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posted by alliXcobber
Chapter Seven
Shadows twisted around Samantha as she slashed, slashed, slashed her arm open. Mini rubies appeared on top of her near white pale skin. Slash, slash, slash. Again and again. Misty murky gloom settled in around her bones, and remaining there to turn her cold as ice. Freezing her to the core. Heart pounding, she thought of her father and was reminded of the way she hated how sounded, the way his footsteps, resounded through the house, making her agitated just by his sheer presence. Even he didn’t love her and she was his daughter. What kind of fucker doesn’t even love his own daughter?
Arm stinging, red lines running down her arms, crimson tracks up her thighs (like snowmobile tracks in the snow), but she feel a thing. She never did. It doesn’t hurt, it doesn’t hurt, she told herself. Everytime she started to think it was painful, she thought of her dad, Melissa, herself, and all the different ways she’d been screwed over, and magically instead of pain she felt joy. Only the strongest of people could hurt themselves. Anyone could hurt another person, but nobody wants pain inflicted on themselves. Samantha had marks of power all over, tatooing her entire body in an endless ocean of scars and new cuts. Wonderful.
Who knew slipping into insanity was this easy, this blissful and indulgent? Everyday, Samantha grew gradually more obsessive, more locked inside her own head. A perfect flawless paradise that no one else could enter. no one else could invade. It was a blank canvas all her own to paint whatever picture she pleased, and that picture was of thin, thin, thin. In her paradise, it was all her own. She awoke to a searing, immediate despair, so lustful she was magnetized to it. A vortex she got sucked into. An invisible vortex no one could see but her. Seducing her, she fell deeper into her own grave everyday. And pretended everything was fine.
Yes, indeed, she still got dressed, went to school, talked to Savannah, and went about her daily life. Now a crazy person couldn’t do that, right? Do crazy people know they’re crazy? What does it feel like? And to believe Samantha had once, just a short while ago, been yearning for normal? No, no, normal was something she could never achieve, especially now, when she was in so deep. She was immortal, almost. No food, no sleep. Heck, she probably didn’t even need air. Amazing. She was flying, gliding across water, unstoppable. Until, all of a sudden, she wasn’t. An omnipotent, all consuming low invaded her, creeping into even her darkest crevices. She wasn’t supergirl anymore, the adrenaline wore off, and she was the same, pathetic Samantha she’d always been. These were the times she was so crestfallen and hopeless, she couldn’t move. After all the high, there was the inevitable low. It took a while to pass, and Samantha added it to her mental to-do list, find a way to avoid low. Growing longer each day, the list was filled with all sorts of tasks, ranging from change clothes and brush teeth to do homework and finish portrait for studio. Unsurprisingly, the latter usually got done first, if any were to be completed at all.
Though the lows were sucky, the vortex gave Samantha an eerie sense of purpose and perspective in the world. Brainpower increasing dramatically, she was as different as you could get from who she was in Graysville, except for a few key personality traits. And a few key people she thought about. One of them, remarkably unique, was Melissa Jackson. Her suicide still haunted her. Why? She had been one of the ones poised to get out, and whenever Samantha thought about it she felt guilty. Instead of Melissa, she’d gotten a better life, when Melissa no longer was alive. Also, Samantha had gotten something about it. Like she could have stopped her or something. What with seeing her that night, and the weird stuff about the trains? But, really, how was she supposed to know? Wasn’t it Melissa’s fault anyways? It’s not like Samantha pushed her in front of that train.
posted by Euri
The red glare of the fire blurs all other colors. The smoke chokes me with its sulfuric perfume. I watch from the tower as the city burns to ashes before my eyes. I want to stop it, I wish I could, but I cannot. I listen hopelessly as I hear the cries of the people, shouting, taunting.
Tears run down my cheeks. I lost it all, the power I once had has been taken from me. I could have helped so many, but I was foolish and in my foolishness I did not realize what was transpiring under my nose, what would lead to this, the burning of once a proud city to rid it of us.
Turning from the window, I...
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posted by whitelion
i always thought, and i always knew
i would end up here with you
i was a restless wanderer on a distant path
you were a lonely dreamer with a broken laugh

i would go anywhere the road would lead
my hopes and dreams is all that i would need
i don't need a house or fancy cars
i would rather sleep underneath the stars

you did'nt have much to call your own
but what a lovely smile on your face shown
you said your chance at love had past you by
i told i'm here so dont you cry

our lives were like the pieces of a broken heart
now that we're together what a life could start
there was magic in the air that night
everything was moving at the speed of light

you were like my juliet and i your romeo
you love me i love you thats all i need to know
no longer will you dream of love thats true
no longer will i wander my search has led to you
posted by thetscfan121
Please comment, I need the comments, writers feed themselves from comments, so if you don't want to kill me of starvation, please comment.

Lots of bad things happen these days. War, violence, corruption, people confusing SFX for SEX, drugs, death, car accidents, etc,etc,etc. Peter knew of them and said that popular line in puertorrican youth language, "ME IMPORTA UN BICHO!!!" Literally translated, "I care a dick." That's the way things are and that's the way I tell you. Well, Peter had one point against him: he was a catholic. Confirmed, conbined and sealed in paper, he was supposed to be the...
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posted by Hades223

The claustrophobia had finally set in. In this incredibaly long elevator ride to the arena where I was to battle to the death with 23 other kids, fear's cold grip latched onto my heart. Then nervousness had crept its way into my nerves, making me tingly and numb. Now finally, after spending 15 minutes in this freakin' tube, claustrophobia had clotted my mind. With all three fighting for control over me, I was curled in a ball on the floor. Some impressive tribute I turned out to be.
My name is Grazio. No last name. In fact, no last names will be uttered in this entire story, so get...
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posted by anbonie
“Nice performance!”
“Thank you, butler!”
Servant smile to Pieter and opens the door of red Ferrari. While driving no one used to speak, until Pieter say something to his butler and bodyguard:
“Did you hear when my voice trembled? I think that was 14th song.”
“No, Sir…”
“When my father isn’t near, please call me Pieter”
“Yes, Si… I mean Pieter”
They arrived to McChink’s mansion. Servant turned engine off and ran on other site of car to open Pieter’s door, but he was too late. “I’m sorry, Sir…” said butler. Pieter sent him angry look: “I can open the door!...
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posted by para-scence
I'm never good enough for anyone. I'm always in someone's way. My mother, who had me at sixteen, always complains that I ruined her life. My father left before I was born. I never had any real friends; they all said I was too weird, or I'm such a loser. My teachers hated me, because I could never get good grades. I could never do anything right. All my life, I've been annoying, stupid, worthless, and a waste of space. But they never even gave me a reason, so I couldn't even fix the problem. Am I too ugly? I know I'm less than average looking. My blond hair is a pretty dull color, and I never...
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posted by IloveMyLord

Fiction reveals truth that reality obscures.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Truth is stranger than fiction, but it is because Fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities; Truth isn't.
Mark Twain
Fiction is the truth inside the lie.
Stephen King
For truth is always strange; stranger than fiction.
Lord Byron
Fiction is like a spider's web, attached ever so slightly perhaps, but still attached to life at all four corners. Often the attachment is scarcely perceptible.
Virginia Woolf
Fiction is not imagination. It is what anticipates imagination by giving it the form of reality. This is quite opposite to our...
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posted by kingdaka44
I had no sense of time passing as I stared at the wall. I couldn't move, couldn't relax the tight ball that my body was curled into. I tried to think of how long I had stayed in this position. I guessed it had been about two months. It had been two months since I last went hunting. I had gone alone, and when I had come back I had collapsed on the floor, unable to move. I wondered vaguely why I didn't feel thirsty. Then I dismissed the thought, for I couldn't feel anything anymore. I just felt numb all over, except in the one place where I would have welcomed the numbness: my mind.
I could...
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posted by DarkGirl23
Five years later, sixteen, and the experience of it still torments me.

I suffer sleepless nights in the dark, waking up from the strangest nightmares known to man.
The site of the body still clings to me like the stench of misery. It makes me wonder, all through this time, what actually keeps the average human going?

All we are is dead in the end anyways.
I mean, It’s not exactly like people get the opportunity to really DO something with their lives anymore. Like, for example, something heroic: slaying a dragon, assassinating the one who desires to kill and rule with tyranny, or maybe be the...
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Hey guys sorry that i haven't added a new entry for this in like 7 months, i have been really busy with school, homework, tests, etc. if your interested please let me know because then i will just try to recap everything that has happened very often. so read on, fav please it would mean a lot! thanks now on with the story

One the first day of school i still couldnt believe that Brent was on my team, that meant he'd be in a lot of my classes.On the day back i wore a pretty new red and black stripe top with a attached cover thing, but the shirt had a beautiful lace back with black jeans. When...
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posted by meganhartxo
i suddenly felt a sharp pain from my chest before i knew it i had fallen to the ground not knowing wat had happen to me i struggled to get up i lifted my head and was shocked to see my own mother standing before me and a sharp kitchen knife that i had once used griped in mothers hand i was shocked i tryed to say something but couldnt i was in to much pain but i couldnt believe it the mother that gave birth to me, raise me and that i loved dearly had done this to me i suddenly felt cold and fell back to the ground i layed there watching my mother staring at me in discust i felt a pain in my...
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posted by Skitty_Love
Heather. Illustration(c)PhoenixRoyale
Heather. Illustration(c)PhoenixRoyale
It was a cool Autumn, just like any other. It relaxes me, feeling the cold press up against my face. My elder sister, Allisyn loved this time of year, because that was the time of the Archer's Tournament. I never really cared, even if she asks me to support her. It was such a dull & tedious event. I've always thought that it was lame, even when I was little. Not exactly my cup of tea.
"Honey, do you think you might feel like going to your sister's Tournament this year? I don't see why you never want to go, you could learn a thing or two from her, if you decide to learn how to handle a bow...
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posted by DxCFan123

I ran away before Sadao woke up, taking my scythe with me. I was to be away from him all day, anyways. I walked around the town, looking for something to do until 1:10.

I really don't understand why I had to spy on him, he dies either way.

I just jumped around from rooftop to rooftop, watching random people on the street. I ended up doing this until noon, which is when I decided to follow Sadao. He did things that a regular person would do, went to the bank, bought some groceries, went out to eat, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera....
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posted by DxCFan123

Kat's POV

"So, what's it like it heaven?" Sadao asked me while we were talking on the phone. "Well, it's like the normal world, except everyone's dead." "So, in heaven, they have this exact town?" "Yes, but there are only the souls of the deceased living there."

"This may be a personal question, but... how did you die?"

I just stood where I was, which was in front of the house, stunned. Why would he ask me a question like that? "U-U-Uhm.." "Please tell me? I wont tell anyone else!" I hung up.

Sadao ran outside and up to me. "Sorry for asking that." He brought me...
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posted by GryffindorGirl2
Jasmine's POV

Harry and I walked to the park.The hot,dry,humid summer air blowing at out backs.My hair wipped around me,hitting my face and getting in my eyes.No sooner had I moved it away,that the wind blew it back.My sweat shirt fell around my shoulders,but I pulled it back up.The wind continued to blow,and as I listened,fell into a rythem.The sound of Harry and mine footsteps falling on the quiet street sounded like clapping.I raised my arms to the sky and began spinning in circles as I walked.I began to sing,my voice blending with the wind and our footsteps.
"What doesn't kill you makes...
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posted by shenelopefan
~Una amistad~

Hoy se lo iba a decir, estaba decidido. Se dirigió con paso firme hacia la casa de su amada. Debía ir de todas formas a tomar el té con ella. Igual que siempre. Era su mejor amiga. Él nunca se había enamorado así de alguien. Nunca se creyó capaz. Pero esta jovenzuela, Janice de nombre, era la más intrigante e interesante del mundo. Completamente excéntrica, rechazaba todos los protocolos y era una excelente negociante. Aun recordaba el primer día en que la vio. Él vio una mujer segura de sí misma, fuerte y delicada. Hermosa pero ruda. Tranquila pero inteligente. Estas...
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Meggan slapped herself.
"Get yourself together!"She told herself.Kylie came in, Kylie is Meggan's cat.She's only a kitten but has all her colors.She is black with white stripes.
"Oh, hi Kylie."Meggan said.She got out of bed and went into the bathroom.About ten minutes later she got out of the shower, put her clothes back on, and lied down next to Kylie.Kylie purred and rolled over next to her.Meggan petted her, she smiled at the feeling of Kylie's soft, fluffy, fur.Meggan felt a strange presence.She looked at the side of her bed, and saw Kylie, she looked at the cat she was petting, it had glowing...
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posted by Dhampires
I pull back my bow and arrow,'The white dragon.' His words running through my head like a free train.I angled directly for my target gave a sudden jerk on the bow and release .I watched as my bow shoot over three buildings, at seventy miles an hour,through the glass window-like a bullet's shot- and into the back of my target.I watched as he dropped to the floor as the blood gushed from his body,after a few moments later he went pale and started twitching showing that my posion was taking it's toll on my victim.I smiled at my work and stood up striaght,more people crowded around the man's lifeless body.As I began my stroll back to my clan or covenant if you will....
posted by alejpatv
    The light of the fire faded as I got further into the forest. I jumped over roots and ducked under branches that threatened to whip my face. I ran as hard as I could. To escape, I had to keep my sister safe and fulfill the wish of the village chief. My tears already used and dried, but the pain in my heart still wouldn’t leave. An emptiness had taken hold where my safety and secure feelings had once been.
    On the edges of my vision, I saw a flash. I skidded to a stop and looked to where I thought I had seen it. There was a clearing where the full...
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posted by PotterLambert93
His name was Charlie Brown. We first got him in the fall of 1999. He was cute cocker spaniel with the color of brown and had dark eyes. For 13 years, he was a part of our family. We played with him, took him for walks, gave all the love we had and so much more. He was also a ruff dog as well. Whenever people would come over he would bark at them, thinking that he was trying to protect us from danger. He would also bark at other people's dogs when we took him for walks and, he was very capable of biting badly. Despite all of that, we still loved him, and he loved us.

Around a few years ago, he...
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