Vampire Academy Bad things to good people - Why?! (Spoilers)

Anjuta posted on Dec 17, 2010 at 09:34PM
Dimitri Strigoi, Adrian broken heart. Why?!

After Shadow Kiss Dimitri's fans were crushed. Why did it happen to our good and perfect Dimitri being turned to strigoi?
I can remember how I felt in that time. I only thought: He didn't deserve it! Why?!!
Adrian's fans are feeling now the same. Why was Rose breaking Adrian's heart? He didn't deserve it. He always was good to her.

But before we start to blame Rose for that we should ask: Why let Richelle Mead happen this bad things to her main characters?
In this time with Dimitri-Strigoi I felt badly for him but I always had this question in my mind. I couldn't believe RM did it without sense, not she. She always seemed having plans behind any event.
So why? What did you think, why?

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over a year ago Anjuta said…
In that time as I was trying to answer my question about the reasons of Dimitri’s turning to a Strigoi, I didn’t know much about him. I mean what Dimitri needs, what problems he had. Only one fact helped me: He loved western romans and read them always and everywhere. We found an explanation for that in Shadow Kiss.

Dimitri: “And there’s something…mmm. I don’t know. Something appealing about the Old West… No rules. Everyone just lives by their own code. You don’t have to be tied by others’ ideas of right and wrong in order to bring justice.” (…) Rose: “You can’t fool me, comrade. You want to put on cowboy hat and keep lawless bank robbers in line” P. 178

And one little pieces more: Dimitri always had on this special duster, through all five books, but in last sacrifice he forgot his duster somewhere. Why let Richelle Mead him loose his precious and beloved duster? What wants she say with that?

About Adrian we know a lot. The sixth book explains much about him, about his situation. Rose’s words are a big help for our understanding. At least, I think so. But before I go with that I want to quote the words of Robert, Victor’s brother in “Soul Bound” aiming to Adrian:

“And who are you to say that? How can you tell? You’ve bruised and abused your powers, it’s wonder you can even touch magic anymore. And all these things you do to yourself…it doesn’t truly help, does it? Spirit’s punishment still affects you…soon you won’t be able to tell reality from dream…” P. 155

It sounds very hard but Robert wasn’t entirely off base. This topic comes again in the last conversation between Rose and Adrian, in the sixth book:

“You said you were victim. (…) Being victim means you are powerless. That you won’t take action. Always…always I’ve done something to fight for myself…for others. Not matter what. “
I’d never seen such outrage on Adrian’s face. “That’s what you think of me? That I’m lazy? Powerless?”
Not exactly. But I had a feeling that after that conversation, he would run off to the comfort to his cigarettes and alcohol or maybe whatever female company he could find.
“No,” I said. “I think you are amazing. I think you are strong. But I don't think you’ve realized it-or learned how to use any of that.” And I wanted to add, I wasn’t the person who could inspire that in him. (…)” P. 580
And then a little later, Rose to Adrian:
“I’m telling you the truth. You’re better than this…better than whatever it is you are going to do now.”
Adrian rested his hand on the doorknob and gave me rueful look: “Rose, I’m an addict with no work ethic who’s likely going to go insane. I’m not like you. I’m not superhero.”
“Not yet,” I said. P. 581

What do you think? Can it meant that being turned to Strigoi is a way how Richelle Mead helps Dimitri? Can it meant as a help, the broken heart as a chance for Adrian? Was it that, the reasons for all this suffers?
Go on, write it there, it’s all interesting: Your emotions, your feelings and your thoughts.
At least think about it for yourself …
over a year ago Anjuta said…
Adrian said once in LAST SACRIFICE that Rose had ruined the life of her friends. But how would be the way of Dimitri or Janine when Rose didn't storm in their life?
In VAMPIRE ACADEMY Christian called the guardians “Army of death”. In FROSTBITE Rose was witnessing the reaction of a young female who just found out her mentor was dead. Rose wondered about the lack of emotion by this young woman.
Many guardians became machines which were protecting the world from Strigoi. Of course you can say they did good things, and that's right. But what are they doing to themselves in all that time?
And what can happen to us if we dedicate our life to the one “good” purpose? We can set the goal being on the top of the world, doing all the “good” things, and that can be a good way. But what is the danger of such destiny? Are we able to loose ourselves on this way, to become anybody without own thoughts and feelings? Is it this about what Richelle Mead wants to warn us?
Is it the danger for some of us to become tools, doing everything what the others says because we honestly believe they know what to do? Is this possible that we allow ourselves to become tools without our own personality? But all this is the one side of the matter.
You are able to feel yourself special, knowing what you think and feel, but you are not feeling that you are a part of the society - and that is Adrian's problem. It's not risky for Adrian becoming a tool, but being alone, without relationship. Is it the reason of his broken heart to understand for the need of his changing? What do you think?
We are the part of the society and had to do things for other people. But we are ourselves, we have to discover our needs, all this, what makes us special what makes us ourselves.
It is not easy to find the middle between these different things but important to be balanced. I guess this is what Richelle Mead called self-discovery.

Rose didn't ruin the life of both man but she disturbed it enough that they become a chance to think about what is not right in their life. Dimitri already changed before he has been turned to a Strigoi but not enough. He has to be somebody who openly stands against the system fighting it when it's necessary being Rose's equal. And she has to learn the control being his equal.
And Adrian… In LAST SACRIFICE Rose described his situation in such way:

“(…) He was trying. He wants to be a better person, but at this moment in his life, his motivations were more about impressing other- about impressing me. It wasn't for himself. That didn't make him bad or weak, but it made me his crutch. He would get past that, I was certain. He would eventually come into his own and be an amazing man, but he wasn't at that point of self-discovery yet. I was.” P. 482

I am certain that Richelle Mead thought that Rose and Dimitri were not at this point in SHADOW KISS having a good relationship. That was the reason why we didn't get our happy end before the end of last sacrifice. Having a good relationship with other person means having a balance in myself. That is the essential qualification remaining with a beloved person not only a short but a very long time. And what is even more important that is the only one way to become this person to which you are born to!
last edited over a year ago