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I Hope you blow the imaginary candle and cake that I just gave you and make a wonderful wish that will come true someday <3

Gosh, you growing up so fast right now haha my twinzie is now growing
I know that Birthday is a big deal for you..I just wish that I could be with you right now and celebrate it with you <3
but plane ticket are expensive..Anyway, today is the most important day ever since it is your birthday ;)
Honestly, you are MY queen.. you mean so so much to me that its hurt! i can't imagine my life without you.. I know it's quite cheesy and boring cos I ALWAYS said the same thing but I really mean it. You know what best and the worst part of me but you still stick with me like a glue (wow..that's very deep ) LOL.
We've been together for so long but I just remember it was like yesterday when we first met .. I remember your very first icon which was Rose :) credited by our Ems <3 Am I right or am I right?

I really hope you celebrate your Bday with your beloved family and friends. I am so truly sorry for not being there with you cos I was born in the wrong country. I also hope that you will get PLENTY of present or gift today and you will enjoy it <3
I wish I can gift you a gift in real life instead of posting this article babe..I really do but I believe that we will meet up one day right? In London?

Seeing your wall-post every chance I get is the best thing ever. You always making me smile with your kind, beautiful and cute words. Never failed to make me smile, laugh or fangirl. You make me scream sometimes when we fangirling hehe. You are like the missing puzzle in my life and make it complete <3
you make me who I am today..

YOU are my Rachel to my Kurt, Cara to my Barbara, Troian to my Ash, Harry to my Liam, Spencer to my Hanna, Edward to my Emmett, Jade to my Jesy
My Larry Bitch, Danielle Sister, Demi Twin, My Life, My Air, My Queen, My Everything
But most importantly, you are my Queen and no one could ever change my thought of you :*
We will always ALWAYS be Chera Forever ∞

You are Beautiful, Unique, Special, Good, and got the whole package of complete perfection and don't tell me that you don't believe it cos everyone else can see it and why not you? It's hurt me to see that you don't believe it Chez..I sure hope that one day, you will see what I see.

I Love you my Twinzie.
Birthday Cake for you <3
Birthday Cake for you <3
This said it all <3
This said it all <3
We're Dani Sistah <3
We're Dani Sistah <3
Don't let me...Don't Let me gooooooo
Don't let me...Don't Let me gooooooo
Damn, we look smoken!
Damn, we look smoken!
I Love you <3
I Love you <3
Chera forever Bitches <3
Chera forever Bitches <3
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added by rusher29
added by rusher29
added by rusher29
added by rusher29
added by rusher29
added by rusher29
added by rusher29
added by rusher29
added by rusher29
added by rusher29
added by rusher29
added by rusher29
added by rusher29
added by rusher29
added by rusher29
added by rusher29
added by rusher29
added by aNNalovechuck
added by aNNalovechuck