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Actor Zack Gold is rising fast among the web television industry recently receiving a nomination for ‘Best Male Performance’ in a Comedy by The International Academy of Web Television for his role in “Stockholm.” The IAWTV Awards event serves as a platform for members to honor the best of their profession, so it’s no surprise that Gold was thrilled with the nod which came out of the more than 470 officially-submitted web series.

Gold is a notable rising actor in Hollywood having held lead roles in six feature films. This past year he was nominated for Best Actor at the Los Angeles Fear and Fantasy Festival for his role in the movie “Fear Lives Here.” Gold also works with Academy Award Winner Tim Robbins on stage, as a member of renowned Actorsʼ Gang Theatre Company in Los Angeles.

I recently had a chance to catch up with Zack Gold to find out more about this nomination, what he hopes to gain from it and how he creates such memorable performances.

HOLLY: For those who haven’t seen it yet, tell us about your role in the hit webseries “Stockholm.”

ZACK GOLD: I play the lead character Danny "the Heartbreak Strangler", who kidnaps women, locks them in his basement, falls in love with them and typically kills them when this love is not reciprocated. Pretty much your average guy!

HOLLY: You recently earned a nomination by The International Academy of Web Television for their Best Male Actor in a Comedy award. How does it feel and what do you hope to gain by this nomination?

ZACK GOLD: Being nominated is an enormous honor. Actors like Brent Spiner, Jeff Lewis, Julia Stiles and Felicia Day are nominated for these awards. It just sounds like an accomplishment to say my name in the same context. Hell, Larry King is an IAWTV nominee!

The real gain from this experience as an actor actually already came in the process of filming, which was the opportunity to study and build a great character and to work with some of my favorite people. Everything from here on out is just a nice little icing on the experience as a whole. It would be ideal to foster relationships with some of the people who are creating this excellent web content and co-conspire on sweet projects.

HOLLY: This isn’t your first award nomination either; you were nominated for Best Actor at the Los Angeles Fear and Fantasy Festival for your role in the movie “Fear Lives Here.” What’s your secret to creating such memorable performances?

ZACK GOLD: Great writing and direction and working with other talented actors who pull out the best in me has been one element. Also, mainly, my training. I work with Academy Award winner Tim Robbins as a member at The Actors Gang Theater Company and taking direction from him and Cynthia Ettinger has really changed the way I'm able to tap into a range of emotions. While my character in “Stockholm” is filled with anger my character in “Fear Lives Here” is a scardy-cat... So my work with my mentors has helped me widen my range.

HOLLY: You’ve worked on comedy and drama projects…which do you prefer and why?

ZACK GOLD: When I was young I wanted to be the next Ethan Hawke. I've always appreciated his honesty and think he's a fantastic dramatic actor. Drama was what I always was gearing towards in my studies; I got my BFA in Theatre and grew up studying Checkov, Ibsen, Shepard Beckett, Miller etc... However in the last three years I feel that I've come into my shoes as a comedic actor and actually see myself doing more comedic roles than anything in the future. It's so much to work within that context. To have the ability to improv (which I think has become my greatest strength ) makes the work exceptionally fun and very rewarding when it hits!

HOLLY: Do you have anything new coming up in 2013 that we can watch for?

ZACK GOLD: 2013 is already starting to look like the busiest year in my career with appearances in films and on TV. A few amazing feature films are in development right now that I'm quite excited about but can't mention too many details yet. I’m also hoping to co-collaborate with all my IAWTV colleagues as well to create 2013's next best web series!!! I can keep everyone updated as they develop if they follow me on my social media outlets!

HOLLY: And, how can fans keep up with you?

ZACK GOLD: Oh please fan me and follow me on twitter! I promise to be funny and not waste your time with Mumford and Sons lyrics or what ingredients I'm putting in my smoothies!

www.zackgold.com for all my info
Twitter: @goldyzack

Congratulations on the nomination, Zack!
We’ll be watching for you in 2013.
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posted by Shelly_McShelly
It was at the end of the school year, and a kindergarten teacher was receiving gifts from her pupils.
The florist's son handed her a gift. She shook it, held it overhead, and said, "I bet I know what it is. Some flowers." "
That's right" the boy said, "but how did you know?"
"Oh, just a wild guess," she said.
The next pupil was the candy shop owner's daughter.
The teacher held her gift overhead, shook it, and said, "I bet I can guess what it is. A box of sweets."
"That's right, but how did you know?" asked the girl.
"Oh, just a wild guess," said the teacher.
The next gift was from the son of...
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