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posted by vanillamoon08
First, a few announcements!
I keep on changing the title for this chapter, so don't be shocked if you'll see "chapter 16" still and another name! lol
So, I think you guys are really going to like this one! Just tell me when you need a break from this story, or when you think I'm posting too many chapters of this. I try to upload Friend or Foe and this story equally, but if I am posting this one too much just let me know. ;)
For Moonlit Darkness readers, I haven't gotten to chapter four in a while but don't lose hope in the story! It will be posted up eventually! I'm thinking that I'm gonna post a chapter a month with that story. :/

So, enjoy! Comment, rate, fav, etc lol :D. If you don't like it or want to give me advice on my writing, remember that I am always open for it! ;)

Chapter 16 – Sunset

    They rode on Appa for the rest of the day. It was a long day, for Ta Min couldn’t stop shooting insults at Mai.
    “The only thing I see when I look at you is your big head!” Ta Min yelled. “And you’re so boring as well!”
    “I’m sorry I’m not that crazy, beautiful girl that you want your grandson to have,” Mai replied, folding her arms and looking away.
    “Yeah, I’m sorry too!” Ta Min snapped.
    “Okay, okay you guys,” Aang said. “Let’s all be nice to each other. Then this trip wouldn’t seem so long.”
    “Let’s get to know each other better,” Katara suggested. “Like…Mai! You like daggers, right?”
    Mai just looked at her.
    “Ta Min, do you like daggers?” Katara continued.
    “Once, I found a dagger in an alley and used it to pick garbage out of me teeth!” she exclaimed.
    “I use daggers for fighting people,” Mai said. “That’s how they’re supposed to be used!”
    Mai and Ta Min looked at each other angrily.
    “Let’s all relax now,” Katara told them. “Forget about getting to know each other better. Let’s all calm down-”
    “Stay out of this water tribe girl!” Mai snapped.
“Hey,” Zuko said. He was still on Appa’s head. “There’s no reason to bring it to Katara. She was just trying to help.”
    “Zuko! Don’t take sides with her!” Mai scolded. “What’s gotten into you?!”
    “What? I can’t take sides with my best friend?!” Zuko yelled.
    “Zuko, I’m your girlfriend. I’m over a best friend!” Mai argued.
    “That’s not how I put it,” Zuko mumbled.
    “GUYS!” Sokka shouted. They all looked at him. “It’s getting dark. Let’s put this whole thing behind us and make camp.”
    “Good idea!” Ta Min grumbled.
Zuko took Appa down to a grassy field below. They climbed off Appa and made camp silently. After they were done, Aang walked up to Katara.
    “You should sleep in my tent tonight,” he suggested. “Seeing Mai and Zuko made me realize that we, too, need to heal our relationship. I don’t want it to fall apart, for we already got this far. And, I think we’re meant to be together. Let’s not ruin this.”
    “Okay, Aang,” Katara said. “I’ll stay with you tonight.”
    She smiled half-heartedly at him. Aang was right. They did need to fix their relationship. Maybe when Aang reassures her, she could be happy again.
    She walked away from Aang and walked down the row of tents. She walked past Zuko and Mai’s tent first. They were in there, trying to figure out if they were doing the right thing. Next she walked past Sokka and Suki’s tent. They were also in there, laughing about something. Katara smiled. She wished she could have that type of relationship.
Katara continued walking past all the tents to the edge of the cliff they were on. She found a large, rectangular stone and sat on it, looking up at the sky. The sun was setting and it was beautiful. That’s when she heard someone sit down next to her. She turned and saw it was Zuko. They were silent at first, just staring at each other. Then Zuko turned his head away from her and looked at the sunset.
    “It sure is beautiful,” He commented.
    “It really is,” Katara agreed, looking at it too.
    “We never had the chance to really talk in a while,” Zuko said. “You never told me why you were crying last night.”
    Katara looked at him again and said, “I’m an emotional mess. What seemed good to me in the past seems strange now. Everything’s so changed. People changed, feelings changed…I’ve changed.”
    Katara looked down with a sad expression on her face.
    “I think I can relate to that,” Zuko told her. “After Sozin’s Comet came, I thought I was happy with Mai. I was glad that she had forgiven me. Now being with her doesn’t feel right, but being there for you does. I can only imagine you feeling the same confusion when you’re with Aang.”
    “I do feel confused when I’m with him,” Katara said. “Nothing feels right anymore. Nothing besides us.”
    Katara stared at him again and found that Zuko was looking at her too. Wind was blowing in his hair, and it made him look more handsome.
    “You’ve always been there when I needed you, and I didn’t even have to ask,” Katara said soothingly. “And we were dancing today, just you and me, I couldn’t help but feel comfortable. I couldn’t help but feel myself again.”
Katara’s hair blew in her face. Zuko touch her hair and brushed it back.
    “I meant what I said last night. I’ll never leave you, Katara,” Zuko told her. “If you need me, I’ll be there…I love you.”
    Katara smiled and answered, “I love you too.”
    They scooted closer toward each other and Katara rested her head on Zuko’s chest. Zuko put an arm around her, caressing her gently. It felt good to be in his arms. She felt safe.
    That’s when Katara felt a change in their mood.
    She sat up and looked him in his gold eyes and he looked into hers. Katara felt as if they were the only two people on the planet. Before she knew what was happening, Zuko started to lean in toward her lips. Katara couldn’t think nor breathe. She moved in slowly toward him too, her eyes closing slowly as she grew closer towards his lips. Zuko was so close to her now, that she could feel his sweet breath on her warm skin. Finally their lips found each other. Katara felt so happy. This felt right. Then a realization hit her. She just told Zuko that she loved him without struggling to. Something that she could never do with Aang.
    Katara’s eyes opened in an instant.
    AANG! Katara thought.
    Zuko seemed to have the same reaction.
    They separated at the same time, looking at each other. They got up off the stone in a slow pace, and walked backward, eyes still on each other.
    What did we just do?! Katara thought.
    In unison they turned around fast and took off running to their tents. Katara wondered if she had just done a terrible thing for everyone.

A little note here, from me. :] When they told each other "I love you", they didn't mean it like in love...well at least not yet. ;)
Hey, guys! I'm so sorry that this hadn't been posted sooner. :/ Lots of stuff came up, and I'm very sorry! D:
So, this is kind of the climax of the story, so I hope the wait was worth it! :) Enjoy!

Chapter 35 – The True Heart

    Azula ran and jumped back onto her hay throne. Zuko sprinted after her, punching fire in her direction. When Azula was on the throne, she broke through Zuko’s fire with her hands. She laughed.
    “I would save your strength if I were you,” she advised. “You’ll need it for your decision.”
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BIG thanks to my two steady readers who reaad this story without me asking twice. :D You guys rock!

Chapter 9 – Bad Day

That night, she had some extra time, so she went on facebook on her father’s computer in the half-basement. There, she messaged Kevin, for a new idea had occurred to her sometime while she was at home. She told him that since now he talked to Daniel about her, maybe he could introduce her tomorrow morning to him. He would introduce her as the girl who wrote the novel that he had showed him. It seemed to be a flawless plan. By Kevin talking to Daniel about her book, he had...
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Hey, guys! I'm sorry— I've been really busy lately. In fact, I just saw New Moon yesterday with nine others. :D It was good, better than the first movie, but it was slow and Kristen Stewart did not play Bella well. But other than that it was enjoyable, and not-so dissappointing. :D
lol Enough about Twilight, let's get to Avatar! :D The story is going to slow down a bit for the next few chapters, but it isn't really boring at all, and right after those few chapters it's going to be quick from that point till the end. :D

Chapter 22 – House Plans

    Katara was horrified with...
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posted by vanillamoon08
Chapter 31 – Gone

    That night Zuko told his grandmother and Ursa his plan. At first Ursa argued with his decision, claiming that he would be going back on his promise. Though when Zuko explained it more she understood, but she broke down in tears and gave her son a big hug. Zuko kissed her on the cheek and told her that he loved her, and did the same for Ta Min. He was going to miss them incredibly.
    After that he walked to Ta Min’s room, the old guestroom where he kept his things, and packed up everything he brought with him on the trip. He...
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posted by vanillamoon08
I'm sorry if this might seem to be rushed, but this is how I picture everything happening!!!! :D comment, rate, fav blah blah blah (lol) and tell me what you think. :)

Chapter 19 – Ursa

    As soon as they were inside, Sokka slammed and locked the door fast. Inside, the house was pretty. Even though no lights were on and all the shades were pulled down, Zuko could still see the soft beige carpet, green planets in vases in corners, and comfy furniture. His mother must had it well off.
    “We have to split up,” Sokka told them in a low voice, breaking...
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posted by vanillamoon08
Hello! Here's a little poem I wrote a couple of months ago! Tell me what you think. :)

“Moon To My Night”

You are the moon to my night
A bright shining star
Your brilliance is light
And beautiful you are

You are the sun to my day
Like a bird you fly
I cannot stay away
I wouldn’t even try

You are the warmth to my summer
A flower that blossoms in the spring
My heart pounds like a drummer
When you start to sing

You are the first star to my night’s eve
On my heart you leave a shining mark
From now on I will forever believe
That you will always light my dark
posted by vanillamoon08
Hey you guys! I'm so sorry that I haven' been on! Long story short, I got grounded for procastinating, and I had no computer. :( But, I'm back! And I'm going to be posting stuff again! Enjoy this chapter!!!! <33333

Chapter 36 – Reunited

    Katara attempted to open her eyes. Though it was very painful for they felt as though they were burning. She could barely sit up as she tried to glance around. What had just happened? She felt dead, but she knew she wasn’t. The agony she was feeling was too real to be false.
    When she put forth effort to sit...
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Enjoy!!!! I think this is the next chapter... lol. :) There's nothing much to this one.

Chapter 10 – Bad Anastasia

The next day, she had to go to school early. Her mother worked as a T.A in the high school, and on that Friday morning she had to make breakfast for the other teachers assistants. Anastasia wanted to take advantage of being early to greet Daniel as he would walk by.
    So, in the nearly empty hallway, she put her backpack down and sat on the floor. She tried to relax, but somehow it was not possible. She was very nervous, but at the same time her attention...
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Okay, I have to say a few things first.
In this chapter and for a bunch more later on, there will be singing. Most of the songs are ones that I wrote, so that means you'll have to read the words and try to guess it's tune. I'll help you read it by stretching out the words that are long notes or whatever. :] I might sing some of these songs with my friends to help you guys get the tune, but you should be okay. :]
There is a tiny gross part in this chapter, but it should be alright. It isn't anything mature-disgusting, in fact it's immature lol. XD It should be okay.
The picture in the beginning...
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Thank you soooo much guys for loving the last one! :D
There isn't too much going on in this one, but you do get to know the characters more including Ta Min! Enjoy!

Chapter 17 – Ta Min’s True Story

    Oh gosh! Oh gosh! Oh gosh! Zuko thought frantically as he ran back to Mai. I kissed Katara. Katara!
    Zuko felt like dancing and singing his heart out, but he didn’t. It was wrong. Katara had a boyfriend, and he had a girlfriend. He betrayed Mai, and she betrayed Aang. At least they didn’t know about what just happened.
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added by vanillamoon08
Hey, guys!
So, WaterbenderTash guessed it! This story is an autobiography about me during the past few months. :D Everything you read is 100% true, and the dialogue is 99.9% correct! :D lol So, you might see this story a little bit differently from now on!
Well, I hope you enjoy this chapter! :D It gets a little personal, but not as personal as future chapters will be.

Chapter 4 – Just so Disappointed

A little over halfway through February, still nothing happened between her and Daniel. By that point, she thought that she had tried almost everything to somehow meet him. Her freshman friend,...
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WOW!!! You guys waited FOREVER for this one!!! :D :D :D So, this is PART 1 in the True Heart epilogue. Part 2 is still not completed, but I promise you that the wait will not be as long. :)
Enjoy this please! And tell me what you think! :)


Part 1 – Katara

A year and a half later…

Katara woke up one morning in a huge bed in a grand suite, feeling the best she’s felt in all of her life. She was in the Royal Palace in silky pajamas covered in silky, red covers. The sun shone in from the large window on the wall to the right of her. She felt warm, comfortable, and loved. Last night Zuko...
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posted by vanillamoon08
So, first a few things.
This is probably my favorite chapter in the whole story!!!! Or close to it!!! :D It's a great chapter, and I hope you guyes like it!
Another thing, is it okay if you guys rate and comment on my stories??? I'm a very modest and have low self-confidence, so would it be okay if you guys can rate and comment on anything you read on this spot? Thanks!!!! :D
So, enjoy!!!!!

Chapter 30 – Good Bye


    Katara was on the couch with Aang when Zuko ran into the house, soaking wet. Katara’s eyes went wide as she gasped. Aang’s face...
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run joey run
added by vanillamoon08
I really want to see this! It looks mad funny! :D
vampires suck trailer
added by vanillamoon08
Hey you guys!
This chapter is pretty simple. Kind of a filler, actually. XD But I hope you enjoy it!
Oh! And there's a picture at the top of my dog, Teddy, who is mentioned in this chapter, and a picture at the bottom of the upcoming Sisters Grimm book that will be released in May. It's called The Inside Story and you can also get a good look of it under images. :D It looks good to me!!!! :D I bet you can guess who those two girls are in the picture. ^^

Chapter 5- First Chat

    That night I secretly cut on my DS. It was best not to let my family know that I had one. They...
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