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Chapter 1: First day of school
I woke up to my mom's voice saying “get up, Its your first day of school!”,as she woke me up from a nice dream. I opened my eyes and then waited for for my mom to leave the room. Then I got up in the room that was still new to me. I had only been in Spanish Fort a week so everything still looked strange. Reaching into my suitcase,I got out a pink T-shirt and jean shorts. After putting them on I went into the bathroom,peed,and then looked at myself in the full-length mirror. I smiled at the nice tan I got from going to the beach earlier that week. Seeing my messy,long,black hair, I started to braid it. When it was through,I looked at the clock and was shocked! I had to go! So I ran out the door just in time to catch the bus!

I was sitting in a corner of the lunchroom,waiting for the bell.
It was chaos in there, but that was to be expected from the first day of being a Junior in high school. Everyone was excited and catching up with their friends.
I looked at the table in front of the empty one I was sitting at. Savannah,my only friend, was sitting with her new,popular friends. She waved for me to sit with her but I shook my head. I would have sat with her except I saw the other girls faces and knew that they wouldn't welcome a dude over to their table unless he was hot and dating one of them.
So instead I looked over at the boys table where all the football players sat. The brothers,Tony and Robert, were sitting there. Tony was the Runner-back and Robert was the Quarterback. Tony had a new buzz cut that I thought made his head look big but he was still very good looking. With his dark blue eyes,shining white teeth,and tanned skin, everyone had to agree that he was the hottest guy in school-and he knew it. He was smiling and winking at almost every girl that passed. I would have fainted if he ever looked at me that way. NO! I said firmly in my head I am a boy who should like girls, not thinking of football players!
I looked away quickly and started to pick at my nails. But,of course, my mind went back to Tony. I remembered how last year his short brown hair had fell around his face. Its what made me get the same style hair, but over the summer I didn't cut my hair so it was now long and wavy. I could not think to do anything else with my blond hair but put it in a ponytail.
Then a busload of teens came into the the lunchroom. Most of them were in younger classes and the ones that were Juniors I recognized as they found their group of friends. And then someone very different and new walked in.
posted by problematic124
Her eyes were raw
But she could not cry
It was all she saw
The pain and the lies
Her hope was broken
She felt incomplete
Freedom was wanted she wanted to be
To be able to laugh
To be able to smile
If not even once
But once in a while
She has to survive
She has to survive
It's the only thing that could keep her alive
Her eyes started to water
But she held the tears back
She never wanted
To be seen like that
Her life was of ruins
She hurt a real lot
Her family was gone
And left to rot
It was a long time
And yet it still hurt
She felt like a crime
And even worse
But she needed to survive
They would want it that way
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- Chapter 1: He's A Stray (Raven's POV) -
For only 20 years, 20 long years sucked for me, when I was only 23 years old, I became a vampire, why? well ask Jacob, my moron and bitch of a boyfriend I wish I can strangle, me and Jacob were at a party from his friends, he was being a little prick like always even if people are around he would blame me for it, I was just looking at a couple of beautiful roses until Jacob grabbed my arm, "Why you always looking like a stupid tramp? at least show some respect for once" he said and jerked my arm away, I ran to the bathroom, I just wish I can go but he's...
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posted by darkwave
I had a dream that was not at all a dream

The splendid sun was extinguished, and the stars

Roamed the dark eternal space,

No rays or script, and the icy earth

Revolved and blind negrejante the moonless air;

It came and went in the morning - came and brought no day;

And men forgot their passions in the horror

This desolation, and the hearts cooled

A selfish prayer implored light:

And they lived around the fire, and the thrones,

The palaces of crowned kings, the huts,

Addresses, finally, the genre that was,

In flames gave light; Cities is consumed

And the men gathered at the homes igneous

To look once again...
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posted by darkwave
Life, he believes, is not a dream
As black as the wise men say they are.
Often a gray morning
Foreshadows a pleasant afternoon and soalhenta.

Sometimes there are dark clouds
But it is only on certain days;
If rain makes the roses bloom
Why mourn and not smile?

Quickly, happily
The soalhentas hours of life go by
Thankfully, excitedly
Enjoy them as they go flying.

And sometimes when Death appears
And the best that you have gone?
And when the pain deepens
And hope it sinks won?

Oh, even then, there is hope of rebirth
Unconquerable, never die.
Happy with his golden wing
Strong enough to make us feel good
Boldly, afraid of nothing
Face the Judgement Day coming.
For gloriously, victoriously
Courage can overcome despair.
posted by lovepop
"What? New Hampshire?" Hillishia said. "But that's far away." "Nah! You're movie stars! You can buy your plane tickets in a snap!" Mr. Higgsten said. The dark and empty stage was very dark and eerie when it was silent. So it was silent as Ponya thought."Well I guess I can squeeze it in. How long will we be there?" Ponya asked. "Just to do some final touches so I'm guessing about a few days." Ponya turned to Hillishia. "It's ok! We can go to New Hampshire and come back in time to see the opening night!" Ponya said. "We'll go!" Hillishia said.......................sorry I had to make the article longer............................................... Zaqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq....................
posted by Ragefulchimp
Vandals and crooks
an aging man, caught like a fish on a hook
Getting reeled in, he's easy prey
Eyes sag, creating bags, pupils widen, creating paralysis

Confusion and fear
An ailing man, with fish hooks everywhere
The biggest catch today
Pavement runs red, creating pain, flesh torn, creating animals

Torment and Horror
An aching man, aches no more
The fish hook rips away
Smiles widen, creating youth, blood drips, creating paralysis
posted by Ragefulchimp
    As hell started to freeze over, satan had his servants throw more wood in the deep, dark, crumbling pits of heck. The slaves of eternity agreed with haste, because if they didnt follow orders, Satan would do horrible things. The Creator of evil was acting especially evil that day, because he knew what was coming up, Christmas. His favorite holiday was on the horizon, and he was still at a loss as to what to buy jesus. He already had wings, and this really cool rubiks cube that was electronic, plus his dad was all powerful, which was pretty neat. He had a couple of ideas...
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posted by Lore_Master
"Wha.... how could they have found out?" the hero thought to himself staring with a dead expression on his face, they heard a knock on the door "Are you okay?" asked the girl getting up to check the door, the hero sat there frozen in fear only hearing a faint voice "Boy listen to me... I know we haven't gotten off on the right foot but if you don't escape we will both be captured so move boy!" said the voice in his head, the hero couldn't believe what he was hearing was it the demon with-in him asking nicely? the hero shook his head in confusion "Why should I listen to you? you're trying to...
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posted by Lore_Master
He couldn't stop stareing at his reflection "What am I? who am I...?" he asked himself looking at the black wings on his back, he took hold of his wings ripping them off violently howling in pain, massive amounts of blood were gushing from his back he began feeling weak soon falling to the ground into the puddle of muddy water he layed there lifeless he had completely given up, he slowly faded out of consciousness as his blood slowly filled the muddy puddle he started to laugh feeling the madness took over his mind, he rolled over to look at the star's once more before he was completely dead...
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posted by StarWarsFan7
"Well...that's better." A fourteen-year-old Rosella Karst says. She had just cast a spell on a glass cup which is now filled with water. She grabs the cup and takes a sip. "What are you doing?!" Rosella's older sister, Pandora exclaims for she had just arrived. Rosella almost chokes on the hydrogen and oxygen drink. "Drinking water. Why? Is that illegal?" She sets the glass down on a coffee table in the magical wizard lair that they are in. Pandora takes Rosella's wizard wand which has a vine stem and a beautiful white rose at the top. "I'm not joking. Why couldn't you just go downstairs, get...
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posted by Kachetes
The ride to brianas wasnt far but I could hardly see with the wind blowing at my face wich hurt my eyes I realy couldnt tell what happen next,but in a split second I found myself inches away from falling on my face to seeing I face close to mine
He was teenage boy hard gray eyes that made me want to break wich is hard to imagen how I got that idea ,he cant break me id break his nose nefore he could even touch me
And yet here I was tightly locked in his arm
“thank you for cacthing me before I fell”i said very formaly he says nothing he states into my eye with a confused experation he pulls...
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The main characters' Profiles and about them.
Name:Miki Nakamura
Gender: female
Height:167 cm. (5'6)
Blood type:AB
Hair Color:Blue (and purple, and pink, ect.)
About Me:A very unlucky girl. Her parents are most always overseas, and she has no grandparents, so she's always alone, she has friends but she's always busy so she usually can't hang out with them except on holidays and weekends. she can cook and clean, so she maintain's her house fairly well. she's also very curious, which would explain why she found the box, that the male Neko -...
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posted by para-scence
"I think it's working," Carissa smiled at me. I sat between her and Rigby on the bench. Already, I felt great. My heart was racing, and I almost couldn't sit still. After a few moments though, my eyes started to hurt. "They're just dilating," Carissa told me. "Here." She took off her sunglasses and handed them to me. I noticed her eyes seemed sunken in, and there were gray circles underneath her eyes. She blew her cigarette smoke in my direction.

"Thanks," I said energetically. My mind was racing, I could barely spit out the words.

"Just don't tell anyone," Jordan said on the other side of...
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posted by para-scence
There's no such thing as "fitting in" apparently.

I was observing I guess you could say, the students at the school. The kids who were "popular" were very obvious; they had huge crowds around them, and were acting very obnoxious. Apparently this rank was given to you at birth or something. Kids who were "losers" were not allowed to socialize with these kids at all.

I pity the losers.

Not that I wasn't one either, because it's obvious that I was. Not even the other losers would talk to me... Not that I wanted them to. I was better off just being by myself. So I avoided Jezreel and Emery as much...
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posted by nick_cross
When I awoke it was already dark out, and there was a man on the other side of the porch screaming out into the night, I rose and tried to listen. I couldn’t make out much of what he was saying but it sounded like he was asking a lot of questions. For a second I thought maybe he was screaming at somebody. Out of curiosity, I started walking over to him to see who he was screaming at. When I got close enough I could see that he was looking up facing the sky, I couldn’t see his face because it was covered by the shadow casted from the ceiling of the porch. When I got even closer I smelled...
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posted by Twilight-girl-x
Hi, I was actually gonna start doing this on Tuesday- but I forgot! I also forgot on wednesday and Thursday too. But im here now. So! Some people keep a diary, some people write emails to imaginary people or to themselves. I'm not one of those people, I'm here talking to you guys. This is practically my online Diary! It won't be all sunshine and rainbows but hey, you don't really expect that do you? No I didn't think so!! Well here we go.

I started school again on Tuesday- I'm in year nine! Im a tallish, short brown haired, Bluey-greeny eyed girl of 13- My name is Caitlin Grace, but I go by...
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posted by tigerseye43
I got up to the sound of glass crashing to the floor. I ran to my little kitchen to see a man in a black ski mask and overalls standing in my kitchen. I ran at him to throw a punch or two but when I extended my arm to hit him, he grabbed my arm and stabbed my with a knife.As the knife cut through my skin I screamed in pain, with a few cuss words to go along with it. Then as I fell to the floor in pain, the thief ran out my door and fled from my house. What was going on, I thought. Why was that man in my house. Then I looked around to see what he had broken. When I saw what he had broken, I...
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posted by para-scence
I slammed the car door shut, and faced the school.

"Have a good day sweetie," Mom said, somewhat hopefully from the drivers seat. Just the words made me want to ball up and cry. She drove away, leaving me in the dust. I would not survive this day.

Not that I deserve to.

I clutched my books to my chest, and tried to keep my eyes fixed on the ground. But I still felt their eyes on me.

"Bitch," they muttered.

"She deserves to die," others said. Didn't they know I want to? Didn't they know how much strength it took to keep breathing? And when I did, it was the everlasting pain that nearly brought me to my death. But I could only hope.

But they didn't know this. They just knew it was my fault. And it was. It was all my fault for what had happened.

And I'd live with this guilt till I die.


Please let me know if I should continue this; I don't know if I should.
posted by para-scence
I was able to find a seat with a little sixth grader. She pushed herself to the window, making sure she was as far from me as she could get. What, was I diseased? I ignored her and just stared at the seat in front of me, avoiding eye contact with anyone.

After about a twenty minute bus ride, we got to the school. Afraid to be noticed, I waited until most of the people got off the bus. This really annoyed the sixth grader; I had her trapped, so she had to wait until I got the guts to cut someone off. Finally, I started to get off the bus, when I felt hands on my back. As I was getting off, they...
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posted by pink-bookworm
okay so i had to do this for an english assignment and wondered what you guys thought and if i should continue.
Muted meteor

Chapter 1
The daily news flash
“ welcome to the daily news flash today we will be showing the exclusive interview with a scientist called Murray gray, the new shampoo called sunny side shampoo and are we getting our fruit at a reasonable price”. “Murray there has been a rumour of a meteorite hitting earth is that true”. “As crazy as it seems yes it is true but there is more than one hitting earth so I’d get prepared if I were you ted”. “Mallory wake up”....
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