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Hey! This chapter is a bit of a filler, so I'm sorry, but I'll post the next chapter very soon after this one. :) Enjoy!

Chapter 6 – Dress Shopping

That last week of February, the area she lived in was pummeled with blizzard-like snowstorms.
    On Tuesday, her school district had a two-hour delay in the morning, and had an early dismissal, in which the students would go home at one-thirty rather than two-twenty. Tuesday, though, was not the worst of the snowstorms to come. On Wednesday, school was cancelled. The area had received a few good inches over night that needed to be cleaned up in the morning. On Thursday, school was cancelled once again. Snow had not come over-night that time, but there was snow to come during the daytime that was supposed to be heavy. On Friday, school was cancelled yet again. Thus, there was a legendary occurrence of three snow days in a row, and, all in all, an accumulation of two feet of snow was produced. There was more than two feet of snow in some areas, depending on the drift.
Anastasia was glad for the unexpected five-day weekend, but overall, she was not happy. The days off for her were no fun. It involved shoveling the deep snow that the snow blower could not reach, and being yelled at by her mother once again. And it was on Friday when all the stress that she had been building up during the course of the past months came out in one, major flip-out. When her sister and her father thought it would be humorous to eat her lunch that she had left to cool on the table, Anastasia over reacted and did a series of stupid, but slightly amusing, tantrums. Because of her freak-out, her mother took away her MP3 player from her.
    On Saturday, she and her family finally went dress shopping for her Sweet Sixteen. They first traveled to the Palisades Mall an hour away to look for the perfect gown, but Anastasia only tried on one that made her feel like a princess. But, unfortunately, this stunning dark pink dress was three hundred dollars, and was completely out of her family’s budget. This upset Anastasia, but they had to move on.
    After they left the Palisades, her family went to one last place—David’s Bridal. David’s Bridal was only about ten minutes away from her home in Middletown, instead of an hour away like the other mall was. There, she tried on more dresses, and this time, she knew that either one of the two dresses that she liked the best was the one she knew she wanted to wear at her party. One was hot pink, one of the theme-colors of her event, and the other was blue and teal, colors that contrasted her Sweet Sixteen’s pink and silver theme. They were both lovely ballroom dresses, and she could not decide between the two. At first, she liked the pink one better, for it was the color she had wanted all along. But at the same time, the blue one was quite flattering, according to the people who helped her choose, and the sparkles at the top fit her well. Her father ended up taking a picture of her in each dress, and decided to go home for the day. The next day, they would go back and she would make her final decision, and that time her grandmother would tag along as well to help make Anastasia’s decision.
     So, on that Sunday, the family went back to David’s Bridal in the Orange County Plaza, and had Anastasia choose her dress for the party that she was waiting all of her life for. In the end, everybody liked the elegant blue dress the best, and therefore, that was what Anastasia chose to get in the end. And, she was very happy with her ultimate decision.
Enjoy!!!! :)

Chapter 24 – The Special Visitor

You can’t tell him you love him because you’re not in love with him.
    Katara mulled painfully over Zuko’s words. She had thought of that once for a brief second when she and Aang were on a date. They just sounded more real coming from his lips.
    Maybe you’re mistaking your prideful and happy feelings for him for being in love.
    Was that true? Was that how she was feeling when she saw Aang next to Zuko a few months ago at Zuko’s coronation? She remembered she did feel mostly...
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Hey! I think you guys are really going to like this cahpter a lot! I read it over and it got my heart pumping in spots myself!
And, this may seem like it's close to the end of the story, but it's so not! We're only half-way through the True Heart!!! :D

Chapter 18 – The Attack

    The kiss was a mistake, Katara decided.
    Ever since she and Zuko kissed she’d been around Aang 24/7, trying to get it off her mind. She also refused to make eye contact with Zuko. She wasn’t going to talk to him until she felt better. Kissing him put a heavy amount...
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Chapter 8 – The Drawing

    In the morning, they packed everything up and went back to flying on Appa again. All they had to do now to reach the Earth Kingdom is to cross hours of ocean. Appa didn’t need any flying direction for they were headed straight. Zuko decided to sit with the rest of the group in the saddle. Katara was glad to have her good friend beside her.
    “So, what are we going to do now once we reach the Earth Kingdom, Zuko?” Katara asked.
    “I’m not sure,” he answered. “It’s not like we can go to...
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Chapter 33 – In the Land of No Water

    After a while of running, Zuko came to a large clearing at the end of town. It wasn't like Lon Lon at all—lush and green. It was dry and dusty with random piles of hay everywhere. He continued to run forward across the desert, his eyes traveling all around. It wasn't long until he heard a voice from somewhere near him.
    “Well, well. You did show up!” a girl's voice cackled.
    Zuko stopped and faced where the voice was coming from. His sister Azula was sitting upon a throne made out...
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Heeeeeyyyyy! :]
So here's a new chapter of the True Heart! I'm going to post up another chapter of Nothing But Song later for those of you who like it. :]
By the way, like my new icon? Yeah, I do too. XD I love Taylor Lautner!!! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
At this point we're getting closer to my up-to-date writing too. Thank GOODNESS! lol. XD

Chapter 29 – The Threat

Zuko wasn’t afraid of Azula. Though if she wanted to fight, he wasn’t going to do it alone. Katara was right: Azula was dangerous. As long as they knew her weakness, they would be okay.
That evening...
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posted by vanillamoon08
First I would like to adress the new readers to this story! Thank you so much! ;)
Okay, now this story, from here on to the end, is going to pick up. TEN more chapters left! That's it! And then we'll see about an epiloge (sp?). ^^

Chapter 27 – Warned

    Zuko wasn’t sure if it was a good thing Katara knew that he loved her. It wasn’t like he didn’t want her to know, he just didn’t want to put more confusion on her back. Though Katara was usually a strong woman and she could get through almost anything. So he still wasn’t exactly sure why she was so befuddled....
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I like this chapter a lot, so hopefully you guys will like it too! Thanks for the support on the last chapter! :D I haven't gotten three readers in a while on a single thanks!

Chapter 26 – Comparisons

    Katara trembled with extreme shock. Zuko was in love with her. Zuko.Firelord Zuko. Her best friend. Before that, he had fought against her. He was the person she viewed as “the face of the enemy”. He was apart of the Fire Nation, the nation she despised for years and years. And now her ex-enemy, her best friend, the rich Firelord, was in love with...
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Chapter 23 – Furniture Date

Zuko stared at Mai talking quietly to his mother from across the living room. He wondered to himself if he would ever be friends with Mai in the future— let alone speak to her.
    Ursa nodded and Mai started to walk to the front door. Zuko noticed that Mai was carrying a letter in her hand. Once she left, he asked, “What was that about?”
    “Mai’s sending a letter to her friend Jackie to tell him to come and get her,” Ursa answered, a frown on her face. “By the way, dear, don’t rush things too much with...
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Hey! I have nothing else to say besides thank you for reading and enjoy! This chapter is one of my favorites and I'm pretty sure it'll leave you speechless in the end. ^^

Chapter 21 – It Ends Tonight

    Everyone’s mouth’s dropped open as they watched Suki. Her mouth was open too, but soon her lips turned into a smile. Tears streamed down her face as she said softly, “Of course I’ll marry you, Sokka.”
    She stood up, her eyes glued to Sokka. She was just a couple of inches from his height. He walked behind her and wrapped his arms around her,...
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posted by vanillamoon08
Okay, you guys officially inspired me to post a new chapter of The True Heart. I love you guys!!!! :D
Okay, I CRIED when I was writing this chapter. And a couple people who have read this before have told me that they definitely teared up in this chapter, especially at the end. So I'm just warning you now. :) It's just really is. :')
Enjoy! This is a really good chapter!

Katara, forgetting about everyone else, ran from the kitchen to find the voice that belonged to Zuko’s. She was the first one to find him back in the living room, walking out of what looked like a closet door....
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posted by vanillamoon08
First, a few announcements!
I keep on changing the title for this chapter, so don't be shocked if you'll see "chapter 16" still and another name! lol
So, I think you guys are really going to like this one! Just tell me when you need a break from this story, or when you think I'm posting too many chapters of this. I try to upload Friend or Foe and this story equally, but if I am posting this one too much just let me know. ;)
For Moonlit Darkness readers, I haven't gotten to chapter four in a while but don't lose hope in the story! It will be posted up eventually! I'm thinking that I'm gonna post...
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Thank you to all the people who have read this and love it! This is for you! <3

Chapter 14 – The Dance

    Katara woke up in the morning feeling all cried out. It felt really good. The sun was peaking through the cracks of the tent, showing her it was going to be a nice, sunny day. She looked up next to her and saw that Zuko was still sleeping. She took Zuko’s arms from around her and got out the tent quietly. She saw that everyone was already up. Aang walked up to her and handed her a piece of bread.
    “Good morning,” he said. “Do you know...
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posted by vanillamoon08
This is one of my favorite chapters! I hope you enjoy it as much as me! :D You begin to see some changes of feelings... Not saying anymore lol. READ IT! haha XD

Chapter 7 – Relationships

    Zuko was glad he wasn’t having any nightmares about his mother anymore. He wrote about that as he was writing a letter to Mai in his tent. He knew she was on her way to the Earth Kingdom by now, but it still felt good to write to her. Zuko actually missed her. He thought he would need a break from her, but tonight that wasn’t the case.
    I miss the fact how...
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posted by vanillamoon08
Chapter 2- Katara

    In the morning, Katara sat up in her bed. She yawned and stretched her arms, feeling good. Sunlight was coming from the window and it hit Katara’s face. Normally, she would have groaned and covered her eyes. Today was different. She was feeling great, and enjoyed the sun’s heat on her smooth, light brown skin.
    She got out of her bed and got dressed. She was glad that her and her friends bought this home in the Fire Nation. It was small, nice, and beautiful.
    After Katara was done, she went downstairs and...
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added by vanillamoon08
This is one of my favorite chapters in all of this story. Plus, it's half way through the whole story! After Friend or Foe it's on to Nothing But Song, the next book in the series. Enjoy!

Chapter 8- Through the Rain

At school the next day, Victoria was absent. I sighed with relief.
“Come on, Tasha!” Sabrina begged. “Tell Peter and I what happened yesterday!”
We were currently in homeroom. I didn’t get a chance to talk to them yesterday. I explained every single detail to them in a quiet voice.
“So, the all I know about Victoria so far is that she is definitely under a spell, she can...
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added by vanillamoon08
Source: me!
added by vanillamoon08
added by vanillamoon08
Source: and
added by Gabstaaa
Source: Made by Gabstaaa