League will be watching over the banquet personally." the news reporter said. "But again, these rumors are unconfirmed. Back to you Dave."

"Thanks, Iris. If you want to see more, just-" Batman cut the news host and the screen off.

"The Justice League has other matters to attend...
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posted by 66Dragons
I have received a quest for the YJ Character Templates, so here is a link: link


And because I need a longer article to publish it: