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"Daddy?" Where is Jacob?" Renesmee called to me from her bedroom.
"He is out at the moment." I told her as I walked toward her voice. She was sitting on her toddler bed opening and closing the locket Bella had given her a couple months ago for her first christmas. She didn't like to take it off. "He should be back soon." I stood in her doorway and she looked up with her brown eyes. The same brown eyes Bella's were before she changed. They were depthless and sparkled when she smiled.
"Where did he go?" Her small voice was concerned.
"He is out with Seth." I told her as I walked soundlessly over to sit next to her.
She crawled into my lap and layed her head against my chest. I wish there was a heart beat for her to listen to, to feel.
"I hope he's safe." She whispered and played with the collar on my shirt.
"He is perfectly fine." I reasured her.
"Where's Momma?"
"She is over with Aunt Alice. I wanted to wait here untill you woke up from your nap. Are you ready to go see her?"
"Yes." She grined and jumped down. "Come on Daddy." She grabbed my hand and towed me toward the front door. "Carry me. You're faster."
I smiled and slung her onto my back like I used to with Bella. Renesmee enjoyed it more than Bella ever had. I raced through the woods with Renesmee squealing and giggled the whole way. I would glance back at her and her eyes were wide with excitment.
I didn't want think of her growing older. As of now she was half of my world. I didn't want to be "Dad", I wanted to stay "Daddy". She would eventually have children of her own but I couldn't bare to think of that. Never would I want her to grown up. I would always want her eyes to light up when mine or Bella's name was spoken of.
We were standing in the yard of Carlisle and Esme's home. I held her to my chest wishing she could stay there forver. "I love you, Daddy." She spoke in my neck. Her small arms tried to make their way around my shoulders.
"I love you to, Renesmee. More than anything."
"Not more than Momma." She smiled.
I started to speak but she cut me off. "It's a different love. I know."
I smiled at her. "I thought you couldn't read minds." I chuckled. I put her down and walked with her into the house.
"Momma!" Renesmee smiled and ran for Bella.
Bella's arms opened and Renesmee jumped into them. She clung to Bella's neck as Bella nessled her face in her hair.
My two lives, my two worlds, in once place. Finding the curage to talk to Bella that first day back to Forks, the first night I watched her sleep, the moment I knew she loved me back. Hearing her say yes to my proposal to marrige, hearing her say 'I do', feeling her soft skin match mine the first night at Isle Esme. Those memories I thought I was at my happiest. I wasn't usually wrong, but looking at the two of them now proved I was. Nothing, in the one true sence of the word, could match the happiness I have in my life with a human's.
Bella looked up to meet my gaze and floated over to me. "I thought you weren't coming back." She teased.
"The only way I would not come back to you, is if I were in ashes." She cringed slightly. "And I am more than positive I would find a way to come back to you then, Love." I smiled and kissed her as one of my arms wound it's way around her waist.
"Jake!" Renesmee jumped out of Bella's arms and ran for Jacob.
"Nessi." He ran toward her also and picked her up spinning her once around. "Hey, kiddo." He kissed her head and she giggled.
"You have to make me a new bracelet." She admitted sheepishly. "It's to little now."
"I already did." He pulled a longer version out of his pocket and wrapped it twice around her wrist before he tied it. "Now it will always fit." He smiled and sat down with her on the couch.
"Hello, Jacob." Esme greeted him from the kitchen doorway. "Are you hungry? I don't mind fixing you something."
"Esme you don't have to." Jacob's stomach growled in protest.
"I will anyway." She smiled at him and then returned to the kitchen.
"How was your run?" Bella asked him.
He looked up and rolled his eyes. "You mean with the bickering brother and sister and the always talking Quil? Great." He grined unenthused.
We all laughed as Alice fluttered down the stairs. "Jacob." She smiled. "I was wondering where you were. Your thirty seconds late." She giggled.
"Ha ha, Alice."
"Ew. Put the dog out." Rosalie walked down the steps behind Alice but didn't walk farther than the last step. He's always hogging Nessi. Others like to play with her to. Guess kids do like playing with dogs. I chuckled and she chuckled along with me.
"What's so funny?" Bella asked curiously.
"I will fill you in later." I told her, to low for Jacob to hear, and kissed her head.
"Emily told me to give you this." Jacob pulled a small lunch bag out of his pocket and handed it to Renesmee.
She unwound the top and reached inside. "She said she hear they were your favorite."
She pulled out a giant chocolate chip cookie. It was the actual size of her head.
"A cookie!" She smiled and took a bite. "Emily makes the best cookies." She smiled once she swallowed. "Tell her thank you for me." She demanded to Jacob as she took another bite, this one bigger than the last.
She smiled, forming deep dimples in her plump cheeks. She played with a curl that hung over her shoulder. Her long eyelashes touched her cheeks as she put down the cookie and layed her head against his chest. "I hear your heart." She told him.
It was then that I envied Jacob Black one thing. A heart beat for Renesmee.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Should I continue???
posted by emmett
*I did not write this*
Dear Diary,

So today was like any other day. Almost killing every human who starts to smell too good, toying with people’s emotions and kicking Emmett’s butt at chess. You know same old, same old.

Though, today was exceptionally hilarious. I was playing a game of chess with Emmett, with 9 boards, and I was winning, naturally. So because I was winning Emmett got all upset and broke my all time fav chess piece, the little night on his little horse. God I was mad about that, he knew it was my fav and he had to go and kill it! So I went and did something a LOT worse! Haha...
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posted by kiwi12
part 12

The phone conversation took a long time. At one point I heard Bella say "Yes I know she hasn't even met Sam yet" in a slightly exasperated voice. Edward must have heard something I didn't form the other end because he took the phone and said "Do not ever talk to my wife in that tone of voice Jacob Black... She's a human in a house full of vampires with werewolves visiting frequently. Be reasonable... Thank you Jacob... If you would like I will give her contact information and she can keep in touch if she wants to." He started writing something on a notepad near the phone then said goodbye...
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Okay so this chapter is my favourite and I think you are going to enjoy (crossed fingers) it! Okay so just remeber to leave your feedback-it's always great to see it.

Alice wouldn’t let me go until she and Rosalie had given me a complete makeover; I didn’t complain though, it was nice to have girl time. Jacob gave me a dazzling smile as I walked back into the living room a full hour later, he and Emmet and jasper had probably been chatting about some new turbo engine.
“Wow you look... amazing,” Jacob breathed as I walked into his open arms while Emmet wolf...
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posted by kiwi12
part 10

"Ok sorry about that" Jacob said to me "Can you phase back?" I found I could. I heard Jasper mutter "I wonder..." then he spoke louder with purpose "You phase when you're angry right?" Jacob nodded "She doesn't. I think she phases when one of you are upset. She does have to be relaxed to phase back but so do all the werewolves in the room." They all found this interesting.

"Did phasing hurt this time?" Embry asked me "Not as much" I lied "Is Quil alright?" I asked hesitantly. I didn't want to sound heartless nor did I want to be nosy. They hesitated too "Yeah... a friend of his fell...
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posted by kiwi12
I know they've been pretty short if that bugs you leave a comment letting me know and I'll combine a few parts to make them longer. Also if you don't think I'm being true to the characters let me know and I'll try harder. Pretty much anything that isn't right I'd love to know so I can make it better. Thanks.

part 8

"Absolutely not!" the mind reader said harshly "Why not?" the huge one countered. His mate asked what was going on. He whispered his thought in her ear. She looked mad "We can't do that!" He turned sulky "She's durable we won't hurt her." The mind reader growled under his breath "She's...
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posted by kiwi12
part 7

The huge vampire spoke for the first time. Utterly terrifying. "Are you human?" he demanded, eyes wide. "Yes" I answered, too defensively. The huge one's mate, the one who had kidnapped me, started making a list out loud:

1. Her eyes change to gold when she's around us and they turn red when Bella is the closest to her (I hadn't known that.)

2. She picks up a small bit of the gifts around her.

3. Her skin becomes a few shades paler when she's near us.

4. She's a bit too strong and fast for a human (I added that these were also only around vampires.)

At this point Emmett came near me and sat...
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"Carlisle!" I felt so relieved to see him again. I realized I had missed him a great deal. I couldn't help myself, I ran up and hugged him. He seemed quite shocked, but he rubbed his hand against my back soothingly.
"'s good to see you..." I pulled away and he was starring at Alice, who was standing several feet behind me. We had just arrived, after what was supposed to be a twenty four hour drive but was only eleven. Alice had gone over twice the posted speed limit the entire way. Rosalie and Emmett-thank goodness-weren't there at the moment. Esme, and Jasper stood in the room behind...
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I jumped at the sound of her voice. She was back already? But I couldn't focus on that for long. What had Jacob just said? Had I really heard right?
"Over my dead body!" he rowred at her.
He took a step forward and tried to pull me over to him by my waist. Alice's hand grabbed mine, and I started to get scared that a tug-o-war would begin. That would be painful. Jake growled. I looked back at Alice. She was glaring at him in such a terrifying way...she honestly scared me a little. She yanked on my arm, and I came flying towards her, out of Jacob's grasp. She flung me behind her body. My mind...
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Here is chapter 3 of My True Love. Please go to my profile to rate and leave comments THANKS!!!

I was shocked at the sight I saw when I woke up. Everybody was rushing around carrying heavy bags and fancy looking equipment to the cars outside.
“Jasper?” I called, I was anxious to know what was going on and I knew that he was the only one who would give me a straight answer. He was at my side before I could blink.
“What is it that you want Nessie?” he asked with a warm but not quite genuine smile.
“What is happening?” I whispered “I just woke up and I can’t see mum or dad...
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it hurts to live. life to me is a second death, only like being left to bleed on a pavement instead of a quick stab, then to be left in peace. death and life are much the same thing now. only death seems more peaceful, i already know, as i watch other people living there lives, there is nothing left for me. fun was like a greek word to me now. i didnt know what i ment. i thought about making the most of life before the pain killed me for sure. i couldnt remember HOW to have fun. what was the point of going to the beach? it wasn't going to bring my future back. it wouldnt make me feel any better....
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posted by PePs95
I haven't read any of the books yet, but i did watch all of the movies released until now. I want to say that the story of the Twilight series is simply great! The intense love, the romantic atmosphere...everything in it is very involving! while watching both movies, my mouth was dripping and my body completely still. It was as if my mind was the only part of my body that was active. I was totally into it! I will watch both movies again and i'll get totally inspired again. My feelings were totally mixed! I was engulfed by the magic of love!
posted by alybops
chapter three

"Now heavenly i don't know how nessie is gonna react to seeing you on my side." he warned me, i didn't care.
"is that what you call her?.... nessie? well maybe we could be friends."
"i doubt it. anyways, this house is filled with vamps. there is: bella, you've seen her. her husband, edward. there is alice, edward's sister and Jasper who is edward's brother. alice and Jasper are married too."
"eww! didn't you just say they were both edward's siblings?"
"uh.... no they are adopted."
"oh, ok sorry. keep goin'."
"ok umm.... Edward will be the prettiest of them all. Alice will be the...
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posted by JandMsMommy
Those Girls That Drink...While They Write is a new blog that was just created today designed to receive and give Fic recommendations. Teasers, pics, and outtakes will be shown from the Administrators stories as well. Anyone can send us a recommendation and we will be glad to post it. We invite any authors to come by and interact and meet new people to exchange reviews with.

Disclaimer: We do not actually drink excessively while we write. But if the title gets your attention, then our work is done.:-)

We'd love for you to join!

LINK---> link
I was just wondering what the official name for people who crave vamps and werewolfs etc.
i ve heard of twihards and fanpires but are there at least any original classifications. If Im going to be a mega fan shouldnt i have a beter way of calling my self a super fan
I ve sort of came up with a few that i think have potential . .
1.twissessed(twilight, obssessed)
8.Edlover(Edward lover)
Which classificaton do you think makes at least the most sense?????!!!!!!
posted by w33bs99
The Cullen family
The Cullen family
It all started two nights ago. I just got done wathcing New Moon for the 2nd time. My dream started with Edward and Bella. They were in the forest and Edward turned Bella into a vampire. but not the way you think she he would. He did it but kissing her.

So her name was now(first)Bella (middle)Swan(last)Cullen. Rosalie was way nicer that in the real movie. She wanted to help Bella and Edward raise their baby, Rennesme(nickname)Nessie. Alice could also read minds. Jasper was the same. Emmet was out of town hunting for food.

The whole Cullen family moved to a bigger house to have more room....
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There was edwards familiy waiting for me at the dining table; probably of alice doing so. I looked at each of them absorbing there fetures, and everytime they smilied. Even rosalie which i though would hate me, so a nice surprise. It was alice who spoke first " I know that you know all of us already and our talents, and who we really are, I've seen your vision in my head. You are going to be changed,soon." Everyone looked like this was all done and practiced. Then Carlisle spoke " Sydney this is a life you want, isn' it?" I looked down and smilied " yes, i have always wanted this ever since...
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posted by IsabellaMCullen
Chapter four of Painful Memories.Longest chapter so far.Let me know how I did.
Luv ya so much for reading

xoxo bree xoxo


Jasper POV

I was sitting at the dining room table.Alice is dicussing details on thins from the vision she had of Rosalie that she just told us about.Carsile is calming down Esme, while discussing with Alice, Esme is now dry sobbing into his chest.I try to calm her with a few waves of calm I send her way.This was really taking effect on Esme.

I can now hear edward.His quiet footsteps are getting closer to the stairs.Bella is...
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When we first met
And I first looked in your eyes
I couldn't help myself
I was hypnotized

And then I found out
Your one big secret
I was in danger
But I wasn't scared a bit

So then you took me
To your special hideaway
So you could show me what you're like
In the light of day

My heart was racing
I was falling for you
My only question was
Do you feel this way too

Then one day
My blood was wanted
It hurt so bad
I thought I was dead

Then he saved me
And I got my answer
I does feel the same way
So now it's forever <3
posted by joe-edwardfan
i was just bored and i thought thats the same way edward feels towards bella so i just uploaded it! hope u like it!
i was just bored and i thought thats the same way edward feels towards bella so i just uploaded it! hope u like it!
hey guys!
first of all i wanted to thank you all for the support over the 21 chaps.
second of all some of you asked me if edward and bella got back together? thats a yes too.
and i wanted to tell you that im gonna start a new story!(yay im so happy! im really getting addicted to fanpop)
so im gonna give you some names you should pick one!(each name has a different story there not the same)
and im going to write my new story (the name most of u picked)
so dont forget to tell me this really is important to me
so here are the names:

1.broken heart...
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posted by ParamoreFreak
2.) Can You Save Us!?
Later that night, after Rick and Phil ate, Rick let Phil be alone by himself in his room. Phil didn't know what to do, I mean he knows all this demonic stuff now so...what was he suppossed to do? How will his life change-if it changes it all? What will happen next? Only time would tell for Rick and Phil both. Rick was in the living room, watching TV, wondering what Phil was doing, while Phil was sitting on the guest bed, wondering what to do. Phil had no idea how he was gonna explain to his parents, and maybe even his sister,...
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