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posted by xXjakeloverXx
Chapter 5

    Something nosed me gently. I moaned softly. My body burned all over.
(She’s coming too. I told you she would be alright).
I sighed in relief as I heard Crystal’s voice in my head. I warm hand brushed over my forehead and cupped my cheek.
“ Cheyenne.” Trey’s warm voice washed over me.
“ Trey. I’m so sorry.” I mumbled.
“ Shh. It’s okay now.” His warm fingers traced along my cheek bone, traced my lips and finally cupped my face again.
I opened my eyes slowly and smiled when the first thing I saw was his beautiful face. I sat up and found myself in Crystal’s paddock.
“ How long has it been?” I asked looking around. Trey had on different clothes.
“ Just a day. Its about ten in the morning.” Trey replied, helping me stand.
“ Where’s Destin?” I wondered.
“ He’s in his cabin. I staged a pretty good scene. He got kicked by a horse and needed to rest.” He smiled and glanced at Crystal.
“ You kicked him?” I asked, smiling.
(Tapped. I gently tapped him.)
I laughed.
“Trey, I have a question.”
Trey looked up at me, smiling.
“ Ok.”
“ How could I feel what Destin was feeling?”
Trey’s face grew cloudy. “ You created a blood bond. Usually that doesn’t happen unless both people are willing. They usually just make a small cut on their hands and shake hands. It makes your powers together stronger.”
I frowned and looked down, embarrassed.
“ I didn’t want to do that.” I said softly.
“ I know. Destin is a master of making people feel what he feels. Not like a blood bond. Its mental. He’s much better and hearing people than I am.”
I felt disappointment and anger radiating from him.
“ I think you’re wonderful the way you are.” I said shyly. He looked up quickly, hope shining in his beautiful blue eyes.
“ Really?”
I nodded and smiled shyly at him. I didn’t understand how I could like this guy so much when I had only known him for a day.
“ You were scared of me.” I said slowly, glancing up at him from lowered lashed.
“ No…” Trey trailed off. I knew he was lying.
“ Why? I would never hurt you. That was the first time I used magic.” I said, my hurt feelings showing.
“ I know that.” Trey answered back, still not meeting my gaze.
(Show her. )
I glanced at Crystal.
“Show me what?” I asked, glancing from Trey to Crystal.
(Trey, show her. Show her what she looked like.)
Trey turned back to me, his eyes troubled. His warm hand came and cupped my cheek. Instantly, I was back in the tack room, but seeing everything through Trey’s eyes. I watched myself sitting on the feed bags and felt jealously roll through my body followed by anger. Huh. Apparently I could feel what Trey was feeling too. I felt the slight pain when Destin’s magic crashed against mine and the helplessness when I couldn’t do anything. And then I saw something that made my brain freeze. I saw myself through Trey’s eyes and I understood why he was afraid. I was illuminated, white light filling and shining out of every pore in my body. My hair whipped around me like I was in the middle of a storm. When I spoke, it was magnified, until it echoed around and around in the small tack room, filled with commanding power. And then I felt relief along with Trey as the white light was gone, and the real me stumbled toward Trey. The vision was gone as Trey lifted his hand from my cheek. But I knew there was more. I grabbed his hand before he got too far and felt his feelings again. My heart stuttered as a sense of belonging filled Trey as he caught me and lifted me as I blacked out.
“I’m sorry.” I felt the sorrow he had felt when he hurt me and then I felt the most wonderful feeling ever. Love.
Trey jerked his hand away and I was back to myself again.
My mouth opened. I wanted to say something, but I couldn’t. I just snapped it closed again. Did Trey really love me? After only knowing me for a day?
“ How do we break her bond, Crystal?” Trey’s voice made me jump. It was rough and hoarse.
(I do not know of any other way than creating a bond with someone else.)
“ You know that won’t work. Its not handy if someone catches whoever she’s bonded with. Then she’ll hurt as much as they do.” Trey snapped.
Crystal snorted and swished her tail, not liking the tone of his voice.
(Then I leave you to figure it out. I will not be treated like this.)
She turned away from us and started grazing.
“ Well shoot.” Trey grumbled.
“ What?”
“ She disconnected her ties with me.”
I stared at him blankly.
He sighed. “ That means she disconnected our mind ties. She won’t talk to me anymore.”
I couldn’t help it, I smiled at his almost pouting face.
“ Its fine. She’ll get over it.” I said comfortingly. I laid my hand on his arm. After a moment he pulled away from me.
Ouch. Talk about hurt feelings. Well, two could play this game.
“ Well, I’ll catch you later. I have horses to take care of.” I said and jumped to my feet.
“ No-Chey-wait…I-” Trey jumped up behind me, reaching out for me. I allowed him to touch my arm briefly. Concentrating deeply, I focused all my confused, hurt feelings and shoved them toward him. I didn’t know if he would actually feel anything or not but I thought I would try. Trey’s eyes widened and he took a step back.
“ Later.” I called and walked off without looking back.