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“America has given the Negro people a bad check,a check which has come Back marked ‘Insufficient funds’ “

Martin Luther King. JR. made a speech that named as “I have a dream”, that influenced all the negros throughout the USA. He wanted to end the segregation during the civil Rights movement. “I have a dream” is a famous speech in the American history, because it includes the hope, progress and struggle of the negro community. He told in his speech that America had given them a bad check. Their hard work and as a result the insult is the key of the bad-check. Negros were not allowed to go to school, negros couldn’t eat with others. Moreover, negros couldn’t get the respect. He wanted to say that the negros are deceived from every-thing and the white Americans were used to deceive the black African-Americans and they gave the African-American deceive.

Martin Luther King’s speech for ending segregation is a famous speech. African-American during the time of civil Rights movement was out of respect and they were allowed for nothing. There was a huge segregation between negros and the white Americans. At first, the white-Americans promised to the African-American people that they will give them chance for every thing and negros will allowed to stay with white-Americans. However, they did not keep their promise. Enjoying human rights of African-Americans used this metaphorical bad check. African-Americans were guaranteed by the American constitution to right to live, right to take the happiness. However, the American constitution did not keep their promise or the check. They issued a bad-check, which was the symbolic of segregation; they started the segregation again. America promised that they will end the segregation and they will build brotherhood between negro-slaves and white-Americans. As an example of Emmett Louis Till, who were murdered during 1955, in Money, Mississippi, was faced the segregation. The time being civil Rights movement, there was a giant difference between white Americans and negro-slaves, the African-American. Emmett was murdered for talking with a white American; he murdered by a white-American. Though negros were the slaves, but they didn’t get the rightness.

According to the speech of Martin Luther King JR, the African-American were the victim of segregation, violence and police brutality. Martin Luther King wanted to end this segregation to give the negro-slaves by his famous speech “I have a dream”. Martin Luther told in his speech that was a symbolic of not existed from being right to live, right to get happiness, and they got deceive from the American-whites as living as a slave and they were symbolled to whites as a slave. As an example of the segregation was the demise of Emmett Luis Till. Martin Luther king promised to all the negros that they will receive the justice of their hard situation and they have to get the rightness of freedom from segregation. Turning his promise to true, now African-Americans find the justice that is given them upon the riches of freedom and the security of Justice.