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posted by SaphireWolf
Saphira. Thats my name. I'm a wolf, a loner. I cant remember anything of my past except that i was always on my own.
My shadow is the only company i have.
I am used to being by myself but sometimes my heart aches for the happiness that only a pack can bring.
I enter an unknown city, i hardly even notice it til all the cities scents wash over me. Garbage, food, various scents from people that walk unknowingly all around me. They seem oblivious to me as i walk with sore paws along the sidewalk. I make my way into a dark ally way, finding the darkness and cold damp floor, comforting. I ache all over from the long journey that has taken me here to this city...
My navy fur is damp with my sweat and i find bliss in the cold puddle of water behind a dumpster as i lay down on it and effortlessly stretch out my limbs to releive the ache in them.
I small sliver of moonlight bathes me. The white crescent marking on my forhead glows faintly and absorbs the light, i sigh as i feel its power breathe new energy in my wolfen soul, then as my tired eyes close in slumbers pull, a small wolfish smile tugs my lips. I have finally found a place to call home. I dreamt of Paradise.

For those who wish to join a loner and become her friend here is my Name: SaphireWolf
Or you can visit my friend to join our pack:
K5-HOWL. Please join our pack! :D
added by peterkia000
added by peterkia000
added by cgova4
posted by WIldPaw
I am a two year old timber wolf and I have a hole in my shoulder from a shooting.

Chapter 1 the strange friend
I am at my favorite place ever, my secret water hole next to the tall fir tree that over looks the out stretch of land across the water. As I look across the water, to look out for bears and other predators, I see this white thing scurry by. At first I just growl at it. Then, I went closer. The little white thing was a mink. I dashed after it and caught it in my teeth. I then heard squeaks coming from it. I put it down but kept hold of it with my paws. It was a baby mink. The mink...
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added by cgova4
added by cgova4
added by cgova4
added by cgova4
added by peterkia000
added by cgova4
added by peterkia000
added by cgova4
added by peterkia000
added by peterkia000
added by peterkia000
added by cgova4
added by cgova4
added by peterkia000
added by moonfulwolf
added by peterkia000