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So I entered this one shot in for the A Christmas to Remember Contest, there were some problems, which once got fixed,the deadline was up.
I'm allowed to post here. This a All Human & Alternative Universe Fanfic.

A big thanks to Cesca & link

PenName: Soulless Monster
Title: Silken Time
Rating: T
Summary: An adopted child spends Christmas with his family, a story of his different Christmases.
Pairing: Edward & Bella

Silken Time

Age: A few months old. Dec-25

“Maybe we should get her.” a hushed voice whispered.

“Darling, she’s sweet.” the man gazed fondly at the girl that his wife had chosen.

The orphanage was full of children all soundly sleeping. The man’s gaze swept the room carefully. He wanted to change all these luckless children’s lives but there was only so much he could do.

A sudden movement caught his eye. It was baby who had moved his fist only for a mere second, but the look on his face showed it was having a nightmare.

The man rushed to child and picked it up in a rush of emotion. Slowly, he patted its head and stroked back.

The child calmed down immediately and was soundly asleep on the top of the man’s chest; his tiny fingers clamped on the man’s shirt.

All this while, the woman was gazing proudly at her husband. She realised that this was the child she was destined to have.

“Carlisle sweetheart,” she said softly, “he’s perfect.”

The adoption papers were signed to Carlisle and his wife, Esme, who took their child home.

Carlisle was one of those men who showed emotion; he was very comfortable with expressing his feelings. Right now, he was beaming with joy at his new son.

Slowly the adults crept into their comfortable house, in order to not wake their other children who were restlessly sleeping in their beds. Carlisle paid the nanny and bid her a goodbye.

Slowly they crept into their other children’s room, where their eldest son Emmett was stirring in his sleep. Carlisle softly used his hand to smooth his head with a small smile on his face.

That was all it took to wake Emmett up; he slowly stretched his arms and legs and yawned.

“Daddy,” he whispered.

Carlisle’s heart swelled at the thought. Like their new child, Emmett had been adopted and to be acknowledged as parental figure to Emmett made him happy.
Emmett stood up suddenly; he had a tall and plumper figure for a five year old. His curly brown hair sat as a mop on his head, his brown eyes glinted with happiness.

He launched himself at Carlisle for a big hug which Carlisle returned with a big laugh.

Esme watched them from the door with a big smile on her face as she rocked the child, called Edward, to and fro in her arms.

“Happy Christmas daddy, do I get to open the presents now?” An excited Emmett squealed.

This time, Esme laughed her melodious laugh which made their other son Jasper, who was sleeping on the bed across from Emmett, to wake up.

“Mommy,” both of the boys cried.

“Happy Christmas my darlings we have a new family member,” she pointed at the little (now sleeping) baby.

Jasper and Emmett looked at her in wonder. Emmett, being the bold one asked her, “Who is it mommy?”

“Sweetie, this is your new brother.” their mom replied softly slowly sitting down on Jasper’s, now messy, bed.

Both boys clambered on the bed, their faces full of awe.

“He’s pretty.” Emmett said struggling to be nice.

This caused both parents to laugh out loud. Jasper, on the other hand, shook his head, where strong blonde hair was growing. He felt scared.

Esme sensed her must of child’s emotion because she suddenly looked at Jasper, “Sweetie, are you okay?”

“Does ‘is mmeann ‘e iz da small’r n’ I’m no love?” Jasper sniffed. Carlisle sensed the feeling going through his young child and slowly bent down on one knee to face him.

“Jasper,” he said quietly, “you will always be loved. Forever. You’ll always be one of my children here.” He pointed to his heart.

“Mphf, okay.” Jasper sniffed again.

That night was a pleasant one; the family got used to the new member and strong bonds were made.

Age: Teenage Years. Dec-25

Edward was happy, he had his first girlfriend and today she was joining them for Christmas Dinner.

Everybody knew she was the prettiest girl in school and he was lucky to have her.

He tapped his foot nervously on the side of his bed while running his hand through his hair. A sudden a knock on door caused his heart rate to fly. He heard murmured voices downstairs and some kissing noises. Obviously, it was Emmett and his long-time girlfriend Rosalie.

Ever since Emmett had met Rosalie, it felt like he had become a changed person; Edward actually preferred this new Emmett.

Edward glanced at this clock it was six-thirty pm; he suppressed a sigh.

Many thoughts ran through his head like: Will she come? Is she okay? God, please don't let anything happen to her.

He decided that he had waited long enough and walked downstairs, prodding each step with care.

Esme watched the unhappy expression on her child's face; she was heartbroken to see him like that.

"Edward, she'll be here soon." she said softly.

"Hopefully she won't stand me up." he muttered.

As if those words were catalyst, there was another loud knock on the door.

Edward rushed to open it. There stood his perfect angel.

She looked beautiful. Her brown tresses sprinkled with snow, flowing in curls down to her shoulder. Her brown eyes glowing with excitement, her small body clothed with a heavy sweater and coat.

He picked her up, not caring if they were in company of both of their parents, and pressed a sweet, loving kiss on her lips.

She looked at him confused after the kiss. And he pointed to the door where a branch of mistletoe hung.

Grinning, she hugged him a long, enthusiastic hug.

Slowly they made their way to the dining table where the other families sat.

“Finally!” Emmett boomed. “I thought you two were going to be outside forever.”

“Well we are sorry Emmett,” Edward replied.

“Nah! It’s no problem bro.”

Edward and his girlfriend, Bella, sat down so did both of their parents.

“Well everybody, let us start off with a prayer,” Esme said, “Heavenly Father, Thank you for sending your Son, Jesus, to earth. We not only celebrate His birth in the manger, but also the reason for His coming -- His death on the cross. We thank you for providing eternal life for each person who will accept His free gift of salvation. Amen.”

Everybody bowed their heads as Esme’s calm voice spoke through the silence.

“Amen,” came a chorus of voices.

“Okay everybody let’s eat!” Emmett spoke up again. There were some chuckles at the table as everyone started reaching out for food.

Everybody’s families were here. Emmett’s girlfriend, Rosalie, was there with her mom and dad who were like her with blond and long body stature. Whereas Jasper’s girlfriend, Alice, who was there with her mom, dad and little sister. In that family’s case they were all small and perky, even Alice’s father who only reached around 5’10.

Bella’s family were mediocre. Her father was a medium built man and her mom was a little longer and more spindly.

~Few hours later ~

"I would’ve thought you wouldn't want anything to do with me." Edward whispered softly as he placed them on his bed slowly.

Bella looked up and started intently in his face before replying, “Edward your past does not matter. I don't care if your dad was a drug dealer or your mom was a prostitute. I . Love. You."

He hugged her closer he never knew how got himself such a perfect angel. They lay there cocooned in each other in comfortable silence.

That's where their parents found them.

"She's welcome to stay here,” Esme said softly. “It would better for them to you know, sort out their problems."

"If you’re absolutely sure." Bella’s father, Charlie, said after a minute of silence.

“We are sure,” Carlisle replied.

“Okay great, we will see you soon.”

The men exchanged handshakes and the women hugged.


Age: Twenties. Dec-25

He was late again.

Bella sighed. It had became a regular pattern in their life. She knew him being a doctor meant he would work late shifts but every day? She did not suspect.

Each day was the same. He never came at the promised time. And when he did come, much later, they ate their dinner in absolute silence.

No loving exchanges were to be expected. She didn't know the last time they kissed or even the last time he told her an 'I love you.'

Bella knew better than jealousy, but his close relationship with his nurse bugged her. She saw the way the Tanya looked at him. He would always laugh at her pathetic attempts at jokes or he would sweet-talk to her.

Each time she saw that, her heart would have a little burn. It was painful but she swallowed her guilt like a good girlfriend.

Her stomach churned at the thought. She stumbled her way to the toilet where she vomited horribly.

Slowly Bella washed her face in the sink. She wanted to cry but she had to keep her composure. There were going to be guests coming soon.

She moved out of the toilet slowly when she saw the date on the calendar for some reason it seemed to stick out.

Staring at intently she realised her period was two whole months late! She knew she had an irregular pattern but how she had not realised was crazy.

There was one thing running through her mind...pregnancy.

She stifled through the drawers until she found two pregnancy tests both of them valid.

She drank a couple of glasses of water and soon enough she was bursting for the toilet.

"Come on," Bella muttered to herself as she waited for the second test. The first one had shown positive and she was now anxiously waiting for the second one.

Surely enough, another pink plus sign appeared. Her breath stopped. Unintentionally, her hand slipped to her stomach.

Shakily, she dialled her boyfriend's number again.

"The number you have dialled is busy at the moment. Please try your call later." the phone spoke.

Anger boiled within her and in a rush of motion she threw the phone at the wall. "FUCKING ASSHOLE!" she screamed.

Almost instantly sobs wrecked through her body. She was worried. Thousands of possibilities went through her mind. What if he didn't want the baby? Would he leave her?

"Oh God, Oh God. Why can't he just answer the damn phone?" she thought.

She was so wrapped up in herself that she did not realise he had returned home.

Only until strong arms wrapped around her, she had missed the comfort they gave her.

He swung his arms underneath her legs and carried them both over to the couch.

She fisted his shirt; not daring to let go as he rocked them back and forth. His hand was stroking her hair.

Bella had missed this comfort. How long she would get it for, she did not know. So instead, she prolonged the moment by inhaling his sweet scent.

Edward smiled softly. He knew when Bella was scared she would bury her nose in him. Supposedly his smell was comforting.

What was wrong with her? Was what the thing he had to figure out.He hadn't suspected anything strange in the past few days but then again he had been busy.

She sniffed once more and straightened her posture on his lap. Her deep brown eyes prodded him, for what he didn't understand.

Bella looked at her boyfriend figuring out the best way to tell him. This was the closest they had gotten physically for what seemed like years instead of months.

"You’re early." she blurted the first thing that came to her.

He scratched his neck. "Uh yeah, Alice and Jasper are coming that's why."

'So he didn't come home for me, it's just a formality.’ Bella thought.

Having the sudden urge to vomit, she stumbled to the bathroom and spilt it out messily.

She didn't see Edward come in to stroke her back and help her wash her face.

"Is everything okay?" he asked.

"Yeah." she quickly muttered not wanting to look at him. She rushed out of the bathroom after wiping her face.

Bella sat on her bed staring at all the loving photos of her and Edward when the door opened.

"What the hell is up with you?" his tone was laced with anger.

The comment made all of Bella's feelings pour out. "What the hell is wrong with me? You have the nerve to say that! What the fucking hell is up with you eh? How many times I wait for you even though you’re three hours late or I wake up and make breakfast and you ignore it.

”You never kiss me or even hug me. I can't even remember the last time you told me you loved me," Sobs broke through her but she continued this time her voice quieter,

"I used to go to the see...give you a surprise... every day I saw you and her so happy. You used to laugh with her and make jokes. I felt, I felt as if I wasn't trying hard enough...I brought new clothes, had a haircut you never even noticed."

She dropped herself onto the ground her knees sinking into the red plush carpet. Bella waited for his reaction. Now was the point where he told her he didn't love her and was much happier without.

She would let him go because it wasn't her place to keep him. If he was in love, then he should be with it.

He still hadn't responded and she was afraid to gauge his reaction. The phone rang at that moment disturbing the awkward silence. Edward walked out to the room slowly. His breaths were uneven.

Bella could hear murmurs from where she was kneeling, just bits of conversations from Edwards side.

"I have a problem here too."

"I'll have to sort out won't I?"

"I love you too."

All through the conversation she was hoping it was someone else other than who she suspected but when Edward said "I love you" there was nothing left.

Her movements were careful, like an old person she moved.

Gathering her stuff she methodically packed a spare suitcase.

She looked around the room. Her memories were like ripped paper flying everywhere.

She smiled. The smile not quite reaching her eyes.

She remembered when they had first chosen the apartment; it was because of this bedroom. He had said it was "perfect for them" now it seemed not so much.

"What are you doing?" his voice cut through the still air.


"Why?" he said.

"I know when I am not wanted."

"That’s bullshit. You know I can't live without you."

"Well you have a great way of showing it."

Bella glared at Edward finally showing some emotion other than the pathetic sadness she had stifled inside her.

"Bella really? You know you’re the only one. The person that showed me my past doesn't matter and I can love anyone."

"Edward," she sighed. “I know I helped but that doesn't mean you always have to love me. You can love whoever you wish. I promise you won't have to worry about me. I won't sue you for child benefits ..."

She clamped a hand over her mouth when she released she hadn't told him yet.

"We...we...are having baby?"

"Yes?" she squeaked.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Would it really have mattered? Today would have been the same, and for your information I only found out today. Happy?"

Bella moved the suitcase off the bed and onto the floor. Her last response was teenager-like but she didn't care.

She shuffled along her floor pulling her suitcase behind her.

Before she could open the door Edward was there.

"You’re not going. At least not in this weather," he replied. "If something happens to you..."

His brow creased at the thought.

"Don't worry about me, I'll be fine."

"I'm not letting you endanger your life. You can go tomorrow."

There was final ring to the tone of his voice.

She dropped her suitcase. “So what am I meant to do now?"

"Talk to me. Alice and Jasper just cancelled on the phone so we have time."

"That was Alice?"

"Yes. Or more her daughter Ashley."

Hope began to rise in her chest at least it wasn't woman he had said "I love you" to. It was just eight year old kid.

"Great." she muttered and made her way to the guest room.

"Why are you going there? Our bedroom is over there." he said pointedly.

“Your bedroom you mean.”

“No ours and it always will be. First of all I am not cheating on you. I wanted to do this properly, well now stuff it.”

He strode to the chest in the leaving room and brought out a black box. Slowly he approached her.

“I know exactly what’s been going in these past few months. To be honest, I hated seeing you like that. I did see the new haircut and clothes but I really didn’t like them on you. I was testing to see if you would love me after what I put you through.”

Her face was contorted in anger. He read the expression and indicated using his hands he was going to say more.

“So now that I have more faith in you than ever. Will you, Isabella Marie Swan, do the honour of marrying me?”

A wide grin broke out on her face as she looked down on his form kneeling on the carpet.

“Yes.” she whispered.

Edward smiled and slipped the ring on her hand. It was small and delicate but special for them.

He enveloped her in his arms giving her a warm hug.

“Best Christmas present ever.” he muttered.

“Christmas is tomorrow honey.” she reminded him.


Age: Old & Grey.Dec-25

“Nessie, be sure to visit soon.” Edward murmured to his daughter.

Renesmee, who was nicknamed Nessie, smiled at her dad.

“Sure will,” she replied. “Come on Mackenzie we have to go.”

Nahuel, her husband, shook hands with Edward and bent down to retrieve his two-year old daughter who was playing on the floor with play-dough.

“Come on Mackenzie,” he coaxed like his wife. “We have to go. Say goodbye to grandma and grandpa.”

“Byeee gwannma bye bye gwndpa,” she recited.

Edward gave her a kiss and a big hug. “Be sure to visit soon Kenzie.” he whispered.

Bella came out at that moment from the kitchen. She was counting her steps quietly. When she approached Mackenzie ,with Edward, she also gave her a big hug.

“See you soon.” she said softly.

Edward and Bella bade their children a goodbye before walking into their house.

Once they were out of sight, Edward gently guided Bella back a few steps before kissing her softly.

“Mistletoe.” she whispered.

“How do you know?” he asked.

“I may be blind Edward, but I know you like to keep Christmas traditional.”

“Hmm…Merry Christmas.”

“Merry Christmas to you too.”

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posted by sapherequeen
I became very interested in astrology and natal charts after discovering the website, "Always Astrology" not too long ago. Ever since, I've been doing everyone's natal charts xD

So far, I've done one chart for a character. But I had just done Edward's now. So here it is, in case anyone is interested. :)

Edward Cullen's Natal Chart

Edward Cullen was born on June 20th, 1901 in Chicago, Illinois.

Sun in Gemini

You are expressive, lively, adaptable, quick-witted, humorous, sparkling, playful, sociable, clever, curious, whimsical, independent, polyvalent, brainy, flexible, ingenious, imaginative, charming,...
continue reading...
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