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posted by juicyjossy9
1. Practice kindness and gratitude with everyone, including yourself, everywhere and every day, it's great for the soul!
2. The most important sex organ is the brain.
3. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone.
4. Don't take yourself so seriously. No one else does.
5. We all have been born. We all have to die. What's in between is up to us to create.
6. You don't have to win every argument. Agree to disagree.
7. Cry with someone. It's more healing than crying alone.
8. Stop listening to the words you've heard, no one but yourself will agree with you more.
9. Save for retirement starting with your first pay check.
10. Make yourself a life, not a living.
11. Make peace with your past, so it won't screw up the present.
12. It's okay to let your children see you cry.
13 Don't compare your life to others! You have no idea what their journey is all about.
14. If a relationship has to be a secret, you shouldn't be in it.
15. Everything can change in the blink of an eye. But don't worry; God never blinks.
16. Life is too short for long pity parties. Get busy living, or get busy dying.
17. You can get through anything if you stay put today.
18. A writer writes. If you want to be a writer, write.
19. It's never too late to have a happy childhood. But the second one is up to you and no one else.
20. When it comes to going after what you love in life, don't take no for an answer.
21. Burn the candles, use the nice sheets, and wear the fancy lingerie. Don't save it for a special occasion. Today is special.
22. Over prepare, and then go with the flow.
23. Be eccentric now. Don't wait for old age to wear purple or orange.
24. When in doubt, just take the next small step.
25. No one is in charge of your happiness except you.
26. Frame every so-called disaster with these words: "In five years, will this matter?"
27. Always choose life.
28. Forgive everyone everything.
29. What other people think of you is none of your business.
30. Time heals almost everything. Give time to your time.
31. However good or bad a situation is, it will change.
32. Your job won't take care of you when you are sick. Your friends will. Stay in touch.
33. Believe in miracles.
34. God loves you because of who God is, not because of anything you did or didn't do.
35. Whatever doesn't kill you really does make you stronger.
36. Growing old beats the alternative -- dying young.
37. Your children/grandchildren get only one childhood. Make it memorable.
38. Read the Psalms. They cover every human emotion.
39. Get outside every day. Miracles are waiting everywhere.
40. If we all threw our problems in a pile and saw everyone else's, we'd grab ours back.
41. Don't audit life. Show up and make the most of it now.
42. Get rid of anything that isn't useful, beautiful or joyful.
43. All that truly matters in the end is that you loved.
44. Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need.
45. The best is yet to come.
46. No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up.
47. Take a deep breath. It calms the mind.
48. If you don't ask, you don't get.
49. Yield, but not into temptation...
50. Life isn't tied with a bow, but it's still a gift.

Have an awesome caring day!
--- LivHILuvAlwaiz♥jj9
"Aw, it's pretty close." Tyler McCarthy and Shawn Detham were standing side by side. Both held a gun in a head, but Shawn also held a machete. My hand flew up to my mouth to try to hold back a scream as I realized that the blade was dripping with blood. What if it was a friend of my or Nick's, what if it was a teacher? I buried my face in Nick's back trying hard not to picture it.

"Tyler . . . Shawn, what the hell are you guys doing." Both of them had grown up with Nick; they use to play together in there neighborhood. They had, at one point, all been inseparable, but high school hit and like...
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posted by GryffindorGirl2
Jasmine's POV

The freezing darkness pressed down on me,Harry,and Dudley.
"S-stop it you two.Now.It-it's not funny." Dudley stammered.
"We're not doing anything Dudley!" I shouted over the wind.
"I swear,if you don't stop it,I-I'll hit y-you." Dudley said again.
"Shut up Du-.." Harry began.
The sound of Dudley's fist connecting with Harry's jaw sounded beside me.
"Ow! God Dudley!" Harry shouted.
Before I had time to react,my feet were kicked out from underneath me and I fell to the ground,slamming my already hurt head on the ground.My spine seemed to jolt out of place,then back in,making me moan...
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posted by GryffindorGirl2
Jasmine's POV

Harry and I walked to the park.The hot,dry,humid summer air blowing at out backs.My hair wipped around me,hitting my face and getting in my eyes.No sooner had I moved it away,that the wind blew it back.My sweat shirt fell around my shoulders,but I pulled it back up.The wind continued to blow,and as I listened,fell into a rythem.The sound of Harry and mine footsteps falling on the quiet street sounded like clapping.I raised my arms to the sky and began spinning in circles as I walked.I began to sing,my voice blending with the wind and our footsteps.
"What doesn't kill you makes...
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posted by shenelopefan

Estoy quebrada. Lo que soy es lo que necesitas. Mi corazón se rompió mucho tiempo atrás, pero no me importó. En ti deposité toda mi esperanza. En ti proyecté, todo lo que odiaba de mí misma y traté de curarte.

Estoy dañada. ¿Qué no lo ves? A tu sola disposición estoy ¿No es así? ¿No ha sido siempre así?

Pero tú también estás dañado. Quizás más que yo. Yo quiero arreglarte, cuidarte, hacerte ver lo importante que eres y lo valioso que tú no ves en ti mismo. Quiero que veas lo mismo que yo veo en ti. Quiero que sepas lo importante que eres para mí.

Soy un desastre....
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posted by shenelopefan

Estoy quebrada. Lo que soy es lo que necesitas. Mi corazón se rompió mucho tiempo atrás, pero no me importó. En ti deposité toda mi esperanza. En ti proyecté, todo lo que odiaba de mí misma y traté de curarte.

Estoy dañada. ¿Qué no lo ves? A tu sola disposición estoy ¿No es así? ¿No ha sido siempre así?

Pero tú también estás dañado. Quizás más que yo. Yo quiero arreglarte, cuidarte, hacerte ver lo importante que eres y lo valioso que tú no ves en ti mismo. Quiero que veas lo mismo que yo veo en ti. Quiero que sepas lo importante que eres para mí.

Soy un desastre....
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posted by shenelopefan
Lo que nunca podrá ser

"Tu… entiendes mi silencio

Sólo tú… conoces mis secretos

Sólo tú… comprendes cada gesto

Sólo tú…"

Apareces tú, la Oreja de Van Gogh

Me voy a morir. Arrastro mi cuerpo, adormecido por el dolor en los pasillos de este horrible hospital. La sangre brota de mi cuerpo mientras presiono la herida cerca de mi estómago, dándome fuerzas para seguir. Yo sé que no merezco lo que ocurrió, pero también sé que es completamente mi culpa. Dicen que cuando uno está agonizando, ve pasar su vida frente a sus ojos, que los mejores momentos son recordados. Eso me está ocurriendo...
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posted by Dhampires
I was back at the covent and in Mai's office waiting for her to give me my pay."Like always you gets the job done in no time.I'll have to start giving you a raise my dear.After all I can't afford to lose you can a I?"She prasied me as she went into her safe retrieving a small sack of gold coins.I smiled and said "No need to rasie my pay,I make enough and I'll never leave so long as you keep feeding me information like you promised." she sighed and turned with the gold and a package of papers "Of course that's the purpose on why your here." I eyed the papers then shifted my gaze toward her."Yes...
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posted by Blazefan4life
I wrote this poem after I had a dream. A dream that I had powers. Fire, Water, Trees, Gravity, and Love. All of these... I controled.

Spell Me a Melodey, Flames and Fire,

You are the one, I'll always admire.

Spell Me a Melodey, Water and Waves,

First comes sacerfice, then comes save.

Spell Me a Melodey, Plants and Trees,

Help me out, set me free.

Spell Me a Melodey, Gravity Float,

The Moon is why, we rock the boat.

Spell Me a Melodey, Love is Power,

Our love will bloom, like a flower.
posted by PotterLambert93
His name was Charlie Brown. We first got him in the fall of 1999. He was cute cocker spaniel with the color of brown and had dark eyes. For 13 years, he was a part of our family. We played with him, took him for walks, gave all the love we had and so much more. He was also a ruff dog as well. Whenever people would come over he would bark at them, thinking that he was trying to protect us from danger. He would also bark at other people's dogs when we took him for walks and, he was very capable of biting badly. Despite all of that, we still loved him, and he loved us.

Around a few years ago, he...
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If you like this check out more of my stuff.

"Hello my name is Jasmine P. Love,"she said slowly while looking to the ground."Hello Jasmine," said the other people looking at her.Jasmine stops to look at everyone as if she was going to scream and hide.She takes three deep breathes.And says," I am her because when I was four years old I saw my mother and father die by a crazed man.His face still haunts me in my sleep that's why I don't sleep no more.I spent my whole childhood in an ophanadge with no friends nor no enemies because no one noticed me.Not even my family who know about me and didn't...
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posted by PrincessHotEmo
I was kidnapped by a horrible demon.It kill everyone I knew so no one would try to rescue my me.It rapes me everytime it can.Its busy killing people that move in the house im in the basement..
well under the basement theres a cave.I'm not goingto joke the demon is pretty hot but still.He brings me little food to keep me "fit".He loves me he says,but he lies.I lie awake thinking of how to escape.I'm scared let proud at myself for no reason.My Life is hell most of the time.When your life is terrible you never think your good you think your worthless.You feel fake,never like a real person.
The Demon
The Demon
So Analisa and I walked slowly through her village. I looked around as we walked and everyone looked very happy and cheerful. I was very confused. "Shouldn't they be sad?" I asked. "NOT happy-go-lucky?" Analisa chuckled and replied. " There is no need to be sad. For we have food, shelter, and each other." I felt very bad. Just a few hours ago I had yelled at my mom for getting mad at me and ran outside. I started to cry again. I sat in the emerald green grass,we had walked into a field,
Analisa asked "What is wrong?" I replied "I want to go home" Analisa said "That would be easier if I knew where you lived. Anyways, we need you here. You cannot leave. I'm very sorry." That didn't help me at all. I layed down on the soft grass and cryed my eyes out.
posted by Kimi4312
Chapter 3: Here It Goes Again.
Roxana woke up one night to hear a loud howl outside her window, she slided herself out of bed with her covers wrapped around her, she walked toward the window and saw a somewhat a large white wolf outside, watching her then it turned its head to hear other wolves howling, the white wolf runs off to follow the howl, Roxana felt like she knew that wolf for a long time, Roxana walked back to her bed and lies down, but she couldn't sleep, she kept tossing and turning but she couldn't sleep, she sat up, grab her wallet and pull out a photo of a beautiful, pale-skinned,...
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posted by gumball789
I live in my opinion possibly the most ghetto town in the United States, Pittsburgh. People have been committing suicide all over town. Population all over town has been decreasing, fast. Some of my friends were so depressed that they were thinking about "joining the crowd". I wouldn't live without my friends. I don't want my friends to go as well as my mom and dad. Yes, I'm an orphan. I've been an orphan for about three weeks. My friends have disappeared. I think they went to Clarion; but I could be wrong. There have been tons of fights at my school. Most of the people that were committing suicide were middle school and high school aged. I was getting really tired really fast. I climbed up in a tree and found a comfortable spot and fell asleep. Next thing I knew, I was tied up on a pole.

Sorry for cliffhangers....
posted by animefangirlz
I was 13 when i had my first love.not my first boyfriend but someone i actually loved.
My name is Elisabeth Maddison,but everyone calls me "shinigami" it means " god of death",for my 13th birthday my older cousin Geettto took me to his gig.He plays lead guitar and vocals for their band. He kept telling me how much they kick butt and all the battle of the bands they won. I just kept walking in the rain as it poured down flooding the sky. We got to the place,it was an old former shed for shipping trucks. The small factory behind it turned into a music store.They give local...
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Zoeiz took a subtle relaxed deep breathe. And held it just for a moment.

Christ, by highest heaven adored…

The cold blistering air nipped at her exposed cheeks and the tip of her petite nose. A perfect atmosphere for the winters most important day, Christmas.

It was only 7:55 in the morning. Children throughout the modest town would be up by now, pouncing on their drowsy parents, eagerly anticipating on opening the wrapped gifts and stuffed bags.

She breathed out, the vaporous air revealing her breath.

Christ, the everlasting Lord…

Naturally, fresh flakes of snow began to fall from the...
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posted by coriann
The house lights were on bright. It was a lonely brick house, brownish cream and had a red galvenise roof. there was a square arch around the front door. It was big and had a light and a bench on the side. I walked up the one step to the open door. The boy had already run inside. Contrary to the arch, the inside of the house was black and dim and full of decor and dim lights. I should have noticed from looking at the glass louvers.
I saw a Muslim lady in orange on the phone. She was fair (light brown) and thick. The orange sari was high up over her knees. "Mam, Mam"
She was laughing, but she...
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posted by noahnstar1616
-The Next Day-
I peeked from behind the left corner of the school and saw Cameron carrying Mercury's book towards the school entrance. Perfect. I turned to Zoey and Francine, who were right behind me. "I'm ready. How do I look ?" I had on the outfit Francine picked out for me and the makeup Zoey put on me yesterday. My hair was in a french braid, courtesy of Zoey's mom.

"Beautiful", said Francine.

"I'm jealous", said Zoey.

"Thanks." I turned back to look at Cameron, who had probably forgot something because he was walking back to his car. "Wish me luck." I rushed towards Cameron. "Hey."

"Hey." He...
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posted by GummyBears_11
As screwed up as my life was, I always found joy in singing. I sang everyday, no matter what happened. Singing helped me remember a better time. A time when 'he' wasn't around. A time when my mother WAS around. A time when I wasn't alone.

Chapter 1- Ring Around The Rosies

I jerked awake. I was covered in cold sweat, and I still had flashbacks of the nightmare stuck in my head.

"No! Mother, please, don't go!"

There was no use in falling asleep again. It was already 6:40, and soon enough, my stepfather would barge in my room, yelling at me to get up, calling me names, threatening to beat me....
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posted by Dhampires
Hate.Disappointment.Regret.They all make up some of the worst thing in our lives...then why can't we just give it up?Give it up and just throw all our problems away?The answer is simple because this,this is reality not a fairytale or some fiction story,where the writer can just have their way over their characters like puppets.No.Not at all in reality does one have their way to control their life or the lies that people tell them.There's no stopping your troubles in life or changing the regret you've made in the past ...it's life.