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posted by SilverWings13
“Alek!” SilverWings screamed.

“Wrong. Move,” Blaze growled, flames suddenly engulfing his hands.
Richi knocked an arrow and launched it at an approaching mutant. It pierced it’s heart, but the now blood tipped arrow didn’t halt it’s flight. It continued to hit two other thugs until it thunked into one of the concrete walls of the room. As the rest looked on in wonder at the mighty power of the ivory arrows, Silver rushed at the twins.
Marquez stepped in her path to intercept her old friend, but ducked aside as a flaming projectile nearly decapitated her. The 17-year-old directed her full attention to the blue-eyed-boy she had once been so close to as he launched attack after attack at her, a flame of anger lighting up his eyes. His blonde counterpart engaged in her second battle with Maddex. She launched a high kick at his head, which he dodged with ease. Her dagger slashed at his exposed torso, but the older male dropped to his back, evading the fatal blow. His boot shot up and kicked the blonde’s elbow, a hard shot which knocked the dagger right from her hand. Silver recovered and slid the second dagger form her thigh sheath, but not before Maddex had regained his footing and drawn his chrome sais. Just as before, they seemed equally matched.

A rouge tongue of flame caught Marquez’s hair, singing a filament of the nutmeg locks. She brought up her pistol, but Blaze knocked it from her grasp with a hard thrust. They were locked in place for a moment, girl trying to get the better of boy, deep sapphires locked on blazing bronze. 
“I see you’ve grown stronger, brother,” Marquez purred to the other member of the Pack.

“And you’ve acquired skills of your own,” sweat dripped from the Brit’s forehead, “along with a brother closer than oath.”

The pair jumped apart as an alabaster shaft passed between them, a shrilled cry piercing the air when the projectile met it’s mark. Their focus, however, was not so easily penetrated. They stalked in a circle, like predator-against-predator, eyes narrowed, ears pricked, the battle around them fading into the background.
“Yes,” the teenage girl agreed. “Daddy forgot to mention I had a twin.”

“Is he a freak like us?” Blaze questioned.
“Of course. He can.. Empathize with those he wishes.”

“How bloody brilliant. He’s can manipulate people with an x-gene as his sister does with her seductive nature.”
“Seductive? Me?” Marquez crooned, running a tongue over her dry lips. She lashed at the male, heel scraping his cheek. Blaze stumbled, blinking away the whiplash as he stumbled closer to the vat of acid, blood tricking from the slash on his cheek.
“Sabertooth, we-”

“Don’t call me that!” she snapped. “I go by Tigress. I have since I met my brother, Panther, while on the run.”
Blaze took another step back. “Marquee, please-”
“Don’t even try it, Nikki! This is all your fault. Yours and that little blonde rat,” Tigress accused. “You escaped, left the rest of us for dead in that fire. I would expect something like that from that rich-brat Ruse, but you? Cub was like a little sister to me, and you both betrayed our trust.”
The two had made their way up across the platform. A battle raged on below, while a fight commenced across the bridge. Blood soaked the floor where the child of Satan took the souls of the unnatural.
“I hate you, Niccolo Canis!” Marquez screamed.
“I loved you, Marquez Alto!” he shouted back.

Was it just him, or was the room growing warmer? Richi used his bow as a weapon against one of the many hideous creatures he was exterminating. The unnaturally muscular being fell to it’s knees, but not before striking out with a clawed hand. The blonde boy gasped as razors cut into his thigh and he stumbled; his back collided with the chest of another venom-mutant. The one he had cuffed with his bow grinned at him triumphantly as Richi felt the hot breath of a thug ruffle his hair. He removed a hand from his ripped jeans, his hand bloody, the cut healed.
He thrust his elbow back, hitting the beast in a pressure point directly beneath its ribs. Without waiting for the mutant to recover, Richi sprinted forward and, using the kneeling henchman as a terrance, leapt into the air... And thrust out two blinding extension. The wings brought him up, above the battles and drew his final arrow. He knocked it, and released it into the hoard, killing four minions, leaving two left.
Before he could dive-bomb the final foes, the teen performed a double take of the fatal vat where Thirteen had been thrown and lost his life. It was defiantly bubbling, steam rising off it.
“The vat is going to blow,” he breathed in disbelief, “And the rest of the building with it.”

Silver gasped as the sia skimmed her shoulder, drawing blood. A second later, the second blade of her opponent came up, and she blocked it clumsily with her extended hidden blade. The narrow blade snapped and clattered to the ground, leaving a useless shard in its place. The 14-year-old’s eyes widened just as her knees were kicked out from under her. 
Panther chuckled and thrust a boot into the gut of his fallen opponent. She barely had the strength to resist as he knelt and lifted her chin.
“I expected something more,” he crooned, “from someone with such fight in her blood.” Silver gasped again. “Yes, Aryess, we know who you are. My father, Commander Sampson Alto knew too. That’s the only reason he accepted such a small, useless child into a group of gifted individuals. Though he abandoned me to our dying mother, that bastard did right in training my sister and a select few strong, worthy fighters.” His eyes flickered to the fire-caster in genocide-mode across the bridge.
“You killed him,” Aryess wheezed. “You killed my partner.”
“Yeah, I did,” he admitted without a hint of remorse, “but do you really care? I mean, he was just an experiment, a useless escapee from some lab. I heard they make a lot of those these days.” Panther smirked at his prey, who had her teeth gritted in a combination of anger and pain. “You’re a little fighter, aren’t you? I can sense it. You’re angry, and you want me to suffer. Isn’t what you want, Aryess Weston,” he chided mockingly.
“You’re a soulless, evil boy,” she breath, her voice gaining strength. “This is all about proving something, right? Showing Marquee that you’re worth more than your father thought.” She gasped as his hand cracked across her cheek, snapping her head to the side. Maddex growled and wrenched her up by her collar.

“You’re worthless partner wanted justice, and he’s dead. Why don’t you join him?” he hoisted her up against the railing, high enough to throw her over.
“But you forget,” Aryess snarled. “My mother stood revenge.” She plunged the broken blade into her captors chest.
His eyes widened and he collapsed, releasing his prey. The vat began to tremble, and the building vibrated. SilverWings picked herself up and watched as the light of Maddex’s eyes began to fade.

Blaze watched as the girl lowered her gun in shock. “Y-you what?” her voice shook. In answer, the boy stepped closer, eased the weapon from her hand, and pressed his lips to hers. He pulled back from the kiss he’d been yearning for since the day he’d let his best friend die, as the platform began to shake beneath his feet. 
“Get out,” he breathed, “Alive.” Marquez nodded and Blaze turned and sprinted down the platform, leaving the stunned girl to decide her own fate.

Richi looked from the acid, which has obtained a blue glow in the last few moments, to the ceiling as a piece of drywall fell. “Shit,” he muttered, then reflexively threw up his hands in defense as the opposite wall exploded inward. A helicopter hovered just outside the hole it had created with its missile. A dark haired boy stuck his head out the window and screamed over the wind, “Did we miss the party?”

Aryess panted as the boy’s lifeless body crumpled at her feet. She stared at the blood coating her fingers, already knowing without being told that no matter how hard she tried to scrub away the red, the remnants of her first kill would always stain her hands. The fire of anger, passion, desire, vengeance seeped from her veins; no energy was left for her to jump as a gentle hand rested on her shoulder.
“Sil,” a Russian accented voice spoke, “it’s time to go home.”
“What home, Alek?” she asked, glancing at the white haired boy. He looked different, held himself higher, as if he had gained some sort of new strength. The mischief in his crystal-blue eyes, however, was the same it had ever been as he said, “Our home. To our family.”
Aryess nodded, then allowed her reborn partner to guide her to the chopper where her mentor, allies, and friends waited to depart the war-zone.
added by MafiaYJ
added by Robin_Love
added by Robin_Love
posted by XxKFforeverXx
Could you, dear reader imagine the words you would use, to tell your family that your parents were dead, murdered? I hope you can, because I'm not able to share those wretched words with you right now. Can you be patient with me? I'll promise it'll be worth the wait. 
      After I had accomplished that horrible task -perhaps the worst task of my whole life- I tried to focus my fractured attention back to Sergeant Caputo. He was a rough looking man, like a bad cop in film from the forties. Caputo looked about to be around thirty years old. He had one continuing eyebrow, a furry ledge of...
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This one is my favorite! :D
This one is my favorite! :D
Name: Razor Henry

Alias: Razor

Age: 17

Height: 5'11

Weight: 180lbs

Appearance: He appears pretty innocent but he is really A KILLING MACHINE! Brown hair, red eyes, tan skin. Razor, is built and muscular and has has insanely sharp teeth and since he has Blade's attributes he's a quarter wolf~ Aggressive, dark yellow eyes when he's mad, ect.~


Personality: A softy but can beat the fuck out of you, he isn't really a flirt and has huge trust issues, also he does enjoy killing because it sends him on a blood-lust killing frenzy. Also it's been forced on him to never trust anyone......
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"This city is only as strong as it's hero."

Revenge landed with a crunch on the hood of the taxi.

"And what happens when that hero fails? What happens when he falls?"


Sam sat on the crane in absolute silence. Grant Tower was being rebuilt, the giant "G" was resting behind him on stilts. He gazed in silence as choppy flashbacks hit him repeatedly. It was the same image over and over again: Holly screaming at him, then walking out.

Draxx walked into the small office and shut the door. The younger, African officer looked up. "Sir?"

"I need a favor from you, Lieutenant. I want everything...
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Life is a series of collisions with the future; it is not the sum of what we have been, but what we yearn to be.-Jose Ortega y Gasset
Bandages wrapped around his sweaty, matted hair, covering his closed, damaged eyes. The blood had been cleaned from his head wound, stitches put in place, and morphine injected into the blood stream of the 12 year-old-boy. Now he lay on the cot, chest rising with each breath. A women with the same fiery red hair as her son looked down at him with sad eyes.
"Margaret," a towering man with jet black hair murmured to her softly and set a hand on her shoulder. She...
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posted by AislingYJ
Heh. Prepare for the rushed, horribly written battle scene that probably has tons of plot holes, as usual. Whatevs it was fun! I'll try to do these a little faster, which should be easier now that I don't have that battle scene hanging over me...:P BTWs if you need a refresher, all parts are in my favorites!
A loud thunk came from the back of the bioship, and three small shapes tumbled to the floor. Brushing themselves off, the kids got up, and walked to the front, legs wobbly from having been cramped in the same position for hours straight. Luckily, the Leaguers had left the cameras on, and...
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added by MafiaYJ
added by The_Writer
posted by Robin_Love
Blaine Wyatt Aldric
Blaine Wyatt Aldric
Name: Blaine Wyatt Aldric
Reason or meaning of name: Blaine-Yellow; Wyatt-Brave, Hardy; Aldric-wise ruler
Eye Color: Undefined (I haven't decided)
Hair Style/Color: Red
Height: 6'3"
Clothing Style: Formal
Best Physical Feature: Why does this matter? (His hair)

Your Fears: Loosing
Your Guilty Pleasure: Kisses
Your Biggest Pet Peeve: ...Loosing
Your Ambition for the Future: I wish not to disclose

Your First Thoughts Waking Up: When did I fall asleep?
What You Think About the Most: That's Private
What You Think About Before Bed: Not specific...
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added by MinaBloodlust
added by Eclipse-YJ
When the first song played, it was simple and elegant, but still upbeat. In the state she was in, she couldn’t place exactly what the title was. Kyra, however, found herself humming to the melody in her mind. In the blank room she’d placed herself in, she closed her eyes and rocked slightly. When she opened her eyes again, she was looking back on a scene that she hadn’t seen for years-- her induction onto the team.
"You are a very good fighter, fast, and strong. I believe that even without your powers you will be able to defeat any obstacles in your way. Just with the proper training....
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posted by Robin_Love
Get a grip! C'mon! Get angry! Don't let him do this to you!
She repeated it to herself, struggling. But her fear was stronger, he was stronger. He had moved his lips off hers, but she wasn't happy with where they were now. She shivered in disgust and pain as he kissed the soft flesh of her neck. C'mon Cat! Please! It wasn't any good.
She just couldn't get mad. All she felt was fear. Her mind raced, trying to form a plan. Her legs weren't pinned anymore. She slowly slide her leg straight, resting on the cold cement. Then she quickly slammed her knee in between his legs. He growled and released...
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posted by khanna266
name:Kareem Blackwood
age;17 physically,but he is immortal so his actual age is 1,708
powers:Transforms into lion with an unusually long pink tail,superspeed,poisonous bite,reads minds,and can turn anyone immortal by focusing all of his energy towards that person.

*He met Daniel and Lily in the woods(read Somewhere only we know to understand better)and Daniel got him onto the team,but Kareem imprinted on Daniel's little sister Lily and didn't tell him because he's scared what Daniel may do to him.He came to America from Sierra-Leone,because he didn't want to see anymore of his loved ones die.

>He loves tea,spicy tuna,jogging,music,and basketbll

>he dislikes people who are coldhearted and selfish,beets,and war

>he enjoys going to orphanages to make kids feel happy and bring them brownies and other treats.
added by DiscordYJ
Source: me.
added by hoonkristina
added by The_Writer
added by Robin_Love
Source: (C) to owner/artist