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posted by SilverWings13
It was her brother's idea of apologizing. Every time Ana left for an errand, or to go for a run as she had done two hours ago, she returned to find a new contribution to the ancient two-bedroom cabin. Yesterday it had been a pile of dry firewood, the day before a repaired kitchen window. She had considered tossing the logs into the freezing river or shattering the window with a stone, but despite her anger, those resources allowed her to stay in the dilapidated cabin away from the castle where her brother lived like the false prince he was. The freezing mountain side was unfamiliar territory to the xerophytic young woman. As if to remind her of her codependency, Ana's stomach growled at the smell of today's gift: a hand basket of freshly baked bread left on the cabin doorstep.
Ana took the key from the inside pocket of her thermal jogging pants-another gift from her guilty patron-and used it to open the cabin's aluminum door, already half-way through a baguette. There were also fruits, meats, and crackers to be washed down with tea waiting in the kitchen to help replace the thousand or so calories the young woman had burnt on her 12 mile morning run. They were simple foods that would keep without being refrigerated in her home without electricity, but memories of going days without eating were still too fresh in her memory for the sugarless rations to be anything less than a feast.
The humble abode had its draw backs compared to the massive castle of heated flooring, fresh spring water, and luxurious furnishing. Yet the little dwelling made Ana feel safe in the same way the abandoned clock tower had made her feel in Elam: this place was something to call her own. Not to mention the relics around the home-black-and-white pictures on the fireplace, a dear-stalker hat on the hook, the eagle painted in gold on the front door-reminded the girl that her grandfather had once brought his aunts here to teach them to catch bass and shoot shotguns. It was the hidden get-away of a reluctant king, far more like home than the hollow castle.
After starting a fire to warm the cabin and setting tea to boil on the wood stove, Aleksander's true intentions with the latest gift was more obvious. Ana had eaten half the rolls, set the rest in the bread box, and found the clear, flat case resting at the bottom of the basket. The instructions were folded in the bottom of the basket.

The X-Acto knife slide cleanly across her neck. An inch and a half long, just below her ear where the hard shell of her skull became the soft flesh covering her artery. At the first whiff of blood, there was a sharp knock on her door-predictably one of the soldiers scouting the area-but her best annoyed teenager voice shouting, "It's just a papercut. Go away!" stopped the vampire from ramming down her door. Ana felt strangely numb to the pain as blood ran down her neck and into the tub where she knelt, though she had avoided using the pain killers in her first aid kit. If she cut too deeply, she figured it made more sense to be able to feel it and react quickly to stop the bleeding. It seemed more logical not to take the painkillers-as if there was anything logical in performing self-surgery.
Carefully, slowly, Ana took the communication device-the same shape, size, and thickness of a quarter-and slipped it into the cut in her neck. The blood was slick and the comm slipped in with little resistance. It only took another minute to stitch the short cut back up. Ana cleaned herself up and got dressed, starting to wonder if the battery-less device could really operate off natural electrical currents running through her body. The answer came about five minutes later with a crackle that made her jump. "This is Comm 1, checking for receiving. Come in, Comm 2."
The voice was unsettlingly clear, as if Alexander were right there in the room with her. Ana tapped the skin below her ear right over the unnoticeably smooth device to turn her device on as the instructions had said, calling, "This is Comm 2."
"It's okay, you don't have to shout. I could hear you even if you were to whisper," Aleksander's voice clarified, sounding both amused and annoyed at the same time.
"Why can't we have better code names than Comm 1 and Comm 2? Like…Ice Queen and Badass Redhead?"
"Might as well be Elsa and Ana," her brother mumbled. Ana grinned at the reference to her niece's favorite Disney characters. "I'm barely king, Annie. Let's not make this even more confusing."
You're barely royalty at all, the girl wanted to snap, but withheld her anger for the sake of their hearing. A shouting match with these comms so close to their eardrums would certainly prove painful. "Great, now we have our magical teleporting rings and spy-tech. Are we set for world domination?" she quipped instead.
"No one forced you to put that thing in your neck," he reminded her coolly. "It's not my fault you're always so eager for a chance to cut yourself up.
"Then I won't have a problem ripping it back out," she retorted, ready to do just that in her annoyance.
"Something tells me you'll want to see this." Suddenly, Ana realized her brother's voice reverberated into ear, as if he stood in a cavernous space with his words echoing back at him.
She huffed reluctantly, but her interest was piqued. "Fine, where are you?"
"Meet me three cliques south of the castle, about a clique east of your place."
Ana was reluctant to take any more orders from the young man, but she silently enjoyed him recognizing the cabin as her place. "Alright," she agreed. "I'll be there in fifteen."

In fact, it only took about ten minutes for the redhead to reach the location her brother had specified. His directions had been general, but the terrain sloped steeply downward and lead her to a shallow river made up of more ice than water. The snow in the hill was soft and untouched after last nights' fresh. What was most alarming to Ana was how fresh the air smelled. There was no hint of her boyfriend's guards in the breeze carrying though the ravine, which was both relieving and discomforting considering that she was completely and totally alone in the endless mountain range with only Aleksander for company. After the revelation of Thomas' murder, she was reluctant to be in such a situation with the older male, a feeling that only heightened when she found him standing at the entrance of a cave nearly completely hidden by snow and rocks.
Aleksander immediately sensed her distrust and gave her the most infuriating grin. "You'll like this, I promise." With only those vague words, the giant of a man turned and ducked into the cave.
The young woman followed hesitantly, her claws subtly extending long enough to gouge out an attacker's eyes, into what turned out to be a long tunnel. For nearly a mile, she followed her silent brother and his flashlight's beam through the dank, echoing walls of the underground path. She guessed there were millions of tons of mountain resting above their heads-a thought that would have set her on edge if she weren't more concerned with one of Aleksander's mysterious allies jumping out from the shadows with a knife. Just when Ana had made up her mind that she was being lead to a hole so deep that no one would find her rotting corpse, her guide straightened his hunched shoulders as he stepped into an immense cavern.
The cavern was artificially circular and so high not even the evenly spaced candelabras could reach the immense height. The space itself was captured by the warm glow: seven evenly spaced, polished, stone coffins forming a circle, each with a sleeping stone animal resting on the top. There was a two-headed eagle carved into one, the sigil of the Romanov house, beside a coffin decorated by a cobra curved into a coil. There were also two wolves with their heads resting on their paws, one a pup and the other mature. Ana felt numb as she walked between the coffins. They were familiar to her like a dream she had long ago stopped dreaming. She reached her sister's coffin, the profile of a roosting raven, and her coffin, smaller than the rest: a slumbering tiny fox curled into a tight ball. The walls were interrupted only by the tunnel they had come through, one that exited most likely toward the castle, and a small empty niche two feet above the floor.
"What is this place?" she whispered, either because it felt appropriate for the setting or because she was finding it too difficult to breath and speak up.
"You recognize it, do you not?" Aleksander replied softly. "It's where we were put to sleep while the second world war chewed away at humanity. We were meant to wake after the war, but for some reason, we remained asleep into the 21st century. From 1943 until 2004, Annie, SIXTY years of our lives taken from us. Maybe you're too young to remember, but waking from that slumber was a relief until-"
"We saw how much the world changed," she finished for him. Ana was still standing in front of the fox. She reached a hand to rest on top of the baby fox, tentative as if it would snap at her fingers. "Everything was different. Everyone we knew was dead…but you weren't there."
"I was. Father woke you, the twins, and your mother first. Then he came back for me and my own mother."
"I'm sorry," she whispered, unsure of why she said it the moment it was out of her mouth. Was she apologizing to him, for always being put last by their father? Or was she apologizing to the baby fox, who woke up into the strange world only to soon be discarded by that same father? Someone should have protected you, she thought as tears rolled down her cheeks.
"Why did you bring me here?" she asked, wiping her face with her sleeve.
"Because I was reading father's journal, it's how I found this place. He was frightened that someone might try to put us back to sleep."
"But that would take an immense amount of energy."
"The same kind that was used to wake those monsters that came after you and the Rurik boy?"
"Anyone who wanted to do that would have to use…our…" she trailed off, staring at the empty niche in the wall. There was a holder there, standing with empty arms, waiting for its weapon. "Where's our family sword?"
"I looked everywhere, all through Dad's journals, every inch of the castle, every inch of his memories." Aleksander was talking so fast that he was quickly breathless. "I can't find it! But I think I know who might have it."
"The Ruriks?"
"Magnus, at least."
"Don't you think Cal would have mentioned that?"
"Maybe you didn't have him as tightly wrapped around your finger as you thought."
Ana flinched at the comment, and her brother's expression turned apologetic. She turned away from him before he could take it back. "If Magnus has it, then what's he waiting for? Assuming he's the one who raised those undead birds things, he could use that sword to put us to sleep for an eternity if he wanted. Until he found a use for us." Until everyone they knew was dead, all over again. Until no one was left to rally behind the Romanov name in their defense. The look on Alek's face told her he had been thinking those exact same thoughts, if not worse ones.
"I don't know why he has yet to use it," he admitted. "But we need to act as soon as possible. I have a new idea for the spring solstice celebration-"
"ANOTHER new idea?"
"I'll need your help for it to work."
Ana looked up to meet his eyes for once. They were a cold blue, but they were wide and pleading. This place, this tomb, scared him as much as it terrified her. "You want a truce?"
"Just until we're free from this threat, Annie. Then you can go back to hating me."
Their eyes remained locked a long moment until she looked away towards the coffins. The one between the raven and the double-headed eagle, a lion with a crown nestled into his full mane, was a lie. Thomas had been kind and gentle, more like a calm, wise elephant than that ravenous beast. Maybe if he had been a killer, he could have protected the baby fox. Now she had to protect herself.
"Okay, a truce," she agreed. "Until our family sword is back in our possession."
Aleksander's expression changed from somber to exuberant in an instant as he reached his hand forward to shake on it. Ana stared at his hand until he dropped it, then turned on her heel and stalked out of the room. He could tell her their plans over the comms sewn unto their necks, saving her from having to stand in the room facing him for even one more minute.
posted by MidnightYJ
((Too involved in RP to change accounts))

She adjusted the small table mirror, watching her reflected fingers braid her hair. She wasn't really paying attention to anything, just relaxed.
“Stop worrying, will ya? You're gorgeous.”
She jumped at the voice and turned to see the fifteen-year-old soldier sitting on her window sill.
“You scared me! I didn't know you were here.”
The young warrior shrugged.
“I have that affect on people.”
“Not all people.”
She shrugged again, her foot hanging out the window, swinging against the sheer cliff drop the little house was located by.
“What are...
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posted by The_Writer
Name: Eronica Val Huchezon
Identity: Spectre
Age: Immortal. Somewhere around 400. (Appears 12)
Hair: Midnight black (halfway down waist) except for flamboyant blue streak over right eye.
Eyes: Left Black, Right blue
Outfit: Close-cropped shorts, bikini, trench coat, knee-high boots.
Weapons: Sword and heavy phantom chains
Attitude: Sad, dismal.
Powers: Immortality, See the future, touch-fate (sees your fate by touching you), retractable angel wings.

History: Eronica's parents were murdered by KGB officials in the 17th Century. She was raped and abused by her parents killers before being killed as well. She was sent to Earth to warn Red Revenge of his final battle. She occasionally fights with him and he feels a brotherly protection over her.
posted by InfinityYJ
“Maldita sea! Confío en que los gilipollas con los hechos que Slade Wilson, el hombre que ha arruinado mi vida, está en la cárcel, y lo sabes, no lo está! Y noooo, ese tipo exacto el mismo se niega a sacarme de la misión sólo porque tengo un problema personal con el culo, y ahora me tengo que quedar siendo pequeño ayudante de Slade otra vez! Odio a la vida! Odio, odio, odio, odio ODIO LA VIDA!”
Fin nearly screamed in anger, clutching her head and making hand motions to Aisling, who was watching her worriedly. “Um.. what language.. is that?”
“Spanish!” Fin snapped, clearly pissed...
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posted by XxKFforeverXx
Some kids stood in front of the Memorial 
"Whoa! Scott Clancy! He was White Lightning!" The kids looked down at their Justice League shirt then back up! 
"He was my hero!" The kids stood in awe 
"Why did he go into the Military? He was a super hero!"
"They needed someone to go undercover with powers like his!"
"But that blast killed him!"
"Which is why he done it! It would would've destroyed the Earth!" The kids argued back an forth, and Brendan stood and watched, a smile came to his face when kids would recognize Scotts name. He walked down the street, and slipped his hat back on.
"Dad! C'mon...
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posted by Robin_Love
Name: Shadow “Shad” Crock
Appearance: Silver/gray hair, fair skin, amber-brown eyes, scars on left cheek
Occupation: Tech guy of Mt. Justice
Skills/talents: A good tech person, good at fixing things, tactic mind, able to solve almost any problem, expert in combat, good with weapons
History: Shadow is Artemis' half-brother. His father is Sportsmaster. He was called Shadow because he grew up in his Father's. He was a part of the Crime Syndicate of Sports until Red Arrow (Roy Harper's clone) found them (just made that up). He tagged along with the clone, searching for fun. When that life got to...
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posted by Mclovin_69
He jumped a building and did a front flip landing on the ledge of the building looking out at the city. A small robotic spider climbed into it's web and a red light on it's back blinked a couple times zooming in and focusing on him, he watched from one of the monitor screens infront of him and sat staring at him in intrest, He wanted him...... He needed him on this side....he was an interesting character that made him more desireable to him... He acted as if he had powers though he did not have any and the skills he possessed were very powerful. How would he catch this boy though... He has...
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posted by Robin_Love
They looked at each other. Teague and Amber were taken care of. Leah and Rachel had been called back to where ever. Becca was on edge. It had been too easy. Almost. There was something else they hadn't counted for. Something Amber had kept secret. Becca handed Devin over to Fang and approached the dark angel of hell.
“What else is there?”
Amber only smiled and Becca crouched down so they were eye level. Her eyes roamed Amber's face but there was no clue, no hint, as to what came next. The others started to wake up from Terror's spell when the entire place shook. The was a loud boom, almost...
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posted by AislingYJ
This is based on a roleplay we had on the wall yesterday, where Rowan challenged Fin, Mel, and Aisling to a video game. Even though the game broke, this is what would’ve happened if it hadn’t! xD
The two figures walked down the shadowed alley, not saying a word. Her dark curls were pulled into a messy ponytail, as they always were, and she kept on shaking the stray strands out of her turquoise eyes. His now-brown eyes---he was wearing colored contacts, so that their purple coloring didn’t evoke suspicion, kept on reverting to her, as much as he wanted them not to, and he absentmindedly...
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posted by XxKFforeverXx
I’m bringing Nudge back in the place of Sift ^.^
Name: McKenzie Douglas
Alias: Nudge
Occupation: Hero.
-Flight (wings),
-can attract metal to herself
-hand to hand combat,
-field tactics
Past: Raised in the “School”. Escaped with other kids around the age of ten, she split from the flock, and went on her own, finding her way onto the team around the age of 14. Nudge became Evil and split the scene, never to be seen again. On her way to freedom, she captured once again. They wiped her memory, having some bits and pieces, she remembers every one. Just not what she did to everyone.
Other: -When Nudge is in stealth mode, her eyes are red, hair is curly, and she has black bat wings.
-Has a older brother, you've seen him before, figure it out.
posted by InfinityYJ
“A new threat has been putting together a team of extremely smart teenagers to help with his or her plots. Teens from across the globe who’ve ever been in juvvie or otherwise have received virtual invitations to join this team of ‘anti-heroes.’ They refuse to call themselves villains, for no discernable reason.
“Most of these teens are, currently, in juvvie. But we’ve decided to take this opportunity into play-- that’s where you come in. The teens we’ve chosen are who you’re going to be undercover as.
“Infinity, you and Dimension will be disguised as Nikolai and Ramona Salazar,...
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posted by ShadowYJ
If people are wondering why I’m making so many OC’s, its for an upcoming project...

Name: Spectrum

Secret ID: Jillian DeRocco

Age: 15

Occupation: Heroin

Appearance: An attractive girl with a pale complexion. Whitish blonde hair waist length, bluish-grayish coloured eyes, skinny and tall.

Personality: A bright and bubbly personality. Is also shy when meeting new persons.

Powers: The Spark that keeps her heart beating and alive, gives her the powers of throwing very blindly coloured light beams of energy from her hands, eyes, and fingertips. It can act has a laser, light, force field, explosives...
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posted by XxKFforeverXx
Still taking spots of anyone wants to join.

Lexi ignored the pain in her left wrist as she struck the punching bag. Mel sat in the middle of the floor, flipping through the channels
"Boring...boring...boring." Mel said with each flip of the channel. 
"And here's the main general of sector 56 who is still on has been reported that he did not travel with his sector this afternoon." Mel stared at the screen, and Lexi stopped what she was doing to stare at the screen.
"What sector was dad in?" Lexi pulled off her gloves.
"No idea..." 
"Wasn't it-?" Mel cut Lexi off.
"SHH. Listen!"
"The general...
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posted by SilverWings13
It was only in the darkest hours of the night that I feel the safest in the city. There are dozens of things that hide among the shadows, where the tendrils of the lights can't reach.
And, much to my advantage, one man's hiding place, is another girl's haven.
Sitting atop the roof of a high-rise, I stare out at the city lights that dot the sky, accompening the moon.
A mere sliver tonight, I note, glancing up at the curved line that glows above the lights. It seems alone, the stars hidden behind clouds. Empty clouds that don't hold any rain, I hope. I don't mind the sprinkle of clear water that...
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posted by SilverWings13
Dr. Xiane
Dr. Xiane
No biting! I needs this guy for something very important!

Name: Eliot Xiane

Age: 28

Occupation: scientist/ civilian

Personality: inverted, hard working, curios, eccentric, paranoid, inventive

Physical Description: tall, thin, black hair, almost always had a 5 o' clock shadow, walks with a limp

History: Eliot, a.k.a. Dr. Xiane grew up in Boston, Massachusetts. After graduating from Harvard at age 19, he worked as a professor there. On the side, he worked on bio-technology that he invented himself. He continues to work as a professor, but spends much of his time in the lab he has created over the years. Jasper (Ruse) came to him as an associate and requested his help in creating weapons and armor for Double Helix. Intrigued and up for the challenge, Dr. Xiane agreed and now invents technology/ bio-tech for them.

Inventions (so far):
Hover Board- for Alek
X-Suit- for Aryess
A few others....
Hover Board
Hover Board
posted by Robin_Love
I couldn't help myself. I had to write it. You'll understand everything when Memory is finished; just a few more parts!!!!

Her hand fit nicely in his. Their fingers threaded together as the walked casually along the shop district of Happy Harbor. They window shopped, looking at whatever they found interesting. And they had more in common than either of them first thought. They walked past a chocolate store and she stopped, looking at the display. He tugged her hand gently, but she didn't move.
He followed her line of sight, a smile on his lips. Everyone had warned him; keep Becca...
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posted by InfinityYJ
Fin shifted, not opening her eyes quite yet, but instead feeling the fabrics she was resting on. It was standard cotton, nothing fancy, but it was welcoming and soft. She smiled sweetly and moved her head on the thin pillow, allowing herself to relish in the fact that there even was a pillow. Then she began to listen.
There was the beeping of a heart monitor, the occasional blip in sync with a heartbeat, her heartbeat, she realized. There was a bustling a ways off, not too loud, but it sounded like someone was moving things around. Sighing, she opened her eyes, and was hit with bright lights,...
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Okay, I'm gonna come right out and say it:

Young Justice Invasion Episodes 8-18 are ready to air.

BOOM! Good news!

Comic books are right on schedule.

Video Game something or other, didn't really look:


Now, I also wanna say that the Robin we knew in Season 1 would never do this to a girl. But....

Dick Grayson has dated Zatanna

Dick Grayson is dating Batgirl

And Dick's surprising girlfriend is....


So...... Yeah..... Link below.

Adios! *runs and hides*


Wait, did he just blow off Tim? And Babs is strangely okay with two girls kissing her BF....

New Orleans


Red Revenge and Silver Wings sat at a corner table in the bar. They didn't speak to anyone, and no one approached Ary on fear of the Black Hero. Revenge was definitely known, even as far south as New Orleans. He was definitely respected.

He and Ary weren't there for pleasure though. After a scuffle (if you could call it that) earlier that night, Revenge had taken Silver down to a meta-human bar in New Orleans.

"I'm flattered." Ary said, her eyes still narrowed at the Black Hero. "Two kidnappings, electrocution, a rescue mission,...
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posted by khanna266
He had just pulled away from her as she slowly blinked not knowing what to say."Well I guess i'll see you later,"Roy said and then left the room,just after that BeastBoy entered the room,"Ari! look I just finished my present for you"he said giving it to her she pulled the ribbon loose and the box opened as she smiled,she put the box down as she held an ornament with rabbits around it,"Thank you Beastboy it's beautiful," Ari then hugged him and he turned into a rabbit himself,"Aw how adorable!"she said and petted him,he then hopped away.she was the only one there.*Beep**Beep*the alarm went off...
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posted by Obscurity98
Name: Genesis

Alias: Eden

Age: 10 yrs

Nicknames: Gen, Genny, Genny-la

Powers: Flight, Invulnerability, controls but cant become Fire and water.

Skills: Street fighting experience

Weapons: Two guns hidden in her shirt and pocket knife.

Harley's not clone but sister, After Lex Found her DNA, it was given to CADMUS. where they tried to re clone her, after realizing their tries were in vain, they decided on simplicity, Give Harley a sister.
They successfully created the girl, calling her Genesis.
They released her and led her to Harley.

-This is part of her bio
- Who she is will soon be revealed.
- hates Superman and Batman and Superboy
- Doesn't like Skylar nor Wolf, or Sy.
- really smart