World of Warriors Club
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Me: Lightningstar, formerly Lightningstrike, son of Lionblaze, Leader of LightningClan, a satellite Clan of ThunderClan. In battle, his claws move like lightning, and he can summon lightning and then electrify his claws.

Also me (technically) Firefang, deputy of LightningClan, Lightninghstar’s littermate, can harness fire in the same way as Lightningstar

Rainfall: Lightningstar’s sister. Can harness water, medicine cat

These are the three main character in my next writing project, along with some others, but here’s a brief summary:

Once, there was one Clan, then two, then five. One was lost, and there were four. The lost was found and they became five once more. Now, with the territories too small to sustain growing Clans, the medicine cat recieves a message from Mothflight that changes the Clans creating something unheard of…

Ill post the first few chapters here when they’re done. I need Characters, so if you want to be featured comment below using this format:

Warrior name:
Tom or she-cat:
Which of the five Clans are you:
Character traits:

May StarClan watch your Path!