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posted by Me_Iz_Here
(Short story I wrote in a few minutes. I have no idea where this came from. ._. And this has no editing or whatever, I just finished it.)

    At first, she would only appear for a split second. I would see her turn a corner in the hallways of my house and quickly run to see if anyone was there, only to find nothing. I would catch a glimpse of her in a crowded place, standing still and looking at me. I would see her in my dreams, and whenever she turned up in them, they quickly turned to nightmares. No one else ever seemed to notice her, but I always did. I never said anything about it, and after a while I completely ignored her appearances.
    I remember one night staring into the mirror. Staring straight into the eyes of my reflection, touching the surface and feeling the cold glass beneath my fingers. Dark brown eyes would stare into my soul as I pondered the many thoughts that were swimming around in my head. I would always have crazy things going through my mind. This particular occasion was what mirrors really were. They’d always intrigued me; how you could look at it from an extreme angle yet still see the reflection of what was past it. I would think about things that I’d heard in movies and stories about mirrors being portals to different worlds. And I just though to myself, what if they were? What if they were just doors? Doors to another universe that perfectly mirrored this one. Whenever you tried to go through the door, the you from the other universe would also try, and you would stop each other. I began to think about the myth about bad luck from breaking mirrors. What if the bad luck was because you opened the door? What if things from that universe escaped into ours through them?
    I pondered these thoughts for what felt like hours. I was only interrupted by what I thought I saw behind me, a faint movement. When I turned around, there was nothing there. It was probably just my imagination.
    It was after that night that I began to see her. The girl who I was convinced was just a hallucination. I remembered all those crazy thoughts and theories that always ran through my head and just assumed I was going insane. So I ignored her.
    She didn’t like being ignored.
    Whenever she showed up, I would see her longer. Over time it grew longer, and longer. Her form would linger. Most of the time, I would see her in a corner, staring at me. I tried to talk to her a few times. Each time, she just smirked, shook her head, and disappeared. I was genuinely worried now. But I lacked common sense at the time, and I continued to ignore it.
    The nightmares got worse. They were always the calm type of nightmares. The nightmares that gave you that unsettling feeling. The ones where you know something’s wrong. And the source of that feeling would be right in front of you, but you would never notice it. She would always be there. Watching me, somehow. Sometimes the dreams would start out normal, with her and I talking to each other, at a café or maybe at a park. They would then grow uncomfortable and then she would say or do something terrifying, which is when I would wake up. But other times, they were horrible from start to finish. They were sometimes gruesome, but not always. I would look in a mirror and see my corpse, rotten and having a horrified expression. Or maybe blood would stain the walls and I would see myself lying on the ground, dead, and I would soon find that I was the girl who was haunting me. But the worst dreams were when I would look at myself in the mirror. I would have no reflection. And when I realized my lack of reflection, everything would start to grow colorless and I’d find myself facing the girl instead of the mirror. She would have this smile on her face. This innocent grin that would make it seem like everything was perfect in the world. Then, in a split second, her face would become distorted and she would lunge at me. That was when I would awake, bolting upright in bead and covered with sweat.
    The worst part is that sometimes, she was there when I woke up.
    She started talking to me. I would try my best to not pay attention. I would tell myself to keep on ignoring, that she wasn’t real. She would walk in circles around me and speak slowly. She would tell me to stop pretending she wasn’t there. She would drop vague hints but I would never pay attention. I regret that. I should’ve listened.
    She was I. She was very much I. She looked exactly like me in every way. If I pulled my hair up, she would pull hers up, too. Each time I saw her, she was a copy of me. The only difference was that her image was flipped. Flipped like looking in a mirror.
    I would never see her and my reflection at the same time. No, that’s not right. Whenever I could see my reflection, she wouldn’t appear. But the thing that was unsettling was that when I looked at my reflection too long, it would change. My reflection would do something that I didn’t. It was always small, but it always terrified me.
    I remember the first time I looked in the mirror when she was with me.
    My reflection wasn’t there. Neither was hers. We both lacked an image in the shiny surface. I panicked and it took me about thirty seconds to realize what was going on. She was my reflection. She was the embodiment of it, and somehow, she had broken the barrier.
    I remember the last words she spoke to me before I woke up in this world.
    “This is your fault.”
    I remember waking up, but everything was flipped. Everything. Words, letters, numbers, objects, everything. I looked in the mirror and I saw that everything on the other side was back to normal. I also saw my reflection. Only she was smirking at me and I knew I had a horrified expression that came with the realization.
    “Your theories were correct.”
    Mirrors were definitely doors to other worlds. More specifically, one world. A world just like ours, only flipped. A mirror image.
    “Your thinking allowed me to escape.”
    We had traded places. She is now in your world, the one I belong to. And I am in hers. I hate to imagine what she’s doing while posing as me. Then I remember, she’s doing whatever I’m doing. Or I’m doing whatever she’s doing. I honestly don’t know.
    “Enjoy the flip.”
posted by Charlieminster
Charlie Hawkins had always felt different to the other girls in her school. They were all really skinny, wore tight clothes and make-up and every boy who pasted them in the corridor would quite simply drawl all over them. Charlie was different to the girls in more ways than looks. She could do something that none of them could do which was influence people to do what she wants them to do.
The way Charlie looked different to the other girls was that she was very pale for someone who lives in LA, she had long dark black hair that came down to her hips, her eyes were a very strange cloudy yellow...
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posted by Percysclique
Chapter 2 – A Pain in the Night

Queen Amati sat up in bed with nausea sweeping through her body, causing her to jerk forward. The black haired woman grabbed her thin waist, as she doubled over in pain. Her breathing came out short and raspy.

She looked over at her husband who was sleeping soundly. A gentle look was plastered his handsome face and Amati wished she could have another peaceful night sleep. But those nights seemed like they were so long ago.

Amati reached for the golden goblet she had been keeping by her bed lately. She took a sip of the strong juice and forced it down her throat....
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posted by Dogluva363
My freind wrote a story wat do you think about it?

J+K Forever and Always

            Chapter 1
The final day of summer was a normal one. The birds were singing, the sun was shining, and Juliet steerages was at my house [since I am her best friend] thinking of the days to come when school would start. She thought of her classes, her teachers, but most of all she was thinking of Kaleb Wese.Kaleb wese was the brother of her other friend Kara. All she wanted in the world was to be his girlfriend! Truth be told I never could figure...
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posted by Liisamyts
A picture of a young blond man was shining on the screen, it was Jacob, their brother, the one who always held it together when everything was falling apart. Adele snuggled closer to her brother. And for once, he didn't push her away, instead, he just held her, not speaking a word.”He promised! He promised he would come home early tonight!” she managed to say between her sobs. Then she burst into tears again. Simon held her until she fell asleep, tears still on her cheeks. He carried his sister up to her bed, where she could be far away from the pain. Dreaming, seeing mom, dad,...
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posted by Funnygirl77
Where am I? What happen to me? Who are you? What have you done to my sister and brother? These were the first questions that popped into my mind when I came to. The Boy who looked to be about 18 looked at me and smiled.
He took my hand, "all shall be answered in time." Is what he said, he sound older than I had thought him to be. He lead me to a room told me to sit and then close my eyes. I did as I was told, "You still haven't told me where I am, and where my sister and brother is, what happen to me, and WHO YOU ARE? I said in a tone that sound way to irritated.
He nodded, "I am Mark Lane."...
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posted by Funnygirl77
love bites
love bites
Kisa woke up, when she rolled over it was 12:00 at night. Zack laid in his bed,Kisa smiled and went over to Zack. "Are you asleep"? Kisa asked Zack, he rolled over and smiled at her. "No, are you still mad at me"? Kisa frowned, she racked her brain to see why she should be mad at Zack. Then she remembered.
"No, I was never mad at you. So where did you go?" Zack turned away, he didn't want to tell Kisa that he was out feeding on humans, he didn't want to scare her. "I was just out for a walk" Kisa smiled, she knew Zack was lying, she also knew what he was, she just never wanted him to know...
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posted by EmoKidSteven
You hurt me,
Both externally,
And internally,

You twist a pin into my heart,
And gather my flowing blood onto a cart.
You think you can hurt me,

Just because you gave me money,
You think you can make my life like hell,
Just because I am the one who made you fell.

I wish you have never given birth to me,
I wish I can expose what you are for all to see.
I hate you,

And I hate you to the heart's core,
I want you to hear my vengeful call.
I respect you because I must,

Yet you blame me for not giving you my trust.
How can I love, or trust, a person like you?
Who makes me feel I'm feebler than cotton wool?

I am forever imprisoned to you by blood,
For as long as I live,
The relation between us cannot be cut,

But soon I will take my leave,
Hoping that forever you will grieve
posted by Flana_2
The forest was so beautiful. Even though it was raining, I thought of the sun peering through the trees. There were animals all over. It was like Japan only slightly less busy. Lots of unfamiliar animals gave Minrough high-fives and hugs. After a moment, I scanned his mind. Patients? I thought he said he was a soldier not a healer! After a minute, I demanded to know who they were.
“Patients”. Just like I thought.
“I thought you said you were a soldier at the war”!
“Yeah, a war of diseases”.
“But you’re only a kid! How could you be a doctor”?
“Not a doctor, healer”.
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posted by Fangirl99
ok,this was my FIRST article i wrote when i joined fanpop.i just copy and pasted it. the characters are from Total drama action *a show*,so you may not understand to well if you dont know the show.but,hopefully,you'll catch on.

It was a normal day, most likely for Chris any minute now to announce the challenge. "I hope there's no challenge today" said Lindsey.
Beth: I know, that way we can do your hair and nails and stuff.
Lindsey: Oh i know, right?
Chris: Morning, everyone! I know you expect us to think of a way to torture you. But Union rules we have to take a break.
Heather: What?
The rest:...
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posted by I_love_Mikey
They say you are only supposed to trust yourself, and build few reliable allies, and get to know everyone you trust. They say that only time will tell if you follow that advice. They say that you are supposed to make yourself happy first, for if not you cannot make anyone else happy. But what if you don't know yourself well enough to trust yourself? What if you can't get allies? What if you're dead before time can tell? What happens when you stay behind, and give up on happiness for the sake of others. What if they're moving on before they even realize you're sad?

They say that world peace...
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posted by sapphire007
I love my mum. More than anything but my dad has always been my favourite. It’s not that I love him more than mum but he’s fun and understanding, he has wonderful advice and awful jokes. Two weeks ago, dad left. He left mum. He left me. Mum’s sad. She’s not up to much lately. I know she’s angry at him for leaving but she misses him. She’s unhappy and lonely.
    Dad talked to me before he went. He told me to study hard, stay healthy and enjoy my life. He made me promise to look after mum. I think he’d be disappointed in me if he heard her crying at night. I...
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posted by housefrk
Not incredibly good, I know, but it's a first attempt.

The woman, in the kitchen baking a pie,
Watches her daughter, getting ready to take the dog out for a wash.
The woman comments on the early spring
As she gets ready to put on the coffee.
The daughter takes the dog next to the car
And hums a song she learned long ago at school.

Down the road, the woman can just see the school.
She thinks about how, in home ec, she baked an apple pie
And how in the parking lot, she wrecked her first car.
The buzzer rings for the woman to hang the wash
So she pours a cup of coffee
And leaves it to cool in the breeze of...
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Chapter1 At my school (St.John's) we have only two majoir athletic groups. Those would be soccer and football. If your not an athlete your a wanna-be or you wanna kill one. KIll not being an understatment.

I'm Kris and yes I am both a loathed and suat after person. My being the captin of the girls varsity soccer team. I was the first captin to reject the boys vrsity captin. As i presume you've taken it under usumption that he didn't agree. Tushay you say, well I've thrown a spin on it. I'm dateing the wonderful, the glouriuos, the perfect Dakota Dawning(he's the captin of the football team)....
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posted by viju
I'm sitting there reading silent, softly,
People walk by and they roll their eyes,
They don't even know who I am,
And who I could be.
I am more than what they think I am,
Someday I know I'll prove them wrong.
They walk around just like they're so strong,
When they know they're not.

Well I guess,
Some guys, they just don't have their brains.
Some gals, they just see me as plain.
Some folks, they just don't have ability,
To see what I could be, to see what I could, I Could be
One day.

I step out feeling like no one understands,
Who I am, Who I am, deep inside.
They just don't get who I really am,...
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My mind started to go off into wonderment.My dream that had startled the crap about Juan marrying me was really starting to get to me.But I just kept telling myself that it it was only because Juan had mentioned marriage the night before,but he was saying that he wasn't the marriage type at all unless he had found "the one."
But it was more of a joke than anything else.I knew I had to stop it though because Juaney was starting to wake up now and he would easily tell that I wasn't mentally there.So I took a few deep breaths and tried to not to ake him any faster,but then I realized that he wasn't...
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posted by avatarluver990

Nynxa was still at shore, hiding behind the rock, and watching the humans passing by. She later noticed a castle. A castle far from where she was, it was old and it needed paint, but she still gazed at the castle and soon fell into a daydream where she was in that castle. Her mother and father and all of her sisters were there! She also imagined that all of the merpeople and humans would someday be friends, and forget about their differences. Her reverie soon popped like...
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posted by XDRoseLuvsHP
I literally just wrote this five minutes ago. It popped into my head, and I was bored, so I jotted down a sort of preface of an idea. I probably won't end up using it, but I thought I might as well get some feedback. It would be historical fiction, which I don't usually do (I'm more of a fantasy girl), so bear with me. Here it is:


I have seen many a young girl wishing that she could be a princess. Beautiful dresses, fancy dances, luxurious meals, flourishing gardens in a majestic palace... who would deny this?

I myself was born a princess. I was...
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posted by ChickRiddler

It gets harder and harder to see Dominic each day. Every day brings new pain, new longing, and new tears. I love my boyfriend but Dominic has a certain affect on me that I can’t control. I am a terrible person….
When I’m not with him, I feel a relief from deception. But also, an opening into a deep pit that swallows me until I’m with him again. When I’m with Jason, I am partially taken from this hole. But there is still a cloud looming over me, and the pit below me, threatening to swallow me at any minute. I try not to give in to the temptation if telling my love how I feel...
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posted by TeanRose424
When you think you think your in love. Its just a trick. When you feel like your falling you are. Your fallin down and down intill you fall on spikes. The spikes peirce every part of your body but most of all they hit your heart. Thats why you fell like your bleeding from the inside to the outside. Thats why it hurts so badly.

Love can be a trick. But sometime it can be real. It takes a long time to see if it is. During that time your in danger of falling on spikes. BUt if it is real, then, when you fall, your falling into a heaven on earth. When you fall with the one your supposed to be with then your arent in danger with the spikes anymore.

Tell me what this artical makes you feel. If you think Im right, or if im wrong, im curios to what you think. Thankyou!
posted by TeanRose424
This is when he leaned in to breath down her neck
This is when he leaned in to breath down her neck
When he said the word vampire I thought he was bluffing. Then he started to explain it. It sounded just like the twilight book. All the charecteristics of a vampire, they were the same. Stephanie meyer just got one thing wrong. The Changing.

"When you change it isnt agony," said Zach. " It feels like heaven. Your being transformed into a God. It feels like a comfortable warmth. It's so relaxing, you wish you could do it again, and again." he said
" That sounds..." I was trying to find the word. "Exilarating" I finished. He smiled. I decided to turn on the lamy next to my bed so i could get...
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