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posted by ilovehouse345
Last time.... she got a text message from brian (mr.m)
Hey Jasmine,wanna go out for dinner tomarrow night?
She was speechless. Didn't they just have this coversation,(well more like she had it with herself in her head but still...) and now all of a sudden he's asking her out. So she started typing back.
sure.what time do you- then she remebered jade. She couldn't just leave her. Could she?
uhh...mabye I have a guest staying here but if she doesn't mind then sure!. She closed her phone and went back to making food for her and jade. The house was quiet for a while and then she thought she heard crying. She was curious so she walked to the room jade was in and checked on her. When she walked in she found jade sitting on the bed with her knees pulled up to her chest and sobbing. She quickly walked over and sat down beside her, pulling her into a hug. "What's wrong?" She asked. She sobbed some more before answering."my mom is gone,my dad is gone. My step dad doesn't want me and I might never get to see my sister again! I have no place to go, after I leave her ill probaly be put into foster care and placed in a group home..." she cryed some more. Mrs.l felt so bad for this poor girl.
She hushed her."shhh....you can stay here for as long as you want to ok?" She looked up at her,with a glimer of hope in her eyes. "Really?" "Really,now let's get some food ok?" They walked down the hall and jade sat at the table, mrs.l came over and handed her a plate of pizza. They sat in silence for a while, occacinally a glance at the other but no words. Finally jade broke the silence. " I really do appericiate you letting me stay her.I was probaly going to sleep at the police station until my cps worker came and got me in the morning...and I just have to ask you one question. Why? Why did you invite me to come stay with you, I'm nothing but trouble..." mrs.l looked at her for a minuete before speaking. "Jade, you are troubled, yes. But I see a lot of potential in you. Your smart, talented, and I know somewhere inside you, you want to do something with yourslef. I don't want to see you get shipped off to some foster home and ruin that." Sh e was shocked to hear some one belived in her even when she didn't belive in herself. "Thank you." Was all she could manage to say. "So jade can I ask you something?".

"Well mr.m sent me a message asking me out tomarrow night and if it was ok with you I was wondering if I could-" she was cut off. "Go.have a good time. It'll be cool to have my favorite teachers dating."
"Ok.thanks." the rest of the night was spent talking about themselves. After a hour or so they both headed off to bed. Jade put her ipod headphones in her ears and drifted off to kelly klarckson...
The next morning she woke up.confused of where she was and then the memories of the previous night came flooding back to her. She brushed her hair and walked out to the kitchen where mrs.l was making breakfast.
"Good morning!" Mrs.l said smiling sweetly at her.
"Morning..." mrs.l took notice of what she was wearing. Hot pink pajama pants and a white tank top. She looked differnt with her black everything. "What?" She asked as she noticed her looking at her.
"You just look differnt with everything black..."
"Oh..yeah. sometimes even goths need a break from all the blackness. I guess I like black cause it feels like a escape. When everything is dark nothing can disturb you, its like your surrounded by something you can't see so you make it your own world."
"Fair enough." They both laughed. They sat down at the table and ate, and jade had to ask.
" are you nervous, about tonight I mean?"
"Actually to tell the truth? Extremley. I never felt like this about another guy before and I'm scared I'm gonna mess it up..."
"Trust me I've been head over heels for a guy before. You know aaron rose?". "Yeah, he's in your class period right?"
"Yeah well I was in love with him, but then me and jason started dating and I just feel something for him I never felt for aaron. Kinda lime your ex husband. You love the person but just not the way you love the other.." she thought for a moment before adding "and you'll find out who you really wanna be with one day, mabye that's tonigjt."
It was around 6:30, her date started at seven. She had chosen a tan shirt with a long gold chain necklace, and a darker shade of tan to go over top. She also wore a pair of white pants and aair of mary janes, her favorite heels." She walked out of her room and went to the guest room to say by to jade. "Hey I'm about to leave, I left my phone number on the fridge, call if somethings wrong.ok? Oh! And since I'm gonna be out I'm probally gonna be full be the time I get back so help yourself to anything in the fridge."
"Ok have fun on your date. She stressed the word "date".
"Its not a date its two friends haveing dinner together."
"Say what you want but its a dat."
"Bye jade!"
"Bye." She said as she walked out the door.
Hey so sorry if this chapter sucked. But I was having writers block soo... yeah. Well please reviews.thanks.
posted by alejpatv
I searched the bodies, not daring to hope that she might still be alive. I blinked back the tears that threatened to come out of my eyes, where was she?
A scream rang in the night. I spun around, I could recognize that voice anywhere. I took off like an arrow to where I heard the scream. I ran around a burning building and she crashed straight into my arms. A human riding a horse came into view swinging his sword and screaming like a banshee. I screamed back at him and let my magic punch him off his horse. I held my sister to me. Our parents were dead and I could do nothing to help that, but...
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posted by GodIsGood
Chapter One

Dark Lord Fallen

In a dark pub in Germany sat a middle-aged man wearing strange robes and a pointed hat. He stared listlessly into the glass of mead sitting in front of him.
Another man, wearing the same strange garb, entered the pub. He scanned the people inside for a moment, then strode over and joined the first man. When he didn’t look up from his glass of mead, the impatient second man rapped his knuckles against the table.
“Nikolas,” he said. “What have you heard from our Lord Druidrick tonight?”
Nikolas tore his gaze from the glass of mead and looked into the second...
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posted by AbbieCoast
I saw a girl
Across the room today.
I studied her face;
Obsessively watching every detail.

I found her lips to be
A soft pink,
Laughing in a big way
—a big, big way—
And she was unaware that her smile
Was so goofy and unreal,
Yet her laugh was loud and meaningful
And echoed in my ears.

Her eyes were distant,
What was she thinking of?
What could be going on?
A million little thoughts zoom by my head,
I wonder if one big thought is in hers.

I stared,
She unknowing of me.
She could be pretty, I decided,
If she tried to be.
She wore no make up
And a very modest dress.
Why wouldn’t she show off
To the...
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posted by StarWarsFan7
Rosella arrives at her high school and opens her coral locker. "Ugh. I hate hauling this stupid messenger bag!" she says as she tries to get the bag off of her shoulder. "Her? Are you sure?" A group of boys say just not far away from Rosella. "Yeah. I'm plannin' on askin' her out." The tallest one says out of all three. Rosella secretly had put a spell on her own wand to transform it into a beautiful ring. Anytime she needed it, all Rosella had to do was slip the ring off and chant the code words to unlock the enchantment. "Why do you want to ask Rosella Karst out? She's a total weirdo. Who...
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posted by samuraibond005
Jiko went to a small school in a small town in Missouri where everybody was the same in likes, dislikes, and even very similar in personality, well, everyone but her and her parents. Jiko was just fine for a while, making all A grades in every subject with little effort, but then was the day someone pissed her off. Jiko had carried a knife in her sleeve, something most people there honestly didn't think much of, she wasn't the only one who did it, even some of the teachers, did it, but Jiko did something that most people don't dare to do, she kept a revolver in her backpack. Someone had called...
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posted by noahnstar1616
"Hey Cameron, ready to go?"


"C'mon. See you at 10, Grandma." I kissed her on the cheek and walked out of the front door with Cameron.

We walked to his car and got in. Cameron put his keys in the ignition and drove out of the driveway.
-Half an Hour Later-
Cameron stopped in front of his house.

"We're having dinner here?"

"Is that a problem?"

"No. Not at all." It actually was. The last time I was here, which is when I was meeting his parents, it didn't go well. Of course I know his parents aren't here, but the memory still haunts me.

He took the keys out of the ignition and got out of the car....
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posted by wolfclan121
The best part of being a mother is you always know if something's wrong with your children. Even in death. Jannet was in trouble, but I don't know what with. Well, she has been hanging out with this boy, David. Strange boy, It's as if he can see me! When I watch them he stares at me with his cold, blue eyes. His eyes. They see things. See things others can't. Wittiness things others can't handle. Wittiness things from others nightmares. I fear for him. I fear for Jannet. Then, on that faithful Summer's day. I saw something. He saw something. No, please Jannet, no!
posted by para-scence
A hand gently moved my matted hair away from my face. I smiled.

"Irina, you have to get up now," Blake said quietly. My smile disappeared. I groaned and rolled over, turning my back towards him. "Don't make me do this," he said. I heard the smile in his voice. My eyes rolled behind my eyelids, and I tried to block out his voice. I heard footsteps as he left. Finally; peace and quiet.

"Mommy!!" a little voice shrieked. I heard the thudding of fast steps, and then before I knew it, Hollis came crashing on top of me, jolting me from my sleep. "Wake up! Wake up!" she shouted. I sat up, and she climbed...
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We sat down on the couches near the right corner of the room as we entered. There was one girl sitting there by herself. She was smoking (of course!) and she looked like she had been dragged into a basement by some kidnappers and starved for many weeks. Shannon looked over at us and whispered,"That's Dina. Don't judge her sickness. It just makes it even worse. Don't even stare at her teeth when she smiles. She's very sensitive." Dina flashed her teeth at us. They were a dark yellow almost brown color, and her gums look like that they had dried blood on the bridges between the teeth and gum...
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posted by Skitty_Love
Life is horrible and meaningless. All humans are going to die one day. While I will be living till the Earth crashes. Maybe, I'll still be alive then. I am SOUL. The 0012th Experiment done by Professor Rhinestone. Hes an admirable professor at the most, I have poured everything I own into his heart, I "love" him so. Well, actually Professor has told me never to speak that word, er, "love". He says its a pointless word that means nothing beyond "admire". I guess that is why his surname is 'Rhinestone', he acts like a solid stone never able to break in two. He is powerful. Meanwhile I am but...
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posted by HouseMindFreak
Chapter 20

Koda awoke to the sound of a click in front of his face.
The hell was that?
Slowly opening his eyes, the morning sun blaring painfully into them he barely could see a gun barrel of a pistol pointing to the center of his forehead.
He was awake now, staring cross eyed at the gun barrel.
“Make one move and I’ll send one through your leg; keep you from movin’.”
The gun was being held by a rather small but definitely strong young man with short and thick messy black hair, and wearing nothing but his sleeping shorts.
“Ok, I know this looks weird havin’ some strange dude...
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posted by Insight357
We were all piled up in the car. Jack and Vince in the front while Sean and I were in the back. I think they did it on purpose. Sean and I had been fighting, on the verge of breaking up, type fighting. Jack and Vince didn’t want that to happen, apparently we were made for each other.
    Sean and I hadn’t said a word to each other since we were forced into the car. I had no clue were we were going, and I wasn’t about to ask Sean. Jack and Vince made a rule that I wasn’t allowed to talk to them either. I guess I could be a little annoying.
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posted by Vampiyaa
Btw this article is dedicated to all those who commented on my question for it! :D thanks guyz!

Part One - Silence

The Murder in Falling Haven
“I had never spoken a word in my life, and wasn’t planning to try. Next thing I knew, someone took the chance to away from me.”

“Hello, Lucas!” cried Beverly Claims, the village washerwoman. “Going back to the mansion with your daughter, I see?” Lucas Raymond smiled serenely at Beverly.
“Yes, Beverly,” he said happily. “We’ve just received word that my dear Uncle Charles had died the previous Tuesday.” Beverly’s round and composed...
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Hi, I’m Rayne White, and you just got a free pass to my inner thoughts, and things going on at the moment. I’m seventeen, hyper, and gay. I’m incredibly sexy with my ice blue eyes, and my long black hair. I’m around 5’9”.

I have a best friend, her name is Lilah Devins. She is like my fag hag. Lilah is a bitch, but I love her anyway. She has long brown hair and brown eyes. Lilah is friends with most of the gay guys at school, which is all good and well, but she was friends with my nemesis, Remy Clarke.

Remy Clarke had tormented me since kindergarten. Lilah wouldn’t have me saying...
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posted by HouseMindFreak
Chapter 18

It was relatively a quiet night at the Slade Ranch in Las Vegas, New Mexico.
Cayden Slade noticed that the horses were slightly on edge as he put them in their barn for the night, there was a storm coming so perhaps the highly charged atmosphere was causing their edginess. He shivered as a sudden chilly breeze blew by, it was odd having it be this nippy at night during this time of year but he ignored it and headed back to the ranch house.
About a 15 minute walk since the ranch was not very large, considered very small by some rancher’s standards but at times it felt like half an...
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Looking around the dark, inviting room, thinking of life. It’s funny how you get thrown into things. The room you are in, for whatever reason. The things around you. You must’ve came to like them in some way, how though? Did it capture interest? Is it something a friend has gave you?
    How did I get to this point? Feeling fiction from reading or writing is life, instead of my own. Wanting to be cast as characters in stories, but not my own life. Anxiety grows to be more like fictitious characters. I don’t understand my own life these days. All jumbled up, and disconnecting....
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posted by smartone123
We have looked deep into Nikki Goldmans life to find some supriseing stuff as i tell you her TRUE story.Well lets go back in time to her childhood,and suprise you with something un known to everyone but her family.Her real name is lea Gliden,and her mom is dead leaving her with her father who abuses her.Ok we'll skip to her 11th birthday,the day where she runs away

"get here you bastard child"he growels,a feet away from where i hide,squahed in like a bug,a cold hard wood bottom,the shelve enough to hide me,and for him not to notice.It was all ok until my nose was itchy so i quickly scrached...
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I've been lately adding a lot of X Academy, Stardom and Vampire Society excerpts and since nobody really knows what im talking about i decided to make a guide XD

X Academy - Aiko is a fourteen year old girl who was put up for adoption as a baby and was adopted by a man called Gideon. Throughout the years Gideon physically abused Aiko. Aiko gets accepted into the elite X Academy, an enormous school with an enormous secret. A week before Aiko is supposed to pack her bags and leave for X Academy, she is bitten on her wrist by a rogue vampire. She is also saved by another vampire. The bite on her...
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posted by Insight357
Alexander left for Boston yesterday. He left me with spare keys to his apartment. I promised him I would go apologize to Grey. I wasn’t excited about it, but it had to be done. I was going to do it today, the sooner the better.
    I sighed as I rose from the leather couch, and took the keys from the hook. I walked to Grey’s house. It looked the same. Her car-well my car that I didn’t take with me-sat in the driveway. She didn’t have to work. I went up to the door and knocked.
    I stood there a moment, and waited. I heard footsteps and the door...
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posted by para-scence
"It's ok, Kodi. I'm sure he doesn't still feel that way," Sicily assured me. "That was months ago! He was probably just hurt that you left." I shrugged.

"Well, it's not like you have anywhere else to go," Shiloh added. I pouted. They were right. There was no way I could go back to living in a car. Chance would definitely get sick again, only probably with something even worse.

"I'll think about it," I told them. I wanted to have time to think about my options. Just then, there was a knock on the door. I furrowed my eyebrows. Sicily pursed her lips to hide a smile. Shiloh shrugged.

"She insisted...
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