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posted by xXjakeloverXx
Im so sorry this has taken so long!! Here it FINALLY is, and its just another filler so its not as good. Chapter Nine will be up soon!!! Sorry for the wait!

Chapter Eight

    When I woke up, I couldn’t remember all that had happened until I felt Jacob laying beside me. Then everything came rushing back with amazing clearness. The shock of it all made me gasp. Having a vampire trying to kill you certainly took a toll on your emotions. Jacob sat up slowly, trying to get awake.
“ You ok?” He asked, probably hearing my gasp just a moment before.
I took a moment to respond. “ Yeah. I just feel drained.” I admitted honestly. His large hand came up and cupped my cheek, his thumb stroking reassuringly.
“ We won’t let her hurt you, Mika. Between the pack and the Cullen’s, she doesn’t stand a chance.” Jacob said softly. It was hard not to believe him. I looked up into his beautiful face, wishing with all my heart that I would never have to leave his arms. I didn’t know how I was going to be able to move when my dad ordered it. I also didn’t know why I kept thinking about leaving. My dad would be content here for a while, but probably not forever. I resolved just to enjoy the little time I had with Jacob. And dodge Jameka.
“ I think I need to go home.” I said softly. Jacob grinned, obviously relieved at hearing my normal tone of voice.
“ Sure, sure. That’ll be fine. I think Alice needs some time to try to see anyways. This will work out well.”
I remembered someone telling me that Alice couldn’t see the future when the Wolves were around.
I felt fear try to bubble up to the surface of my thoughts when I thought about Jameka and her obsession with killing me.
“ Will you still stick around?” I asked hopefully.
Jacob leaned closer and pulled me into his arms, resting his chin on the top of my head.
“ I will never leave you.” The honesty was evident in his deep voice.
I tilted my head up and smiled, grateful for being able to meet such a wonderful person.
“ Ok, well. Let’s get you home.” Jacob said, and swung his long legs out of the bed. I followed and a moment later we met Emmett in the huge living room. He was flicking through the channels, bouncing from one sport event to another.
“ I reckon you two slept good?” He asked slyly when he saw us.
I felt my face get hot and Jacob grabbed my hand pulling me closer.
“ Yeah, we did sleep good. That’s all we did.” He growled. Emmett chuckled and then leveled a kind look at me.
“ How you holding up, Mika?” He asked, the humor gone from his eyes for a moment.
“ I’m doing ok. Thank you for your willingness to help.” I answered, stepping forward and resting my hand on Emmett huge shoulder. He was the vampire I felt the most comfortable with besides Alice. He smiled and patted my hand like he would a two year old.
“ It’s no problem. I can’t wait till we get some action.” He said excitedly, his golden eyes sparkling with anticipation. Jacob shook his head and muttering something under his breath, pulled me into the other room.
Esme and Carlisle were in the kitchen, preparing something that smelled amazing.
“ Hope you two are hungry.” Esme smiled kindly and set two steaming plates heaped with bacon, eggs, and toast on the table.
“ All right.” Jacob went forward quickly saying thanks as he passed.
I looked around hesitantly. I didn’t want to impose.
“ Come on Mika. Please, its no problem.” Esme said walking toward me.
“ I really don’t want to impose.” I said, voicing my concerns.
“ Nonsense. You should have seen all the food it took to feed the boys when the Volturi were coming. Jacob was camped out here all the time with Bella and the others had to be fed too. Feeding you is no problem.” Esme said, smiling affectionately at Jacob as he shoveled food in his mouth.
“ Well, I really appreciate it.” I thanked her and went and sat by Jacob, eating the amazing food.
I was just finishing up when Alice popped through the door way. Wow. She never ran out of spunk.
“ Mika! I’m so glad you’re still here. Come on, I want to fix your hair and makeup.” She exclaimed and danced closer, grabbing my hand. That made me think of the sight I probably looked like, makeup smeared and hair disheveled.
“ Alice, Mika wants to go home. We thought we would give you some time to try and see what’s going on. You can fix Mika up another time.” Jacob said, saving me from having to refuse.
“ Oh.” Disappointment flickered in Alice’s eyes before she perked up.
“ When you come back then! OK?”
I smiled. Her perkiness was contagious.
“ Definatly.” I replied, actually looking for it.
“ Promise?” She pleaded.
I laughed along with Esme. “ Yeah, I promise!”
“ Wonderful.” Alice chirped and danced her way back out the door.
I sat down and ate the wonderful meal. I thanked Esme over and over when we were done and allowed Jacob to pull me outside toward the Rabbit that was still parked outside.
“ You’re very welcome, dear. We’ll see you soon.” Esme called as we got in the car.
A short ten minutes later, I was back at our nice little house. I led the way into the house, glancing around for my dad.
“ Dad?” I called, my voice echoing weirdly in the little house.
“ In here.” His muffled voice replied. I led the way into his tiny office where he sat hunched over a tiny desk. He didn’t even look up.
“ Dad? I just wanted to tell you that I’m ok now.” I said, trying to get his attention.
“ Hmm?” He finally looked up, running his hand through his crazy hair.
“ Last night. When I was-” I looked over at Jacob, who was giving me a warning look. I couldn’t slip and say something about magic. My dad would ask way to many questions.
“ Choking.” I finished.
His eyes registered a blank look. “ Oh. I thought I told you to take more time chewing.” He gave be a disapproving look and turned back to his papers. I flushed. I clenched my fists and shot an embarrassed look over at Jacob. He was scowling at my dad. How could my dad forget that I had almost, um, HELLO, died? And he was the one who found me! I glared at him. I wanted to blurt out that a Vampire had played with my mind and was obsessed with killing me, but I was afraid he would get too excited. Wouldn’t want to give dear old dad a heart attack. Although at the moment, I was pretty mad.
“ And I met a new friend and stayed the night at her house.” I said, not wanting Dad to get the wrong idea about me and Jacob.
“ Um, that’s nice.” Dad muttered, scribbling furiously. I decided to go for all I was worth.
“ I’m going to stay there for a few weeks. Or more.” I said clearly.
“ That’s nice.” He repeated, clearly not giving me the time of day.
“ I’ll have my cell with me.” I added and stormed out of the room. Jacob followed me. I stomped to my room and slammed the door, forgetting Jacob was behind me. He caught it with amazing speed and let it close gently.
“ Hey, what’s wrong?” He asked gently, coming over to me as I was grabbing my suitcase. I stormed around him and walked to my dresser, grabbing clothes without looking and stuffing them in my bag. He grabbed my shoulders to finally get me to stop.
“ What do you think is wrong? My dad didn’t even remember I was almost died last night!” I spat out.
Jacob frowned, a for a moment, my anger faded as I looked how cute he was. But then it came rushing back.
“ That’s just how he is, I think.” Jacob said slowly, obviously not knowing exactly what to say.
“ I know! That’s the point! He never knows what’s going on when he gets ‘in a zone’. I could run away and he would never know.” I glanced at my bag. It was packed and I had no clue what was in it.
“ Hey, its ok.” He said gently, cupping my face in his hands and rubbing my tears away with his calloused thumbs. I hadn’t even realized I was crying. I didn’t resist as he pulled me into his arms, holding me tenderly. I had cried more in the last three days then I had in seventeen years. It made me mad. I was usually a strong person. I was used to taking care of myself since my mom had died when I was ten. I was pretty used to that. But it made me sad that my scattered brained dad didn’t even know how much danger I was in.
“ Hey, babe, I’m going to take care of you. You know that right?” Jacob murmured huskily in my ear. Wow. It was uncanny at how he knew to say just the things I needed to hear.
“ Come on. You can hang with me until you’re not mad anymore.” Jacob said, pushing away from me and grabbing my hand.
~    Later that evening, we were relaxing in Jacob’s garage. We had made me a little cot to sleep in. Jacob was sprawled in a comfortable looking position, looking way too hot for his own good. His brown eyes flickered up to meet mine. He sighed and wearily hauled himself to stand.
“ I need to go talk with the pack. They’ve hung in the woods to try and pick up the bloodsucker’s trail. I need to go see what’s going on.” Jacob said.
“ I’ll come with you and pick up your clothes.” I said, coming to my feet also. He had already explained how everything worked.
“ Okay. I won’t be gone long.”
I followed him to the edge of the woods, where he stopped and kissed me once more. With great reluctance, he pulled away. I let him go in the woods first, and only a second later, returned as the huge russet wolf. I smiled. I could tell it was Jacob even in wolf form. He came to me, smiling a wolf grin. I stared in awe. I had never seen him in wolf form so close. I hesitantly reached out and ran my fingers through his silky fur. Jacob licked my hand and turned, running into the woods in only a second. Wow. He was fast. I sighed as the sadness crashed down on me. I didn’t like being away from, only if for a little while. I sighed again, and went to where Jake’s clothes were folded neatly on the forest floor. I glanced around the forest. It was really majestic and mysterious. I decided that it fit. It hid the Vampires and the Wolves from the prying eyes of outsiders. I turned, preparing to see more greenery and mist. Instead, I looked into another pair of eyes. My heart dropped.
posted by xXjakeloverXx
Chapter One

People think that being beautiful will make their lives better. They think that one day they will wake up and Poof! Things will be perfect. But that’s not the case. Not everyone likes you for it. It doesn’t make you a more populate person. Girls hate you for it. The ones who claim to be your friends, aren’t. They just want to be associated with your face. Inside, they are still jealous and still wonder why they couldn’t have looked like you. And the boys, well, they just want you for your body. Not once have I ever had a boy tell me I was nice. Never have they told me,...
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added by kladida_22
Luv this band they r the GREATEST.!!!=) Listen plss and comment if u like.!! :D
added by monLOVEbrucas
Source: mon
added by monLOVEbrucas
Source: mon
added by monLOVEbrucas
Source: mon
Well darn.. i didnt want to start this, and now that i have, it didnt turn out the way i wanted it to... But i PROMISE the next chapter will be better... Let me know what you think!
Oh, and just a little helper... You pronounce Tirzah: Tear-zah..
Hope you guys like it even though its not the best... :(

“Watch it, Loser,” Jeremiah Case shouldered Graceanne Evans out of the way as the three most popular guys of the school paraded down the hallway. Gracie stumbled and would have fallen if her best friend had not been walking beside her.
“ You’re a jerk!” Camera Phillips shouted at Jeremiah...
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Thanks everyone for the support!! Chapter Fifteen was a featured Article!!! AHHH!!!

Chapter Sixteen

    Glory climbed out of the car hesitantly. Just like she figured, as soon as she appeared, her mom came flying out of the house.
“ Glory!” Nicole threw her arms around Glory. “Oh honey! I was so worried about you!”
Glory squeezed her mom tight, glad to be back where everything seemed normal. But she took one look at the Montez’s and Lupe’s face, and she knew nothing would ever be normal again.
“ Honey, where have...
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added by monLOVEbrucas
Source: mee
Chapter Fourteen

    Glory tried to relax against the couch now that all the commotion was over. After searching the woods all around the cabin, Aden finally let everyone relax. They didn’t find a trace of anyone- or anything.
“ If there was anyone here, they aren’t here now, so we can all relax for the time being.” Anna said to everyone in general, but her words were aimed at Aden.
Glory cast anxious eyes to him. He hadn’t sat down since they had returned. He leaned against the wall, staring out the window.
His broad shoulders tensed and relaxed over and over. It...
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added by kladida_22
Chapter Thirteen

    Glory felt herself lean forward, almost against her will. Aden’s full lips came closer, and she could see the very faint indents from his teeth. This was it. Her heart was racing as his warm breath caressed her neck, and tingles races down her spine. A sudden thought struck her.
“ You’ve been told its pleasurable?” Glory yanked herself back. Aden’s groan shook her to her core. She stared up at him, he stared right back, golden eyes huge.
“ Well, I meant…” He trailed off.
“ By females.” Glory glared up at him. “ You’ve been told...
continue reading...
ok Just_Bella...hope you like it! i hope ALL of you guys like it... it wasnt the best day for me to write, so this isnt as good.. just kinda a filler.. so the next chapter will be better!

Chapter Twelve

    “ She will never be harmed as long as I am alive.” Aden snarled.
Joel smirked and relaxed, leaning back against the railing. Aden straightened as well, still keeping Glory behind him. Apparently Aden had some trust issues with Joel.
“ What was it you were going to say, Joel?” Glory finally found her voice.
Joel looked her up and down lazily, his eyes pausing longer...
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added by xXjakeloverXx
Source: Ctaim2
posted by xXjakeloverXx
OK, before you guys make your assumptions... hear me out...lol. You need to know that Anysa is NOT the bad guy here... She has no idea Kassie has feeling for Kyan ok?? So dont start hating her just because of this chapter!!!
Hope you enjoy!!!

Chapter Twelve

    Kassie stared up at the ceiling, her thoughts swirling around and around her head. Bryan had escorted her back to her cabin, claiming “they didn’t know what to expect with Kyan in his current state”. Now she was just chilling out, hoping answers would come to her. Her eyelids grew heavy, and soon she was asleep....
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posted by xXjakeloverXx
Chapter Ten

    Glory stared at him, her heart pounding. The male stepped a little closer. His dark blue eyes glinting dangerously. Glory shrank back a step.
“ You shouldn’t have brought me here.” Her voice wobbled.
“ Oh really? I was under the impression I could do whatever I want to.” He smirked at her, flipping his dull brown hair out of his eyes. Before she could blink, he was beside her, her arm firmly in his grasp.
“ I think you should come with me, Glory.” He started to pull her down a long hall way.
“ Wait! I don’t even know you! I don’t want to go...
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added by xXjakeloverXx
haha ok, this is a pretty good song.. I mostly just like it because of Lil' Wayne... :)
music video
jay sean
lil' wayne
posted by xXjakeloverXx
yeah... I didnt like this.. Writing from Aden's POV didnt feel right.. i think from now on, it will be Glory's.. But here's just a little peak at what our favorite bad boy Aden is thinking... :) Hope you enjoy even if its not the best.. And dont mind the Cliff hanger.. The Next chapter will explain!! ;)

Chapter Nine

    Aden grabbed another tree and felt the satisfaction well up as it groaned under his hands. With a final little tug, the roots sprang free and he launched it. It landed with a shattering crash. Aden felt himself grinning as he watched it break into a thousand...
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posted by xXjakeloverXx
OK this is for Sk8bordnewmoon and surfergal!! And so everyone can stop hating Bryan..... Read on! ;)

Chapter Eleven

    His mouth was still warm on her’s, but something was different. After a moment, Kassie pulled away. Kyan stared at her a moment, his blue eyes sizzling.
“ How could I not remember you?” He almost whispered. Kassie looked away, lifting one shoulder in a shrug.
“ I don’t know. Guess I wasn’t that important to you.” Without a backwards glance, she untangled herself out of his arms and went out the door. She walked quickly to Boss’s office.
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Here's the HD version of the third New Moon trailer. It looks AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!
jacob black
edward cullen
bella swan
breaking dawn
new moon trailer