Young Justice OC'S!!! No one's posted on of these if 4eveeeeeer

SilverWings13 posted on May 18, 2018 at 08:24PM
Here's the blank one:
1. Introduce yourself with the basics.
Callaghan Rurik. A youthful 236. 6'2" with awesome hair. Taurus.
2. Eating habits.
I'll eat three of everything
3. Of all your belongings, which are most important to you?
My camera and my family ring.
4. Who is your best friend, or the person you are closest to?
Probably my favorite brother, Siegfried. Siggyyyyyyy!
5. Do you have any romantic interests, or have you in the past?
My past...let's not talk about that. Let's live in the present. I love my boo~
6. Describe your relationship with your parents.
My dad's a pain in the butt, and my mom is distant, but I love them both.
7. Do you have any siblings?
7 brothers and a little sis. I'm in the middle somewhere.
8. What is something you're really good at?
Making grilled cheese.
9. What is something you're really bad at?
Cooking anything else.
10. What is a custom of your family or culture that you participate in?
Practicing Eastern Ural magic.
11. How well educated are you? Do you speak more than one language? Are you
well studied in a specific subject?
I speak many a language. My first was Russian, my second Latin, and my most recent: Canadian, eh! I don't really do well in school? I'm distracted too easily...
12. Is there anything about your appearance that you would like to change?
Uh, no? Wait... *inappropriate comment deleted here*
13. Where were you born, and where do you live now?
I was born in Moscovy, and I reside mostly in NYC now.
14. What's something that calms you down when you're angry?
My lady <3
15. Do you struggle with any physical or mental disabilities?
Does ADHD count?
16. If you fight with weapons, what are they?
Fight..? I use my defense magic against annoying pelicans at the beach sometimes.
17. Do you have any enemies? Who are they, and why are you enemies?
"Enemies" is a strong word. I prefer "not friends," "unruly neighbors," or "dangerous Romanov bastards."
18. What is a mistake that you've made in your past? Do you regret it?
I once fell asleep eating ice-cream...I regret it because the rest of the ice-cream melted ;-;
19. Where would you travel, if you could go anywhere in the world?
Never been to Antartica. Penguins!!
20. Do you want to get married one day? What are your thoughts on children?
Yes and double yes ^.^
21. Have you ever been drunk or otherwise intoxicated? If so, what is something that happened while you were?
Oh my gosh, you bet I have stories...but they're strictly for adult ears only.
22. If your parents or mentor knew everything about you today, would they be proud of you?
Maybe my mom would...? I don't know about my dad...
23. What is something that excites you or makes you really happy?
My fiancé ^.^
24. If you were walking on the streets and you were attacked, do you think you could fight and win?
No. I would run away very quickly.
25. Have you ever killed somebody?
26. What is your most attractive physical trait?
You want me to pick just one?!
27. What complaints do you have about your best friend?
Siggy's feet smell.
28. Would you consider yourself to be trustworthy and honest? Would you lie if it benefited you?
Lie? Me? Pffffffffft, naw. Never. Nope.
last edited on May 18, 2018 at 08:56PM

Young Justice OC'S!!! 3 replies

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over a year ago SilverWings13 said…
Here's a blank one!
1. Introduce yourself with the basics.
2. Eating habits.
3. Of all your belongings, which are most important to you?
4. Who is your best friend, or the person you are closest to?
5. Do you have any romantic interests, or have you in the past?
6. Describe your relationship with your parents.
7. Do you have any siblings?
8. What is something you're really good at?
9. What is something you're really bad at?
10. What is a custom of your family or culture that you participate in?
11. How well educated are you? Do you speak more than one language? Are you
well studied in a specific subject?
12. Is there anything about your appearance that you would like to change?
13. Where were you born, and where do you live now?
14. What's something that calms you down when you're angry?
15. Do you struggle with any physical or mental disabilities?
16. If you fight with weapons, what are they?
17. Do you have any enemies? Who are they, and why are you enemies?
18. What is a mistake that you've made in your past? Do you regret it?
19. Where would you travel, if you could go anywhere in the world?
20. Do you want to get married one day? What are your thoughts on children?
21. Have you ever been drunk or otherwise intoxicated? If so, what is something that happened while you were?
22. If your parents or mentor knew everything about you today, would they be proud of you?
23. What is something that excites you or makes you really happy?
24. If you were walking on the streets and you were attacked, do you think you could fight and win?
25. Have you ever killed somebody?
26. What is your most attractive physical trait?
27. What complaints do you have about your best friend?
28. Would you consider yourself to be trustworthy and honest? Would you lie if it benefited you?
over a year ago XxKFforeverXx said…
1. Introduce yourself with the basics.
Alex, or Nudge.. I respond faster to Nudge, under certain circumstances. All legs, blonde hair.
2. Eating habits
All of it, even roasted rats.
3. Of all your belongings, which are most important to you?
Um.. don't really have one. I've learned to not get attached to much to belongings after being on the run so much.
4. Who is your best friend, or the person you are closest to?
Hmm. probably Fang.
5. Do you have any romantic interests, or have you in the past?
Yes, and he is quite the fella.
6. Describe your relationship with your parents.
Haven't seen 'em in years.
7. Do you have any siblings?
Wish I didn't.
8. What is something you're really good at?
9. What is something you're really bad at?
10. What is a custom of your family or culture that you participate in?
At the moment, don't have one.
11. How well educated are you? Do you speak more than one language? Are you
well studied in a specific subject?
I know the basics, I've learned to read and write, but that's about it. Was never in school for long amounts to get into depth about anything.
12. Is there anything about your appearance that you would like to change?
These wings are a real issue sometimes.
13. Where were you born, and where do you live now?
I have no idea, but I live in New York.
14. What's something that calms you down when you're angry?
Long flights, or just looking at Cal's face.. sometimes.
15. Do you struggle with any physical or mental disabilities?
16. If you fight with weapons, what are they?
Switch blades, quick and easy, that's rare though.
17. Do you have any enemies? Who are they, and why are you enemies?
Oh I've got a lot of them, scientists that want you back in captivity usually aren't my friends.
18. What is a mistake that you've made in your past? Do you regret it?
Yeah.. but let's not get into that.
19. Where would you travel, if you could go anywhere in the world?
Very very far east.
20. Do you want to get married one day? What are your thoughts on children?
I was before and I'll do it again~ and I'm very excited for them.
21. Have you ever been drunk or otherwise intoxicated? If so, what is something that happened while you were?
Because my metabolism runs so high, the most I usually get is a small buzz so I'm never completely out of it.. but I do lose my filter.
22. If your parents or mentor knew everything about you today, would they be proud of you?
I feel like they would be..
23. What is something that excites you or makes you really happy?
Thinking about the future I'm building with my love~
24. If you were walking on the streets and you were attacked, do you think you could fight and win?
In most cases, yup.
25. Have you ever killed somebody?
26. What is your most attractive physical trait?
Idk, my eyes?
27. What complaints do you have about your best friend?
His depression makes me depressed.
28. Would you consider yourself to be trustworthy and honest? Would you lie if it benefited you?
Hm.. sometimes.
last edited over a year ago
Eclipse-YJ commented…
These are so cute :3 over a year ago
over a year ago Eclipse-YJ said…
1. Introduce yourself with the basics.
My birth name was Pandora Rouge but no one calls me that. Now I go by Phoebe Rouge-Spade.

2. Eating habits.
I eat to survive.

3. Of all your belongings, which are most important to you?
My omega necklace and my husband.

4. Who is your best friend, or the person you are closest to?
Zero is who I would class as my best friend. He has put up with me the longest.

5. Do you have any romantic interests, or have you in the past?
I am married. I have had a few flings in the past though.

6. Describe your relationship with your parents.
Never met them.

7. Do you have any siblings?
I did. An older sister.

8. What is something you're really good at?
Playing the Piano.

9. What is something you're really bad at?
Being sensitive.

10. What is a custom of your family or culture that you participate in?
Dylan and I like to have picnics when the cherry blossoms are in bloom.

11. How well educated are you? Do you speak more than one language? Are you
well studied in a specific subject?
I can read and absorb information 4x faster than the average human I think you can figure it out from that. Never been to a real school before though (Xavier's school definitely doesn't count as normal). I also know over 20 languages.

12. Is there anything about your appearance that you would like to change?
I'm pretty sure all my organs look a bit f**ked up.

13. Where were you born, and where do you live now?
In the master bedroom of a chateau in the Loire Valley, France. I live in New York currently.

14. What's something that calms you down when you're angry?
Clicking the bones in my hands.

15. Do you struggle with any physical or mental disabilities?
Trauma. Depression. Multiple Personalities.

16. If you fight with weapons, what are they?
Well, the 10 adamantium claws at the end of each finger come in handy every now and again. If that does not do the trick my Vorpal Axe is a good problem ender.

17. Do you have any enemies? Who are they, and why are you enemies?
Since I am a mutant most of humanity hates me...and I am a hero so yeah. I have enemies. What kind of question is that?

18. What is a mistake that you've made in your past? Do you regret it?
That is a can of worms no one wants to open thank you.

19. Where would you travel, if you could go anywhere in the world?
Morocco. They have the oldest Libary there.

20. Do you want to get married one day? What are your thoughts on children?
I am married. Not sure if I can reproduce properly.

21. Have you ever been drunk or otherwise intoxicated? If so, what is something that happened while you were?
I have but it was very difficult to achieve. My body burns it off faster than it can take effect. Same deal with drugs. Drugs are bad kids don't do them.

22. If your parents or mentor knew everything about you today, would they be proud of you?
The only upside to them being dead is the fact they can never find out what I've done.

23. What is something that excites you or makes you really happy?
Dylan. New books.

24. If you were walking on the streets and you were attacked, do you think you could fight and win?
*Slow blink*

25. Have you ever killed somebody?

26. What is your most attractive physical trait?
My double d chest. I know that's what my husband's answer would be.

27. What complaints do you have about your best friend?
The boy needs to get laid.

28. Would you consider yourself to be trustworthy and honest? Would you lie if it benefited you?
Sometimes you have to lie to keep people or yourself safe. Everything I do is within logic and reason. I'm honest when I need to be honest. Im trustworthy when I need to be trustworthy. Situatuions change so do I. Roll with the punches kid.
XxKFforeverXx commented…
I love ittt <3 over a year ago
SilverWings13 commented…
I love her even more now <3 over a year ago
Eclipse-YJ commented…
Aww thanks guys! ;3; over a year ago