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posted by xXjakeloverXx
here's chapter four!!

Chapter Four

    Her eyes weren’t quite the golden color of all the others, they were still slightly murky. She stared at me with a expression I couldn’t make out.
“ Hi Mika. it’s a pleasure to meet you.” Edward’s voice was like honey.
“ Hi. Um, nice to meet you too.” I murmured softly, trying to look away from Bella’s penetrating stare.
“ Bella stop. You’re making her uncomfortable.” Edward said softly.
Bella looked away from me a moment and stared into Edward’s eyes. The tension that crackled between them seemed to fill the room but everyone was distracted when Renesmee walked over to Jacob. I hadn’t noticed until now but her eyes had never left him since she had walked in. Jacob slid out from behind me and stood up to meet her. She smiled and I wanted to drop dead. Her obvious attraction to him made me feel numb. How could I compete with all these drop dead gorgeous girls? Renesmee could be in a room packed full of supermodels and still be the prettiest by far… Renesmee slowly put her hand on Jacob’s cheek and smiled. I didn’t miss how her thumb slowly stroked his cheek.
“ I know, Nessie. Its been a long time.” Jacob’s deep voice was quiet.
Renesmee’s smile drooped just a little and she pressed her hand harder into Jacob’s cheek. I felt anger slowly building within me. I fought to keep my pulse steady so the others wouldn’t hear. This was getting out of hand. She had no right to touch my Jacob. Jacob smiled and slowly reached up and grabbed her wrist, gently lowering it back to her side.
“ I know Nessie.” He said softly. Her pretty face was frowning now. Edward came up and rested his hand on her shoulder murmuring in her ear so quickly I couldn’t hear. She dropped her eyes from looking at Jacob and turned to her father.
I had to get out of here before I exploded. I heard a howl from close by. Ah. The rest of the pack must be here. They could be my escape. It would be safe with them around. Everyone was focused on Renesmee now as one perfect little tear escaped her brown eyes. Jacob was leaning close to her, almost touching.
Grr…I stood up slowly and made my way to the front door muttering, “ I left something in the car” to Alice. She was the only one who looked at me. At least now I knew who was the center of attention. I wouldn’t want to steal her lime light anytime soon. As soon as I was outside, I inhaled deeply, letting the cool air extinguish the anger flaming inside of me. I listened carefully. I thought I heard a river near by. I set off across the yard into the trees, following the noise into I could see the dark water flowing by. I searched the river bank until I saw a flat spot of grass that looked suitable for laying on. I made my way to it and slowly settled back on it, letting the soft gurgling noise lull me into calmness. I lost track of time, thinking only how unfair it was to have fallen in love with a perfect person only to have him stolen from you by someone you could never compete with in your life.
“ You know you really shouldn’t be out here by yourself.”
That smooth purr made my anger want to resurface.
“How do you know?” I asked, sitting up and facing Edward.
“ Carlisle told me what happened. That’s why we came back. Just in case.”
“ Oh. Well thanks I guess.” I dropped my chin, my thoughts returning to Jacob.
“ He loves you, not Nessie.”
I snapped my head back up.
“ What?”
“ Jacob. Nessie’s been in love with him for a long time. He used to have a little thing for her but not know. Trust me. I know. He just wants to be friends with her.”
I stared at him. He was standing casually a few feet away. I thought I would have been nervous being with a vampire by myself, but oddly I felt a sense of protection.
“ How did you know that I was thinking about that?” I asked, curious.
“ Its my gift. I can read people’s thoughts. That’s how I know what Nessie, Jacob and you are thinking. Nessie‘s gift is showing people how she feels or what she‘s think about by touch.” He smiled and even against my bad mood, prompted a little smile from me in return.
“ Don’t be too mad at him. He loves you.”
My heart fluttered and I stood up.
“ Thanks Edward. And you’re not like, mad or anything that Jacob doesn’t like your daughter?”
Edward chuckled. “ No. I’m glad that Jacob found someone that he’s imprinted with. He will never leave you unless you order him away.” He stopped and seemed to think. “ Actually, probably not even then.”
My smile was growing.
“ Thanks Edward.”
“ Anytime. Now, lets get back shall we?”
I nodded and walked with him back to the house. Alice pounced on me as soon as I walked into the door.
“ Where have you been Mika? Jacob’s been waiting for you upstairs.” She smiled and pointed toward the grand staircase. “ Second room to the right.”
“ Ok.” I smiled back at her and hurried up the stairs and opened. Only Jacob wasn’t the only one in the room. Renesmee was pressed up against him, kissing him like it was the last day on Earth. And Jacob wasn’t doing anything to stop it. I sucked in a deep breath and tried to turn and walk out of the room. Tears were clouding my vision and I bumped into the door. It banged and I saw Jacob’s eyes fly to me.
“ Mmph…Mika…no…wait!”
But I wasn’t listening. I was running, trying to get away from these people that were intent on hurting me. Specifically Jacob. Now I had a better reason to not love him anymore. And I had only know him for two days. How ridiculous. How could he hurt me this bad when I didn’t even know him that well? I barreled out of the house, dodging Alice as she tried to stop me. I ran, faster and faster. The fastest I had ever ran, trying to get away. Something was thudding along with me, keeping pace. I stumbled and almost went down. I caught myself, cutting my palm in the process. I took the time to glance over and see the gangly, sand colored wolf looking at me expectantly.
“ Go away Seth!” I snapped and started to run again. I knew I was no match for the wolf’s speed. I felt the sobs racking my body and I finally gave up and dropped to my knees. Instantly, Seth stopped and came over nosing me gently. With a sigh, he dropped down to lay next to me. I sniffled and tried to stop the tears. But they refused to be shut off. Tears I had been holding in the last seventeen years starting flowing and I knew that they wouldn’t stop until I was completely dry. Seth whimpered softly and scooted closer. Without thinking, I leaned into his shoulder, letting my tears soak his sandy fur. A little while later, I was still crying, but softer now, when another wolf arrived. As soon as I saw the russet fur, I buried my face into Seth and the tears came faster again. Jacob whined softly and turned, disappearing. Of all the nerve! Hurting me, coming to find me, and then leaving without saying anything. Stupid boys!
“ Mika…” His deep voice came from so close it scared me. Good grief. He was quiet even as a human. He was dressed only in a pair of dark sweatpants. My heart sped up against my will.
“ Seth go on. Thanks for following her.” Jacob said softly. Seth sighed and tried to stand up without upsetting me.
“ Please don’t leave me, Seth!” I pleaded and wove my fingers deeper into his fur.
“ Mika..” Jacob’s hott hand landed on my shoulder was like a burn from a branding iron. Uncomfortable and unwelcome.
“ Don’t touch me!” I snapped and jumped up to face him. Seth whined and slunk away slowly. Jacob frowned and stepped closer.
“ Don’t try to come any closer!” I warned and took a step back.
“ I didn’t think you could get this far.” Jacob said, looking at the woods surrounding us. It was getting dark and an eerie mist was creeping in.
“ There’s a lot of things you don’t think about apparently.” I snapped and turned away from him. I had to be a sight. My nose got red and my face puffed up when I cried.
“ I wasn’t kissing her back.” He said softly.
“ It sure looked like it.” I answered dully. My run was taking its toll on me and weariness was setting in.
“ I wasn’t.” Jacob insisted.
“ And how am I supposed to know that?” I blurted and whirled to face him, not knowing he was just inches behind me. His arms came around me and lifted me against his bare chest. I stiffened and pushed against his chest, trying to get away.
“ Because. This is how I kiss back when I want to.”
I couldn’t say anything before his lips were on mine. It was like I had melted. Instead of pushing away from him, I ran my hands up into his shaggy hair and twisted my fingers into its thickness. His lips were hot against mine, pressing for more. I slowly gave in and my head reeled. I surrendered to the kiss and all my worries melted away.
posted by xXjakeloverXx
Chapter Two

    As the sun broke through my window, I sat up and gasped. Sun! There was actually sun shining in La Push, Washington! I jumped out of bed and rushed to my window, yanking my curtain out of the way. But as I looked out, it wasn’t the sun that was on my mind anymore. Glancing at Jacob’s house, the memories of the wolves came back to haunt me once again. I had trouble getting to sleep last night. The more I thought about it, the more and more scarier the giant wolves had become. It didn’t help that once I fell asleep, my dreams were filled with Jacob and...
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posted by xXjakeloverXx
First of all... Wow.. I havent been on here in forever! let alone written anything.. Im SOOO sorry. Im a little out of tune, so Im sure this wont be that great, but i hope you guys enjoy it anyways!

Chapter Ten
    Rafe blew gently on the back of my neck, sending shivers racing down my spine.
“I need to get you home.” His lips brushed the top of my ear. I sighed. I didn’t want to go home yet. After everyone had gotten done swimming, we had returned to the fire and just sat and talked. The others were joking around while Bristol and Parker argued...
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posted by xXjakeloverXx
Thanks for reading the first chapter! here's the second one! Thanks to Ashesandwine, Gabstaa and TwilightSagaldy for being the first commenters! I was nervous you guys wouldnt like it! thanks for reassuring me! I have more on the way!
Haha, Man, i love you guys! ok.. here it is!

Chapter Two
    Glory could only stand there, stunned, at what she saw. Anna and Gabriel were beautiful, yes. But this boy, Aden, made their beauty seem irrelevant. He was gorgeous. His dark head of curls looked silky. Curls flopped down on his forehead and Glory fought the surprising urge to run her...
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added by xXjakeloverXx
Source: Google.com
posted by xXjakeloverXx
    I stared out the window, my mood matching the gloomy weather outside. I took in the lush green landscape of Forks, Washington, as it flew past my window. My dad was a professor who was fascinated with old Indian legends. We were on our way to La Push, a reservation occupied with Quileute Indians. Apparently, the Quileute’s were descendents of shape shifters, people who could change shapes and become wolves. Yeah right. I wasn’t convinced at all, but my dad was completely sold on the idea. This wasn’t the first time we had moved states chasing these crazy stories....
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"pls don't be scared you are safe i wont hurt you " jacob said then he answer my question " imprinting is when you see her all your world revolves around her nothing in this whole world matters you could be anything for her any one to do anything just for her not the gravity that hold you to earth its her " he said in lovely warm tune i believed him i wasn't scared but i need to go hom
e " i just said that beause i trust you i want you to know dont' tell any one pls " he said

what the hell this place is vampires & werewolves is this somekind of a joke or this things are really there among...
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chapter 1 ~ i thought that my life was normal easy clear stable but life is change a lot .... when you got that change the fear control s every cell of your body the fear of the future you would never give the thought of it will be better a change for good i think !.....~
my mother and i never did agree On one thing in all my life she always think that i am the liability promising future since the day i came to this life i stop her planes for the future . we fight a lot i start to think to leave home live alone some were she was the second wife of chief swan but she got divorced after she got...
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added by xXjakeloverXx
Source: Me and Picnik!
added by xXjakeloverXx
Source: Myself!
added by xXjakeloverXx
posted by xXjakeloverXx
Chapter Nine

    I sat there a moment, trying to calm my pounding heart and soothe my frazzled thoughts. I re-thought the whole scene, ending up at the same conclusion. He had kissed me. I had let him take the lead and now he was accusing me of being a tramp.
Parker appeared in the door, his hair glowing gold in the setting sun.
“ You coming Shayda?”
I glanced up at him, plastering a smile to my face.
“Yeah, I guess.”
“Great! Come on!”
He offered a hand and I slowly took it, accepting his help as I jumped down from the truck. I looked around, seeing nothing but trees...
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added by xXjakeloverXx
OH MY GOSH!! i freakin love this song! It gets stuck in my head all the time...lol.
posted by xXjakeloverXx
Chapter 2

    Chase and Alex fell with a huge splash into the lake. Alex came up sputtering and swinging.
“ What are you doing?” She yelled. Chase’s hair was hanging in wavy locks because his Stetson had fallen off when he had jumped. She coughed and pulled off her hat, held on by its stampede string. She threw it toward the shore. She turned back to Chase. “ You’re gonna get it now!” She yelled as she tried to push him over. His hands snagged hers as he went down and she ended up under water with him. He pushed off the bottom with his boots and dragged her up...
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posted by xXjakeloverXx
Chapter Eight

    Less than ten minutes later, I was sitting in Rafe’s truck holding on for dear life as it bounced down an old bumpy road. I looked over and caught Rafe looking at me. He was grinning at me, dimpling flashing. I couldn’t help but smile back. Now that I think about it, I would much rather be bouncing along in a truck with a drop dead gorgeous guy then trying to hail a taxi in the pouring rain. Rafe stomped on the gas and I swore we caught a little air as we topped a small hill. I let out a shriek and before I knew it, laughter was bubbling through my...
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posted by xXjakeloverXx
Chapter Seven

    I blinked up at him in surprise.
“What are you doing here?” I asked sharply.
He offered me a small smile, his eyes roaming up and down my body. I frowned and crossed my arms over my chest, very self conscious about what I was wearing. I mean, come on. I didn’t know the hottest guy I had ever seen was going to show up on my front porch. I wasn’t looking my best. What was I wearing, you ask? An old sleeveless tee-shirt and short denim cutoffs. Yeah. But I didn’t have that Daisy Duke effect… No if anything, I looked horrible. I glanced down at myself...
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posted by xXjakeloverXx
ok.. this is a little bit of a filler....lol... oh well!

Chapter Six

    I froze in place, my heart thudding painfully in my chest.
“ Uhh.. Nice little wolfie. You’re ok.” I muttered, trying to scoot make inch by inch.
“Shayda!” My mom screeched.
“ Mom!” I snapped, not taking my eyes away from the snarling wolf.
“Just calm down!” I replied calmly.
My eyes were locked with the wolf’s. It would snarl, then look away.. Almost as if it was…guilty?
My mother had always said I had a stubborn streak a half a mile wide. There was no way I was leaving.
“ It’s...
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posted by xXjakeloverXx
Wow...where has the time gone?? i havent written in FOREVER!!!! so sorry guys!!!! But here it is.. Its maybe not as great as it could have been.. Sometime it takes me a little while to get back into the groove of things.. but anyways.. here it is! Hope you enjoy!

Chapter Five

    I groaned as I rubbed the back of my head. Getting slammed repeatedly into a mat ended up hurting after a while.
“Here you go.”
I smiled up at Jess as she handed me a bottle of water.
“ Thanks.” I gulped the water, wincing as it burned my throat. Man, I had no idea this could be so hard....
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posted by xXjakeloverXx
Chapter Four

I glanced up at Parker quickly.
“ What?”
He nodded towards Rafe, who was standing in the middle of the wrestling mat.
“ Rafe’s gonna teach you how to fight.”
“Uhh.” I balked as Parker tried to gently push me onto the mat.
Rafe stood there patiently as I leaned back against Parker.
“Umm.” I struggled to think of an excuse why I couldn’t start my lessons today.
Parker’s finger drifted up to touch the skin under my lip.
“ You might want to take that out.”
I twitched as Parker’s rough but gentle finger tip coasted around my stud. Yeah, so I had the skin under...
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posted by xXjakeloverXx
Chapter Three

    I gulped and followed Elder Jacobs toward the front of the room, where two other men sat.
“Shayda, this is Elder Matthews and Elder Johnson.” Elder Jacobs nodded toward the other two men. I smiled at them politely and stood there, nervously clasping my hands.
Elder Jacobs offered me a smile and began speaking.
“ I know you just got here, but there this much to discuss.”
I nodded.
“ You see, every year our students spilt into groups and we go into the forest. We call it,” He trailed off again, glancing at the other two men who looked very solemn....
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