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Lets skip around 4.. no, 5 months.. Of course I gave him my number. Who wouldn't want to chat it up with a tall, white-haired boy with striking violet eyes? I know I want to, and I am. Dad knew something was up the moment I came out, and it was a long, interrogation ride home.. but since then, it's been a non-stop rollercoaster of smile and laughter ever since. But at this moment in time, I was frantically digging through my closet because I was going out, with him. Of course, I had been on many dates with him before, but this felt, different. I let out an annoyed whine, grabbing the attention of my older sister. I could feel her grin from across the room, her eyes locking onto my shirtless frame. "This is new.." She snickered and looked through my clothes before tossing a shirt towards me. "Dad's downstairs waiting on you." I couldn't tell if her tone was one of dread or something completely different. Oh well. I looked down at the black button-up in my hand and sighed. "Of all the colors.." I mumbled and pulled the shirt on anyways, being hardly able to button it up due to the shaking in my hands. After I managed to do something with my mop I call hair, I trotted downstairs, staring at the time on my phone. I was ahead of schedule, good. Immediately I was met with my dad, not noticing the red tie in his hands. "Here." I reached out and took it, tilting my head. Something about it was..familiar. Oddly enough it took me a few minutes to recognize the piece of clothing. "The tie from your wedding.." I mumbled, looking up as he took it and began to tie it around me. "I don't plan on using it anytime soon, besides, I've already impressed the love of my life." Ah, so that's where Mel got her hard-to-decipher tone.. Dad. I smiled and nodded once anyways, adjusted the tie once it was secure around me. "Now, go. Be careful, it's a full moon, never known what kind of crazy goes on." He patted my back, almost like he was shoving me out the door.. He never did this with Mel, or Lexi for that matter, I had to pry him away at some point.. ANYWAYS, that's not important, what is important is that there's been a time-skip, and I now currently seated across from the hottest man alive. In the time skip, dear reader, I found out that he's hardly eating. Unusual, he usually ate, but it was very little. But, it could be the fact that I half to eat half my weight because holy cow, do bird-kids eat a heck of a lot of food. But that's not it, there's been a lot of hand holding, and his hand is still like a complete ice-block. Again, not unusual. but, colder than usual.. Like, I understand it's winter, and we're in his car and blasting the heat, and he's STILL cold. I swear, does he have like lack of circulation or something? "Why weren't you at the blood bank earlier? You never told me you weren't working.." I asked in a slightly disappointed tone, after all, I do go there every other day.. This over-production of blood is a real nuisance. "Day off. Why? Miss me?" He grinned. God, that smile of his.. And that tone.. so, teasing? "Maybe.. Say, you've got some sharp canines going on.." I tilted my head, eyes glancing over his lips. Had I ever noticed them before? "And you're hands are super cold all the time." He pouted at that comment. "Is that problem?" I immediately regretted pointing it out. "N-no! I was just curious as to why.." He was silent before moving his seat back. He only patted his lap and I froze. We'd been dating for a while for a while now, but.. Was I even ready for this? Dear God, help me. I casually climbed over and sat myself onto his lap, trying not to let him smell any fear. I could feel his eyes and then felt him gently tugging at the tie and loosening it. "What are.." I didn't finish the sentence because I got a look to tell me to hush. I couldn't see what he was doing, but I could feel him unbuttoning the top portion of my shirt. He pressed one finger under my chin and lifted, my eyes shifting to the car ceiling. I was honestly expected a kiss, but nooooooo. I was about to say something, and that's when I felt it. The burning sensation of fangs piercing my skin. That's why he hardly ate, why he was so cold... and why he worked in a blood blank? I let him linger for a few minutes, I honestly had enough blood to go around, so it didn't bother me. When I pulled away, was a sight I could never forget. His violet eyes were an unusual crimson red, the blood on his face to match. I wasn't too concerned with the wound on my neck.. But the information I had gained. My boyfriend.. was a vampire?!
posted by GambetteYJ
These rules were made and approved by Kaldur Ahum and Batman. I am dead serious with these, no mattter how illegitement they may seem.

1) No hacking. Anything. (Robin)

2) No Parties with more than five people from outside the team/League (Wally)

3) No Batman video games (Wally, Robin, Gambette)

4) No making anymore "Gambette's banana Flambe"

5) If you break rule four, you can clean the banana off the ceiling this time.

6) No more "Show and Tell" time (Wally)

7) No more demanding Wally taste your food before you eat it to make sure it isn't poisoned.

8) No coffee for Wally, Robin or Gambette. EDIT:...
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posted by Skittles98
“Wait, he’s your dad?” Wally finally managed
“Yes” I nodded
“And you were hugging him because…?” Robin asked
“None of your beeswax!” I snarled
“Woah…touchy” he muttered
“I’ll show you touchy mister ‘I’m so cool and awesome because Batman’s my mentor’” I muttered under my breath.
“Why didn’t you tell us?” Wolverine asked
“Because it didn’t concern you. My family concerns Me, Kurt, Laurna, Laura, Wanda and Gambit. No one else” I growled
“Why does it concern them?” Aqualad asked
“Because they’re the closest the to family I have, aside from Gambit”...
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posted by Skittles98
The smoke cleared to reveal the X-men standing there, untying Wanda, Laurna and Eclipse. Young Justice and Batman were all encased in ice, courtesy of Iceman. Laurna angrily stood. The floor around my ex-team fell away.
“You’d better explain why you attacked my home and tried to take my guest” she growled
“We want our friend back” Wally said
“So you attack her?” Wanda exclaimed, her fists glowing red.
“Yeah, babe” Wally grinned, looking Wanda up and down. Kurt’s tail twitched.
“Megan, you like making people happy right?” I asked
“Yeah” she nodded
“Then why do you wish...
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posted by Skittles98
"Um...hi?" the red head said
"I'm Gambette, a some-what friend of tall, dark and brooding over there" I said
"I'm Miss Martian; this is Super Boy, Aqualad, Robin, Kid Flash and Artemis. It's great to see you" she smiled, shaking my hand.
"Pleasure's all mine" I said
"Soooo...what was with the intro?" Kid Flash asked
"Oh, nothing" I smirked. Batman grumbled something incomprehensible.
“Team this is your new team mate. She will be living here with Miss Martian and Super Boy” he said, then walked off.
“I really like your hair! It’s so long and pretty!” Miss Martian said. The blonde archer...
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posted by Mclovin_69
Name: Benjamin Milito (Ben)


Age: 14 (would be 18 now)

Status: deceased

Appearance: dirty blonde hair, dark blue eyes, 5'8, he always wore a beanies and really any headgear. and he always has black war paint on his cheeks.

Personality: He was very cocky and tried to make a joke out of everything, he always thought of cocky and sarcastic remarks to people who were trying to be serious. He was someone who lightened the mood when things got tough. especially being trapped in that town.

Powers/Abilities: he had the ability to create mist and fog to hide himself or confuse enemies, his weapon of choice was daggers and a small double handed scypths.

Past: he died in a escape plan gone wrong.

Others: He was one of the reasons why BloodMist never cracked under the sadness and how overwhelmed he felt being trapped there. He made him see the light in most of the situations and made him able to keep his composure.
posted by SilverWings13
A followup on Aryess that I've been meaning to get to...

A quartet of dark figures fell from the sky. They plummeted towards the earth in a diamond formation, each on the corner of a cardinal direction. Each jerked up a foot as their parachutes deployed, fanning out above them. The team of four landed on the field at a run, their plane already far gone in the cover of the clouds. They were sprinting toward the the compound in the distance when the first message filtered through the static of their radios.
"Betas, this is base, do you copy Betas?"
"Beta 4, copy," the blonde replied, her voice as...
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posted by Mclovin_69
Name: Logan Sanders

Alias: unknown.

Age: 15 ( would be 19 now)

Status: deceased

Appearance: black hair, green eyes, 5'10, glasses.

Personality: he is very very smart and often thinks things through the logical way before actually doing it. He was often the one to speak his mind and opinion and prove that he was always right with his theories.

Powers/Abilities: he was truly someone with a brilliant mind, could hack systems, and develop inventions of his own that his team used. He had great combat skills with spears. His brain is his power.

Past: he was killed in a break out with his team.

Others: The teleport smoke bombs BloodMist uses were his invention and he taught him how to make them. Most of the adjustments in Mistys suit were Logan's invention (ex. the suction on his hands a feet so he can run on the sides of buildings, the wrist grappling hooks)
Early afternoon, gotham docks.
Twan climbed up on an shipingcrate folowed by Boris and Natasia.
He spoke in a loud voice.
Pepol of Gotham lissen,
You micht have heard rumerors about a confilct between myself and Pingweing.
Those rumors are truwe, thoug this is no mere gang ficht this is a full fleged war.
And if thad bird succeeds it wil be your homes he will loot, your woman he will abuse.
So Are you going to just hide and live to his began call, or do you stand whit us, and show him this is are city.
A few men stepped forward.
We will stand whit the dog.
Others in the crowed joind them, there numbers...
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((This is super late, sorry <3 Also, sorry-not-sorry, Blade is an idiot))

"I'm bored..."
"Uhg... I hate this."
"I don't like you."
"Shut up!"
There was sudden silence.
Then a sigh of relief.
"Your hair smells nice..."
"So does your blood.."
"Can I bite you?"
"Shut. The. Fuck. Up!"
"I really don't like you..."

Two girls were posted up in a small enclosed closet. The team decided to go out on a mission; and like any third grade field trip, everyone got a partner. Rene went to gather her equipment and by the time she returned a very specific vampire was lounging on the...
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posted by SilverWings13
Tolf you i would get somethingpostes this weekend, RL.
The steady hoofbeats were a rockstar’s drum set in the boy’s ears as he rode through the silent forest. The only other thing he could hear was the pounding of his own heart in his ears. The deafening noise made it even more difficult to focus on making a distinction between the silhouettes of the trees and the shadows cast by the moon’s light through the branches.
They should have beaten the sun to the horizon, but the night had been too fast, even for the Arabian-quarter horse.
Aleksander leaned even further forward over the horse’s...
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posted by khanna266
Name:Matt Nast
Alias: GreyStar
powers: clairvoyant, astral projection,he can resurrects the dead(but only if they have been dead for less than a day),and white magic
hero outfit:whatever he's wearing with a white cloak and gloves
appearance:black hair eyes sometimes blue sometimes brown tall average weight
race:half German half Vietnamese
BG story:Ever since his grandfather passed away he has been able to speak to the dead,and throughout the years he gained more powers.
Now he has decided to use them for a good use,and so he saves people and goes by the name GreyStar.

<3<3<3 Hope you enjoyed
Matt new to Gotham city
Matt new to Gotham city
posted by SilverWings13
This became a lot darker then I meant it to.. Which should just be my motto for my writing. Also meant to finish and post this two days ago. All well. BTW, if you don't immediately recognize the name, "Whisper," this will make so much more sense to you if you read these quick one-shots first:
Thank you, and enjoy!

Setting: Hudson River. Gotham City. 12:36 EST. March 3, 2014.
19 years to the day of the birth of the late Maevis de Vent, a.k.a. Whisper

The beam if the flashlight guided Aleksander down slope of loose rocks and damp soil. When he finally made it to the bank if the river,...
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posted by BladeYJ
((Just to fill in 'cos it's been awhile since I posted. blade got stabbed in the arm with some needle thing with weird serum in it and blacked out.. now VOILA!))

There was always three of us.
Then there was a gunshot.
Suddenly, there was only two.
Who knew a single bullet could tear apart a family.
Who knew I could tear apart a family.


I couldn't breathe. I couldn't breathe, at all. I tried to to suck in a breath but no air came. My lungs refused to work. Why couldn't I breathe? It was completely black, I couldn't pry my eyes open. Where was I? There was no water, no air, no nothing. It was...
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A Goatrider
A Goatrider
( Oke, the archives of morte will be a series of articles in whist I will describe everything Thad has to do whit the lore of teyrions world thad I am creating truw this archives and further story's to come.)

Origin of the Riders:
The goatriders were a small group of bandits who fleeing fore the law ended up in the Kingdom of Morte were they advantly were couth by a patrol of King Tyrion Blackwell, the bandits feared fore tere lives expecting to be killed fore there crimes.
But Tyrion seeing Thad the bandits only stole to keep themselves and tere family's alive made them a offer, if they would...
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posted by Mclovin_69
I suppose in most cases it's easier to try to let go of the things that happen to you instead of having them linger in the back of your mind. But it never is easy to forgive and accept is it?. Most stories go the same, traumatizing things happen to you, you lose something dear to you, or you feel pity for yourself and people you care about around you. You may wonder do I have a pity for others? Sadly I don't feel that way towards many people nowadays, Do I pity myself?, I feel as if I've done that too much for it to matter anymore.

A sigh escaped my lips as I made my way down a dim lighted street...
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posted by Kurls_Basd
"Suavemente, besame que quiero sentir tus labios besandome otra vez......" Suavemente one of the most famous spanish song sung by Elvis Crespo was now playing loud into their ears as feet and waist moved to the beat.

Everyone knew that Becca and Phoebe were two girls that had good sense of rhythm and could dance to any and every song that played on a stereo. But just for a fun Nic, Aryess and Megan had made the friends challenge each other to a dance off. Since both girls were good deciding the best would be tough so they challenge each other for their stamina.

Nic , Aryess and Megan watched...
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posted by Kurls_Basd
((Its long I know but please read to the end and thank you Discord for help with the title I just look for a synonym XD))

It was happening again that memory, that horrible memory, haunting him another night. The heavy breathing, the sudden crashes, and the sound of pain pounding into his head.
Then that scream, that woman's scream, the scream of torture and fright, the one that made every hair on his body stood up. Its high pitch and a hellish bang that came after and synced with it, dampening the air with death and fear. It played out as it did eight and a half years ago. The moments that changed...
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So, it didn't turn out how I was originally going to write it, but it still works, I guess. So, enjoy!

"How do you play this?"

"Lizzy, it's simple. Just take these balloons, that are filled with water, and throw them at people when the walk in!"

"Isn't that mean Ashley?"

"No, it's fun!"

"Oh... Okay!" The two of them hid behind the couch, a large bucket of water balloons beside them. Suddenly, they heard heels clacking against the floor.

"Get ready," Ashley whispered to Elizabeth, "someone's coming." The blue haired girl handed the ghost a water balloon, carefully so she wouldn't drop it; and then...
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"So the under...stan...ding you...and Que....en...Beet...le have." Honesty forced out as Frostbite squeezed his throat even tighter, She chuckled, "Alanna doesn't know I'm her daughter."
Snowflake laid on the floor groaning in pain but was in a bit of shock as she gazed upon the gold hair creature. Honesty's face turned a deep red as he tried to chuckle but gasped and coughed for air.
"You said before that I had no idea who I was dealing with, but I have to admire you're a pretty good fighter." with that said she released his neck and the boy hit the floor. He went on all-fours as...
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posted by BladeYJ
((Listen to this in another tab or whatever while reading (; link))

When I woke it up, I had two things crawling around in my head.

One: I felt hollow, as if a part of me was missing. Almost like someone took me and cut me in half, emptied my body of all it's contents then sewed me up. My fingers dug into the sheets as I sat up, straight, the room becoming familiar. Red velvet curtains hung in front of the window, blocking out all but the smallest rays of light. The silk sheets, I clung to, were smooth and the color of lust itself, it was the same for the walls and carpet. Cool wood filled the...
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