Young Justice Club
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posted by Skittles98
“Forty-eight, forty-nine, fifty” I said aloud. I had been doing chin ups on the high bar for the last twenty minutes. I swung my legs back and forth. I kept swinging until I was doing full 360’s around the bar. When I had enough speed, I propelled myself to the lower bar next to me, and then continued what I had been doing. This time when I had enough speed, I propelled my self to the higher bar. I kept swinging until I had enough speed. This time I propelled myself straight upwards, then landed perfectly balanced on the bar, even though it was only a couple inches thick. I walked along it then jumped down to the blue mats. I walked over to the balance beam and climbed up. First, I just walked along it, then I ran, then I skipped, then I did cartwheels and back flips along it. I jumped down and put my workout CD on then climbed back up. I did my advanced routine: Walk on my hands, back flip, front flip to the high bars, where I did seven flips, switched bars, then did seven more flips. After that, I jumped up onto the bar, and did a walking handstand. Then I propelled my self to the rings and held my body straight out like a pencil, my arms stretched. I felt like I was flying. I jumped down and walked over to the music player and stopped the CD. I walked over to the punching bags, looked around to make sure nobody was watching, and then posted up a picture of Wally and Artemis holding hands. Then I beat it up violently. My last punch was so hard it sent the punching bag flying off the chains that were holding it. I ran over to it then reattached it. *Clap, clap, clap, clap*. I whipped around to find Robin standing at the door, smirking at me.
“What?” I asked sheepishly
“I’m so over him, I don’t care that he’s dating my best friend, yay for you two” he mocked me “Very nice. Very nice indeed”
“What do you want, Robin?” I asked
“Oh, just the truth” he said slyly
“The truth is that the first person I’ve ever loved dumped me for my best friend. And don’t say: didn’t you love you parents? Because they died when I was three. They were divorced when I was two, so no, I didn’t love them” I found myself explaining everything to him.
“Night, calm down. I came to see if you were okay, not to get your whole life story” he sighed
I went to another punching bag and started to punch again.
“Night, I know this is hard for you, but you have to focus on right now, not something that happened hours ago” he soothed “It’s like my mom used to say: ‘Remember the past, dream about the future, but live the present’”
When he finished that sentence, I punched the bag so hard, I heard the ceiling creek where it was being suspended by chains.
“Did your mother die a couple years back? Was she a beautiful young lady who cared for everyone? Are you an only child?” I demanded
“Yes, yes and yes” he answered
“Was her last name Grayson?” I asked
“Yes” he replied
“Your mother was my first master at the dojo!” I exclaimed
"The Nightfury!"
"The Nightfury!"
The scientists jumped back as the Batarang hit the glass and shattered. Nora's body fell through the water, making some tools fall to the floor.
One of the scientists looked at me through his circular glasses. "The Nightfury!"
The other one looked at him nervously. "She'll tell the cops!"
The first scientist walked over to a table and took a revolver from one of its drawers. "I heard you lost your powers... so this just might work..."
I leaped in the air, throwing the towel in his face, forcing him to miss aim. I kicked him in the shins, and his partner tripped over a fallen-over tray.
I ran...
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posted by Skittles98
We zoomed down the highway, street lights zooming pass us. I held on tight to Green Arrows waist when we went around corners.
“Remind me again why I can’t drive?” I asked
“Because you’re too young. Plus, Dinah would have a fit if we wrecked her cycle. She rebuilt it by hand you know” he laughed like he remembered an old joke. I sighed and tightened my grip as we zoomed around a corner.
“So where exactly are we going?” I asked
“To find someone who knows Roulette’s whereabouts. We need to find Sonar, her assistant” he explained
“Dad, what if it’s too late?” I asked
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posted by Skittles98
“No. Not that I remember, at least” I turned away
“You said you had a sister. What does she call you?” asked a male voice
“She calls me cat, because of well, you know. She also said when I was born, an oracle said I would do bad things and my real name is a curse where we’re from. The oracle was right. I did do bad things. Now we’re being chased by some creepy guys and the assassin leader, some chick in a short green kimono and a white mask” I shivered
“Shadow’s” said one of them
“No, I’m pretty sure they’re real” I remembered when they shot at me.
“No, they’re...
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posted by Skittles98
He yelled in horror and ran out of the lounge. But not before I could get a picture of him in his frilly pink candy land dress, hot pink lipstick, pigtail hair, pink eye shadow, black and pink striped stockings and pink Mary Jane shoes.
He yelled in horror and ran out of the lounge. But not before I could get a picture of him in his frilly pink candy land dress, hot pink lipstick, pigtail hair, pink eye shadow, black and pink striped stockings and pink Mary Jane shoes.
I woke up just in time. Wally woke up seconds after I brought out my camera. He yelled in horror and ran out of the lounge. But not before I could get a picture of him in his frilly pink candy land dress, hot pink lipstick, pigtail hair, pink eye shadow, black and pink striped stockings and pink Mary Jane shoes. I looked at the time. 6:03. I sighed and went back to sleep, my camera back in the bottom of my sleeping bag. I woke up again and everyone was gone. I got up and walked to the kitchen and found a note on the fridge.

Alex. Please grab the parka laid out on your bed and meet us outside...
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posted by Skittles98
I woke up to find the sun up in the sky. I pulled out a watch from my shadow purse and looked at the time. It was exactly 7:00. The little calendar at the bottom said it was the twenty second of July. Six days left until my birthday. Great, only five days left in this dome. That’s me, always looking on the bright side of things. I didn’t mind the dome that much. It was the fact that I had no body to talk to. I saw a turtle pass under me. Then I knew I was never totally alone. I called up a bunch of mist from my I.I.M. device. I threw a golden drachma in.
“O Iris, accept my offering”...
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posted by Skittles98
After Melinoe poofed away in a poofy cloud of poof, I turned around to leave, only to find the team still there. If I had a penny for each time I cursed in my mind in Greek right then, I’d be rich.
“Sarah, would you like to explain what just happened and why you used mind control on Wally?” Kalder asked
“No. Anyways, it wasn’t mind control, it was a truth spell!” I said, then poofed away in a cloud of water vapor hinting where I was going. I appeared out on the water, fifty meters away from shore. I made a water dome then hardened it. I then reinforced it with a black wall and white...
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posted by Candy77019
"You have to practice this everyday, starting tomorrow."
"You have to practice this everyday, starting tomorrow."
The door to the terminal opened slowly, as Megan landed the bioship in the big landing unit.
We all got out of the ship and headed to the Mission Room, where Erica sat at the computer, staring at nothing.
"Guys!" She greeted, hugging Robin, then looking at me. "That was fast!"
I showed her my scroll. "She didn't have time to teach me." I didn't miss her quick frown before she looked at it.
She smiled, then gave it back to me. "You have to practice this everyday, starting tomorrow."
KF looked at the wall clock. "I have to get to school!" he flashed out of the mountain and headed for his school....
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Hey,guys whats up?
Hey,guys whats up?
Morning already?but I don`t feel like getting up.
I took my phone and texted to M`gann:Hey!,Is everyone there?I just got up im on my way.
I got up from the bed and changed and I said good morning to Batman and Albert(I think thats his name).

Hey guys whats up?!.
"We`re planing a sleepover here wanna join?"Asked a Kind Artemis.
I said laughing:Umm sure Are the guys staying?
M`gann blushed:well it would`nt be a sleepover without Wally.
Okay I`ll be in charge of the stuff well me and Robin.See you guys at 7:00pm.
I got the stuff!Sheets,Pillows,clothes and Movies.

Then the guys came in with theyre stuff....
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There guys thats my home.
There guys thats my home.
Shit!Today is my reunion It`s okay calm down maybe they forgot.
I woke up and went to MT.Justice it was training time good that`ll take my mind off of things,
just when we started the guards came in and tried to arrest Black Canary She said: what is the meaning of this?!
I spoke tammaranian to them:Gokta shinori tarien!

"My dear Princess it`s been to long you have`nt changed a bit,Have you forgotten the reunion?
come lets go."Said A guard.
No im staying here with my friends.
"You have to go we`re all going."Said The Dark knight.
Okay are you sure? bout what u just said?
"Yes we`re all going The team...
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"Wally is there something you`d like to say to FireBlaster?"Said Kaldu`r and M`gann.
"Im sorry for what i said the other day".said Wally.I responded:Its okay you`re forgiven.

Awesome! now why don`t we go out for pizza?:Robin said.Everyone laughed and we went to a pizzeria.
"Awesome pizza" I said.Then Wally asked:Who`s paying cause im not,then woosh wally left!
Artemis yelled as he left:You`re soo cheap! ugh he can be such a little kid seriously.
I added:It`s okay he`s a catch for somegirl who can litteraly catch him,besides im paying.
"Please why don`t we all chip in and pay together?" said Kaldu`r....
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When I opened my eyes, I was in a room of gold. Literally, full, shimmering, gold. I saw someone on a throne and went to move towards them, but I couldn’t move. I looked down and realized my body was being slowly incased in gold.
“Who are you” I demanded
“Why, haven’t you guessed yet? I am King Midas, the man of gold” he introduced
“Why are you doing this to me?” I asked
“I was paid quite profitably to goldify you” he said
“With what? You are already probably the richest man alive?” I wondered
“She paid me with water, my gold touches undoing” he replied
“Water eh? So...
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“Finally, a place where I will be able to relax and not have to prove my worth” I sighed
“I’m not sure that’s true. We won’t be getting the flower from Hades; we’ll be getting the flower from Persephone” Nico reminded
“Right. Forgot about her” I remembered
“Plus, we might get attacked by spirits. It’s happened before, to Percy, Thalia and I” Nico reminded me
“Well, hopefully our luck holds out” I said
We walked ten steps into the underworld then… are luck broke. Around thirty evil spirits surrounded us. We all drew our weapons. The first one lunged at Annabeth and...
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“Okay, next stop Themyscira for the golden Rafflesia arnoldii” I said “Percy, Nico, you two will have to stay here or else you might get killed on sight”
“Why? Because we’re guys?!” Percy demanded
“Yes” I said, dead serious
“Oh.” Percy said
Annabeth and I walked out in our new white dresses. They were styled just like an Amazon dress so we could appear friendly. I also had a sheathed sword under my waist tie in case of trouble. I crafted it out of a hydra scale, so if it were damaged, it repairs itself. We walked a couple of feet, and then were spotted by a patrol.
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posted by Skittles98
"Why? I thought you wanted me to stop dating?” I wondered
"Because I wanted you to be happy. And I knew you wouldn’t be happy just being friends with this fine young man.” Artemis responded.
Robin and I both blushed.
When I turned to walk away, I saw Megan and Super Boy dancing together.
"Where have you two been?” I asked “You missed all the excitement!”
"We saw you two kiss…”Super Boy said
"You two make like such a cute couple!” Megan exclaimed
Both mine and Robin’s cheeks turned an odd shade of pink. I glanced at Robin with a mischievous smile on my face. He nodded.
"We saw you...
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posted by Skittles98
“What are you talking about?” M’gann asked
”The Artemis I know and love has auburn hair, looks my age, has eyes that way to old for her body, would never willingly be around this many boys, has a bow shaped like silver gazelle horns and a magic quiver!” I exclaimed
When none of them said anything I realized that I just totally gave up my little secret.
”I mean cool name” I said cautiously
“You just described the Artemis of Greek myth” Kalder said quietly
”I…uh…yeah… there’s something you guys need to know about me” I confessed
” When I got my Hep. B shot this year...
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"After I crush you with my Donkey Kong fists, you're going down Richards.  Do you hear me?  DOWN!"
"After I crush you with my Donkey Kong fists, you're going down Richards. Do you hear me? DOWN!"
"After I crush you with my Donkey Kong fists, you're going down, Richards. Do you hear me? DOWN!" Artemis's fingers raced over the controller's buttons.
I scoffed. "Well, maybe so, but not before I KIRBY SMASH YOU!" And my Kirby turned into a rock and smashed Artemis's Donkey Kong before she could even blink.
The triumphant sound of victory blared through the large speakers as I danced around the room.
Artemis set her controller down next to her and held her hand out. "This time, you win. But next time, you better watch out."
I eagerly shook it. "Until we meet again, DK."
Throughout a year,...
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posted by wonderbat101
hurry,I want to go to the beach!"Wally complanied.Batman gave Wally a stern look and replied"No"."This is your new team mate,Wonderbat"Green Arrow replied.A girl with long ,straight, black hair and baby blue eyes came out from the shadow batman placed on her.The girl seemed to be outgoing and not shy what so ever.She wore a red strapless shirt with a W that looked like a bat,a utility belt,black tights,black gloves,red boots and a black eye mask.
"Hi,i'm Wonderbat".The team went to greet her."So how come I never heard of you?"Robin asked."I think Batman should tell you" she answered."She came...
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added by batgirl910
added by Denelys
Source: DevianART
added by purplevampire