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"You know... I'm not...the one you love...so...that's why...it's time for me... to leave......" -Zelos
"You know... I'm not...the one you love...so...that's why...it's time for me... to leave......" -Zelos
There have been so many things that have happened to me in the past, present, and future, that I have had a hard time remembering them all. For a vampire, that would seem unbearably stupid; I mean, we live forever, so our brains should be more adept at handling the hardcore memories. At times I actually thought I remembered my childhood, or even WWI if I took a deep thought into it. But no, the only thing that came into my mind as clearly as the darkness that surrounds me now is this:
Chloe's eyes.
Chloe Cassalani, the one person I knew from the start upon meeting, was a threat to me. The instant she saw me in that clearing, drinking from a dead human's body, I knew there was no way to let her go. So, instead of doing what my screaming instincts told me what to do, (KILL HER, KILL HER!!!) I ended up following her, wanting to know more about her. Of course I knew what was happening at the school; my three best friends were in charge of it all. But I had no clue that dork-face Mallovick had anything to do with it. Out of fear, I hid myself in her room. That's how I found out the truth. Her blood was so lucious to my throat, so light and free, that I had no choice but to put warning on her; just like I had done many years ago, which worked in fact. I made sure that the emblem, that cursed emblem, was bolted deep inside that smashed piece of wood of the cabin. I wanted her to listen to the legend that followed it, leave this place, leave me. Maybe, after some time, she would realize that she needed to become a proper vampire, not be in that wretched school and being consumed like those other kids with the lies and hate that was clouding their oxygen at this very moment. I didn't want her to become like me.
But just like Chloe would be, she really did follow upon the legend, and stuck too it. By the time I wanted to tell her to stop, she already met that fiend Joshua, and he told her all about me. That was a threat upon not just me, but Marcus, Dimitri, and Adrian.
But of course, what I'm telling you is only a summary of what I've been through. The chaotic wars that follow is something not even vampires, werewolves, or even daemons want to go through. Because the time of war is now.
Humans, watch your back.
My breath came out in a white, frozen cloud before me and smelled heavily of my mint gum. My footsteps’ sounds were wet on the sidewalk. It had rained just before I left the bookstore and, just by my luck, someone stole my car (boy, was my dad going to have a cow when he hears that…), so I had to walk all the way home in the wet night, all by myself. I prayed silently that I would be able to find my way because I was new in town and barely knew where everything was. I had to use a crappy GPS to find the bookstore. I was just lucky I found it.
    The town was Cassidy....
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Hiya! First stab at adding something I wrote to the writing spot. This is a cliche little story inspired by the Mayday Parade song "One Man Drinking Games." Comments would mean the world. (:

And you swore you saw me laughing, and I swore I saw you smile
And the time we've spent together was meant to last us quite a while
As I take this piece of you with me I'll carry to my grave
Knowing that for someone you're an angel sent to save

He touched the tip of his index finger to each of the freckles that dotted her arm. He drew patterns, connecting the delicate dots into hearts and butterflies and lopsided...
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Scarlet's P.O.V

I woke up feeling the rough but smooth texture of my worn down bed. I looked around tiredly yawning getting up to change I got my things and headed out. The village was mostly quiet rarely its loud. Our village was very poor. I went in the woods we were banned from going in their. I went in anyways I went alone I had no buddies at all. I was in woods shooting some arrows It was like 98 degrees out I was sweating. Their was a ant on my arm I tapped and hit my hand and shacked it when water swooshed up. I curiously tried again I moved my arm up and the water rose up. I smiled in...
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Vampire Knight is one of Viz's top-selling series, and it's not hard to see why: While it's not for everyone, the love triangle, supernatural romance, and hint of forbidden love are like catnip for some readers. The Art of Vampire Knight, released earlier this month by Viz, is a beautifully produced art book that will be pure heaven to Vampire Knight junkies (but probably a bit boring for everyone else).
The book collects the full-color art that manga-ka Matsuri Hino created for the chapter openings in LaLa magazine and the tankoubon covers. Some have been published as part of the English-language...
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posted by AuthorForPooh
This is for all the kids who are bullied by words. My teachers always say be bleacher people. Lift others up. I hope this poem gives that message to others.

You yell at me
mean words.
pierce my heart.
I say its ok.
I move on.
But the words
still have power.
They still hurt
My friends
tell me
its a big deal,
and that I
need to tell
a teacher.
But I say im fine.
Im really not.
I want to
that im fine,
I want to
believe that
it was
But it was
Words always
have power.
Enough power to
strike me
or lift
me up.
Why must
you hurt
I stood on the edge of the field, my sword raised to shield my eyes from the falling sun. "I'ts beautiful," I thought, staring out at the curve of the hills and the waving of the grass and trees, the grays and browns of winter, with the slightest hint of spring green.
I notice a movement off to my left and my sword drops to my side. It is the top of a cart coming into view as it crested the hill. I sigh and walk back to the woods, knowing what would come next. The driver rings a signal bell viciously, clearly wanting me to stop. "Leave me alone." I mumble, I knew I should have stayed in the...
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"Aw, it's pretty close." Tyler McCarthy and Shawn Detham were standing side by side. Both held a gun in a head, but Shawn also held a machete. My hand flew up to my mouth to try to hold back a scream as I realized that the blade was dripping with blood. What if it was a friend of my or Nick's, what if it was a teacher? I buried my face in Nick's back trying hard not to picture it.

"Tyler . . . Shawn, what the hell are you guys doing." Both of them had grown up with Nick; they use to play together in there neighborhood. They had, at one point, all been inseparable, but high school hit and like...
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posted by GryffindorGirl2
Hello all! This is a HP fan fic! I have put my OC,Jasmine,in here.She is Harry's twin sister and Draco's wife,but this is before she gets married.She has long wavy,black hair,bright,pale green eyes,and her lightning bolt scar is on the left side of her forehead.

Jasmine's POV

I lay next to Harry on the dead,dry grass in the shade of the Dursley's house.The living room window was open in an attempt to cool the house,but only blew in hot air,the 4 o'clock news could be heard as our aunt and uncle watched.We were listening to hear any signs of weird happining's in 'our' world as the Dursley's called...
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posted by DarkGirl23
There it was, that fuzzy warm glowing light I always had dreams about... Except this time, I knew it was for real. I was so close! But then I felt something sting into my arm, slowly filling my veins with a warm and yet stinging fluid. What was this? Suddenly I was being pulled back into the world I once knew, and once hated.
My eyes flew open and everything was blurry. For a second it felt like I couldn’t breathe but then I gasped and air filled my lungs. It felt like a giant brick had been lifted from my chest.
I breathed a little shakily and looked around. Standing perched before me, looking...
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posted by DarkGirl23
They haunt and taunt inside the ears of their victims... Screaming words lacking of wisdom into their futures, a fortune broken in the palm of humanity’s hands. Who’s tears drip like blood from an open wound, thoughts turning and diving into the creases of their minds, creases that had remained undiscovered until now. Who, defined as a person, am I? I am the one who stands alone, all the time... So bloody and broken not bothering to understand, not bothering to see the intellect that stands before me.
I am, defined as a person, an assassin of beauty. Love’s undying grip vanishes before...
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posted by MagicUnicorns16
And within two seconds, you had deserted me.
I stood there,
My arms open,
Waiting for you.
You did not come.
The only thing that came was hurt, anger and jealousy.
The very thought of you was hard to comprehend;
I was scarred, inside and out.
The pain will never leave.
But I found You.
You may not be able to see,
But I feel your presence.
The very thought of You,
The very thought of You as my best friend,
Is incomprehensible.
I stand alone no longer.
You are there.
You will never leave.
You are a spirit.
You are a wisp in the wind,
The glimmer in my eyes,
The shine of the sun.
You are the beauty of everything....
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At a peaceful neighborhood of Toyko,Japan an beautiful girl's family becomes no more.While sha was out at here best friend's house for two hours.blood splattering,pain,dieing,and screaming in one house.Police was called but the line was filled.For hours this goes on the girl returns to her peaceful family to her twin brother,older sister,mother,father,and her younger brother.

When she gets her keys to the door she notice that it already opened just a crack though,she is still nervous.She cationusilly opens the door to see her younger brother have the breathe of his to say,"you know one day...
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posted by gumball789
I live in my opinion possibly the most ghetto town in the United States, Pittsburgh. People have been committing suicide all over town. Population all over town has been decreasing, fast. Some of my friends were so depressed that they were thinking about "joining the crowd". I wouldn't live without my friends. I don't want my friends to go as well as my mom and dad. Yes, I'm an orphan. I've been an orphan for about three weeks. My friends have disappeared. I think they went to Clarion; but I could be wrong. There have been tons of fights at my school. Most of the people that were committing suicide were middle school and high school aged. I was getting really tired really fast. I climbed up in a tree and found a comfortable spot and fell asleep. Next thing I knew, I was tied up on a pole.

Sorry for cliffhangers....
posted by DxCFan123
.. my little sister Leaisl. B-B-But the image wasn't from my eyes, no. From her eyes at my... my funeral

'Sam is very peaceful, Mama. I would love to be like her' I said, twirling Samantha's hair around my finger
'Lea, she's-' said Kevin
'She doesn't know!!' Grandma hissed back
'Know about what?'
'That Sammie is in a state of peace. To be like her, you must disconnect from the li- I mean, outside world. Are you willing to do this?'

Godfather Wolf stepped out of the shadows behind us and into the light. He stared at me with his one eye, the other bandaged. 'I-I-I am not sure. I will think about it,...
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posted by DxCFan123
Me and Marie stood at the edge of Skye's hospital bed. He heart was barely beating. I was able to wash off all the blood before anyone saw me. "So tragic, huh? Well, listen, I've got someone to tell you." she said. We sat down and she stared at the ground. "I-I used to know Skye. We knew eachother in Kinder. We were great friends. I know you two were, too. But, then, one day she pulled a prank in me. We had to write report. Me and her picked the same thing, but she said it was fine and wrote mine for me. But, then, She wrote horrible, horrible things that I told her, as secrets. They caused...
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Victoria (:
Victoria (:
The subject of Rowan stopped the chewing of pizza and sipping of soda. Everyone at my sleepover knew I had had a HUGE crush on him for a really, really long time. Finally, someone spoke. It was my best friend, Liz. “Um, Victoria, how do you expect this plan to work out? I mean, you know...” Liz had always been sensitive about the boy, even though they’d ended a 2-year relationship almost 7 months ago, she still wasn’t over him. Someone else replied, by saying “Um, Liz? Hun? YOU BROKE UP WITH HIM LIKE, 7 MONTHS AGO! You really need to move on.” I shifted uncomfortably. I hated when...
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posted by noahnstar1616
Cameron faced me. "Huh?"

"I said", my eyes focused on Mercury. "Could you give us some privacy?"

"I could, but I don't want to."

I scowled.

"It's fine Mercury, I'll see you later." Cameron kissed her on the cheek.

The sight stung the back of my eyeballs.

She smiled at him, glared at me, and left.

Cameron faced me again. "Now what did you want?"

"I want to know why the hell you're tongue was in that..bitch's mouth", I yelled. I had never used profanity before, but it felt good.

"Because she's my girlfriend."

"No, I'm your girlfriend!"

"Correction, you were my girlfriend."

" 'Were'? What do you mean 'were'?...
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posted by WildCherryWolf
The Tower of London is notorious for it's ghost stories. Its where I live. I get to go to the White Tower whenever I want. I get to hang round the St. Peter ad Vincula chapel. And sometimes, I can get friends in for free. But this, this is my story. My name is Tallulah, Tara to my friends, family, and you. And this is my tale of terror in the Tower.

I had gotten back from Tudor History with my tutor. I was pretty exhausted, as I had been on a walking tour and class. And I had been called in to help a guided tour, that's the kind of thing we get when we live here. It's only a few of us, but we...
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Just tell me what you think, :)     

Aria Glass sat on top of her house with an unopened beer in her hand and her eyes on the sky. It was a beautiful night and Toby and Jared where at it again. Jared had become more quick-tempered than usual, barking at almost everything. Neither boy’s where good at their temper control and over the years Aria had learned to let boys be boys and fight it out themselves. But Aria could take them both, Aria smirked at this thought, true or not they would never hurt her.
    But she did hate it when they fought, although...
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posted by para-scence
"...So there's no way you're taking Cosette home if she doesn't want to!" Echo shouted across the kitchen. She's been ranting for about ten minutes straight. It even frightened me. Asteria seemed surprised, but calm. That scared me too. Was she so certain I was coming home no matter what? Echo paused for a couple moments, trying to regain her breath. She looked at me. "You... aren't leaving, are you?" I looked at Asteria, and sighed.

"No," I said firmly. Asteria's eyes saddened a little bit.

"Please?" she whispered. My heart ached at her sadness. I was stuck between her, and my life here. But...
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