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posted by xXjakeloverXx
Ok guys, this is a story i started a LONG time ago, and im talking about LONG! I think it will seem a little weird at first, but stick with it. It will get better.. Let me know what you think!

Chapter 1

    The light danced around me. It’s shining brightness almost hurt my eyes. In a moment it all faded, and I gasped at the sight around me. I was in a truly mystical world. Flowers and exotic plants surrounded me and the sun that was shining on me was pleasantly warm. Something stirred deep within me and I was tugged toward the mystical forest. As I walked, I noticed my feet didn’t feel like they were touching the ground. When I entered the forest, instead of being dark like normal forests, it glowed weirdly iridescent but it wasn’t spooky like a scary movie. I felt oddly at home here. I kept walking until a soft trickling noise made me veer off course to the sound. When I found it, I stopped in shock. It was like a crystal stream was flowing from a random boulder, pooling to form a completely clear pond. But that’s not was shocked me the most. Sitting on the boulder was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. She seemed to be made of light. She was so bright and so beautiful, she hurt my eyes. But I was unable to look away. Her hair was long and fanned out around her like she had her own personal breeze. Her face was kind, but glowed like an inner light shone through her.
(Come, my Daughter. I have been waiting.) Her voice was like silver, tinkling and sounding deep within my head.
“ Me?” I choked.
Her silvery laughed bounced around gently in my mind.
(Yes my Daughter. Come closer.)
Almost like I couldn’t help it, I moved toward her but stopped at the crystal pools edge. Her boulder was sitting smack dab in the middle of the pool. How was I supposed to get to her?
(Trust, Daughter.)
“ Why me?” I stuttered. “ There’s nothing special about me.” I whispered.
The woman smiled and beckoned me with her hand, slowly and gently.
(That’s where you are wrong, Cheyenne. You are even more special than you think. Trust and come closer.)
I stepped into the pool. Instead of sinking, I walked across the top of the water. I couldn’t help but grin.
The woman was smiling when I reached her.
(Very good. You are farther along than I imagined.)
I tried to wipe the stupid grin off of my face. I felt like an idiot.
(You are special and you have been given a power stronger than most I have seen. This will not be an easy path for you, but you will be greatly rewarded when it is over.) The woman said, her smile a little sad. She continued on.
(But I will not force you into this. Do you choose to follow this path of light in a world of darkness?) Her voice swelled and got louder, it echoed around me.
“ Yes.” I whispered, in awe of her power. Her face softened again.
(Wonderful. You will not be alone. You have been touched by me. May my favor spread.) She almost whispered and held out her hand. I reached out and placed my hand in hers. I felt a white hot heat spread from her to me. She seemed to glow brighter and brighter until I had to close my eyes. Suddenly I had the sensation of falling.
    I jerked and opened my eyes. I sat up and blinked. Wow. What a weird dream. At least this time I actually saw her. All the others dreams I just keep wandering around, searching for something that I didn’t know what. What had she said? Do you choose to follow this path of light in a world of darkness?
I shuddered as her wonderful, but horrifying voice filled my head. I was glad this was just a dream. What she said was creepy. I didn’t want anything to do with a world of darkness. I slowly got out of bed, my body hurting. Why would I hurt? I didn’t do anything physically out of the norm yesterday. I only rode four horses. That was below normal for me. My family owned a boarding stable and training facility. So guess who gets to exercise the horses when their lazy owners didn’t feel like getting up? Moi. Not that I was complaining or anything. I loved horses. They were my favorite animal. And I was a good rider. People called from all over to have me show their horses. Or sometimes to race. But I was usually too tall for that. I glanced at the clock and groaned. I was running late. Again. I grabbed a pair of old jeans and a shirt, slipping them on as I ran toward the door. I grabbed my boots and tugged them on, almost tripping on the steps. Jumping into my little truck, I noticed several guys staring at me with their mouths hanging open. Great. I probably had something embarrassing stuck on my face. I groaned and shoved my truck into Drive. Of course my old truck didn’t have a mirror. Ten minutes later, I pulled into the sweeping grounds of our stables. I parked my truck, jumping out and running past two men who were leaving. They both stopped and stared, following me with their eyes even when I ran past them. That was weird. Everyone kept looking at me.
“ Hey Chey!” My best friend popped out of a nearby stall.
“ Omigosh!” My heart jumped as Jaydon scared the living daylights out of me.
“ Jay, don’t ever do that again!” I said grumpily and started to pass her. She grabbed my arm and pulled me back around to face her. That’s when I noticed her mouth was in an “o” and her green eyes were wide. Great. Another person staring at me.
“ What?” I snapped. I was sick of people staring at me when I had only been up for like twenty minutes. Okay, so I had something bad on my face. She could just tell me. She didn’t have to stare at me like I has some hideous thing.
“ You have got to see this.” She sputtered and drug me toward the closest tack room. When I looked into the mirror, I gasped. When I had gotten up this morning, I thought I had no makeup on and my hair was a mess. I had been planning on just throwing my hair up once I got here. Now looking into the mirror, my hair was perfect. It had never been perfect in my life but there it was, laying straight and perfectly blonde down my back, almost touching my waist. But it wasn’t sickly straight like most girl’s were when they straightened it. Mine had a natural body to it, a little bounce whenever I moved. I couldn’t believe this! I started to turn to Jaydon, but she pointed toward my eyes. I gasped again. Geez. My eyelashes were usually light brown, going along with me having blonde hair and blue eyes, but now they were long and pitch black, curling like I had curled them with an eyelash curler. Around my eyes, it looked like I had put eyeliner on.
“ I can’t believe this!” Jaydon sputtered, breaking the magical moment by laughing. “ You were late because you fixed your hair and put on makeup!” She laughed again before stopping when she saw I wasn’t laughing. I didn’t appreciate her comment, especially since she put on makeup and did her hair every day.
“ Jay. I didn’t do anything. I literally rolled out of bed and came here. I didn’t even look in the mirror.” I said quietly. I reached up a finger to my eyes, rubbing at the eyeliner. It didn’t smear or come off. It was like I had been tattooed. And someone had done my hair. This was unreal. Suddenly, Jaydon grabbed my wrist again and flipped it up so that to palm was facing up.
“ Look.”
I looked down at my wrist. In the space right before my palm started, a swirling tattoo sparkled at me sweetly. I blinked, expecting it to disappear when I opened my eyes. No such luck.
“ You got a tattoo? Your mom is going to kill you!” Jaydon yelled. I looked down at it again. It was about the size of a half dollar, in a circular shape. The circle wasn’t connected all the way around the edges but somehow completed in a swirl pattern. The swirls continued into the middle of the circle, making it look like some old Victorian design from 100 years ago. It was beautiful. And how did it sparkle? It wasn’t like it blinked or anything, it just looked like someone had sprinkled a very faint coating of glitter over it. I loved it, but something told me my parents wouldn’t be so enthusiastic.
I felt like I was in a daze. “ No. I had a dream last night.”
Jaydon cocked her head, looking confused. “ And that’s how you got a tattoo?”
I nodded and quickly told her all about what the woman, and ended with her holding my hand. It was the same hand that was marked.
“ You’re special.” Jaydon whispered. “ We read a book about this in school. Remember? But this hasn’t happened in hundreds of years!”
I sighed. “ Well, apparently its making a comeback.” I said sarcastically.
“ Do you have any powers?” Jaydon asked, bouncing up and down.
“ Um. Not that I know of. But I just had the dream last night.”
Jaydon’s eyes grew bigger. “ Tell me exactly what went on.”
I quickly told her everything that the woman had said.
“ Omigosh.” Jaydon whispered when I had finished.
“ I know.” I started to say more when suddenly a voice interrupted me.
(Please come to me.)
I stopped mid sentence. “ Did you hear that?” I asked Jaydon. She looked at me like I had lost my mind.
“ Uh no. What did you hear?” She asked, but I shook my head and shushed her. Something was pulling at me, almost like there was a thread attached to my core being and I was being tugged at.
“ Come on!” I said quickly to Jaydon, who looked like she was dreaming. I relaxed and let my ‘thread’ pull me along. It ended when I got outside to a shiny horse trailer. Huh. Well that was a waste of time. I must really be messed up. I glanced around, curious for what could have been calling me. I was just about ready to give up and go back into the barn to start on stalls when Jaydon grabbed onto my arm with a death grip, her nails biting into my skin.
“ Ouch!” I snapped and yanked my arm out of her grasp. I glanced at her round face and started to tell her off, wanting to tell her I didn’t know what was going on either. But her mouth was hanging open for the second time today. Geesh. She was gonna swallow a bug or something. But then I followed her eyes. The most gorgeous guy was climbing out of the huge Ford pulling the horse trailer that had led me here.