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Have you been pining for a show in which beautiful, young sisters bitch about each other and look for ways to knife each other in the back? If you answered yes to either question, then the sisters is for you.

Whoever wishes to keep a secret must hide the fact that he possesses one.

I sat there quietly listening to the sobs of an unfamiliar voice. “You can’t do that!” The woman’s voice screeched, and then there was a slight chuckle, almost as if the sobbing was amusing to the person. “Oh yes I can, and I just have” The voice who I now knew was young man’s voice. I looked back down at my hands, this was possibly the most nervous I had ever been in my life, and for what? To be a maid for rich people, Jacob said this happen he knew that I would never get out of this line of work. I then realised that being nervous wasn’t going to help, how childish I was to be nervous for god sake I’m 47 years of age, job interviews should be a walk in the park for me. I then took a deep breath and looked up at the walls. The house was big, which was an understatement, it would take me at least three hours to clean the lobby, and I hadn’t even seen the rest of the house, Why am I here? I asked myself. Okay that’s it this is really not the job for me, I then lifted myself up and started to walk to the front door, but before I could the door behind me opened and out came the sobbing woman that I had heard before.

I turned to see her pull out tissues from her bag, she had grabbed way too much and they had fallen on the floor, I quickly walked over and helped her pick them up. She gave me a slight smile, she had sounded older when she sobbed. She must have only been in her late 20s, I suddenly found conscious of my age. I returned the smile. “Good luck” She said as she quickly dashed out. I sighed to myself; I wonder why they didn’t want her? She looked like a smart girl, she was young and fit. Maybe she was too young? Maybe she was too old? Was I too old? I shook the silly question out of my head. “Ms. Young?” I heard my surname being called; I took one last glance at the lobby and turned to the door, where a young rather handsome boy stood. “If you could come here?” he asked, he didn’t seem like the one before that was laughing. I stepped in the office, if wasn’t as fancy as the rest of the house, this was more homey then anything.

The young boy that had welcomed me in turned and then stood in the right corner, he didn’t take a second glance at me, and he just stood there staring forward. I turned my head to the left there also was boy in the left corner as well, he also didn’t look at me he just stared forward. “Hello Jane, it is okay if I call you Jane isn’t it?” The man in the desk asked me, he had a deep voice with a light southern accent. I smiled and then sat in the chair in front of the desk. “That’s quite alright but if you can call me my name, what can I call you?” I asked I heard the dark chuckle I had heard before. He turned his chair to face me. He was young as the other two boys, only about three or four year’s difference. “My name is Justin, the boys behind you are Kale and Bobby” he simply said, I nodded and then opened my bag to get my resume out. “Don’t bother Jane, I know enough about you already” I looked up at him, he gave me a slight smirk. “How you clean and wash if not what I care for at his moment, I need something more from you” he said, a chill went down my spine. “You see, we’re not the only ones who live in this house, there are three other girls...sisters” He said, I nodded and looked around at all of them. “Yes, go on” I said, my voice seemed week he must have noticed this. “Don’t be afraid we’re more scared of you then you’re of us” he told me, I nodded and then looked back up at him. “These girls are different, special you could say, and if we let you work here you have to promise me something” he told me, I felt a sudden jolt in my stomach. I cleared my throat. “What is that?” I asked Justin smiled. “If you tell anyone about these girls, we will kill you” he said, his words were harsh even if he said it in the nicest way. I looked down at my hands, I started to shake and get nervous. I then finally reached my voice and stood up. “I don’t think this job is for me” I said as I turned to walk out the door.

The boy that I now knew as Kale smiled and opened the door for me. “We’ll let you leave but just before you go I must tell you something” Justin said behind me. I shivered and then turned to face him. “Yes, what is it?” I asked him, he smiled and then stood. “I read over you and it seems that you are having some money problems” He said, I looked down again, how did he know? “Yes, you read right” I said, he smiled and then turned to look over at Bobby. “What if I told you we could make that little problem go away forever?” he asked, I sighed and then looked back up. “How would you do that?” I asked, he smiled and pulled out a piece of paper and slid it over the table. I caught it and looked down. “This is too much” I said still looking at the ridiculous amount of money before me. “So do we have a deal?” he asked, I nodded and put out my hand for him to shake, he just laughed. “You’re not making a deal with the devil, just a werewolf” he said, I put down my hand and just nodded, and what did he mean by Werewolf? “Well then Kale will take you up to your room now, goodbye” he said, I nodded and then turned to kale.

The house was bigger than I thought and so was Kale, every bag I had he could just pick up. He wasn’t as average looking as I thought he was. He had a lot muscle, brown hair and green eyes. Once we had reached the 50th star he stopped and turned to a door. He gave me a quick smile and then pulled out his keys and opened the door. The room was nice, double bed, my own bathroom.

“This is really all too much” I said turning to him. He laughed a dark chuckle just like Justin’s. “No, I think what you’re doing for us is much more” he said, I turned to him as a question came to my head. “Where are the girls anyway?” I asked, he smiled and started to walk out the door, I took it as I had to follow him.

The boy that I now knew as Kale smiled and opened the door for me.“We’ll let you leave but just before you go I must tell you something” Justin said behind me. I shivered and then turned to face him. “Yes, what is it?” I asked him, he smiled and then stood. “I read over you and it seems that you are having some money problems” He said, I looked down again, how did he know? “Yes, you read right” I said, he smiled and then turned to look over at Bobby. “What if I told you we could make that little problem go away forever?” he asked, I sighed and then looked back up. “How would you do that?” I asked, he smiled and pulled out a piece of paper and slid it over the table. I caught it and looked down. “This is too much” I said still looking at the ridiculous amount of money before me. “So do we have a deal?” he asked, I nodded and put out my hand for him to shake, he just laughed. “You’re not making a deal with the devil, just a werewolf” he said, I put down my hand and just nodded, and what did he mean by Werewolf? “Well then Kale will take you up to your room now, goodbye” he said, I nodded and then turned to kale.

The house was bigger than I thought and so was Kale, every bag I had he could just pick up. He wasn’t as average looking as I thought he was. He had a lot muscle, brown hair and green eyes. Once we had reached the 50th star he stopped and turned to a door. He gave me a quick smile and then pulled out his keys and opened the door. The room was nice, double bed, my own bathroom.

“This is really all too much” I said turning to him. He laughed a dark chuckle just like Justin’s. “No, I think what you’re doing for us is much more” he said, I turned to him as a question came to my head. “Where are the girls anyway?” I asked, he smiled and started to walk out the door, I took it as I had to follow him.

We ran down hallways, stars and once we even took an elevator but finally we hit a corridor. The first door we stopped at had ‘Tayce’ written on it in big pink letters. Kale smiled and knocked gently. “Who is it?” A gentle young voice asked. Kale smiled and started to speak. “Kale and Jade, the new maid” he said, I heard a thump and a giggle and then the door opened. “Oh my god, look at you!” She screamed and hugged me; I smiled and tried to return the hug. Tayce was tall thin and beautiful. I heard Kale laugh. “This is Tayce, Bobby’s Slayer....The beautiful one” He simply said, Tayce hit him on the arm. “Oh shucks” She said laughing. Kale then cleared his throat. “We have to go meet the other slayers” he said, Tayce smiled and then returned to her room. “What did you mean by Slayer?” I asked kale smiled. “It will all be explained later” he assured me. The next door had ‘Belinda’ written in different colours. Kale smiled and knocked on the door. For about a minute there was no answer. “Bibi, are you there?” he asked while knocking. Then finally we heard a loud yawn. “I’m up, I’m here” I heard a girl say and then the door opened to reveal a young girl. She looked younger then Tayce, she was a bit bigger in weight but not fat just healthy, she was taller as well. “Morning” She said, kale laughed. “Its four” he said, she smiled and then laughed. “Sorry I was up all night studying” She said while yawning. “This is Belinda Justin’s slayer....the smart one” Belinda smiled and then took a bow. “Thank you but that won’t be true if I don’t get back to my studies, see you at the hunt tonight” She simply said. Kale smiled and then nodded at the door closed behind us. I then turned to him with a smile. “Who’s your slayer?” I asked, he smiled and then started walking to the third floor. On this door there were no letters glued on it.

Kale knocked slowly. “Hello?” he simply asked, I gently laid my ear up against the door. There wasn’t a sound coming from there. “Maybe she’s not home?” I asked, he smiled at me and then knocked louder. “Oh she’s home” he said as he knocked louder. He went to knock again but the door opened vastly, revealing a girl. “What is the entire ruckus about?” She asked. This girl was different than the others, Tayce was girly, Belinda was boyish but this one was neither. She was beautiful but so were the others, she were tight skinny jeans and a white top with leather jacket over it. “This is Ruby, The Wild Child” he told me. She turned to me and smiled. “Hi” She simply said before pushing past me and walking away. “Where are you going?” he asked. She turned around. “Out” She said before turning around and walking away. “Gee when you’re missing and possibly kidnapped I’ll remember to look there” Kale said under his breath. I looked up to him and smiled. “So are you going to tell me who they are now?” I asked he nodded.

“Wait. So what you’re telling me is Werewolves, vampires and demons exist?” I asked. He smiled and then nodded, that’s why we have the slayers they help kill them. I nodded. “But you’re a werewolf, and you live with them?” I asked, he laughed and then sat down on the couch. ‘There are good werewolves and bad ones... bad ones are like vampires they taste human blood and decide to get addicted, bad werewolves will do anything for blood” he said, I nodded. “So how are the slayers yours?” I asked he smiled. “Every slayer has a werewolf protector, it’s a blood bond. You could hate your slayer but deep down you really love them, not in love just love” he told me, I nodded. “Are you in love with Ruby?” he laughed and played with the arm on the couch. “No, it’s forbidden...plus as you could she’s kind of difficult” I smiled. He then got up. “Anyway, you have some cleaning to do and I have to protecting to do, good luck” he said as he walked away.


The kids around my age all surrounded me. They had separated themselves into boys vs. girls, how high school of them. I then took a deep breath in and the beaches aroma came into me. I wiggled my toes into the sand. Then I opened my eyes. “Okay, ladies and gentlemen welcome to your first hunter class” I yelled, all their faces smiled. I could hear Belinda and Ruby betting on who would fail the first test, I smirked to myself. “Okay, your first challenge is this; you see those boats out there?” I asked pointing into the ocean where far in the distance laid two boats. “You have to swim there...blind folded” After I had said it there were lots of oh’s and Ahh, I knew this would wow them. I then got my whistle after the boys had blind folded everyone and blew down hard they all went running. I smirked as some didn’t reach the water at first, I could hear Ruby yelling out bets and Belinda writing them down. “Who’d you bet on?” Bobby asked coming up behind me. I smiled and then shrugged. “Whoever the winner is” I said, he then rolled his eyes. “That’s cheating” he said, I shook my head. “Nope, that’s winning” I said while smirking he playfully pushed me and returned the push. He then moved his lips closer to my ear and started to whisper. “Kale knows” he simply said, I turned to him. “What, how?” I asked him softly. “I have to tell at least one of my brothers’s who I’m sleeping with” he said. I rolled my eyes. “What is with you werewolves and your egos?” She asked.

He rolled his eyes. “They won’t care if it’s not a relationship, we’re only sleeping together” he told me, we both knew it wasn’t true. That’s just how my mother and father had started out and look where that good them, with me. I sighed. “Fine, but do not tell Justin” I said, he nodded. “Fine I won’t” I then looked up to see how he teams were doing, terribly.
posted by LeoPenguino
Alright, well as all you naruto fans may know, the new movie Blood Prison has recently came out. I finish watching the movie and it made me completely mad...
The main conflict in Naruto Shippuden is Akatsuki and their plan to rule the world with the Eye of the Moon Plan. In this movie, the Grass Village wants to accomplish the exact same thing... but with a box that grants you any wish.
The Akatsuki is know to be the toughest and have the most skilled people in its clan... so why would they have not just used the box from the Grass Villa the from begging if it holds such immense power. Why would the masked guy known as Tobi go through the process of capturing all the Jinchūriki when he could just grant a wish for all his plan to happen...
This is what left me thinking what in the world is this...
posted by GryffindorGirl2
Jasmine's POV

The freezing darkness pressed down on me,Harry,and Dudley.
"S-stop it you two.Now.It-it's not funny." Dudley stammered.
"We're not doing anything Dudley!" I shouted over the wind.
"I swear,if you don't stop it,I-I'll hit y-you." Dudley said again.
"Shut up Du-.." Harry began.
The sound of Dudley's fist connecting with Harry's jaw sounded beside me.
"Ow! God Dudley!" Harry shouted.
Before I had time to react,my feet were kicked out from underneath me and I fell to the ground,slamming my already hurt head on the ground.My spine seemed to jolt out of place,then back in,making me moan...
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The Demon Locked Into The Heart

Meggan was your average school girl.Blue glasses and short dark blue hair, Meggan was always the one they picked on.She only talked when her best friend was talking to her.Her name was Claire, Claire was the happy-go-lucky type of girl.Claire's joyfulness has gotten her out of arguements every time she tried.Meggan and Clair were walking down the hall as usual."Hey Claire?"Meggan said looking over to her."What?"Claire asked looking over to Meggan.Some random kid walked by and knocked the books out of Meggan's arms, Meggan gave a glare that just said "Drop dead,...
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Let's say your walking down the street and you see a girl on the other side of the road.Looks like a sweetheart or a nice person wearing a light green sundress. At first glance you don't give the girl a second thought but if you looked more closely you would have seen the biker boots and the heavy jewelery. And yet her face and her dress looked like sunshine.
You may think the girl weird or strange but that's just how she dress. Though you don't have the guts to go up and ask her about it. Why? Because it's rude to ask why she dresses like that and you just want to keep on going to your destination....
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"Oh my gawd! Lauren, you like Jack?!" Said Koshi. I blushed and replied,"... Yeah, so what?" she gave me a puzzled look, and then she caught up with my question of curiosity and rolled her eyes and said, "So what? Do you even know the reason why it's a problem?" I shrug and say, "No," her face starts to get red like a cherry. I cross my arms, and shifted my weight on my left leg. "Why? Is it a problem if I like Jack?" Koshi looked down and looked at me like I should've heard."He wasn't a good boyfriend." I raised my eyebrows.What? Why hasn't anybody told me that Koshi and Jack were going out? Why? "Oh.My.GAWD!"
posted by sawfan13
I got out my cooking bag and my little travel oven. I was going to do my best making Lil and Howl's wedding cake. I know I seem like a nerd taking a travel oven and a cooking bag, but I love cooking wherever I go. It's weird, but you never know when you need it! I was rummaging through my bag, but there was one important thing missing. The flour. I can't make this cake without flour, and wedding with no cake just doesn't make any sense to me! I just wanted to get started on it while Howl is teaching Lilith to vine swing. Not to sound rude about my sister after reconciliation, but Lilith isn't...
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posted by Insight357
I sat on the floor, looking outside. It was snowing, and you could see icicles hanging from the top of the window. It was so cold in the room I could see my breath.
    I looked around the empty room; I was alone. In that moment I felt if nothing were inside me. As if, something had devoured my soul. I was resigned, and nothing seemed to phase me.
    Suddenly, lightning flashed, and hail came down. Making pops as it hit the roof. Black clouds filled the sky, making for an ominous feel. I stood, and went to the window, to find the snow gone.
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posted by sawfan13
Howl looked over at Debbie, as Lilith was gone helping the baby monkey find his mother. He looked over at her and said,"I want to marry Lilith." Debbie stared at him and said,"What?" "I want to marry your sister, Lilith. Please." Debbie stared at Howl for the longest time, as Howl patiently waited for her answer. Debbie smiled and said,"You really do love her, don't you?" Howl smiled and said,"Yes. She's my everything. Without her, I would be alone and not know what my purpose in life is. Now I know, and I know it from looking at her and from what she has taught me. I always thought my life...
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posted by sawfan13
I awoke to Howl's victory yelling. Urgh! I don't care how awesome and attractive that yell may be, but it is WAY TOO LOUD for early in the morning!!! I threw my pillow, trying to hit the tree branch, as my sister woke up, doing the same thing. Debbie yelled,"Howl! You woke up me and Lilith! Look, your yell is cool and all, but not so early in the morning!" Howl looked at her and started growling and barking like a wolf, but Debbie was brave and said,"Don't you give me that! Stop giving me that dirty look! You know better than that!" I started giggling and said,"So what, your Mother of the Jungle,...
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posted by sawfan13
Night. Quiet, except for the sound of people walking along the streets of New York. The man in the shadows, trying to win back his fiance'. He was sorry for what he had done to her, but she does not want him back. A black eye on him, from what she did. But he deserved it. He wasn't a very good person at all.

I was relaxing while Howl was looking around my bedroom when my cellphone rang. The caller I.D said it was Casey. I was relieved. It had been ringing all day because of Adam. I picked up the phone to answer Casey. I'm mentoring her for a mentoring program I do during the summer. I've been...
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posted by TeamRosalieHale
3: Cry Little Sister

Rosalie and Alice had finished hunting and were slowly walking through the forest, a good 100, 150 miles from home. Alice turned her head to the darkening sky and tilted it carefully, listening almost. “It’s going to rain soon” she said, looking at Rosalie.
“What a surprise” she muttered, keeping her eyes forward. Alice sighed and Rosalie untied and retied her long blonde hair for what had to be the millionth time that day. “Ready?” she asked Alice, stopping and getting ready to run. She nodded and just before they were to take off, they heard a long high...
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The wind blowing through my hair was an exhilarating feeling. Jasper had taught me how to ride his bike a couple of months ago; I was surprised when he said yes because he was usually quite responsible. I hadn’t been much good at first but after a few hours I had got the hang of it, no one else knew that I could ride his bike and it was nice to be able to take it out for a private drive now and again.
When I reached Forks, instead of slowing down I sped up, making sure no one saw me. I parked outside the chemist and rushed inside. I knew that I had to do this but my stomach was filled with...
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posted by djsheshe
I know the way it eats your mind
The way your brain, eaten up
The one that leaves you silent, blind
Long after you've had enough

I know the way it devours your thoughts
The way you feel confused
It feels like a million knots
It leaves you feeling used

I know the way it stabs your heart
The way it leaves you here to bleed
It makes quite sure to tear you apart
The time you really need

I know the way it hurts your feelings
The way it leaves you blue
You say you see, when not really seeing
You say you know, but that's not true

I know the way you try and hide it
But then you know you'll always find it
In the trees and in the gravel
This lie you call friendship, I can't unravel.
I very slightly opened my eyes to peek past my fear, watching those bright blue eyes take hold along my neck, then the silk lips press against my flesh.
I very slightly opened my eyes to peek past my fear, watching those bright blue eyes take hold along my neck, then the silk lips press against my flesh.
I was turned back in a time where I was extremely young, and didn't have the silver locks of hair that I have now. No, then I was a black soul, and even now I don't think there is any emotion in me. I was certain, even when I was human or vampire, that I had a heart, but there was no certainty that I had pure emotions, anything that expressed a positive feeling towards another. Only when I realized those green eyes that resembled a cat's, lithe and ferocious but yet gentle, all at once, did I overcome the mirthing shadows in my heart and defined a brighter side of me, the light. It took me...
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posted by Fangirl99
As Vanessa walked into the spooky house,she looked for Dr.Vamp.

"hello?is anybody here?hello?"

"Good evening,"a voice called out sounding a lot like Dracula.

"huh?whos that?"Vanessa asked the voice with no body.

"Turn around."called the voice

so she did,and turned to a white man with very pale skin,and red lip stick

"come,sit."said the white man,pointing to his chair.

"Hello,i am Dr.Vamp.Who do we have here?"

"My name is Vanessa Colorado,and ive been experiencing strange behavior."

"mhm,like what?"

"well,at school today,i bit someones arm"

"Did blood come out"

"a little"

"were there marks?"

" yes,tiny ones,though."...
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Please read the other chapters and tell me whether this is any good or not. And if you don't like it, please give constructive critisicm.

The last of the dinner guests poured out of Joseph Warren's house. He didn't have dinner parties often because they usually resulted in fight's between two different people or parties with extremely different political views. Fortunately, their was only one, small conflict on whether America should be fighting communism in other coutries or not. Joeseph of course took the side of fighting communism, and so did a couple of others. But most of the other people...
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He looked at me with his eyes so soft and green,
My thoughts immediately became obscene.
He smiled and I turned all squishy inside,
My mind tried to run away and hide, but
My body couldn't refuse the notion
His eyes proofed my feelings otherwise.
We walked on the beach hand in hand,
are feet delighted in the soft warm sand.
We could smell the sweet scent of desire on one another
As we drifted off into paradise.

The ocean was sparkling with delight, on this glorious afternoon.
The sun was set above the cloudless horizon. The summarily, briskly air filled my surroundings with temptation.
As I adventured...
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Sakura Haruno From Naruto Punching Naruto Uzumaki
Sakura Haruno From Naruto Punching Naruto Uzumaki
1.Lloyd2-I Just Got Real Close To Him In The Past 5 Hours.

2.Hidanfan-She's Real Funny, Cool To Chat In The Chatroom With, And She's Just Plain Awesome! We Even Created A Spot Called "Giovannimtz&Hidanfan" I Thought Of The Idea, She Made It! I Also Created Her A Spot Called "Hidanfan" She's Also Obsessed With Hidan From Naruto.

3.Akatsuki_Otaku-She Loves The Akatsuki From Naruto Like I Do. I Was Her First Fan And She's Fun To Chat With Like Hidanfan.

4.Bond_Of_Fury-I Also Got Close To Him In The Past 2 Hours, Lol.

5.Rusty746454-She Was My Bff On Fanpop But She Started To Stop Going On Fanpop...
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This is my take on love,it came to me about two years ago,then it was just a phrase,i came up with the poem later on.:)I hope you like it,please Review it.Critisism is welcome-but no Flames pls.thanks bye!

Love Is A Tortured Soul

Love is a tortured soul.
Drenched in the bearing of it’s kind, and the lost.
For it gets lost quite easily; it’s naïve and foolish-desperate.
Love is a tortured soul.
It’s always there, waiting for you to find it in it’s dark dim home, longing for another of it’s kind to relate and confide to.
They come sometimes, or so it thinks.
It’s always being teased by...
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