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posted by twilight-7
Charlie’s POV

“This happened about an hour or so ago,” one of my officers told me. “The driver of this car is nowhere to be found. We think he must have crashed and run.”
“What about the driver of the other car?” I asked, inspecting the car in front of me. It looked familiar.
“In hospital. Minor injuries.”
I nodded. The black car that looked familiar to me had received the most damage. The other car, a blue Prius, had crashed into the side of it. No one would have been able to walk away from that. No one except a….
“Is anyone looking for the driver?” I asked the officer.
“Not yet,” he replied. “They’re still questioning the victim.”
I nodded. I now knew who’s car it was. It was Kayla’s. She didn’t drive it a lot on Edward’s advice that it would seem odd she’d have a BMW. I couldn’t afford one and it would look odd if Edward had bought her one. He’s only 19, or so he’s pretending to be. This must have been the car Alice had driven to mine tonight.
“I’ll start looking for the driver,” I informed the officer. “I’ll head into the woods. That would be the most logical place to run to.”
“Do you want some men to go with you?”
“No,” I replied. “I’ll go on my own.”
If anyone found Alice and Kayla in the woods a lot of awkward question would be asked. Like how Kayla was almost seven months pregnant in a short space of time and how Alice had walked away from the crash without a scratch on her.
The officer nodded and I set off into the woods, hoping to find my daughter and her baby without a scratch on them.

Lexi’s POV

“Come on, Gabriel,” I urged my brother. “Just one little sip.”
I held out the unconscious deer to him, trying to persuade him to drink some blood. He shook his head and folded his arms, giving me a firm no.
“You do know you could die,” I said, hoping I was lying.
He shrugged.
I narrowed my eyes at him. He was going to drink blood. I was going to make sure of it. I shot out and grabbed his hand. Caught by surprise I easily managed to use nails to slice open the neck of the deer. Gabriel’s hand flew out of my grip and his eyes flared with anger.
“Look at your fingers,” I said, dropping the bleeding deer to the forest floor.
He looked down and saw that his fingers had blood on them. The anger changed to hunger. I saw him try to fight it.
“Don’t,” I said, nudging the deer closer to him with my feet. “Don’t fight it.”
His eyes slid to the deer and with vampire speed, he lunged on it. He held the deer tightly in his arms, his mouth clamped to the neck drinking it’s blood.
“Good boy,” I smiled, happy to see him drinking.
Suddenly he stopped. His head shot up and his nostrils flared as he took in another scent. He was up and running in the opposite direction before I could ask him what he’d found. I ran after him worried about what he was going to do.

Tess’ POV

How had this happened? How had I gone from being the happiest vampire alive to the most depressed vampire alive? I kicked the ground at my feet, not gently, so now there was a mini crater in the middle of the forest.
I was different last year. I was like any other vampire, feeding on humans, treating them like blood bags. That’s how it was. I didn’t know there was another way until I caught sight of the Cullens feeding on animals. That was when I realised.
Charlie will never take me back now. I’m everything he despises. He hates vampires, especially human blood drinking vampires. It took him ages to even tolerate Edward, never mind like him.
“Kayla? Alice?”
I stood still. That was him. That was Charlie.
He wasn’t far from me. I could go to him. I could apologise. Maybe he would have me back. He might forgive me for turning his nephew into a vampire.
No he wouldn’t. He would never forgive me. I might as well leave.

Kayla’s POV

My teeth sunk into his neck and warm blood flowed into my waiting mouth. He collapsed to the ground, crying out, as his blood poured profusely from his neck and soothed my burning thirst. His blood was too fast for me. Most of it I could drink but some of it overflowed and spilled down my chin. He was silent now. Not a sound escaped from him. That was good; I preferred to eat in silence.

“It’s okay.” Esme rubbed soothing circles on my back. “It’s okay.”
I shook my head, ignoring the pain in it. My vision was blurred, my eyes were watering or was I crying? I didn’t know but one thing I did.
“My dad’s about to die,” I said, quite calmly to Esme. I heard her gasp and she immediately began to argue with me. I let her shout out every argument she could think of while I thought of how I could get to Charlie. How I could save him.
“Just because you had the vision now doesn’t mean it’s going to happen now,” Esme said, rubbing my back again. “Charlie is safe at home.”
“This is different.” I remembered the feel of my teeth sinking into Charlie‘s neck. No, his teeth, not my teeth. “I can feel it. The vision was stronger. I know it’s going to happen now, Esme.”
We both turned as we heard the sound of running feet.
“Kayla!” Alice almost screamed at me. I heard her panic thoughts and stood up, my balance wavering slightly. “I just had a vision-”
“I know,” I said while Esme steadied me. “Let’s go.”
Esme stood in front of me. With my vision slightly clearer I could see a slightly angry expression on her face. She put her hands on her hip and called for Carlisle.
“You are not going into that forest and looking for Charlie,” she told me sternly, like a mother would do.
“Esme,” I said smiling at her. “He is my father and he is in danger. I must go.”
Alice nodded and grabbed my hand, intending to drag me away from Esme. Esme grabbed my other hand.
“You have just had a baby and she needs you!”
“My father needs me!”
“Let Alice find him!”
“I need to go, I’m the one who had the visions!”
“What is going on here?”
Carlisle walked into his and Esme’s room, where it looked like Alice and esme were playing tug of war with me. He looked from me to Esme and then to Alice.
“Charlie is about to be killed by a vampire,” I quickly explained to Carlisle. “I need to go find him.”
Alice nodded vigorously.
“Tell her she can’t,” Esme said to Carlisle. “She’s just had her baby.”
I looked over at the incubator to where my baby lay. My heart swelled with love every time I looked at her. I wanted to stay with her. I wanted to touch her tiny hands and gaze into her big eyes but I had to save Charlie.
I wanted him to want those things too.
“I’m not pregnant anymore Esme,” I said, gently removing her hand from mine. “I’m my old self again. I will be back.”
Before Esme or Carlisle could say anything Alice and I ran from the house.

Edward’s POV

“Edward, calm down!” Jasper shouted at me for the sixtieth time.
“My baby is in danger!” I snarled at him.
“Look, we’re almost here,” Emmett said nervously. “There’s the house.”
I stopped. Who was that running out of the house?
“Alice?” Jasper called, stopping next to me.
“What’s going on?” Emmett said. “I thought she was having the baby?”
Alice and Kayla were running over to us.
“It’s Charlie,” Alice and Kayla spoke at the same time.
“Kayla?” I gestured to her lack of pregnancy. Had something happened? Was the baby still alive? Had she died?
Kayla smiled, her green eyes lighting up.
“She’s inside,” she said. “Go see her.”
“What about you?” I asked her. “Where are you going? Can’t you call Charlie to tell him about her being born?”
The light in Kayla’s eyes died. She let her thoughts speak for her. I saw one of her visions, the only recurring one. Charlie dying.
“Let’s go,” I said, taking her hand.
“What about the baby?” Emmett asked.
“Look after her for me.”

Charlie’s POV

Where the hell was I? Had I seen that tree before? Have I walked past that bush?
I was lost. I better face it now. Sighing at my own stupidity, I turned around the spot trying to get my bearings.
Then I realised. I turned around slowly, knowing what was behind me. I knew what was going happen. I’d seen it in her mind. Poor girl had kept it all to herself, but I already knew. She didn’t always remember to keep it out of her mind.
There he was. Somehow I didn’t think it would be him. I thought it would be Tess. But she couldn’t harm me. She’s too gentle.
“I’m so glad you’re here,” I said to him, not liking the look in his black eyes. “I’m totally lost, can you believe that?”
There was no response from him. He just continued to stare. I saw a slow trickle of blood on his chin. He must have been feeding when I wandered in here and he’s picked up my scent. Great going Charlie, I thought to myself.
“Do you remember how you got in here? We can go back the way you came. I’m so silly, me.”
A last resort at conversation didn’t work. Damn. I should have ran while I had the chance. I knew how this was going to play out yet I didn‘t run when I saw him. He tilted his head to the side, scrutinizing me. His thoughts were loud. He was going to attack.
I tried to run but I was either too late or too slow. I heard his feet leave the ground just as someone screamed.


So anyway, Guys, how you all been???
I know I don't post very often but college is a god damn nightmare. I've just very recently decided that I do not want a career in any of the subjects I picked. Thanks to my lovely readers of Kayla I now may be choosing a career in writing. So if I ever get published my first book will be dedicated to you Guys. Don't you all feel warm and fuzzy inside now?? Haha, but anyway I would just like to thank you all for still coming back and reading when you could all have given up months ago. I appreciate the lovely comments and support you give me.
Love for you all <3<3<3
don't you ever wonder what your life would be like if your boyfriend was a vampire? i do every day there are a few things that i know for sure:

1. they will never get old.
even when you are thirty they will still look young.

2. they will never cheat on you.
It is to risky for them to cheat on you because you know there big secrete that they are vampires!

3. they will be able to defend you and protect you for ever.
no one could ever touch you or hurt you again he could defend you from all danger.

reads next months for the downsides of having a vampire boyfriend.
posted by runlikeawolf
I was running.Pounding through the trees of Forks that I knew so well.I had only one objective in my mind right now,and that was to kill the bloodthirsty monster streaking through the trees ahead of me.The plan was to drive her to Quil and Paul who were waiting about a mile off.
As she streaked through the trees,I thought about the day that we all found out what she wanted.Bella.She would never touch her!Nothing could touch Bella.I couldn't let that happen!
The truth was,I loved Bella.She was the only thing worth living for.Without her,I would be just your normal,depressed,teenage werewolf!The...
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posted by uniquezandy
Bella's POV
I didn't know what to do or think. Me and Edward, was taken out the room by Marie-louise. She knelt down and explained things. "Hey listen, you two are safe ok? I promice to take care of you." She whispered soothing words. Suddenly, the scariness went away. After a few minutes, she lead us to a room. It was massive! It had a bunk bed, tv and everything. "Welcome to your new room. You two will be sharing it." She said with a happy expression on her face. Both our eyes lit up like a christmas tree. I was excited, so I grabbed Edwards hand and ran round the room with him. We were jumping...
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posted by anna_tvd
It's a worldwide debate that happens every single day: Edward or Jacob?

I wish I could pick a side. I am strongly on the fence about this one. Edward, the beautiful, sparkly, loving vampire or Jacob, the hot, restless, young werewolf. Seriously, are we supposed to pick?

To help myself (and probably a lot of you), I have decided to compare the options. Please, read, and tell me after you're done if you can decide either.

Edward- He cares. Though it sounds cliche, it's true. He would do anything ever at any time ever to protect Bella. He nearly killed himself once while in the process. So, yes,...
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posted by DarkStranger
He is officially my hero. No one ever said something back to MR.Banner. Ever. He liked to insult his students a lot, and I was used to it.. Okay, no I wasn't but I tried to ignore him like I haven;t heard or saw how he looks at me or talk. But what Edward did today was mind blowing. It was so wrong and so good in the same time that I didn't know what should I do when I'll see him in the director cabinet. Slap him or applause.
I didn't know why I was going to that cabinet at all. I didn't start this fight, I didn't even know why Edward was so mad at Barner so much. Is he was mad because...
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posted by WritenOnTheSand
I didn't eat. I didn't move. I just sat. And here I am, still sitting. First of all, I didn't want to eat her food. She had made tuna salad. I hate tuna salad. I always have. When my mother made a tuna steak for lunch one time, I had to lean my head all the way out the window to get rid of my stomach ache.

I look at my window, and see the moon in full view. It has to be at least midnight, maybe later.

My phone buzzes next to me and I pick it up, only to see that it's Clara.

I hesitate and then flip the phone open.


"Mon ami, Comment je vous ai manque. My friend, how I've missed...
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posted by mmourer
All credit belongs to Stephenie Meyer. This story is based on her book series the Twilight Saga.
Bella’s POV

The rest of the month went basically the same, get up, get dressed, eat, go to school, and not see Edward. After a while I got used to not seeing Edward but I couldn’t forget that it was probably my fault he never returned. I was hoping he’d come back just so I could stop worrying and blaming myself. I’d even deal with the glaring. It was raining when I got up, a good thing for me. Today was going to be a great day I hoped. When...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
New Story Twilight?N2P
It's Complicated
It's complicated, that's how Jacob would all ways start the story whenever I asked him why I was different. I looked nothing like the Black family, I didn't favor a single one of them. They all had dark hair and dark eyes while I was the complete opposite. White blonde hair and blue eyes. I could barley blend in, my hair and eyes gave away but skin was just as tan as it could be. 
I knew the story Jake was going to tell me, I asked about this a lot. But mainly at bedtime.
Every night right before bed I would ask Jacob Black "why am I different?" and every...
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posted by mmourer
All credit belongs to Stephenie Meyer. This story is based on her book series the Twilight Saga.
__________________________________________________Bella’s POV

Math went by slowly probably because everyone was staring at me, just the thing I hated. After class mike met me by the door. What’s your next class? he asked still cheerful English I answered hoping he’d have a different class I really didn’t want a puppy kind of boy the first day. O he answered I history. After that we went in opposite directions heading to our classes. English went bye surprisingly fast all we did was watch...
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posted by karpach_14
Chapter 22
My mother was laughing with my aunt alice, grandma esme, and aunt Rosalie. Uncle Emmett, and uncle jasper were watching tv (what a surprise).. my grandfather was talking to my father andSvetlana was just listening. Emily was talking with Sky. And I was talking with Ivan.
“- we’ll get married, move to a huge house, and live happily ever after” he told me, planning our future. I laughed.
“no kids. No pets?” I asked him
“im not really a fan of kids” he admitted, and I smacked him. and accidentally hit my broken arm.
“ouch”I said quietly.
“careful ness” Ivan told me
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posted by karpach_14
Chapter 15

“relax” Ivan told me. I looked at him confused I was late for school not for a party or something.
“ur aunt alice and the rest of ur family is coming over to tell you something” he toold me.
“oh, them ima get dressed and eat some breakfast” I tol him I got an outfir. Since it was sunny I wore a mini skirt and a t shirt I went downstairs to make myself some breakfast but I went through the spells that my mother wrote down for me. Some of them were really good like trap someone in a room or make someone agree with u for six hours, but then she wrote use these spells carefully...
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posted by karpach_14
Chapter 3
I sneaked out of my house without anyone noticing me, this is actually the first time I didn’t get caught . I got in my car and drove off to Eric’s house. I drove 10 minutes and finally arrives there. Eric was standing (almost sleeping) by his porch. I got out of the car and went to him.
“geez renesmee couldn’t we talk in the morning?” he asked me
“call me nessie, and no we couldn’t talk in the morning its going to be too late, remember im leaving isle esme?” I asked him
“yeahhh” he lied
“sure… whatever. I don’t want to go there now and I think to too late to...
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posted by Hellohoudini
Paramore Loses Two Members
Posted Sun Dec 19, 2010 12:03pm PST by Mike Krumboltz in Stop The Presses!

Pop-punk group Paramore is losing two of its founding members. The band announced that guitarist Josh Farro and drummer Zac Farro are leaving.

The announcement led to a lot of noise on the Web. Almost immediately, Web searches for "paramore breakup" and "paramore band splits" surged into breakout status.

The band posted a statement on its official site confirming that the split had been in the works for some time.

"A couple of months ago, Josh and Zac let us know they would be leaving the band...
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posted by karpach_14
Chapter 2
In the morning my aunt came in all happy and started dressing me
But I didn’t feel happy or excited to go to school. My aunt dressed me up into a beautiful dress and high high heels
I arrived at school and everyone was looking at me. I hate d the attention. Eric walked up to me. I tried to ignore him, but he grabbed my hand and held me tight and closae to him.
“let go” I told him calmly.
“ I love you” he said
“and I cant do anything about it now let go” I told him still calmly. He stopped and I had to stop too cuz he was holding my hand really tight. “renesmee” he said...
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posted by SarBear1579

When I reached the pack that night all they guys were pinching and punching each other and chanting it was the first day of the month.As soon as they saw me they all stopped and their attention was on me,serious now.
“Ok,guys we wer-” I stopped short. “Where is Lisa?”
“She's with Jay,she is recovering from last night's little brawl with Rick” John replied as he walked from out from the darkness of the trees.We where just out of town a few kilometers from the shack.Good thing werewolves are fast we will make it home in time for Jay to not get concerned.

We did a lot better tonight.John,and...
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posted by uniquezandy
Bellas POV
I can't believe the biggest jerk in school is my dance partenar. To make matters worse: it's tango! Tango is normally done by couples. I hate him and he hates me. It all started when he secrectly made a bet with his friend, that we would go out and be a couple, to prove he can go out with any girl. When I found out; I was livid, that I never knew spoke to him again. I thought he liked me; I was a fool for making that mistake.
It started in Gym. We all gathered for the announcement Mrs Kane made. "Now in gym, we will be doing something different. Each semester we wil be learning different...
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Hey guys,this is my first time I write this story,so I hope you'll like it:)

Edward's POV

Everything was going just like Alice predicted:Bella would wear beautiful white wedding dress with two blue hair-pin in her chocolate brown hair and she would be breathtaking true all the ceremony.I was really exited and just couldn't wait to get married with the girl that I was waiting for almost an century!Bella was the One for me,I always knew that and even true all those things that we went true,I never doubt about that.She completed me I every single way and without her,I wouldn't exist anymore.

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posted by uniquezandy
What just happened? Did I tell my master I was in love with him? Did I? If only I had more sleep. That night I remembered:love, pain and ending with love again. I just didn't understand how a ball could bring out a lot of emotions. Today i am relieved, because it's Monday and that evil witch Tanya is getting fired. I am glad.
All of us assembled in the hall were Edward gave his speech. "Few of you knew the incident that happened at the ball. And for that, Tanya like I said; you are fired. Leave before midday or I'll get the guards to escort you out!" He informed. This was serious; but...
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posted by fayerox16
ok so here are a few rumors i heard over the course of the months after Eclipse came out,about Breaking Dawn.
the first rumor is that Breaking Dawn will be rated R. ok people i can officially confirm that this is not true.Breaking Dawn will be rated PG-13.
the second rumor is that Zac Efron will be starring in Breaking Dawn. absolutely not, Zac Efron is sticking to his High School Musical stuff. good boy.
third rumor, is that Justin Bieber is going to be in the film for thirty seconds...nice try must be thinking of men in black where M.J was on screen for 30 seconds.
finally,that Bella is getting replaced. ok girls, as MUCH as we wish this rumor was's not.i know i know. we would ALL love for kristen stewart to get replaced.sorry, maybe next time.
posted by KatiiCullen94
I've known who ive been becoming my whole life, and my whole life, ive been in love with her. I think shes the one, my imprinted parnter, she has to be, everythigs there and waitting, shes perfect.
Bella, is my one. My soulmate, only time will secure her as mine forever. She not loves of me. BUt im not afraid or hurt by that, because it will change because of the magic growing in me. There will be no denying it on her behalf once ive been throught the phase that waits unexpectedly. She holds my hands and calls her best friend, but the see the more in her eyes. Im sort of beautiful to her, but...
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