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I'm so so happy you all are enjoying this story! Your comments, like always, are so sweet and loving. Thanks for reading and for all your generous support. Love you all!! Enjoy!! :]
Lethal Independence
It was 10pm before Chloe drifted off to sleep in Summer’s arms. Athe and Chloe fussed over Summer every second once they found out she was injured. Summer was able to easily heal her bruise, but she didn’t understand why she was still being coddled like a feeble infant. As soon as Summer laid Chloe in her crib and assured Athe that she was fine, Summer changed and picked up one of her favorite books, The Phantom of the Opera. She wondered why Aro was prolonging his matters. Although Dominique hurt her, she certainly did not wish death upon the poor girl. Yet, Aro insisted it must be so. He usually made no exceptions to rules that offered death sentences. She reached chapter three when Aro glided noiselessly through the door. “Is she asleep?” Summer put down her book on a nearby nightstand and pointed to the door leading to Chloe’s room, “Yes, resembling the little angel that she is.” Aro smiled back at her. He pulled off his jacket, slipped off his shoes, and unbuttoned his shirt. He lied next to his lovely wife, bundling her in his arms. “Are you feeling better?” She nodded, “Much better. My healing worked a miracle.” He snuggled her closely, “Wonderful, dear.” Summer twitched her lip; she considered asking Aro about Dominique. Eventually, he caught on, “Are you wondering about Dominique, love?” She relaxed her head on his chest, “Why did she need to die, Aro?” Confusion clouded his face, “She would have continued attempting to hurt you, Summer. She always refused to listen to orders unless it came from me. She deserved death.” Okay, so that was one thing Aro didn’t change.

He still believed people “deserved death,” rather than second chances. “Oh, okay…” She allowed her voice to trail off, “Why was she smitten with you?” Aro kissed the top of her head, “She interpreted my kindness to her as love. She doubted anyone could be courteous to a monster such as herself. So, when I expressed courtesy to her, she understood it as love.” That made sense, Summer thought. Dominique should have made an effort to see what everyone was trying to tell her. Aro was in love and married to Summer. Nevertheless, Summer saw Dominique’s actions as mistakes, not threats. Summer tilted her head upwards to face her husband, “I love you, even though you are much too overprotective.” Aro’s affectionate eyes took in Summer’s attractive figure, “And I love you too, although I can never do enough to earn your love.” “Oh contraire,” Summer smirked mischievously, “you captivate me with every move you make.” Aro slightly raised an eyebrow and smiled. Giggling, she laid flatly onto her pillow and pulled him down with her by the neck. Their yearning lips met and they kissed through the night till daybreak, while Jake’s heart bled because of Summer’s absence.

~*Back in Forks*~
Jake struggled in his sleep, being haunted by unwanted dreams of Summer. Around 7am, he tumbled off the bed, his head smacking the hardwood floor. Jake stared at the ceiling and smoothed back his hair with a frustrated sigh. Timely, Billy popped open his bedroom door, house phone in hand. “Jacob!” He called to his half-asleep son. Jake propped up on his elbows, “What is it, dad?” Billy wheeled over to him and tossed the phone to Jake, “It’s Bella.” Billy shut the room door on his way out. Jake cleared his throat, “Hello?” His voiced dripped with grogginess. “Hey, Jake!” Bella answered, trying to uplift his spirits. “What do you say coming down to the Cullens’ house in a while?” His lips tightened, “Why?” “We just want to talk to you a little. We haven’t seen you in ages.” The Cullens hadn’t told Jake that Aro brought Summer back to Volterra. Bella felt horrible playing with Jake’s emotions this way, but he would never come down to the “vampire hideaway” without proper reason. “No.” Jacob stated resolutely, hanging up the phone. “Jake…Jake…hello? Ugh.” Bella hung up and grabbed her sweater. “Where are you going?” Edward asked her politely, rushing to her side. She froze; he was going to protest against her plan. “I’m heading out to Jake’s place. He refuses to come see us here. Someone has to tell him about Summer leaving.” Those words stung her heart more than she thought possible. Edward deepened his gaze on Bella, “I’m driving you.”

He clutched the keys out of her hand and laughed. Bella smiled and ran after Edward outside, “Come back here, Edward! I can drive myself!” Too late, she thought. Edward had already started the car. He looked awfully smug when Bella stubbornly sat in the passenger’s seat. She buckled up and stared out the window. Still smiling, he reached his arm over and turned her cheek. She reluctantly glared into his eyes, but she couldn’t keep her glower on for long. He caressed her lips with his for a moment, “Forgive me, but I just wanted to spend some time with you.” His charm had such a powerful hold on her, it was almost embarrassing. Bella stroked his cheek, “I can’t even fake fury around you.” The two laughed and sped off toward the Blacks’ residence. Edward pulled up and parked five minutes later. He quickly embraced her, “Be safe, love. I’ll be right here waiting for you.” She nodded with a grin and hopped out of the car. Billy opened up the front door for her before she knocked. “Hello, Bella. Wonderful to see you around here again.” Bella beamed, “Hey, Billy. Is Jake home?” He glanced down the corridor to Jake’s closed bedroom door. “I think he’s still sleeping. Be my guest and wake him up, though. He been sleeping more than he needs to lately. “Thanks.” She walked up to his room and turned the knob. She found Jake sitting on his bed glimpsing at a mechanic’s magazine. “Hey, Jake.” Bella muttered, tiptoeing her way into the messy room. “Hey.” He barely whispered, not turning to look at Bella.

She shoved a few clothes off the edge of Jake’s bed and sat next to her best friend. She made an attempt to break the silence, “How have you been?” He didn’t answer. Bella’s eyebrows furrowed, “Um…okay. How’s the wolf pack?” He remained silent. He was seriously angering Bella now. “Okay, Jake. Enough.” She tugged away his magazine and threw it across the room. “What is with the depressed gig?” Jake’s eyes narrowed, “Why did you come here, Bella?” He uttered through his teeth. Bella crossed her arms. She was ready to stop beating around the bush. Jake was acting like too much of an obstinate child, now, and that peeved Bella to the extremes. “I came to tell you that you need to get over Summer and find the girl who truly belongs with you.” Silence overtook the room once more. Bella rolled her eyes, aggravated. “Look in the mirror, Jacob! Look at what you’re turning in to! You’re becoming a depressing, burdening guy who’s acting as if he can’t fend for himself.” Jake stared at the floor. Bella shook him harshly by the shoulders, “Jacob Black! Are you even listening to me?!” Thankfully, he was successfully restraining his anger.

Bella straightened up, “Fine. I’ll be leaving now.” She was walking out the doorway, but turned back to tell Jake one more thing. “The reason why I came here was to tell you that Aro unexpectedly showed up and took Summer and Chloe back to Volterra. She’s gone, Jake. This is how it’s meant to be.” Bella shut the door and thanked Billy for inviting her in. She and Edward drove off, while Jake desired to rip something apart, preferably that manipulating vampire husband of Summer. A tear ran down his balmy cheek, but he let it fall. No one, not even his brothers, understood his feelings for Summer. Then, the idea hit him. Why was he allowing other’s to control HIS decisions? After all, it was him who imprinted on Summer, not the Cullens or his other brothers. If he wanted to fight for her love, then he could do it if he wanted to, even if it meant death. Little did he know, however, the danger that awaited him in his decision.
posted by teamalice_0

The plane ride over here was uneventfull, much to my dismay. No one even lost their luggage, every item was found. My golden eyes were stasred at and they kept whispering 'Cullen'. And something that started with 'A'.

I was intrested in that. But we had to go to our hotel, that I booked. The class wasn't big so I could book one for each group, plus chaperone. I had none group, I was a leftover, since it couldn't be evenly.

I was supposed to be keeping track to the attendance, and make sure no one fell behind during our 'tour'....
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One day later

It was me,vickie and alice at the hotel ,jasper left to go help find james,the girl Victoria was following Esme and Rosalie but,she stopped so esme is watching my dad and rosalie is helping Edward,Emmet,Carlisle and Jasper find james. The phone rang alice said "hello"
she listened"nothing i have seen nothing"
"here"she said to me and handed the phone

"hello"i said
"bella its so good to here your voice"he said
"have you found anything yet?"i asked my edward
"nothing at all,he vanished but we are following the girl now"he said
"edward i miss you"i said really low cuz i didnt want to...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
I sat in the bathroom for another hour. I looked through my bag and found everything I packed. I didn't know what I was looking for but I knew I
was looking for something. I got up and morphed into my human self. I wondered to myself if I ccould sleep when I am in my human form. I unlocked the door and went to the bed, I untucked the bed and got inside and than I got inside hoping to fall asleep. I feel asleep, I didn't dream a single thing all night long. It was like a peaceful sleep. I woke up with a note my the pillow next to me saying " I went to see my family, I am sorry about last night....
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Seth's POV
I was at the Cullen's house waiting for Zoe to come back home. All the sudden Edward jumped up. Edward started panicking, Bella grabbed his hand trying to make him stand still. Edward, what is wrong?- Bella ket asking. It's Zoey, she has been shot! I was freaking out. What do you mean Zoey has been shot. I asked Edward, I couldn't grasped it. Collin is will be here in 3 minutes, Bella get on the phone with everyone. I have to go set up everything. He ran up stairs, I folloed him. What can I do?? I asked in a worried tone. I don't know. Bella came into the room and hannded him the...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
Before we went home we went to the store. I needed to fix my self up before. I was also scared of vampire bites. You think I would be use to vampire bites since I have been biten twice already. "okay, you need some gauz, neosporn and some guaz tape Seth said as he was hitting his finger with his other finger". Do you think the come in colors I asked. "I don't know but we can look for some Seth said". We found the guaz. What color should we get I asked excitedly? You mean you not us. Said Seth.  The blood that was dripping down my leg was now drying. Here is some lime green quaz Seth point...
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posted by patrisha727
Here's one for today! ^_^

"Oh. My. God." Angela and I said, perfectly syncronized.
After a few mintes of silence, Angela and I bursted out laughing.
"This is NOT funny!" Lauren yelled.
That comment made us laugh even harder.
"I NEED a picture of this." Angela said, getting her messenger bag,
"Don't. You. Dare." Lauren growled.
Angela took her small camera and made a quick picture of Lauren's horror-strucked and embarrassed face.
"GIVE ME THAT CAMERA!" Lauren yelled.

Before any of us could reply, a flight attendance came towards us.
"Excuse me? Miss? You need to be more quiet and take your seat."...
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Chapter 7- Return of my Nightmares

May 1919

I approached the train station slowly. Abigail and Tom were accompanying me. The past two years had actually been quite peaceful without the constant stream of beatings and disapproval of each movement I made.

We waited as the train came to a complete stop in front of us and women and children all around us flooded around the doors to greet their loved ones. I was one of the few who stood still staring at the train. All the others were elderly, too old to rush forward or I was sure they would be doing so. The crowd slowly cleared and I spotted Charles...
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Chapter 6- Relief

After I was done at the hospital Abigail and Tom took me home. Charles' car was waiting in the driveway. “Oh no,” I breathed. “Just drop me off here. If he sees you with me he'll know I told you and it will only be worse than it will for me not being here. Thank you both for your help,”I smiled gratefully and sprinted back to my house. I smiled back at Tom who look angry, sad and slightly amused that I could still run as fast as always. The whole time I was running I was praying that somehow Charles wouldn't be angry with me.

I opened the door slowly and slipped inside....
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posted by Emmett4ever
Hey all your wait is over. I decided to post Ch.2. ENJOY!!! :)

Bella's POV

I got in my car and drove to school. All eyes were on my car. I was so excited and then I remebered I was 18. That's when I saw him. An angel,my angel,I couldn't beleive that I was so lucky to have him.To see him waiting for me with that heart stopping smile. My Edward. And next to him his sister,Alice (they weren't related.The buzz around here is that all the Cullen sibilings were adopted by Dr.Cullen and his wife.But they looked alike with their golden eyes and the bruise like shadows under their eyes). In Alice's hands...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
It was not a plasent day when I woke up at lunch. My hand was killing me and I felt bad for getting mad at Jacob. I know sooner or later I would have to talk about to some body, I am just not that good on sharing my feelings. I would just rather keep them to myself. I heard people talking in the kitchen, it sounded like Charlie was over. Great, that is all that I need. I liked Charlie but he didn't know any of the secrets, so I would need to lie. I got mad and punched a brick wall? Um, that one would work, unless they already told them. I could here them talking about what happen last night....
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posted by surfergal
new is was cold out but I didn't care to much. I freshened my makeup
and he came inside to get me and he was talking to Carlisle, as I was
walking down the stairs Alice told me that Carlisle is playing a
fatherly role. I laughed a little bit but not to where Max would
notice. Carlisle told me to be back before 12 am that is. I said hi to
max and gave him a hug.

I made small talk in the way to the beach. It wasn't much though. When
we got there it was way colder than I thought it was going to be, but I
didn't complain. I ask him how was the coast guard going and he said
good he said that he...
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posted by courtneykutie
Well i was bored and so i just put down whatever came to mind!!hope you like it!this is one year after breaking dawn!

"how long are you going auntie alice?"nessie asked me while i was packing up for mine and jazz's trip to Africa,we are visting friends and want some time alone!

"um...3 weeks"i said and looked yep we will get back in three weeks
"yep i seen us get back in 3 week ness you need to try not to grow up that fast while im gone"i said and kissed her curly hair.
"I'll try!"she said and jumped up gave me a hug and kiss and said"bye auntie alice love you"the she left

then i seen Edward...
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posted by edwardcullen865
i would try to get her back through talking but if that didn't work i would fight for her .emmett said he would help me and edward probably would to but as for the rest i'm uncertain about.
we landed in vancouver at nine o'clock ni the evening . we stole a fast car a red one .i wasn't to happy on the fact that we stole it as everyone else was confortable. Nessie wasn't far away now. i was so worried and scared for Nessie and for all of us.i wondered if we would have to go in the way we did last time a was in Italy. it all flashed before my eyes ,and i think Edward's too because he kissed me...
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ok so i have it up quicker, i hope that makes everyone happy. this is dedicated to littlemiss_ME for commenting first. same again for this one. plz plz plz plz plz makes me very, happy. i dont know if i've been putting disclaimers on here but i always froget, i dont own Twilight, i only own Keith. and this one is quite long. thanks for reading!!

Chapter 9 Finding Treasure (Edward’s P.O.V.)

I ran up the trail as fast as I could, leaving Emmett and Jasper in my dust. It spread out about 25 miles up and then just all went separate ways as if she was torn into a bunch of pieces and...
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posted by Natalia94
----------Edward and his family leave Forks because he believes he is endangering Bella's life. Bella falls into a deep depression, until she develops a strong friendship with werewolf Jacob Black. Jacob and the other wolves in his tribe must protect her from Victoria, a vampire seeking to avenge her mate James' death by killing Bella. A misunderstanding occurs, and Edward believes Bella is dead. Edward decides to commit suicide in Volterra, Italy, but he is stopped by Bella and Alice, Edward's sister. They meet with the Volturi, a powerful coven of vampires, and are released on the condition...
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Bella's Pov

"Stop Jasper!!! Stop!! You are under a wicked spell!
Is this your revenge!"

"Why yes my dear. You married Edward and had a baby named
Renesmee. So, what I have decided to do is to throw them in the dungeon
until you say yes to my proposal."

Now, I was in tears.

"Will you marry me?"

I wanted to say NO!!! But not in that tone of manner.

"Thank you, but I will pass," I said as politly as I could.

Then Rosalie went through exactly the same thing
Renesmee and Edward did.

"You know, I will do this to all your family. I even did it to Alice.
They aren't strong enough to break the ropes they...
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Its short sorry. its supposed to be a cliff hanger. the next one is a lot longer.
I promise.

Bella's Pov.

We all looked at each other. That scream was SO familiar. Where's Alice?

"Alice? Alice where are you?!" I shouted.

Then there was another yell coming from the middle door.
Then we realized. Alice went ahead of us and went towards the middle
section. We all ran as fast as we could. Edward smashed the door
and there they were. Alice, The mysterious man, and Jasper, with
mysterious purple eyes.

"Surprised to see me?" the man and Jasper said at once.
Here's the next one!

Edward Pov's

How could Jasper betray us?! He has never done such a thing.
I never thought any of the Cullens would be against each other.

"It says that we need to go to Europe, in France. London, France to be exact.
There is supposed to be a beautiful forest, and deep within the forest is
a black castle. No one is allowed to trespass unless if they wish to die the
harsh way," Bella said solemnly.

I didn't know what to say but to say, "Let's find him."


Alice' Pov

I felt so ashamed that I kept this secret...
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Extra one for you today!

Edward's POV

Once we were released, I glanced back at Bella before they shut the door. Bella wasn't even showing a sign of sadness or pleading. She was lifeless, a goddess with a hard, cold, unhappy heart.

Once I got back to the vacation house, I couldn't bear it. I can't remember the time at the honeymoon or what happened a couple days ago. I miss her too much. I feel worse than when I left Bella. It was almost as bad as when I thought she was dead. I still can't understand why Bella acted like this. I need some answer.

I decided to go back and see Carlisle. We are...
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For a special treat, I'll add one more here for today. I wrote until part 18 in my spot. So if you are eager for more, check it out!

Edward's POV

Bella? Why does she have a blank face? It reminds me of Alice when she gets a vision. But Bella can't see visions!

Then Bella startled me by saying " Rosalie and Alice are near our vacation house. I heard Rosalie SCREAM!"

Once she said that, everyone got off from the couch and we all ran full speed to our vacation house. Oh crap, PLEASE tell me no one is going to go inside, we didn't cover the damage.....

Well thank GOD we aren't going inside. Most...
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