Vanan'ice The fangirling thread because

zerowakakkoi posted on Jun 22, 2012 at 12:21AM
So... You can fangirl here. Let me start everyone off.

Today I'm ordering the original VanaN'Ice album (you know, the cover is the club's icon?) and the OFFICIAL ARTBOOK... Ahem, Black/Noir. I already own the newest album, Last Color, and my copy came with the Blue Rose DVD... So now I legally own every album only VanaN'Ice song. YES. And Black/Noir... From the few scans I've seen, THE ART IS ABSOLUTE LOVE. Trust me, this is difficult to type from the fangirl scream that I have to hold in. I'M IN A WORKPLACE, PEOPLE.

Okay, so just fangirl about stuff similar to that~.

Vanan'ice 18 replies

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over a year ago asahina_haruna said…
ah!!!!!! i envy u!!!!!
my parent won't let me buy any of that!!!!
ah!!!!!! i envy u!!!!! 
my parent won't let me buy any of that!!!!
over a year ago zerowakakkoi said…
DON'T GIVE UP ON IT! At first I thought I'd never get either, but I was proven wrong apparently lol. Also, if you want I could slowly post scans of Black/Noir...? That way I could share the joy~. But yeah, how's that sound?
over a year ago asahina_haruna said…
yes!!! i'd loved 2!!! kyaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!
i love u!!!! ( .... but not love like lovers.... love like..... endearment?)
over a year ago zerowakakkoi said…
Cool! So when I get a few scans, you want me to post them in this thread one-by-one? Or upload them as images? Whatever makes the most sense to you, I guess!
Endearment love yey!
over a year ago asahina_haruna said…
.... just upload it as images, so everyone, can see it better
( though it's still the 2 of us here ..... i suddenly felt lonely........ wierd....)
over a year ago zerowakakkoi said…
We have plenty enough activity with just the two of us anyway. This gets more activity than some of the clubs I'm in with 1000s of members. Besides, it's still in it's first few days; we're sure to get more people as time goes by... (and then we'll be the only ones able to REMEMBER these times... AWWW YEEAHH /shot)

And okay, I'll upload them as images~. Speaking of uploading images, I have a VanaN'Ice folder on my laptop that has over 800 images in it. Would you like me to upload the ones that belong to the SCL project first?
over a year ago asahina_haruna said…
yeah sure! well... i used to have many pic too in my previous laptop, but it somehow broke, i can't turn it on. so my mom got me a new laptop as my birthday present ......
........ btw, tommorow (24th june) is my birthday, at first i want my mom to buy me an anime/vocaloid/vanan'ice related things... but..... in the end i just got new laptop........

ahhh.. i want that albums of yours....
over a year ago zerowakakkoi said…
I'll start that now.
Hmmm, if you want more pictures, I find Pixiv and PIAPRO to be the most reliable for VanaN'Ice. Of course, VanaN'Ice, バナナイス and ばなないす are all tags for it on those sites. As well as the VanaN'Ice FC on VocaloidOtaku which has heaps of links to pictures, videos, all kinds of stuff like that. And I just posted in it this morning.

Ah, happy late birthday, then! And our birthdays are both in June. That is complete awesomeness. Also, I'll give you some amazing VanaN'Ice pic as a late present. It's really the best I can do online. :c

Well it's sold out at the moment. All of the VanaN'Ice albums are. But hopefully the girls and possible guy (hakuuuu, y u no tell your gender? or live stream? and you have a singing voice that's trappish for either gender) will restock every once in a while, even though goodbye SCL Project sometime this month.
I'll start that now.
Hmmm, if you want more pictures, I find Pixiv and PIAPRO to be the most reliabl
over a year ago asahina_haruna said…
big smile
wow! that.... ahhh! i see a piece of heaven!!!!!!
(i see a piece of heaven..... WAIT!!! AM I GOING TO DIE?!!!)
over a year ago zerowakakkoi said…
You're very welcome!!!
No, you're not going to die. Len's appearance in VanaN'Ice songs is heaven on earth~.
Glad you like the present!
over a year ago asahina_haruna said…
YEAH! btw, when ur birthday? u said it is june too right?
over a year ago zerowakakkoi said…
My birthday's on the sixth. c:
over a year ago asahina_haruna said…
ahh! *sob* i should have make this club sooner so i can gives you the present... >.<
geez.. i don't have much pic in my laptop,... >A<
over a year ago asahina_haruna said…
umm!!! here! 4 ur late birthday present! sorry if u've got this pic!
kagamine len dark side of the moon!
umm!!! here! 4 ur late birthday present! sorry if u've got this pic!
kagamine len dark side of the m
over a year ago zerowakakkoi said…
Asdfghjkl thank you! I've never seen that background before... It works really well with Len's wings! :D
over a year ago asahina_haruna said…
over a year ago svetthyanachya said…
wow so cool.... kakkoi desu...
over a year ago asahina_haruna said…
yes! len-kyun is very cool!
sou yo! len-kun wa sugoku kakkoi!