xxxbrunomarsxxx Updates

a comment was made to the video: lazy song over a year ago by agentflora123
a comment was made to the video: skyscrapper over a year ago by agentflora123
a comment was made to the video: runaway baby over a year ago by xxxbrunomarsxxx
a comment was made to the video: Cute And Rare Pictures Of Kendall Schmidt over a year ago by xxxbrunomarsxxx
a video was added: runaway baby over a year ago by sblack1999
a comment was made to the poll: Am i a good friend to you? over a year ago by sblack1999
a comment was made to the poll: DO i talk about bruno mars to much? over a year ago by sblack1999
a comment was made to the video: Bruno Mars "Hot Pics" over a year ago by bruno_mars
a video was added: Cute And Rare Pictures Of Kendall Schmidt over a year ago by xxxbrunomarsxxx
a video was added: Bruno Mars "Hot Pics" over a year ago by xxxbrunomarsxxx
a video was added: CODY RHODES PICS!!! over a year ago by xxxbrunomarsxxx
a video was added: me and karon dancing! :) over a year ago by xxxbrunomarsxxx
a poll was added: DO i talk about bruno mars to much? over a year ago by xxxbrunomarsxxx
a video was added: Bruno Mars "Runaway baby" Grammy Performance over a year ago by xxxbrunomarsxxx
a video was added: Adele "Chasing Pavements" over a year ago by xxxbrunomarsxxx
a video was added: Rap battle Parody over a year ago by xxxbrunomarsxxx
a comment was made to the article: Bruno Mars it will rain lyrics over a year ago by bfflvvh
a comment was made to the pop quiz question: Where do you think he is? over a year ago by xxxbrunomarsxxx
a comment was made to the video: Cody rhodes over a year ago by xxxbrunomarsxxx
a comment was made to the poll: Am i a mean person? over a year ago by bruno_mars
an article was added: Bruno Mars it will rain lyrics over a year ago by xxxbrunomarsxxx
an icon was added: CODY RHODES over a year ago by xxxbrunomarsxxx
a video was added: Cody rhodes over a year ago by xxxbrunomarsxxx
an answer was added to this question: Could you get more people to join my club? over a year ago by blakelopez234
a pop quiz question was added: Where do you think he is? over a year ago by BrunoMarslover8
a video was added: scream for my icecream over a year ago by xxxbrunomarsxxx
a video was added: I love this song over a year ago by xxxbrunomarsxxx
an answer was added to this question: Could you get more people to join my club? over a year ago by bruno_mars
a poll was added: Am I random? over a year ago by xxxbrunomarsxxx
a pop quiz question was added: Who's my favorite WWE superstar? over a year ago by xxxbrunomarsxxx
a pop quiz question was added: What's my favorite football team? over a year ago by xxxbrunomarsxxx
a comment was made to the photo: lmao over a year ago by BrittanySmith16
a comment was made to the video: lmao its sounds wrong over a year ago by selenamaslow
a video was added: music souds better with you over a year ago by xxxbrunomarsxxx
a video was added: skyscrapper over a year ago by xxxbrunomarsxxx
a photo was added: lmao over a year ago by xxxbrunomarsxxx
fan art was added: mine over a year ago by xxxbrunomarsxxx
an answer was added to this question: Do u like bruno Mars? over a year ago by poplove
a question was added: Could you get more people to join my club? over a year ago by xxxbrunomarsxxx
a poll was added: Am i a mean person? over a year ago by xxxbrunomarsxxx
a comment was made to the pop quiz question: Who's my favorite singer? over a year ago by xxxbrunomarsxxx
a pop quiz question was added: Who's my favorite singer? over a year ago by xxxbrunomarsxxx
a pop quiz question was added: Which member of big time rush is my cousin over a year ago by xxxbrunomarsxxx
a comment was made to the video: lmfao over a year ago by xxxbrunomarsxxx
a comment was made to the video: christina over a year ago by xxxdeadgirlxxx
a video was added: lmfao over a year ago by xxxbrunomarsxxx
a video was added: lmfao over a year ago by xxxbrunomarsxxx
a video was added: christina over a year ago by xxxbrunomarsxxx
a video was added: lazy song over a year ago by xxxbrunomarsxxx
a video was added: just the way you are over a year ago by xxxbrunomarsxxx