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"Bank robbery.  31st street.  Be there."
"Bank robbery. 31st street. Be there."
Suddenly, a man who wore a grayish costume with spiky goggles ran up to us. His squarish chin reminded me of our Batman back home.
"What's the situation, Bats?" Evelyn asked.
"Bank robbery. 31st street. Be there." He walked off without another word.
"Assemble the team," the other Robin told Evelyn. "This is serious--"
"Hold on," I interrupted him. "Take us instead. I'd like to see how you work."
Evelyn looked at Robin apprehensively, but smiled. "Sure! Let's go!"
Since we'd traveled by the teleporter, we had to borrow the other Miss Martian's bioship, which was blue in color. We had gotten to the bank in five minutes.
I don't see why we needed the bioship if we're here already, I said to my team.
"Look," My Robin pointed out his window.
I looked. On the streets, the citizens were cowering in fear, but there was no sign of danger.
"They're terrified of them!" Megan answered my thoughts.
"Exactly," my Robin thought. "Because of the way they dispose their villains, the citizens are forced to fear their leaders."
"We're here!" Evelyn announced, landing the plane.
I ran out with the rest of the team, where a bank alarm was sounded. There were no officers in sight.
"Where are the cops?" KF asked.
The other Robin raised an eyebrow. "Cops? We don't need them."
"We don't need help from the regular people," Evelyn continued.
Before I could say anything, two men dressed in leather ran out of the building with bags of cash slung over their shoulders. With a swift wave of her hand, Evelyn sent a wall of earth at the men, blocking them from going any further.
When the wall disintegrated, the other Robin pulled out a gun, his finger pressed on the trigger.
"NO!" I yelled, hitting his gun to the ground, making the bullet shoot the floor.
"What are you doing?" he demanded, grabbing the collar of my costume.
"Don't touch her!" my Robin yelled, jumping beside me.
"I'm fine," I gritted through my teeth, pushing away.
Aqualad and the others tied up the two robbers, who looked gratefully toward me.
"Erica, why did you do that?" Evelyn asked, sounding annoyed.
"You may be superheroes, but you can't kill civilians!"
"They were robbing that bank--" Robin started.
"But they have no powers!" I interrupted again. "It's our responsibility as heroes to ensure the safety of the public! It's not our job to execute them!"
"Anyone who opposes the Wilderness is opposing the country," Evelyn said with a glare.

And with a flash of white, everything was blank.
"Don't touch her!"
"Don't touch her!"
posted by Mclovin_69
" Klarion! havent you learned Fate must always come through " Dr Fate shouted, " oh shut it you old fart!!" Kalrion yelled lifting up a wall and smashiing both ends into Dr Fate squishing him, a gold cross appeared and the two walls broke, " brat!" Dr Fate shouted shooting light at Klarion, Kalrion sheilded his eyes and screamed as he disappeared, Dr Fate floated in the air and Klarion appeared behind him, he shot a red beam at Fate and knocked him to the ground.

Wally screamed out in pain and fell to the ground, " what gives! " he shouted looking up at Kent, " well its your body hes using "...
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posted by InfinityYJ
I rubbed my ankle frantically and looked at my clock. 2:30 was glaring at me, and I knew that it couldn't be p.m. in this blackness. Just fifteen more minutes, I told myself. Then you can leave. No regrets. Just... augh!
I bit my lip as a shock of pain traveled up my leg and through to the hand that grasped it. It was unexpected, some kind of a warning, I was sure. "Nabuu," I growled. Forget 15 minutes. I had to go now.
I raced around my room, grabbing essential items-food, water, laptop, spellbook, and of course, my iPod and charger. I left my phone, dropped them com link, and blocked telepathic...
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The sound of circus music and laughter was heard, the flood lights blazed cross the ever busy city of Gotham. People began to fill every seat in the circus tent holding their brouchers with the star attraction labled on the front 'The Flying Graysons'.

"Mum is their any reason why our new outfits are so...colourful?" Dick asked. His mother smiled and chouched down to his level. "Well, when I see you up their you remind me of a little Robin" His father came over and russled his hair. "A Robin? I know kids that get bullied for having those kind of nicknames" He said looking down at his unapealing...
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posted by Robin_Love
“I hate this!” Becca muttered, resisting the urge to pull her hand out of Sam's.
“Hey this is no picnic for my either! Partners I can understand. But a fake couple? Bats is messed up!”
“Ugh. Just focus so we can get this over with! Oh and I won't tell Holly so you better not tell Robin!”
“Trust me. This won't get out to anyone!”
Becca rolled her eyes. She'd decided to wear her sunglasses so no one would see the glares she was sending Sam in her furious brown eyes.
“Of all the jobs I've ever done, this is the worst!”
“Shut up, Sam!”
“Well excuse me!”
“No! Shut up! That's...
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posted by Mclovin_69
" Recognized Zatara BO-11 " Zatara appeared in and everyone who was in the main room looked at the zeta tube with shoke and confusion in their eyes, " dad!" Zatanna yelled and ran to her father hugging him tightly. Zatara stood back and held his daughters shoulders, " i thought Nabuu took you he let you go! " Wally exclaimed with happiness. Zataras smile disappeared from his face and he looked at Wally, he could imagine how his face would change when he told him, " he didnt let me go willingly...." Zatara said. " Then what changed his mind?" Andrew asked, " he traded me for..... Willow.." Zatara...
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posted by Obscurity98
I stood on the ledge,
You watched stand upon,
You called to me,
Distressed and crying now,
You told "You're the one,
I promise this to Ye."

You knew i would not believe,
For I had read the minds,
Of all the living and the dead,
Mermories all kinds.
I found you there, Laying in bed in one,
You practiced all you lines,
I know you cheated on me,
With girl's I cant pronounce.

In a past time i'm sure,
You cant remember all you did,
Your life has been a blur.
You lied to my face and said,
"Their Memories are false,
I know i was neve in that bed."

I snap down to you,
"I know your lyign now."
You thought i had learned and...
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posted by Robin_Love
“Are you sure you want to give her that?” Willow asked, eyeing her sister who was examining the drink she'd been handed.
“Yes. She'll have fun this way and you and I will get some amusement. Go ahead Becca. Take a sip.”
Becca eyed Billy before cautiously taking a small sip. Her face lit up and she drank the whole thing.
“What was that?” Willow asked.
“Double chocolate chip frappuccino.”
“Chocolate AND coffee?!”
Willow looked at Billy incredulously.
“Becca is going to be such a handful now! She'll go nuts!”
“On the bright side, the fact that she thinks she can catch...
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posted by Robin_Love
“Becca, I don't feel comfortable doing this!”
“I know. But you hated my flirting idea. And if you really want Wally back, this is the only thing I can think of to get his attention. Cause you will not become a slut because of him!”
“...Wally was right. You ARE protective.”
“Thanks hon! Love you too!”
Willow smiled as Becca dragged her into a store. The two looked around a little bit before Willow spoke up.
“You do know this isn't a bridal shop, right?”
“Yes. But you wouldn't wear a real wedding dress even if I asked you to. So we'll find a dress and spice it up.”
“You really...
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posted by XxKFforeverXx
Fang was getting off the floor when Volt came running in the blown up entrance.
"Fang? What happened?" Volt looked around.
"Cave was under attack" He coughed.
"Who was it?!?" Volt looked at Fang with worry in her eyes.
"Blaze, Peyton, Violet and....." 
"Fang! Who was it?" Volt shook her friend.
"Darien. Your brother. They took Nudge, I have no idea where though." He dusted his jeans off. There was a red mark around his wrist and a bruise on the side of it.
"What's wrong with your wrist?" Volt grabbed his wrist. He instantly jerked it back with pain written across his face.
"Darien probably broke it...
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posted by Mclovin_69
Billy ran down the streets and skidded across a wall, " Okay benson...make sure the coast is clear...and go" Billy said going to fence and lifting up a plank and closing it behind him. He ran to a telephone booth and entered it, he sat down on a seat in there, " Captain Mravel 15.." Billy said, he closed his eyes in releif and waited for something to happen but notihng did. He opened his eyes " Captain Marvel 15!" he yelled, he crossed his arms in frustration " overwright ho/t watch tower priority A Captain Marvel 15!" Billy yelled, the machine made a humming noise and scanned him, " not recognized......
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posted by XxKFforeverXx
I sat on top of the counter watching Megan cook breakfast. She flipped pancakes a couple of times. She put the last plate on the counter.
"There, done! Now Nudge, could you go get your brother up?"
"Sure!" I leapt off and took off down the hallway. I opened the door to Fang's room, his arm was off the bed and he was snoring. I smiled, put my hands on his shoulders and shook him.
"FANG! GET UP! GET UP!" his eyes shot opened and he sat up.
"What is it?!?" he said with eyes full of shock.
"Nothing breakfast is ready." I trudged off smiling, when a pillow hit the back of my head.
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posted by XxKFforeverXx
"This is stupid!" Violet slammed a book down. Peyton and Blaze glanced over at her. 
"What are you looking at hot-head!?!" Violet yelled.
"Listen here Miss Cadaver! BACK OFF!" Blaze shoved her. Violets eyes glowed white and Blaze flew into the wall, Violet walking towards her. Peyton stepped in between them. 
"Now now ladies. Let's cool down." 
"You cool down iceboy!" Blaze powered up scorching Peyton's hand. Walking away he picked up the book Violet slammed down and flipped though it.
"Violet, why do you have a spell book?" She walked up behind him and threw her arms around him. 
"I use dark...
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posted by NekoTheif
So I'm writing this story on my account on Quizilla (Google- LunariAssain1) and as I said will be placing updates for it. So here is this update before I start because i will WRITE THIS STORY even if it kills me.

Title- Birds Of A Feather
She is a weapon. Given a power she is afraid to use. She loves it and hates it. When she is rescued Hawkwoman takes her in. She refuses to use her powers and joins Young Justice. Will she hide her powers or hide them forever?

Hero Name- Angel
Secret Identity- Amelia Tor
Age- 13
Martial Arts


Shy about using powers
Prone to lashing out if pushed to hard

Protege Of Hawkwoman

posted by Robin_Love
Shade leapt over to another building. She looked behind her. Robin was still on her tail. She smirked. She wanted to get a little farther away. She knew Megan's mind link had a limit. If she could just get him to follow her, she' stop when they were out of range. She looked back to the front, this time choosing to flip over the gap. She stuck the landing and kept going. C'mon Robin. Just a little farther... She jumped the last one, this time hiding behind the AC unit. If he thought she was ahead, he'd follow. Her breathe came out faster. She tried to slow it down. The mask over her eyes was...
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posted by Robin_Love
*Several weeks later*
“I'm very proud of your training. You've come a long way. Now for the ultimate test.”
Becca turned away from her crew to look at the computer screen. She pulled up several files.
“This is Cheshire. She normally works for the League of Shadows. You know this. But what you don't know is that Cheshire has recently been approached by a buisness man. A very rich buisness man. She has stolen a rare artifact that was meant to head out to England. I wasn't sure why she wanted it but I did some research and I found something very interesting. This artifact is Roman. But what...
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posted by Robin_Love
For EclipseYJ. Her Fanfic Challenge Request! XD

“Aero, I shouldn't be out here,” Phoebe whispered.
She was silence by a pair of lips on her own. Her eyes closed and she melted into his embrace. Her heart beat faster and she came as close as she could. They pulled away and Phoebe looked at him. He wore a devious smirk and it sent desirable shivers down her spine.
“Say what you want, Phoebe. You would've snuck out anyway.”
Phoebe blushed in the light of the moon. She had been able to sneak out of the mountain and had met her boyfriend in the forest. She looked at him now and knew why she...
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posted by XxKFforeverXx
"Recongized Nudge B-09" Fang lept up from where he was sitting.
"Where were you? You didn't even explain tell me where you were going!"
"Fang, I can exp-" he didn't let me finish.
"Next time you take off tell me where your going!" I was starting to get tired of his mouth, so I unfolded my wings. His eyes widened,
"How did?" I just shrugged.
"It had to be someone who knew the place well." I looked at Blaze as she backed up into Batman
"Well know that we're all here, I have a mission. Deathstroke is in Knoxville Teneessee. He's somewhere is an old storage building. Fang, you and Nudge take the skies....
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posted by Robin_Love
This is the one without powers I told some of you about! Enjoy XD!

She could already tell, walking into Gotham Academy, who was placed in what groups. The cheerleaders, the jocks, the academics, the outsiders, the champions, the legends, and club presidents. She sighed as she walked past each group. She didn't have to look at students to know which group they were in. The cliques were easily spotted. Going to her locker, Becca Stevens ignored all noise that headed her way. She opened her locker, placing all her stuff inside. She saw a blonde haired girl next to her. A quick glance at her neighbor...
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posted by Mclovin_69
Douglas stood in the night, he stood in the middle of the dark forest. Though he had told the team he had people to see and he had places to go which he did. Douglas smiled deviously and put down a golden ring in the middle of a four way path. he stood in the middle as a gold sort of patern appeared around him. " Now time to get the team together...." Douglas said evily, he put his hand out, but was stopped when from behind he heard Robins bombs, arrows, and head sized rocks come straight at him, he turned around and blocked it with a purple sheild, the one Phoebe used so often. " Thats the...
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posted by rachele_X
I opened my eyes to darkness; solid, black darkness. The air tasted stale and musty, and it hurt to breathe. My chest felt tight and restrained, and with a jolt, I realized it wasn’t just my chest that I couldn’t move, but my entire body. One side of my body was resting against something soft and warm. No, not warm, hot. 143 degrees hot. The other side was cold, like icicles. My eyes gradually adjusted to the blackness, and I realized that the hot mass next to me was Fin.

My chest and body was bound with tight, sturdy ropes. They crackled and hummed with electricity, and every once in a...
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