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posted by xXjakeloverXx
Hey everybody! I know you guys arent going to be very happy with me for starting a new story instead of writing more Camp Kassie or a Whole New Destiny, lol. But ill try my best to keep up and write ALL of them regularly. Now this chapter is more like a preface.. You'll understand it and the action is going to pick up more in the second chapter. This is just a detail chapter. So stick with me!

    Glory Anderson would never forget the day she saw him. She was walking from her third hour class she assisted in, to the main office. Three people walked in the main entrance of the school ahead of her. They were a good looking group. Two males and a female. The female was small, with chestnut colored hair that was styled in a short fashion. She looked like a ballet dancer, short and petite. The group turned away before Glory could see the girl’s face or look at the two males. Looking at them from behind, the two males were both tall. One had straight, golden hair and the other had dark, chocolaty curls. The one with dark hair was a little bit taller than the other, and had broad shoulders that tapered down to lean hops. All three moved with a grace Glory envied. She followed them down the hallway. They seemed to be going to the office as well. She trailed after them, trying to keep her curiosity in check. The blonde boy turned once and looked at Glory from over his shoulder. He had sky blue eyes and was very good looking. He quickly turned to the dark haired male, his lips moving quickly. Glory walked a little faster, trying to get closer to hear what the golden haired boy was saying. As she drew a little closer, the dark haired boy stiffened. Glory eased back a little, and without any reason, a chill swept over her. She was suddenly relieved that they had arrived at the office. The group entered before her, and then Glory entered a moment later. She wanted to give them plenty of room.
The three walked up to the main desk where the school secretary, Mrs. Gambill was sitting.
“Hello. How may I help you?” Mrs. Gambill asked sweetly.
“ We are looking for someone.” The blonde haired boy said in a warm voice when the girl laid a hand on his arm.
“Please. Go ahead.” The girl’s voice was cool and precise.
Glory blinked as she realized the girl was talking to her.
“ Oh no, its fine. Really. You guys go on ahead.” Glory smiled at the girl. She could see her face now. She was absolutely stunning. She had large brown eyes and her chestnut hair feathered along her delicately featured face. She smiled back, revealing white teeth.
Mrs. Gambill spoke up from around the two boys.
“ Glory, are you leaving, dear?”
“Yes ma’am.” Glory answered, tearing her eyes away from the beautiful girl.
“Okay. I’ll sign you out. And thank you for helping me this morning.”
Glory had finished her required classes her junior year so now she just took fun classes or helped in the main office.
“ No problem, Mrs. G. I had fun.” She finished getting her papers and heard Mrs. Gambill turn to the others.
“ Now. What can I help you three with?”
“ Actually, I believe we have already found what we were looking for. Thank you.” The blonde boy’s warm voice said quietly. Glory turned to leave.
“ Uh, I believe I didn’t introduce myself.” The girl said quickly as Glory made her way to the office door.
“ My name is Anna Montez.”
Glory stopped and turned toward the girl.
“ I’m Glory Anderson. It‘s nice to meet you too.”
Anna nodded coolly, her brown hair swaying gently.
“ And these are my two brothers. This is Gabriel.”
Anna nodded toward the blonde boy. He gave her a charming smile, looking better than ever. His deep blue eyes peered into hers, almost as if he was looking for something deep with in her.
“ And this is Aden.”
Glory stared expectantly at the chocolate haired boy. His broad shoulders tensed, and he slowly turned. What Glory saw, threw her world into chaos.