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posted by team_edward_
Chapter Two-Death

“What the hell do you want?” He looked straight ahead as I drove a good 60 miles over the speed limit “Do you have to drive so fast? And I just wanted to see if you had a good first day at your new school. So did you have a good day?” Why do people ask me so many questions? “Not until the start of lunch. Then I called you as you know and then I sat with the Cullen`s and then the rest of my day was wonderful.” I bite my lip remembering what had happened before trigonometry. “Why did the rest of the day go so wonderful?” UH! “God what is it with you and everyone asking me questions can`t you just nod say ok and shut up about it!.....Sorry just everyone ask me questions and I’m happy and I hate questions.” “It`s fine Bella, your dad wants you to call him he said not to tell you until you were on your way home that he`s gone to get your mom and Phil from the airport and he wants you to call him.”I was sorry for yelling at him like that but I hate when people ask me questions it`s like they know what I am and want me to say it. “Want me to drive you home?”He smiled and I drove to his place.

After dropping Jacob off I started home. About half way there I pulled out my phone and called Charlie.”Hello Bells. Did Jacob tell you where I went?” “Yes I can`t believe moms coming down is she with you?” I heard her laugh and tell him to put it on speaker phone. “Hey baby me and Phil wanted to see you before we moved so I got us plane tickets and your dads driving us there now! OH and I`m taking you out for dinner so don’t eat. OK?” I laughed “OK I`m almost home I need to shower and get changed. I love all of yous even you Phil. Bye.” Everyone said by and I turned my phone off. I got in the shower and turned my phone back on. 3 text and 2 voice mail. Who would call and text me that many times? I called the number back.”Hello? Oh my god Bella! Are you ok did you go with your dad?” How did she know? “No Alice I didn`t there on they`re way home I can`t wait to see them!!!!” I heard her start to sob into the phone and in the background I could Jasper trying to calm her down. “Alice what`s wrong? Tell me please, you’re scaring me!” Next I heard Edward “Bella please don’t move we`ll be right there.” Then the phone went dead.

I waited 5 minutes before the silver Volvo pulled up to my house. Alice ran up to me and hugged me then went back to Jasper who tried again to get her to stop sobbing into his chest. My phone rang and I ran to answer it. “Hello?” The man on the end sounded like he was crying “Hello Bella, I sorry I have to be the one to tell you but, your father was driving home with your mother and her new husband when a deer appeared on the road. Your father swerved the car but it hit a tree. He and your mother died instantly and Phil died on the way to the hospital. Once again I`m very sorry.” I hung up the phone and fell to the ground crying tearlessly into my hands.
“Come on.” Edward picked me up and brought me to the couch. I was still crying when I noticed two people I never met standing at the door. “Oh honey are you ok?” I looked at her and nodded “Oh sorry, I`m Esme. And that is Carlisle. We`re Edward and their foster parents. How do you feel? Alice told us as soon as she had the vision and got off the phone with you.” She pointed to the rest of the Cullen`s after introducing her and her husband. “I think I`ll live but I can`t get over that now I have no family.” After saying this I broke into a whole new wave of tearless sobs. Edward pulled me into a hug and Esme took my hand. Alice pulled me into a hug and Rosalie rubbed circles on my back. Then they got up and bolted up the stairs. “Where they going?” Esme gave me a weak smile “Honey you`re going to come stay with us for awhile. You`re only 17 so when you`re ‘supposed’ to turn 18 then you can leave or stay with us. OK?” She wanted me to stay with them? Why they don`t even know me. “I don`t want to impose. I mean a year isn`t a long time but I would hate yous to feel uncomfortable.” Esme rolled her eyes “Honey trust me you`re not imposing, and I think Alice needs a new Barbie, Rosalie’s about to snap. We have a good 4 extra rooms. So what do you say Bella will you stay with us.” I got up and hugged Esme “Thank you.” I turned around to see Alice standing at the door. “Me and Bella will take her truck. Come on.” She grabbed my arm and pulled me to my truck.

After a 10 minute drive going well over the speed limit we pulled up to a large house surrounded by a beautiful green forest. “Wow, it`s amazing Alice.” She let out a small half laugh half sob. “I know right. Esme has a nice room picked out for you I’m sure you`ll like it.” I smiled. Esme ran to my truck and grabbed my hand. She pulled me into a huge room on the third floor. I opened the door and looked around. There was a huge window that covered the whole wall. “Wow it`s beautiful.” She smiled. “I know, Edwards’s rooms just like this but one of his walls has music covering every inch of it.” I smiled at her and she turned to leave.


It had been five days and I didn`t cry much after the first day. Esme walked in my room while I was working on a paper due whenever I went back to school. “Alice is taking you shopping so she can get you settled in and she said you`re going to need a black dress for the funeral. She wants you to hurry up so you can get going.”I smiled and she left. I changed my outfit and went down the stairs I went up. Alice was waiting at the door with Jasper and Edward. “Their coming to carry bags. Trust me we`ll need all the help we can get if that`s how you dress.” I looked at her and then the boy`s “Is she always like this?” She rolled her eyes “The boys are going to follow in Edwards car we`re taking mine!”

I followed her outside and then into the garage. Edward and Jasper got into his Volvo and I followed Alice to a yellow porch “This is your car? Holy god!” She started smiling “I know.”

We drove for an hour to a store in Seattle that took up about a block. “Big enough store?” She shook her head no.”We only have a couple hours so we`ll do the whole 2nd floor then well go back down to the 1st floor for shoes and bags! OK?”

She grabbed my hand before I could protest and dragged me to the nearest store. Hmmm time to talk to Edward. ‘Hello, why is she doing this. I have a paper to finish.’ I looked at him over my shoulder Hello Bella, she`s only doing this cause she doesn`t like the way you dress and if you need help with your paper I’ll help.’ I slowed my walk so I was beside Edward and Jasper went ahead to catch up with Alice. I stood with him for a minute before Alice handed me a pile of clothes and pushed me into the change room. ’I`m going back to school tomorrow. Thanks but no thanks I need to get through high school at least once on my own. Uh I hate pink.’ He started laughing “Hey shut up. Alice do they have this in blue?” I came out of the change room everything else was nice and fit well. “Same size but I got you it in blue.” She handed me it then took the clothes and went to pay for it. “So are you sure you want to go back so soon? I mean it`s been a week but are you ready to have all those people asking you if you`re ok and stuff?” I rolled my eyes “I think I`ll be ok, but I wanted to know if you`ll come with me tonight. I`m going hunting.” I looked at him which I think may have been a bad idea on my part cause when he smiled at me I almost fell over. “I would love to go with you. Alice is going to kill us if we don`t hurry up and get to the cars.” I started laughing and then running. It wasn’t super human speed but I was going pretty fast. We got to Alice pretty fast. “Bella you ride with Edward I want to be with Jasper.” She bite her lip and he slipped his arms around her waist. “Ok that`s fine.” I walked over to Edward. “Let`s go.” We got into his car and we drove off after Alice.

“Oh my god you and Edward are going hunting. When did you decide on this I mean I didn`t see you asking at all!” I looked at Alice “I`m not sure why I did I just wanted to so I did. And now I`m nervous!” She grabbed my hands “Don`t be just go shower and then get dressed then come see me and Rose to do your hair and make-up.” She pushed me into the bathroom and walked away. I got into the shower and washed my hair. The water was so hot I didn`t want to get out. Alice came and knocked on the door. “Hurry the hell up Bella.” I rolled my eyes “Fine” I yelled and got out.

Now I know what Esme meant but ‘Barbie’ Alice and Rosalie stood over me and did my hair make-up and got me dressed. I had a blue top with a very low neck line (a little too low if you ask me) with navy blue jeans. Alice put a tan eye-shadow on me and some lip-gloss. Rose put my hair back in a pony-tail. I looked awesome but I was hunting not going out for dinner.

I walked down the stairs. Edward was standing at the door waiting for me. “Hello, I love that colour on you.” I looked down at my shirt. “Hey and thanks.” He looked fantastic too but I didn’t tell him that.

Hunting was fun and successful. We talked through our minds and when we were walking back to his car I figured it out. I love him. I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned around. “You love me?”
posted by groovychicklisa
."I've been wanting to ask you out all week, and Alice being Alice, of course figured that out. Disadvantage of having a twin." A smile twitched on his lips. "And then she pulled this. I'm sorry that she ambushed you."I had to contemplate what he had just said for a moment before I could say anything."You wanted to ask me out?" I eventually managed to get out."Well, yeah." He finally looked at me again. "I thought that was obvious.""Definitely not.""It was to Alice." He chuckled. "But then again, she knows me better than anyone." He looked down the street in the direction that Alice and Jasper...
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posted by JBDisneyDemi
10. Tell him he looks like a creepy stalker rapist.

9. Inform him, as politely as possible, that he has grizzly in his teeth.

8. Ask who wears the pants in his relationship.

7. Try to stab him through the heart with a stake.

6. Tell him brawn is out, scrawn is in.

5. Inquires as to how he feels to be the least-liked Cullen male.

4. When he is around, wonder aloud what Rosalie calls him in bed.

3. Ask if he is overcompensating for something with that Jeep.

2. Ask if he is overcompensating for something with those muscles..

And the Number One way to annoy Emmett Cullen?

1. When he denies the above two claims, respond with “That’s not what Rosalie saaaaaid!”
posted by DestinyGirl
Well, here you go, Edward's P.O.V!!!:D

4. First Sight

*Edward's P.O.V

It was the first day of school. Again. Hopefully this year——our last year in Forks High School——will be just a little more interesting than our last two years, but why hope? Nothing interesting was going to happen here——high school of all places.

I heard that there were at least three new students this year. Alice thought nonchalantly as she stared out the window.

I rolled my eyes——more than half of the school population were thinking about the new 'hot kids.' I was slightly surprised to find them thinking of them...
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posted by Summer_Leanne
Hi again, everyone! After three long and busy days, I've finally finished chp. 20 :D thank you so much for reading and all your sweet comments on my last post! I hope you all enjoy this one. Much love, as always, to each and every one of you all, from me!
Love and War
Alice ran to embrace Summer, who was sitting on the floor of the living room in tears. She had no words to comfort her, but, thankfully, Jake did. Carlisle told him the news, and as soon as he told Sam, he came bursting into the Cullens’ home in a matter of minutes. He saw Summer...
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posted by Tatti
Hi guys, sorry that I haven’t post anything in a while, but I hope you’ll forgive me:D I’ve got some unexpected things popped to myself too so I’ve decided to end this story sooner than I planned. Thanks to all who followed and commented it, I really really appreciate that.


11th chapter Ending


“So there are more like you with Volturi?” Edward asked in shock, I guess my face was a bit shocked too. Jalley just nodded.
“There are six of us. The bad news that the rest of them, differently from us, are very satisfied with their lives in Volterra.”
“But why it should be a problem,...
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Rosalie’s P.O.V:
I couldn’t believe they were making me come along with them to bail out the stupidest people in the world. Carlisle drove by Bella’s house, past the diner, and to the station. On the door their was a sign with please come back later. I sighed fakely and said, “Oh well, we’ll just have to go home.” Emmett looked over at me and rolled his eyes. Carlisle looked over at Esme, who was sitting in the front seat, “Es, should we call in?” Esme smiled, “Sure, darling, after all they are our children. And daughter-in-law.” “I couldn’t have said it any better my...
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posted by daja625
I'm so sorry it took me so long I had a little trouble with my thoughts. Please comment and tell me what you think. Enjoy

Chapter 4
“You will have to more to love” I said looking down and robbing my stomach. He was confused at first then he realized what I meat and said “your pregnant” whispered with a soft kiss and I nodded. Then Rosalie stepped out with a horrid facial expiration “but how”? She asked then I unwound my fingers from Edward and smiled. “Be cause I’m half human for the time being like Jasper wanes was” I said they all looked at Jasper. Jasper was mad know “Bella”...
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posted by twilight_james
This story is also avaible on under the same name.
The only chapter from Edward's POV.
Disclaimer-You recognize, I don't own. Simple. Anything else=mine

I didn’t know how long it had been, since I had committed the atrocious deed. All I knew was that my chest had been carved open, and someone had wrenched my heart out. The pain was washing over my body in waves, each one worse than the last, each one dragging me further into my personal hell.
I heard a car come up the driveway. My hands clenched around the floorboards, ripping some of the up in the process, as my screams continued...
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posted by DestinyGirl
Thx for all of the awesome comments! I hope I don't let you down on this one, it's one of my favorite chapters because it really starts things! And now... Starlight!:D

Disclaimer: Twilight does not belong to me! But I do own Kyle and Annie!XD

3. The Connection

met up with my brother and sister at the lunchroom doors after classes.

"Finally! Now we won't be able to get a table of our own!" Annie complained as she led us into the heavy populated lunch gathering for humans.

"Sorry," I mumbled as we each picked up a tray of food. It was pizza——something I've eaten only one time before.

"Hmm . ....
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posted by KatiiCullen94
"Hey, dad, I'm going to the Blacks to see jacob after school, do you think you can organise your own dinner?," i asked when in my rush down the stairs. I was running late for school again.
I hope that charlie understand that when i said organise, i mean order pizza not cook, i want to come home to a house, not ash.
"Ok Bells, One cheese pizza should be enough" he snickered. Charlie had been given days off from work lately, for his back. He fell while taking out the trash. It was then when i realised that my clunsiness was in fact gene related.
i scuffed over to his side, struggling to get on my...
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posted by basketballstar
Another short story, written from Edward's point of view. It's based mainly on Twilight, the first book of the saga. In comparison to "Alice" (previously posted), it's not quite as good. It's different, as the Edward - Emmett 'relationship' is difficult to explain. Please comment and tell me what you think!!

Emmett had never been, exactly, a tactful person. So my “love life”, as he referred to it, was a difficult subject for him to talk about without seeming a jerk.

I was sitting in my room, reading, when Emmett wandered in, a pained expression on his face. His thoughts were...
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posted by 1TeamEdwardFan
Hey guys sorry its been awhile since I have written its finally the holidays for me! Yay, 2 weeks off but of course its the first day of the holidays and I'm sick :( Anyway Please tell me if there is anything I can help to make my story better. Because its been so long i tried to make this one longer, but i'm not sure if I did though. Hope you everyone enjoy's and Please comment!

Tash's POV

Bella seemed kind of embarrassed that I knew her whole life since she moved to Forks, and to me she also seemed annoyed too. But who wouldn't be annoyed in a situation like this? I mean being taken from you're...
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Hello, My Name Is: Death
Volume Six
    I followed him into the lab room, and realized Tabra and the body was gone. There was a note in his place. I walked to it, picked it up, and read it out loud.
    "I called 911. They are on their way to help you guys out. Jerek, you need to tell them about the phone call, that's all. I'll meet you back at headquarters, Cyd, put this note in your pocket once you have read it. Bye."
    "Now, we wait." Jerek said, and a tear slipped from his eyes,...
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posted by Tatti
Thanks to all of guys, I hope you're gonna like this and the rest of chapters cause I'm already planning the end :D

10th chapter Meeting


"It's good to see you too, Aro" Carlisle stepped in front of us and I wished so much that we could just take our kids and run far far away from this place.
"Well, isn't it wonderful that there is no threat this time?" Aro was joyful and Carlisle smiled too, though I knew it was an artificial smile. How are we going to hide our secret from him if he decides to touch one of us? "Oh Alice, I'm so happy to have a chance to see you again. I guess you didn't...
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Hello, My Name Is: Death
Volume Six
    "Come on!" I said, and we sprinted up after Jerek, Tabra and I.
    We got into the car just as Jerek slammed on the pedal. We slammed the doors, buckeled up and we went over to Verona's.
    When we got there, the window was broken, and the door was kicked open.
    "Oh no." I said, and we all got out, running to the spiral stairs we used to go into her data-base center. Tabra and Jerek went down, I didn't. I stopped at what I saw.
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Jacobs pov

Sure living with the cullens would be fun if they offered but leaving the volturie after everything they have done for me that’s just wow. I couldn’t think of what it would be like. If nessie wanted me to sure I would leave and come here but that thing wasn’t nessie what was something I have never seen before she has lost her memory and her sense for that matter but she was still the girl I fell in love with.

Bella and Edward well the whole of them were pacing across the room trying to tink of what to do. Would she remember them? Would she destroy them? Does she even want to...
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Hello, My Name Is: Death
Volume Five
    When we were finished, we dryed off, and jumped into bed.
    "Jerek?" I said, as he turned out the lights.
    "Yea?" He slipped into bed, and under the covers.
    "What do you think will happen with this cult?" I asked.
    "Hmm..." He said, tugging his shirt off. "I'm not sure. I know there will be an all out war, probably bigger then the one we faced with Haus. What about you?"
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Hello, My Name Is: Death
Volume Five
    "So, you just met these people in the castle and now they are with us in the Alliance?" Tabra asked as we pulled into the driveway of our headquarters.
    "Yea, pretty much." I said, and Time laughed.
    "Alright." Tabra said, and we went inside, making sure that we didn't wake anyone in the bunkers as we went down the stairs to see that Shropee was still up, waiting for...
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posted by karpach_13
Chapter 3
I sneaked out of my house without anyone noticing me, this is actually the first time I didn’t get caught . I got in my car and drove off to Eric’s house. I drove 10 minutes and finally arrives there. Eric was standing (almost sleeping) by his porch. I got out of the car and went to him.
“geez renesmee couldn’t we talk in the morning?” he asked me
“call me nessie, and no we couldn’t talk in the morning its going to be too late, remember im leaving isle esme?” I asked him
“yeahhh” he lied
“sure… whatever. I don’t want to go there now and I think to too late to...
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Hello, My Name Is: Death
Volume Five
    "So, where's the spellbook?" I asked him, and he took me to the room where the book was held.
    "There it is." He pointed to a door, leaving me to go in alone.
    "Alright. Stay here, and be careful." I said, he nodded, and slunk back into the shadows, awaiting my return.
    The room I entered was musty. It was damp too, but then...
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