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posted by DarkStranger
So yeah, I'm back! I know who read my stories want to kill me because I didn't update like months,but I'm sorry and no I will not update those story's, maybe someday when my mind will be in emo side I will XD

Warning! This fan fiction contains a lot curse words.


I'm standing in the parking lot 30 minutes till first lesion starts and there is no one around. Which really surprised me.
I looked up into the sky which was cloudy and I felt cold breeze mixed with snow in my face. I closed my eyes and deeply breathed in. I liked the snow it felt like nothing else in entire world it's beautiful then you look at it but cold them you touch it.
I always felt that snow is part of me. When I was little I cried because I thought that snow didn't like my house thats why it disappear when I carry it inside. And every day I would carry snow to my room just to watch it disappear in my carpet and every time I felt like I lost the game and I wanted revenge. I carried snow all month, but my Mom find out and locked me in the house. But I would sit in the living room and watch the snow disappear from the ground day by day. When it was completely gone I didn't cry I turned my back to the field where month ago was snow castle and walked away promising myself that other year I will get snow i my room and it will not disappear.
I smiled of that memory. I was stubborn child, getting one but losing all. Sometimes I wondered if I have a curse or something because I always failed everyone. Even now I believe that I'm like a snowflake still in the falling, but when somebody would touch me I would disappear in their skin and leave water all around it. The problem is that I didn't try to get back into snowflake, I just waited there in someone skin to help me. But it never did.
I heard annoying noise in my left which shake me from my thoughts. My eyes find the sound blamer and that was Bella fucking Swan, my freaky biology partner. I rolled my eyes when she tried to get out of her truck mumbling something. I sighed and walked into the school.
People smiled at me when I was passing by, for unknown reason they are doing this all the time. I didn't talk to anybody expect from my family and biology partner, so that secret smile thing creped the fuck out of me many times.
I glared at the boy who stepped into my way, and smiled at me like he deserve a fucking medal for it. He tried to mask his fear, which cosed him my death glare. "Get the fuck out of my way" I hissed and passed him. Sometimes Forks annoyed me in the no fucking end, because of peoples shitty thinking. I heard snickering around me when I passed that guy, why anybody would find that shit funny? I just said him to get out of my way what's so funny here? because it is Forks I thought to myself.
My first class was biology, that was a class where I talked most. Literally most of the day. I sit in my seat and get my shit on the stool. Swan was late like always. How she can get late was not in my brains obviously. I saw her like ten minutes ago, I could ride home and here in those ten minutes, but she didn't even get to the fucking class. Something obviously wrong with her.
Five minutes later she ran in the class all flushed of ruining, silently apologizing to the teacher she sit in her seat next to me.
She was pissed it was obviously, her brown eyes was full of anger and I couldn't help but chuckle. She looked like a little kitten mad over her tale. She glared at me which cosed me hysterical laugh. I heard a loud thud which distract me ad I looked up into the teacher which was glaring at me.
"MR. Cullen could you share with us what's so funny?" he asked, his eyes silently demand to fight with him. My smile fell, now I glared at him
"Why the fuck I would do that?" I harshly asked. I saw how his eyes changed, he didn't espect this to happen. He tried to smile and get this shit like a joke but you just can't mess with Edward Cullen.
"I hope you will silent yourself Cullen others students want to study here" he said,I looked around to the people around me. One was playing game boy, other one was chatting with his friend, I even saw one girl painting her nails. Yeah people are studding "Eyes to the board peoples" teacher shrieked" I silently snickered. My head turned to the Swan which was staring at me with blank expression in her face.
"Why do you say that to the teacher?" she asked turning her head o the board. I was silent few minutes thinking of my accuse, I didn't mean to insult teacher, that was the last thought in my brain.I didn't mean to scare him either.
"I thought that he have no rights to get in my shit and demand me to say whats my problem was" I thought again and noded myself because that was the right answer. She started writing.
"So why you say so harsh those things?" she whispered, like anybody gives a flying fuck what we're talking about. I sighed turning my head to the teacher, who was writing in his journal with sick smile in his face. How could I explain what I feel when I don't know what I feel? When I come to biology class my thoughts goes crazy and everything starts to annoy me. But when Swan talks I just get all hypnotized and shit how passionate. Yeah passionate I snickered in my thoughts.
I can't help and be harsh on those who tries to interrupt our silence, talk, laugh or other thing we're doing. I bet if she find this shit out she would run into the fucking hills screaming.
"I just born this way" I said and tried to act cool. I felt her looking at me so I turned my head to her and our eyes met. And fuck her eyes are beautiful, like a chocolate and caramel all sparkling and shit how tempting. My eyes darted to her lips and I felt my breath catching in my throat when she licked them. Her lips looked so kissable in this moment that I felt my head coming closer and closer to it.
"SWAN!" I heard teacher scream, Bella's eyes shade into the horror and I felt myself going fucking angry. How dare he interrupt such a peaceful moment? I closed my eyes, breathing in sharply and turned my head to him. I opened my eyes, I felt how they fucking burned with anger.
"What?" I asked through clenched teeth. Teacher didn't looked in my way he looked to Bella with serous expression in his face
"I was asking for Swan not Cullen" he said calmly not a second looking away form Swan. I clenched my fist seeing how he eyed Bella with a fucking masochist grin playing in his lips. It wasn't good, I heard some rumors about him, he have a lot bad shit going in his life.
"Yes?" Bella's voice was so small that it fucking scared me so I darted my eyes to her afraid that she might cry, but I saw serous look on her face which didn't even go with her voice.
"Can you please stop tempting Cullen?" He asked and I literally heard him whisper 'whore'. Class was like in a fucking zoo park everybody laughed and I stared at Bella, she slowly darted her eyes to her notes, her eyes looked sad and she was almost to the tears.
And that was fucking it, he annoyed me all those damned years. He was like a rat going in my busyness with Bella. always interrupting with his fucking grin which I always wanted to rip out off his face.
"WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?" I didn't mean to yell at all, but my voice didn't mind my brains which was telling me to go low and scary. It didn't affect him, his eyes was like a fucking glued to Swan. All room felt silent, I even heard a fucking pen dropping to someones desk
"I'm, teacher Cullen what's your problem?" he just literally rip out his eyes off the Swan and glued with mine. his eyes burned into mine, and if he was trying to scare me he jumped not on that person.
"You're my fucking problem" I snapped "You can't talk with students this way" you motherfucker. He laughed, like fucking maniac and I wanted to high five his face so bad that it was taking all my strength to stop myself from doing it.
"You're in my cabinet Cullen what I want, that I do" he hissed, his laugh stopped suddenly how it began "So if you don't like it get out"
Now that hit a spot so deeply that I stand up and lowered my voice so that even I was scared for myself
"You're fucking nothing just a piece of shit if you talk this with a fucking girl" I heard gasps around me, like it was a fucking show parade or something.
"Cullen sit down o-" he started
"Don't you CULLEN me" I yelled at him "I'm not you're dump fucking student or a girl who you can order around so get a fucking thought what I'm saying because next time" I narrowed my eyes at him "i fucking stab you if you say something like that to Swan or other chick" I growled and garbed my shit which was lying on the stool placed exactly beside me. I thankfully looked at Swan, she just smiled at me softly and mouthed silent thank you.
With a smile I walked in the directors cabinet she smiled
posted by DarkStranger
He is officially my hero. No one ever said something back to MR.Banner. Ever. He liked to insult his students a lot, and I was used to it.. Okay, no I wasn't but I tried to ignore him like I haven;t heard or saw how he looks at me or talk. But what Edward did today was mind blowing. It was so wrong and so good in the same time that I didn't know what should I do when I'll see him in the director cabinet. Slap him or applause.
I didn't know why I was going to that cabinet at all. I didn't start this fight, I didn't even know why Edward was so mad at Barner so much. Is he was mad because...
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posted by WritenOnTheSand
I didn't eat. I didn't move. I just sat. And here I am, still sitting. First of all, I didn't want to eat her food. She had made tuna salad. I hate tuna salad. I always have. When my mother made a tuna steak for lunch one time, I had to lean my head all the way out the window to get rid of my stomach ache.

I look at my window, and see the moon in full view. It has to be at least midnight, maybe later.

My phone buzzes next to me and I pick it up, only to see that it's Clara.

I hesitate and then flip the phone open.


"Mon ami, Comment je vous ai manque. My friend, how I've missed...
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posted by mmourer
All credit belongs to Stephenie Meyer. This story is based on her book series the Twilight Saga.
Bella’s POV

The rest of the month went basically the same, get up, get dressed, eat, go to school, and not see Edward. After a while I got used to not seeing Edward but I couldn’t forget that it was probably my fault he never returned. I was hoping he’d come back just so I could stop worrying and blaming myself. I’d even deal with the glaring. It was raining when I got up, a good thing for me. Today was going to be a great day I hoped. When...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
New Story Twilight?N2P
It's Complicated
It's complicated, that's how Jacob would all ways start the story whenever I asked him why I was different. I looked nothing like the Black family, I didn't favor a single one of them. They all had dark hair and dark eyes while I was the complete opposite. White blonde hair and blue eyes. I could barley blend in, my hair and eyes gave away but skin was just as tan as it could be. 
I knew the story Jake was going to tell me, I asked about this a lot. But mainly at bedtime.
Every night right before bed I would ask Jacob Black "why am I different?" and every...
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posted by mmourer
All credit belongs to Stephenie Meyer. This story is based on her book series the Twilight Saga.
__________________________________________________Bella’s POV

Math went by slowly probably because everyone was staring at me, just the thing I hated. After class mike met me by the door. What’s your next class? he asked still cheerful English I answered hoping he’d have a different class I really didn’t want a puppy kind of boy the first day. O he answered I history. After that we went in opposite directions heading to our classes. English went bye surprisingly fast all we did was watch...
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posted by karpach_14
Chapter 22
My mother was laughing with my aunt alice, grandma esme, and aunt Rosalie. Uncle Emmett, and uncle jasper were watching tv (what a surprise).. my grandfather was talking to my father andSvetlana was just listening. Emily was talking with Sky. And I was talking with Ivan.
“- we’ll get married, move to a huge house, and live happily ever after” he told me, planning our future. I laughed.
“no kids. No pets?” I asked him
“im not really a fan of kids” he admitted, and I smacked him. and accidentally hit my broken arm.
“ouch”I said quietly.
“careful ness” Ivan told me
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posted by karpach_14
Chapter 15

“relax” Ivan told me. I looked at him confused I was late for school not for a party or something.
“ur aunt alice and the rest of ur family is coming over to tell you something” he toold me.
“oh, them ima get dressed and eat some breakfast” I tol him I got an outfir. Since it was sunny I wore a mini skirt and a t shirt I went downstairs to make myself some breakfast but I went through the spells that my mother wrote down for me. Some of them were really good like trap someone in a room or make someone agree with u for six hours, but then she wrote use these spells carefully...
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posted by karpach_14
Chapter 3
I sneaked out of my house without anyone noticing me, this is actually the first time I didn’t get caught . I got in my car and drove off to Eric’s house. I drove 10 minutes and finally arrives there. Eric was standing (almost sleeping) by his porch. I got out of the car and went to him.
“geez renesmee couldn’t we talk in the morning?” he asked me
“call me nessie, and no we couldn’t talk in the morning its going to be too late, remember im leaving isle esme?” I asked him
“yeahhh” he lied
“sure… whatever. I don’t want to go there now and I think to too late to...
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posted by Hellohoudini
Paramore Loses Two Members
Posted Sun Dec 19, 2010 12:03pm PST by Mike Krumboltz in Stop The Presses!

Pop-punk group Paramore is losing two of its founding members. The band announced that guitarist Josh Farro and drummer Zac Farro are leaving.

The announcement led to a lot of noise on the Web. Almost immediately, Web searches for "paramore breakup" and "paramore band splits" surged into breakout status.

The band posted a statement on its official site confirming that the split had been in the works for some time.

"A couple of months ago, Josh and Zac let us know they would be leaving the band...
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posted by karpach_14
Chapter 2
In the morning my aunt came in all happy and started dressing me
But I didn’t feel happy or excited to go to school. My aunt dressed me up into a beautiful dress and high high heels
I arrived at school and everyone was looking at me. I hate d the attention. Eric walked up to me. I tried to ignore him, but he grabbed my hand and held me tight and closae to him.
“let go” I told him calmly.
“ I love you” he said
“and I cant do anything about it now let go” I told him still calmly. He stopped and I had to stop too cuz he was holding my hand really tight. “renesmee” he said...
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Hey guys,this is my first time I write this story,so I hope you'll like it:)

Edward's POV

Everything was going just like Alice predicted:Bella would wear beautiful white wedding dress with two blue hair-pin in her chocolate brown hair and she would be breathtaking true all the ceremony.I was really exited and just couldn't wait to get married with the girl that I was waiting for almost an century!Bella was the One for me,I always knew that and even true all those things that we went true,I never doubt about that.She completed me I every single way and without her,I wouldn't exist anymore.

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posted by uniquezandy
What just happened? Did I tell my master I was in love with him? Did I? If only I had more sleep. That night I remembered:love, pain and ending with love again. I just didn't understand how a ball could bring out a lot of emotions. Today i am relieved, because it's Monday and that evil witch Tanya is getting fired. I am glad.
All of us assembled in the hall were Edward gave his speech. "Few of you knew the incident that happened at the ball. And for that, Tanya like I said; you are fired. Leave before midday or I'll get the guards to escort you out!" He informed. This was serious; but...
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posted by fayerox16
ok so here are a few rumors i heard over the course of the months after Eclipse came out,about Breaking Dawn.
the first rumor is that Breaking Dawn will be rated R. ok people i can officially confirm that this is not true.Breaking Dawn will be rated PG-13.
the second rumor is that Zac Efron will be starring in Breaking Dawn. absolutely not, Zac Efron is sticking to his High School Musical stuff. good boy.
third rumor, is that Justin Bieber is going to be in the film for thirty seconds...nice try must be thinking of men in black where M.J was on screen for 30 seconds.
finally,that Bella is getting replaced. ok girls, as MUCH as we wish this rumor was's not.i know i know. we would ALL love for kristen stewart to get replaced.sorry, maybe next time.
posted by KatiiCullen94
I've known who ive been becoming my whole life, and my whole life, ive been in love with her. I think shes the one, my imprinted parnter, she has to be, everythigs there and waitting, shes perfect.
Bella, is my one. My soulmate, only time will secure her as mine forever. She not loves of me. BUt im not afraid or hurt by that, because it will change because of the magic growing in me. There will be no denying it on her behalf once ive been throught the phase that waits unexpectedly. She holds my hands and calls her best friend, but the see the more in her eyes. Im sort of beautiful to her, but...
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posted by Hellohoudini
(Twilight Lexion Nov 22 2001)

Muse won an American Music Award as the best alternative rock artist. You can see their video from the Eclipse soundtrack of Neutron Star Collision here. Unfortunately the Eclipse soundtrack did not win. It was beaten out of an award by the Glee soundtrack.


I've read that alot of people loved the Eclispe be honest I dont even remember any of the songs on it! Now the Twilight soundtrack and the New Moon soundtrack I know by heart....I feel quilty that I dont feel the same about the Eclipse sountrack...but congrats to Muse!
posted by LexisFaith

"All I can tell you is what I think about her." Carlisle told me.

I nodded for him to go on.

He sighed and leaned foward, folding his hands on his desk. "I think that Bella is the strongest woman, besides your mother, I have ever met. She's twenty-two years old and has been working here for two years. She graduated highschool at 16 and a few weeks after she graduated she had a son who's father died a week before he was born. Killed by a drunk driver.

"She raised him on her own with the help of her brother Emmett, who is our x-ray tech, her father...
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posted by uniquezandy
Bellas POV
"Romeo take me somewhere we can be alone, I'll be waiting all thats left to do is run..." I sang the Taylor swift song. I feel very loved up right now, that I didn't know I had an audience. "So you would wait for me; for a long time? Nice voice as well." He teased and laughed. That was embarrasing. I was in my room, singing a song, then out of no where, my boyfriend appears and jokes with me. He ran up to me where we so close together, when I was blushing really madly. "How did you-?" I started to question. He smiled and spoke ever so sweetly. "Part, of being a vampire, you have...
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posted by teamalice_0
AN: I’m writing again, I got this story in my head and it seems interesting to me. I hope you guys like it, if I get enough comments and if you guys say you like it I will continue it;


When I was about 8, right before my mother left me and my dad, she sat me down in my room and told me something.I want you to remember everything you see around you, colors, people, everything you possibly can. Your life will change and that will come in handy. Goodbye Isabella. at the time she told me this I didn’t understand what she meant by...
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posted by uniquezandy
Bellas POV
Weeks passed; and love was in the air for Edward and I. We went to theatre trips, took horse and carriges ride together. I think he could be the one for me. It's not like I need to go through more men. That stopped after the ball. Eventhough, it wasn't exactly how I pictured it, still Cinderella got her Prince Charming. Today Edward took me to the beautiful park we went to when we first met. It was so romantic. We stopped at a blossom tree and he picked a rose for me. There was no need to tell me how he felt, about me. It's a romantic traddition in this century, that if your lover...
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posted by uniquezandy
Bellas POV
"Where is Edward?" The Voltori shouted. Why should I give up on him. I am being held here, (in Italy,) And the Voltori are holding me captive. "Where is he?" Aro creeply asked. I never thought, he has got so much madness in him. "I'll never tell not in a million years. Not in a billion years." I shouted. Knowing, them they will torture me, till I give up. "You know Bella, you are still human, and all it takes to kill you is one accidental; slip to the throat ." Marcus warned. I could feel his breath on my slender throat. "Over my dead body." I said. Jane, (being Jane,) wanted to...
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