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posted by twilight_23
This is something I just wrote like ten mintues ago, and I didn't edit it very much, so sorry about that. I'm debating whether to go further with this or not, so opinions are great. Anything you have to say is welcome(: Also, if I made any mistakes (i.e. spelling, grammar, punctuation) please tell me so I can correct them, thanks:D

“Finally, Friday.” I thought as my alarm clock woke me up. This week’s almost over, just one more day. I dragged myself out of my warm bed to turn off the loud buzzing noise generated from my alarm and got ready for the day like I always did. I dreaded the coming hours of pain, I hated leaving the house, I hated going to school.
I parked my car, turned off the ignition, and sat there, staring at the dashboard. School was just about the single most painful thing for me, but I had to go in, I had to be brave. I opened the door, stepped out of the car into the icy air, took one step and fell. Great. Ice. I picked myself up and cautiously walked the rest of the way to the building.
I had spent so much time staring at nothing that I only had about two minutes to get my books and hull it over to home room. But I was okay with being rushed these days, free time was the enemy. I made it on time and took my seat by the door. I listened to the principal’s announcements, not really needing to and then the bell rang for first period. I got up quickly before I could overhear anything Taelor and her friends had to say about me.
They were the reason I couldn’t bare to be at school. A few years ago, sometime during freshman year, I used to be best friends with Taelor, Alexa, and Hanna. But then someone spread a rumor saying I had called Taelor a bitch. I didn’t though, she was my best friend. At first, it was only Taelor who hated me, so I would still sit with our group at lunch. But then, Alexa and Hanna turned on me too, so I scooted down a couple of seats during lunch. I remember redoing math homework just to look like I was busy, like I couldn’t hear what they were saying.
“What an asshole!” One of them would say, then everyone else would join in laughing. They would throw their empty pop bottles at me. It was extremely immature, but they thought it was I fitting punishment I guess. Then one day I couldn’t take it anymore, and to this day I eat lunch in the school’s media center.
The morning went by quickly, as it always did. And before I knew it, it was sixth period. Lunch.

Thanks for reading(:
posted by ashesandwine
It's been a while since I write anything here! I just didn't feel like posting this on my spot, so I thought I would post it here!

I looked into his eyes, not knowing what to think... It's been so long, so much has happened and yet I feel just like I did that first time!
I hate thinking of it... Every word that comes out of my mouth seems to fade away as soon as it reaches the air. Every thought that comes to my mind is full of pain and hate, and yet I never seem to be sad!
I face life with a smile in my face, with a mask in my heart! I keep my thoughts close, not letting anyone reach them!
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posted by joe-edwardfan
Chapter 6: headache.
I was reading a book on my bed when I heard my phone buzz
-hi Alice!
-hey Bella I was wondering if me and edward could come and see u?
What? People just don’t call and invite theme selves over! ugh! just be nice Bella she's a good vamp or I think she is……
-yeah sure when are u coming?
I asked. I was positive she even had a set time to come here….
-at 3:00 pm it gives u 1 hour to clean and dress up! I'm so happy to come over! Yay!
Then she hung up oooh I don’t want to dress up! Right now I just want to sleep or continuing reading my book! I just climbed of my bed and cleaned...
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posted by joe-edwardfan
Chapter 20
While Alice was dragging me to see her family I was worried what will happen when I see edward I mean after all this years ,we moved on and stuff……..ooh I'm such an idiot what can happen??? Nothing can happed if he remmembers he left ME! I didn’t leave him! So what does he wants now?.....
I was thinking hard not realizing were she was dragging me when someone hugged me
-oh Bella I'm so happy to see you look at you!!! You havent changed at all!
Then he laughed his booming laugh,awww I truley miss Emmett he always made me laugh and made fun of me
-Bella honey,how are you?
Esme came...
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posted by Free_Spirit
Me: okay this is a short story i came up with. I know its a little bit drepressing but i was in a really bad mood. PLEASE TELL Me WHAT YOU THINK. Sorry i pu that in caps cause people will notice it better. Okay enjoy

I start as the rain begins to fall. Great i thought darkly. I didn't like the rain, i always thought it emphasised how bad this world really is. I waited impatiently for class to end. The class was playing soccer and the other kids seemed to love the rain while playing. I didn't join in, i wasn't apart of that group.

I sighed in relief when i heard the bell signal the end of class....
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Please read the other chapters and tell me whether this is any good or not. And if you don't like it, please give constructive critisicm.

The last of the dinner guests poured out of Joseph Warren's house. He didn't have dinner parties often because they usually resulted in fight's between two different people or parties with extremely different political views. Fortunately, their was only one, small conflict on whether America should be fighting communism in other coutries or not. Joeseph of course took the side of fighting communism, and so did a couple of others. But most of the other people...
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posted by Thalia_huntress
please rate and tell me what you think :)

“Maryann’s pov (the ghost)”
When Kura woke I went back to the underworld to yell at Magnolia (her mom) “I hate lying to that poor child! You left her to become a vamp after you asked a witch to turn you back into a human to have her then be turned back into a vamp!” I yelled at her. She was getting ready to go feed on the males that followed her around. “Well you don’t have to watch after her I was your choice.” she said like a snob. “Because her mom didn’t care and I’m beyond younger then you I was twelve when you killed me and...
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posted by joe-edwardfan
Chapter 11
I pulled away and showed matt where I was looking it was a brown wolf staring at us I bet he was stairing the whole time we were there the wolf had intelligent eyes like human then it disappeared and jake came out of the same spot with his bare chest
-Bella what are you doing here? Didn’t you say you were living?
He said coldly
-you talk like this is your land! I was born here you cant say were I should go!
-I can Bella I don’t want to kill you!
I laughed kill me! Pfffff
-you cant kill us!
Matt said angry
-jake what do you want you don’t have powers…………and how did you...
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The guards walked back and forth in their normal sweeping motion that they always used. This made Joseph smile watching them through his hotel window with his state-of-the-art night-vision binoculars. just routine as usual, at least that's what the guards thought. Joseph looked at his watch, 12:23a.m. only seven more minutes till he had to go. Joseph grabbed his bag of ammunition and various other things. His small, light smg. He also put on his body armor, his cammo, and grabbed his combat knife. And of course his baby, he'd never forget his baby. His baby was a 9.mm beretta. Aims like a dream...
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posted by joe-edwardfan
(end of chapter8)
I was so nerves how charlie was going to react, matt squeezed my hand to comfort me charlie opened the door and gasped he was stairing at me ,not beliving it was me
He wasn’t sure if it was really me and then I heard billys voice from the phone
-charlie charlie are you ok?
He didn’t respond and turned off the phone
-yeah dad its me
He staired at me again
-you look different!
-yeah two weeks does that to you.
I lied to him
-oh Bella! I missed you so much I was so worried that I wouldn’t see you again!
Then I took my hand out of matts and hugged him
-your cold
-yeah its freezing...
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“Damn nobody in sight yet, I hope Marley and Alec are doing ok” Said Opal. As she jumped from place to place she saw a young girl between the ages of 17-20, Opal didn’t even speak, and she didn’t need too. The girl was alone so Opal jumped behind her and as the girl turned Opal dug her fangs right into the girl’s neck. At first the girl’s eyes lit up with shock but then eased down into a deep sleep. Opal’s eyes turned the rose colour it does and when she was finished she through the girl to the ground, it has been too long since she drank so she didn’t really care about anything...
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posted by Bella_Swan3
"My world is devoid of hope. It's a world where all I hear is the sound of outside voices and the screams of those I kill. Where all I see is the black surface of an ocean reflecting a moon that is always a crescent, and the scarlet river that tears me in two, the river filled with the blood I have spilled. The river may not be real, but at some point, reality and imagination merge together, so you can no longer discern them from one another. At some point, it just won't matter anymore," Taylor whispered, resting her forehead against the spotted mirror that hung in her room.

How strange that...
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posted by dancing_banana
I see everything very clear and I can sense things others cant. My family sees at a great gift sent to me from the senses spirit while I see it as a curse.

For centuries we lived next to earth closer to it then the moon living in peace with the humans until they saw us as a threat and started a war against us, at first we fought back but the humans refused to give up their battle. Our kind used to be very peaceful and most of us retreated to Jupiter. But not everyone, a little less then half of our ancestors stayed including my great great grandfather he stayed because he saw it as a right....
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This is gonna be the worst years of my life... With peoples I dont even know, a new school, a new life. I miss being in my old school with natasha and others.
Rukia:Hey Hoshi were here.
Time to ruin my life.Well my name is Hoshi and that was my cousin Rukia(Hoshi facts:Rukia is a name from bleach that my cousin loved so much she wanted it), shes a little energized but im more energized than her but now Im to scared to even run.
While I was on my new class room.
There was a girl with long grey hair at my side
Rosalinda:Are you new?
I was starting to get happy...
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posted by Bella_Swan3
She reached out and made contact with a brick wall.

Careful not to draw attention to herself, she scaled the building and hurled herself over the lip.

Without pausing, she ran across the rooftops, leaping the small gap between them. The pain was worsening by the minute.

She froze, hearing two voices coming from the alley below. She crouched low, peering over the edge, her heightened senses zeroing in on the conversation.

She calculated their positions, and leaped down, her figure a blur. She landed, pinning her first victim down. She clapped her hand over his mouth, stifling his scream. With...
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posted by ashesandwine
The Universaty's Library (Biblioteca Joanina in portuguese)
The Universaty's Library (Biblioteca Joanina in portuguese)
This one is for just_bella, let go of the bad moments, hon! We need to enjoy the present, look out for the future and let the past in the past... Don't forget, but don't let it control you:D
Thanks to patrisha727, emmett4ever, and everyone for the support:D

"Catherine's POV"

The sun may shine through the day, the moon may light up the night but I'm still in the dark, I'm still looking for my shining light to guide me out of this misery, out of the dark...
Until our next rendezvous, I send you a million kisses... Do not send me any back for they set my blood into flames...
Ever yours...

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As I walked in I noticed everyone knew someone. I also noticed everyone was wearing uniforms-blue or white shirts and kaky pants. I stood out much more than I wanted to. Though I wanted people to see me, and now a lot did, so I smiled and looked for a place to sit. I saw a group of girls, a group of hot guys,a lot of black-wearing people,and some others that I didn't care to know.
Then there was a table that was mostly empty except for one very cute boy. as I walked toward him I saw more of his features: he was pale-I wondered why-,skinny and muscular-did he play a sport?-,and light blond...
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Chapter 1: First day of school
I woke up to my mom's voice saying “get up, Its your first day of school!”,as she woke me up from a nice dream. I opened my eyes and then waited for for my mom to leave the room. Then I got up in the room that was still new to me. I had only been in Spanish Fort a week so everything still looked strange. Reaching into my suitcase,I got out a pink T-shirt and jean shorts. After putting them on I went into the bathroom,peed,and then looked at myself in the full-length mirror. I smiled at the nice tan I got from going to the beach earlier that week. Seeing...
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Chapter Nineteen

Seeing Sean Connors there with a bottle of wine inside the bag he’s carrying, Jamie was about to closed the door and headed up the stairs to sleep but she didn’t. Instead of doing that, Jamie stared at Sean’s eyes and with a questionable tone in her voice and a thin line on her face that resembled her smile, she asked him, “Sean, what are you doing here?”

Holding the heavy canvas bag in his hand and holding it up to the brunette woman while saying to her, “Hi, Jamie and well, I went over to the liquor store on the way home to get myself a six-pack of beer because...
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posted by genyva
New Smells

The smell. There was nothing like it the first day at school. I looked to my brother. This was our first school year in Maine. The weather was crappy all the time but it was worth it I am not really a night person. Whose to say I have to do everything like my parents. This is the new millennium not 15 hundreds.

My family is different. Other then the fact that we have lived for hundreds of years, we are also vampire. 40 years ago, the human world found out about our world. Slowly rights were made to fit our needs, and schools were open for the young and unadvised. Humans could fall...
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posted by Ninano1998
Fire, every were ,no escape,so many dead, another
"Liana,Liana wake up!" I opened my eyes ,and groaned. Mami stood over me. "Come on sleep slough" she said "or you will be late for P.C.S" P.C.S is my school . It stands for power control school. I sighed and got up. Still sleepy, I brushed my teeth and got dressed. I grabbed a banana and ran out the door.Outside sat Hikaru." What took you so long?" he asked." Sleep.""Ha ha ha!" he laughed. Hikaru is my best friend. He has beautiful green hair with two long stripes of yellow and has big brown eyes that always sparkle.Nothing like my...
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