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posted by Summer_Leanne
Here's the next chapter. I know it's kinda long...sorry :/ I was lost in my own little world. lol. Thanks for all the sweet comments and support! I hope you love it as much as I do ^.^ Much love and appreciation to each of you, from me! :]
“Does that fit well, Chloe?” Summer asked her three year old princess. Chloe was in her mother and father’s bedroom trying on a dry, sky blue dress with layers of white frills on the skirt. Thankfully, while she was pregnant, Summer stocked up on enough sizes in outfits for Chloe till she reached age five. Aro changed out of his wet clothing and went to see about some business with his fellow elders, so it was only Summer and Chloe in the room. Chloe grinned shyly, twirling around in the striking dress, “It fits, mommy, and I love it!” Summer leaned back and smiled, contemplating her daughter’s graceful movements. “You, my dear, may well become a dancer someday.” Chloe gasped and ran to embrace her mother at the knees, “Do you really think so, mommy?” Summer placed Chloe in her lap and turned Chloe’s chin to face her, “I have no doubt about it.” She touched her nose to Chloe’s and laughed. Summer felt like a true housewife. She enjoyed sharing time with Chloe, but how long would Aro be “doing business?” Many times in the past, she wouldn’t see him until he came into the bedroom at night. Summer was anticipating for things to no longer remain that way. Well, at least Aro wasn’t roughly as bad as Caius when it came to making time for his wife. It was bad enough that anyone had to be married to that half-hearted, brutish imbecile. But, to top it all off, he paid a very minute amount of time acknowledging Athenodora’s, his wife’s, presence. Speaking of which, Summer hadn’t gotten the chance to say hello to her old friend.

“Chloe, dear,” Chloe looked up a Summer from the fairytale book she was reading on the floor, “Would you like to go see Aunt Athe?” Chloe giggled and yanked Summer by the hand into the long hallway. “Okay, okay, slow down, miss!” Summer begged her scurrying daughter. The memory of a three year old half vampire was astounding to her. She and Chloe left Volterra when Chloe was only six months old, yet she remembered who Aunt Athe was. Summer and Chloe skipped down to the end of the darkened hallway until they reached Athenodora’s room. Summer allowed Chloe to knock by herself on the closed door. They heard light footsteps approach rapidly. The door swung open; Summer was overjoyed to see her beautiful “sister” with mouth agape, standing calmly. “This can’t be real…” Athe barely muttered, “Summer?” Summer rolled her eyes, “Oh, come now, Athe. It’s only been three years!” Summer gave her old friend a compassionate hug. They crazily giggled, “Three long years and you’ve suddenly returned! Life has been dragging without you here!” Athe swayed Summer in her arms. Chloe stomped her foot and frowned, “Aunt Athe? What about me?” Athe let go of Summer and placed her hands on her chest as she took in Chloe’s appearance. “Oh, sweetie,” Athe scooped up Chloe and cuddled her closely, “look how much you’ve grown, dolci!”

Chloe beamed back at her, taking her aunt’s face between her soft hands. Gently, Chloe kissed Athe’s pale nose, “Yay! You remember me!” Athe threw her head back in laughter, “How could I forget my favorite angel?” Summer covered her smiling mouth with her hand. Athe had always been there for her and Chloe. Next to Aro, she was Summer’s ray of hope in the despairing Volturi. Summer had no trouble with Volterra itself. The trouble lay within the Volturi’s actions and abuses. Athe, similar to Summer, disagreed with the majority of the elders’ choices. Summer guessed that was half the reason why she and Athe never quarreled. “Come, Come,” Athe called to Summer, still holding precious Chloe in her arms, “you must tell me where you’ve been and why you’ve recently decided to come back, dear.” Athe took a seat next to the bedroom window, motioning for Summer to take a seat also. Summer sat down and stared into Athe’s sharp red eyes, “I’ve missed chatting with you after all these years, Athe.” She patted Summer’s knee, “So have I, hun. You have forever been my escape from this place.” Athe glanced out the window, her eyes saddened. Summer broke the stressful pause, “Has Caius changed any?” Athe didn’t look at her, “I suppose.” Her voice sounded distraught. “That man…” Summer sighed, “doesn’t even deserve to be called a man. I wish I could smack him for you.” Athe grinned faintly, “You’ve done it before.” Summer chuckled, “Yes, but I wish I could do it till he gains some sense.” Athe stood Chloe onto her feet, “I’ve kept all your favorite toys in that corner there, sweetie.”

Athe pointed to the left hand corner beside the bed, “You may play if you want.” Chloe kissed her aunt on the cheek and ran off to have fun. Athe’s full attention was focused on Summer now, “Enough about me, love. Tell me everything you got yourself into when you left.” Summer explained in a nutshell her various jobs and travels. What extremely caught Athe’s attention, though, was the fact the Summer met Carlisle and his family. “You saw Carlisle? How is he? Has he changed any?” “He’s doing fine, and he hasn’t changed at all from when he was with us here. His family is incredible. I’ve never known such loving, nurturing vampires.” Athe beamed, “I would love to meet them. Carlisle always stood out from the rest of the Volturi. I would have endeavored to follow his feeding habits, if Caius hadn’t given me such heavy restrictions.” Summer’s eyes saturated with rage, “It’s about time you’ve fended for yourself. He doesn’t need to be controlling your every move. Ugh…” Summer crossed her arms. Athe tried to calm her, “It doesn’t matter, dear. I’ve put up with him for years, and I will continue to do so for eternity. I become more numb towards him every passing day.” Immediately, Athe’s bedroom door burst open, and in stepped Dominique, her eyes blazing. She pointed at Summer sternly, “I need her to come with me.” Athe eyed Dominique, “Why?”

“Aro wishes to speak to her.” Dominique replied through her teeth. Chloe looked at her mother fearfully, but she didn’t say a word. Summer stood and smoothed back Athe’s snowy hair, “It’s alright. I’ll be back shortly. Keep an eye on Chloe for me, sweets?” Athe kissed Summer’s cheek, “Of course. She and I will be here waiting for you.” Unspoken gratitude gleamed in Summer’s eyes, “Thank you, Athe.” “Be safe, Summer.” Athe added before Dominique slammed the door. Dominique didn’t say a word. She simply grabbed Summer by the arm and jerked her down the hall. Instead of making a left at the end of the corridor, Dominique made a right. Summer knew this wasn’t the way to where the elders resided. She didn’t bother to ask Dominique any questions, until she flipped open a hidden hatch door laying on the floor. “Get in.” Dominique hostilely commanded. Summer stepped back, “I’ve never seen this door here before.” Dominique smirked, “Exactly.” When she realized Summer wasn’t moving an inch, she ran behind her and pushed her inside. Luckily, Summer landed on her two feet. Dominique climbed down the ladder and quietly locked the door. Summer scowled, “I appreciated that.” “Good.” Dominique tugged her down the new pathway.

Lanterns lit up the red brick walls and poorly tiled floor. Summer tried to pull free from her grip, “Why don’t you let me go?” “Ha, you’ll try to run. I’m no fool.” Summer knitted her eyebrows together. “Why are you doing this?” Dominique kicked open another door, but this time it led to a dead end. She shoved Summer into a musty, unsanitary room that resembled an old prison cell. There was a broken chair sitting under the minimal amount of sunlight shining through the barred window. Cobwebs hung from the ceiling and walls, creating a dusty feeling. Summer analyzed the room, “What is this place?” She spun on her heels to face Dominique, who had bolted the door shut using a plank of splintery wood. She began walking in circles around Summer, “So, you’re the beautiful spoiled brat Aro must put up with for all eternity?” She jeered. Summer was certain Dominique didn’t know she was a shield, or else she would have planned this differently. Summer kept her scowl, “What is that to you?” She was attempting to delay Dominique so she could mentally contact the guard and the elders. While Dominique was rambling about how Summer was a traitor to Aro and the Volturi, she caught hold of everyone’s thoughts, “Dominique’s missing.” She whispered to them through their thoughts, “She’s dragged me down underground somewhere through a hatch door in the floor. If you walked straight down the hall that leads to your meeting place and take a right, you’ll find it. She’s locked me inside some old prison cell with her. I’m not positi—“

But before she could finish, Dominique clutched her throat and hammered her petite body to the ground. “You think you deserve Aro, you impudent seducer? I should be the one married to him. I deserve his unconditional love! He’s mine, and you won’t live to spend another moment with him. He’ll be mine the moment your life ends.” Summer glowered at Dominique’s demonic red eyes, “Do you have the slightest clue what it means when a vampire has found their mate? Their bond is unbrea—“ Dominique kicked her forcefully against the wall, “I know what it means!” She screamed, “and I know Aro loves ME because I’m HIS mate!” Summer slowly sat up, “They’ll find you and I soon.” Dominique grinned, “No, they won’t. I masked our scents.” So the saying was true, Summer thought. Hell hath no fury like a woman’s scorn. Summer shook her head, “You’re such a juvenile girl.” That did it; Dominique crouched down low, ready to pounce on Summer and end her life so she could have her selfish “happily ever after” with Aro. Summer knew this was the moment. She swiftly encompassed Dominique in her shield and, in an instant, pinned her against the opposite wall with a vigorous force. Dominique squirmed and growled, “Who’s doing this?” Summer put on a smug smile, “Me.” Dominique bared her teeth, “No one told me you had any powers.” Summer casually shrugged, “An arrogant person such as yourself should have known.” She tearlessly wailed, “Let me go! Let me go!” Aro barged through the door a moment later, breaking it in two. He ran to hold his Summer, “Are you hurt, love?” He scanned over every inch of her, panic rising on his face. Summer soothingly touched his face, “No. Don’t worry, honey.” Summer retracted her shield from Dominique. Demetri and Felix seized her by the arms. Aro helped Summer off the rigid floor, but when she tried to stand, she yelped in pain.

She clutched her side and slightly lifted her blouse to see what was wrong. There was an unusual, silver bruise that ran down the right side of her stomach. “This must have happened when she thrust me toward the wall.” Unfortunately, human vampire skin was not completely impenetrable. The venom in her veins clotted where she had been hit, resulting in a large silver discoloration. Although he was an elder of the Volturi, Aro’s most precious possessions were his wife and daughter. That is why they were always under such heavy protection. When someone dared to hurt them, it meant a death sentence. Aro rested Summer’s head on his shoulder and tenderly touched her exposed, bruised side, “You did this?” He coldly addressed to Dominique. Dominique’s devotion to Aro was evident in her eyes, “Master, she left you and the Volturi without a care. Why do you pretend to love her? I belong to you! It’s me you should be holding in your arms!” “You ignorant child!” He yelled at her in disgust, making Dominique cringe to the floor, “You think I could love you? You are not my wife, and if you were in your right mind, you would have understood that you would never become my wife. Look at the mess you’ve created!” Wow, Aro is so loyal to me, Summer thought, and I’m the one who kissed another person. Some wife I’ve turned out to be. “Shhh,” Summer laid her hand on Aro’s arm, “she doesn’t understand. She’s been blinded.” He withheld his contempt, “I’m afraid there’s only one consequence for your treachery.” He nodded to Demetri and Felix. They escorted her out of the room and into the main hall. “Treachery?” Dominique was alarmed, “It’s that Summer of yours who is the traitor! She should be murdered! Kill her, Aro!”

Demetri slapped Dominique across the face, “Enough. You heard the master.” Aro delicately lifted Summer into his arms, “I take full responsibility for this. I should have kept eyes on her.” Summer wasn’t fond of being treated like a damsel in distress by anyone, but, sadly, she couldn’t walk on her own. Why did she let Dominique kick her so harshly? That would probably remain a mystery to her. “Aro, this isn’t your fault. It was mine for not stopping her sooner. I could have handled her quite easily.” He remorsefully smiled down at her, “I have no doubt about that, dear. But, nonetheless, you’re still hurt.” The shame never left his musical voice. Summer rolled her eyes and giggled, “Put me down and I’ll try to heal myself.” Aro joined in her laughter, “Alright then.” He approached their room and laid her down on the bed. She brushed back his hair, “Don’t blame yourself for this. It really is not your fault, Aro.” He remained silent, answering her with an indulgent kiss. She pulled him closer, though she knew that he wouldn’t be able to stay with her at the moment. “I’ll be back shortly, sweetheart.” He whispered. Summer sighed. She knew the business he must attend to. He was going to make Dominique suffer through her death. “Go on, love,” she faked a smile, “I’ll be here, obviously.” He kissed her cheek, “Get better by the time I come back.” She chuckled, “I’ll try.” He untwined their fingers and strode out of the room, leaving Summer alone to heal…and think. She had only been back in Volterra for four hours, and still chaos managed to ensue. She felt as if she was a burden here. She didn’t seem to fit into the mix of things. Back with the Cullens, she was accepted and loved by all. Here, the only love she received was from Aro, Chloe, and Athe. Then her mind crossed over to Jake. How was he handling her absence? He was such a loving guy, and she had just broken his heart twice. Did she actually belong to the Volturi, despite belonging to Aro? If she did honestly belonged here, would this have occurred? She craned her neck backwards and stared motionlessly out the window, wrapping her shield around her bruise. She concentrated on healing it slowly, while the thoughts of Aro, Jake, and Dominique bombarded her mind.
Was she technically a traitor as Dominique seemed to think? Perhaps she everyone she held dear.
Thankies for reading! Hope you enjoyed it! <3
"NATHAN!" I yelled. I went into my son's room to wake him up. He was the only to sleep during the night. It was really quiet when Eliza was with Lucas and Serena was with Johnson.

The story this time was this : Johnson was my brother. Serena and Nathan were siblings. Lucas was going to be my dad. Eliza was his girlfriend and Serena and Nathan's mother. Lucas was Eliza's 'shoulder-to-lean-on' when her husband died.

"Hey mom..." said Nathan waking up and rubbing his eyes. He went and changed his clothes. They walked downstairs where Serena and Johnson were waiting. We all went hunting last week....
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I was shaken up. This is the first time I have been back in Forks since the incident, 93 years. The incident that changed my life.

"Bella are you sure you want to leave?" asked Charlie. He was looking like he would burst into tears. It has been a year since Edward left me. I already graduated. I am 19. I think it was time to leave. I convinced Charlie not to send me home before. I hung out with Angela all this time.

"Yes. I love you Charlie but I must go." I kissed him once again and got on to my plane, on my way to Renee's. She set up my college, and I was going to a pretty good one.

I sat down...
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posted by wanderingk
How I imagined Elina.
How I imagined Elina.
Renesmee, my cousin, was the jewel of the family. She was the only birth child, and the most beautiful at that. With her glorious auburn hair and chocolate-brown eyes, she was gorgeous. A baby face still, but still gorgeous. She had an amazing gift, and already had a lover, Jacob, who was amazing to her.

Me, on the other hand, was adopted by Rosalie and Emmett, and I never knew my parents. My mother was a human, but my father was a vampire. When I was born, my mother had died, and my father left me to die in the woods, where Carlisle found me. He then took me home, and Rosalie fell in love...
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posted by 2468244
book #2 in the Twilight Saga: New Moon

*by Stephenie Meyer*

NEW MOON - preface

I felt like I was trapped in one of those terrifying nightmares, the one where you have to run, run till your lungs burst, but you can't make your body move fast enough. My legs seemed to move slower and slower as I fought my way through the callous crowd, but the hands on the huge clock tower didn't slow. With relentless, uncaring force, they turned inexorably toward the end - the end of everything.
But this was no dream, and, unlike the nightmare, I wasn't running for my life; I was racing to save something infinitely...
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*by Stephenie Meyer*


We were at the school now; Rosalie's convertible was conspicuous in the parking lot. The clouds were thin today, a few streaks of sunlight escaping through far away in the west.
He got out and walked around the car to open my door. He held out his hand.
I sat stubbornly in my seat, arms folded, feeling a secret twinge of smugness. The lot was crowded with people in formal dressed: witnesses. He couldn't remove me forcibly from the car as he might have if we'd been alone.
He sighed. "When someone wants to kill you, you're brave as a lion...
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Hey Guys it's me again! Here is chapter 4. of Bella Becomes a Vampire! Enjoy!

Chapter 4. Half-Breed

"Yea it's me, I'm guessing Jacob already told you why I'm like this." Charlie said walking towards Billy.
"Yea, I told him everything." Jacob said looking at Billy.
"You look like you're doing alright." Billy said, and then he saw me, by his expression, I'm guessing Jacob didn't tell him about me.
"Bella?" Billy said in shock.
"Yea umm I kinda didn't tell him about you Bella." Jacob said, his cheeks were getting red.
"Yes, it's me Billy, I'm a vampire too." I said trying to keep him calm.
"But why are...
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Hi! I read New Moon and when Bella puts her mortality to a vote. I really didn't like that she was going to wait till after graduaton to become a vampire. So I picked up after everyone says yes, and she goes ahead and gets turned into a vampire. I have writen 3 chapters so far, i'm starting chapter 4. After people read this, and I'm hoping you all will want the rest. Comment below and tell me what you think! Here it is!

1. A New Life

Carlisle nodded toward me. "The floor is yours." I swallowed. Their gazing eyes made me nervous. Edward took my hand under the table. I peeked at him, but he was...
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Stewart had some apprehensions about shooting that scene. She didn't want the scenario of two teens, one being a vampire who happens to be many years older than his facade of 17, deciding to marry one another to look silly or unbelievable.

"Well, to decide you're gonna marry someone at 18 is a pretty hefty decision," she told MTV News from the red carpet of the premiere of her new movie, "The Yellow Handkerchief." "And I didn't want to look stupid. I didn't want it to look like kids getting married. You know what I mean?"

Stewart said she had to find an emotional space that allowed her to make a teenage engagement seem plausible. "I wanted to be, like, 'Oh! Wow! I would say yes too!' You know what I mean? So I don't know how you do that. You try to do it for real, and it felt good. I hope it turned out alright."
Jacob in eclipse
Jacob in eclipse
10. “Sure, sure, I’ll stop by your crypt after school.” (Page 78)

9. “I’m so full I’m about to puke, but I think I can force it down. I won’t enjoy it at all though.” (Page 239)

8. “I’m useless these days, no wonder Billy’s always gone. I’m so boring.” (Page 326)

7. “I run at a toasty one-oh-eight point nine these days. I’ll have you sweating in no time.” (Page 490)

6. “Of course, you’d warm up faster if you took your clothes off.” (Page 491)

5. “Does my being half-naked bother you?” (Page 216)

4. “Go fetch a space heater. I’m not a St. Bernard!” (Page 289)

3. “It’s enough of a pain to carry the shorts around with me, let alone a complete outfit. What do I look like, a pack mule?” (Page 216)

2. “Did you seriously just stamp your foot? I thought girls only did that on TV.” (Page 119)

1. “Next time you want to hit me, use a baseball bat or a crowbar, okay?” (Page 335)
new moon movie
new moon movie
If you're a diehard Twilighter, you might wonder just how different New Moon the film is from the book. Below, we name 20 ways the movie deviates from Meyer's tome – and works all the better for it.
Way more shirtless boys!
We all hoped to get a glimpse of Edward's alabaster chest in Volterra, but who knew we'd get to see so much hot werewolf skin? Thankfully, the Wolf Pack run such high temperatures and explode away their clothes so frequently that cut-off jeans and no shirt are their shared ensemble of choice.
We get more fights, including an awesome Volturi throw down.
New Moon the book is...
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This isnt the picture I wanted, But it was the closest I could find. :( *Disclaimer(
This isnt the picture I wanted, But it was the closest I could find. :( *Disclaimer(
I was moving to Forks, Washington. My mom and her new husand Phil liked to travel. My mom would stay home with me but I knew it made her happy, so, I figured I could spend some time with my dad. It was the middle if the semester, great. Moving away from all of my friends in Phenoix-where I was living now. I was always more-I guess you could say-mature than my mother in ways. I always cooked and everything. But, I think Phil and her will be fine.
Moving will be a good thing... right?

---In car with Charlie coming home from airport---

Charlie's my dad, hes the cheif of police in the small town...
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*by Stephenie Meyer*

TWILIGHT - chapter 19 - GOODBYES

I was staring back at Alice's headlights when the truck shuddered and a dark shadow sprung up outside the window.
16 My bloodcurdling scream lasted a fraction of a second before Edward's hand clamped down on my mouth.
"It's Emmett!"
He released my mouth, and wound his arm around my waist.
"It's okay, Bella," he promised. "You're going to be safe."
We raced through the quiet town toward the north highway.
"I didn't realize you were still so bored with small-town life," he said conversationally, and I knew he was trying to distract me. "It...
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posted by Isabellaashley
So you've read The Twilight Saga books, you've seen Twilight and New Moon... probably multiple times, you've watched interview after interview with everyone involved, but did you ever wonder where the whole thing started? Stephenie Meyer, bless her heart, seems to be very happy to share just about everything with her fans, regardless of the certainly hectic schedule she has faced ever since the phenomenon started. She is a Brigham Young University graduate where she earned a Bachelor's degree in English. Stephenie dabbled a little into writing, but admits that she never got very far with any...
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posted by melikhan
Meyer originally planned to write a companion book to Twilight called Midnight Sun, which would be the story of Twilight told from Edward Cullen's point-of-view. She stated that Twilight was the only book that she planned to rewrite from Edward's perspective.However, a rough draft of Midnight Sun's first twelve chapters was posted illegally on the internet. Stephenie Meyer has since put these twelve chapters on her website so that her fans can read it legally,but has put the project on hold indefinitely due to her feelings about the situation. She stated,
If I tried to write Midnight Sun now,...
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Here is another School starts monday again arrrh, so i will do my best to get more out

We spent a wile in the shed and it was getting close to nine o'clock "crap" i said wile jumping off the floor onto my feet "it will be getting dark soon and we still have to walk to the lake." Kelly laughed to herself and got up "well" she said "lets get going." Kelly put the half empty bottle back in her bag and we went to help Amanda up, she wasn't taking the alcohol to well. We all walked out of the shed will our arms around Amanda. We were about 6 blocks away from the lake, and at this rate we were just...
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*by Stephenie Meyer*


It was overcast, but not raining yet. I ignored my truck and started east on foot, angling across Charlie's yard toward the ever-enroaching forest. It didn't take long till I was deep enough for the house and the road to be invisible, for the only sound to be the quish of the damp earth under my feet and the sudden ries of the jays.
There was a thin ribbon of a trail that led through the forest here, or I wouldn't risk wandering on my own like this. My sense of direction was hopeless; I could get lost in much less helpful surroundings. The...
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posted by She_wolf
Leah tis awesome =]
Leah tis awesome =]
Chapter Five ( writers block strikes again =[)
soz this chapters not as good as the others, writers block =[

Everyone seemed to know. Jake swore he hadn’t told anyone, but news spread like wild fire in La Push. It started off as just gossiping, but had soon escalated to taunting. Leah had conveniently ditched us, but Quil, Jake and Seth stupidly stood by me. I was surprised; they seemed to pick on Jake just as much as me. But Jake took it all in his stride, standing up for me, even though the more he stood up for me the more they taunted him. I couldn’t bear it. My friends were sharing...
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posted by She_wolf
my fave 'quote' from this chapter
my fave 'quote' from this chapter
I hope you like this, it's my first fan fiction so please tell me if it's terrible. This chapter is a bit long, the next one will be shorter :D

I reached the clearing just after Leah, panting like a steam train. I threw my self to the ground as we past the finishing line.
Still think you’re getting faster Embry? Leah thought tauntingly. I bared my teeth then turned to Seth, Leah’s younger brother.
“Impressive.” He grinned looking at the time on the stop watch. “Leah wins by a nose. 3 minutes 25 seconds for Leah and 3 minutes 30 for Embry!”
We were out in the forest messing around...
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posted by KatiiCullen94
dedicated to ItsCherenne. for her kind comments.

i rolled towards the voice, it was a instant recreation, a reflex, something my body always did for taht voice.
i fluttered my eyes to open, to see a fuzzy black shadow kneeled before me. I groaned, i was soo tired, i that i swear i could jsut crash in front of them.
"Bella" he whispered. i felt his cool breath on my face. oh the smell. I swear the smell was jsut intoxicating, the smell that i remembered anywhere no matter how long i had been without it.
It was somthing no matter how much to lenght of time, this habit never died out.
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posted by twilight-7
Two weeks later.

Edward’s POV

I watched over Kayla, waiting for another scream. Bad dreams, she was having. I couldn’t make them out, just flashes and flashes of colour and people’s faces. Always the same colour though, blood red. Her mouth opened in a whimper and then her eyes flew open. She wasn’t awake, still dreaming. Her hands reached out in front of her as she cried out.
“No, take me! Take me!”
I didn’t like seeing her like this. I couldn’t do anything for her. It wasn’t like I could chase the big bad monster away. It was a nightmare.
“Still having those nightmares?”...
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